예제 #1
        public ActionResult LogOn(LogonUser logonUser, string UserName)
            //1 => pass 2=> failed  3 =>  locked   4 => 90 days pwd expired   5 => first time login 6 => Forget pwd
            LogonUserSession logonUserSession = new LogonUserSession();

                int status = 0;
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    UserLogonData userLogon = new UserLogonData();

                    UserDetails userDetails = userLogon.GetUserDeatils(logonUser);

                    if (userDetails.Active != 0 && userDetails.UserId > 0)
                        status = ValidateLogonUser(1, userDetails, logonUser, logonUserSession);
                        status = ValidateLogonUser(0, userDetails, logonUser, logonUserSession);

                    if (status == 1)
                        logonUserSession.USERNAME = logonUser.UserName;

                        DataTable dt = userLogon.GetEmployeeId(userDetails.UserId);

                        Session["Username"]     = userDetails.Firstname + " " + userDetails.Lastname;
                        Session["EmployeeId"]   = dt.Rows[0]["Employee_Id"].ToString();
                        Session["DepartmentId"] = dt.Rows[0]["DepartmentId"].ToString();
                        Session["UserID"]       = userDetails.UserId;
                        Session["Gender"]       = dt.Rows[0]["Gender"].ToString();

                        Int64 roleid = userDetails.RoleId;;
                        Session["RoleId"] = userDetails.RoleId;
                        Session["MyRole"] = dt.Rows[0]["ROLE_NAME"].ToString();

                        SessionHelper.LogonUser = logonUserSession;

                        //SessionHelper.IPAddress = WebClientBase.GetIPAddress(HttpContext.Request);
                        //SessionHelper.BrowserName = WebClientBase.GetBrowserTypeAndVersion(HttpContext.Request);

                    else if (status == 3)
                        if ((byte.Parse(logonUserSession.STATUS.ToString())) == Status.NO_OF_ATM_LOCKED)
                            logonUser.Message = "User locked for no of attempts";
                    else if (status == 5)
                        logonUserSession.TEMPUSERNAME = logonUser.UserName;// if first login after enter sec qns then assign to Session[Status.USERNAME]
                        SessionHelper.LogonUser       = logonUserSession;
                        return(RedirectToAction("SecurityQuestions", "Account"));

                    else if (status == Status.PWDEXPIRED || status == Status.FORGETPWD)
                        logonUserSession.TEMPUSERNAME = logonUser.UserName;// if AFTER 90DAYS login after CHANGE PWD then assign to Session[Status.USERNAME]
                        SessionHelper.LogonUser       = logonUserSession;
                        return(RedirectToAction("ForgetChangePassword", "Account"));
                    else if (status == 2)
                        logonUser.Message = "The username or password you entered is incorrect.";
                    else if (status == 8)
                        logonUser.Message = "User Account is Deactivated";

            catch (Exception ex)
                BaseExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex);
예제 #2
        public ActionResult ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordModel forget, string Password, string button)
                if (button == "Cancel")
                    return(RedirectToAction("Logon", "Account"));

                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    int status;
                    ForgotPasswordModel forgotPwd = new ForgotPasswordModel();

                    string secUserAns = forget.inhrtSecurityQuestionModel.SecAns;
                    Int64  secQunId   = forget.inhrtSecurityQuestionModel.SelectedSecQsn;

                    encryptSha1 obj = new encryptSha1();
                    secUserAns = obj.GetSHA1HashData(secUserAns.ToUpper());

                    string msg = "";

                    UserLogonData userLogon = new UserLogonData();

                    LogonUser logonUser = new LogonUser();

                    logonUser.UserName = forget.UserName;

                    UserDetails userDetails = userLogon.GetUserDeatils(logonUser);

                    if (userDetails.Active != 0 && userDetails.UserId > 0)
                        status = compareSecAns(forget.UserName, userDetails.SecQunId, userDetails.SecAns, userDetails.Status, userDetails.UserId, secUserAns, secQunId);
                        //1 success 0 incorrect username 2 secQun or ans incorrect
                        if (status == Status.NO_OF_ATM_LOCKED)
                            forget.inhrtSecurityQuestionModel = initialDDLFillBase();
                            forget.Message = "User locked for no of attempts";
                        else if (status == Status.FIRSTLOGIN)
                            return(RedirectToAction("logon", "account", new { statusId = Status.FIRSTLOGIN }));
                        else if (status == Status.PASS)
                            msg = "FORGET_PASS";
                            if (userLogon.UpdateStatus(userDetails.UserId, Status.FORGETPWD, msg) == true)
                                //update cur date in last_pwd_change while ,if pwd expiry ,not change he attempt forget pwd
                                Encrypt encrypt           = new Encrypt();
                                string  TempPassword      = encrypt.CreateRandomPassword(6);
                                string  EncryptedPassword = encrypt.GetSHA1HashData(TempPassword);
                                userLogon.ForgotPassword(userDetails.UserId, encrypt.GetSHA1HashData(EncryptedPassword + userDetails.UserId));

                                string Templateid = "3";
                                string spname     = "MTS_UserPasswordEmail";
                                spname = userDetails.Mailid + "," + userDetails.Firstname + "," + userDetails.Lastname + "," + TempPassword;
                                userLogon.MailSending(spname, Templateid);

                                forget.Message = "Password sent your mail id";

                                return(RedirectToAction("EmailSending", "account"));             // for forgot password
                                //forget.Message = resource.GetResource("~/Views/Logon.cshtml", "Failed");
                        else if (status == 2)
                            forget.inhrtSecurityQuestionModel = initialDDLFillBase();
                            forget.Message = "The Sec Question or answer you entered is incorrect.";
                        forget.inhrtSecurityQuestionModel = initialDDLFillBase();
                        forget.Message = "Invalid user id.";
                    forget.inhrtSecurityQuestionModel = initialDDLFillBase();

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;