예제 #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Get the user's current program role
            currentProgramRole = Utilities.GetProgramRoleFromSession(Session);

            //Get the file PK from the query string
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.QueryString["UserFileUploadPK"]))
                int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["UserFileUploadPK"], out filePK);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.QueryString["ReportCatalogPK"]))
                int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["ReportCatalogPK"], out reportCatalogPK);

            //Get the file information from the database
            if (filePK > 0)
                using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                    //Get the file record
                    currentFile = context.UserFileUpload.AsNoTracking()
                                  .Where(ufu => ufu.UserFileUploadPK == filePK)

                    //Check to see if the file record exists
                    if (currentFile == null)
                        //The file record doesn't exist, set to a default
                        currentFile = new UserFileUpload();
                currentFile = new UserFileUpload();

            if (reportCatalogPK > 0)
                using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                    //Get the report catalog record
                    currentReportCatalog = context.ReportCatalog.AsNoTracking()
                                           .Where(rc => rc.ReportCatalogPK == reportCatalogPK)

                    //Check to see if the report catalog record exists
                    if (currentReportCatalog == null)
                        //The report catalog record doesn't exist, set to a default
                        currentReportCatalog = new ReportCatalog();
                currentReportCatalog = new ReportCatalog();

            //Don't allow users to view files from other programs
            if (currentFile.UserFileUploadPK > 0)
                if (currentFile.TypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.FileTypeFKs.STATE_WIDE &&
                    currentProgramRole.StateFK.Value != currentFile.StateFK.Value)
                    //This is a state-wide file and the user is not logged in under that state
                    lblMessage.Text = "No file found...";
                else if (currentFile.TypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.FileTypeFKs.HUB_WIDE &&
                         currentProgramRole.HubFK.Value != currentFile.HubFK.Value)
                    //This is a hub-wide file and the user is not logged in under that hub
                    lblMessage.Text = "No file found...";
                else if (currentFile.TypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.FileTypeFKs.PROGRAM_WIDE &&
                    //This is a program-wide file and the user is not allowed to see that cohort
                    lblMessage.Text = "No file found...";
                else if (currentFile.TypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.FileTypeFKs.COHORT_WIDE &&
                    //This is a cohort-wide file and the user is not allowed to see that cohort
                    lblMessage.Text = "No file found...";
                    //Get the file URL from Azure storage
                    string fileLink = Utilities.GetFileLinkFromAzureStorage(currentFile.FileName,

                    //Redirect the user to the file link
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentReportCatalog.DocumentationLink))
                //Get the file path
                string baseUrl  = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Authority + Request.ApplicationPath.TrimEnd('/');
                string filePath = currentReportCatalog.DocumentationLink.Replace("~", baseUrl);

                //Redirect the user to the file link
                lblMessage.Text = "No file found...";
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method executes when the user clicks the save button for the  UserFileUploads
        /// and it saves the UserFileUpload information to the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The submitUserFileUpload submit user control</param>
        /// <param name="e">The Click event</param>
        protected void submitFileUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Allow editors and hub data viewers to add files
            if (currentProgramRole.AllowedToEdit.Value ||
                currentProgramRole.RoleFK.Value == (int)Utilities.ProgramRoleFKs.HUB_DATA_VIEWER)
                //Get the file to upload
                UploadedFile file = bucUploadFile.UploadedFiles[0];

                if (file.ContentLength > 0 && file.IsValid)
                    //Get the actual file name
                    string actualFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName) + "-" +
                                            Path.GetRandomFileName().Substring(0, 6) +

                    //Get the display file name
                    string displayFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName);

                    //Get the file type
                    string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName).ToLower();
                    string fileType;
                    switch (fileExtension)
                    case ".pdf":
                        fileType = "pdf";

                    case ".doc":
                    case ".docx":
                        fileType = "word";

                    case ".ppt":
                    case ".pptx":
                        fileType = "powerpoint";

                    case ".xls":
                    case ".xlsx":
                        fileType = "excel";

                    case ".jpeg":
                    case ".jpg":
                    case ".png":
                        fileType = "image";

                        fileType = "alt";

                    //Upload the file to Azure storage
                    string filePath = Utilities.UploadFileToAzureStorage(file.FileBytes, actualFileName,

                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filePath))
                        PyramidUser currentUser = null;
                        // Validate the user password
                        using (var manager = Context.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager <ApplicationUserManager>())
                            //Try to get the user
                            currentUser = manager.FindByName(User.Identity.Name);

                        using (PyramidContext context = new PyramidContext())
                            //Create the database object for the file
                            UserFileUpload currentUserFileUpload = new UserFileUpload();
                            currentUserFileUpload.CreateDate      = DateTime.Now;
                            currentUserFileUpload.Creator         = User.Identity.Name;
                            currentUserFileUpload.UploadedBy      = currentUser.FirstName + " " + currentUser.LastName;
                            currentUserFileUpload.Description     = txtFileDescription.Value.ToString();
                            currentUserFileUpload.FileType        = fileType;
                            currentUserFileUpload.DisplayFileName = displayFileName;
                            currentUserFileUpload.FileName        = actualFileName;
                            currentUserFileUpload.FilePath        = filePath;
                            currentUserFileUpload.TypeCodeFK      = Convert.ToInt32(ddFileType.Value);

                            //Set the proper FKs
                            if (currentUserFileUpload.TypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.FileTypeFKs.PROGRAM_WIDE)
                                currentUserFileUpload.ProgramFK = Convert.ToInt32(ddProgram.Value);
                                currentUserFileUpload.HubFK     = null;
                                currentUserFileUpload.StateFK   = null;
                                currentUserFileUpload.CohortFK  = null;
                            else if (currentUserFileUpload.TypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.FileTypeFKs.HUB_WIDE)
                                currentUserFileUpload.ProgramFK = null;
                                currentUserFileUpload.HubFK     = Convert.ToInt32(ddHub.Value);
                                currentUserFileUpload.StateFK   = null;
                                currentUserFileUpload.CohortFK  = null;
                            else if (currentUserFileUpload.TypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.FileTypeFKs.STATE_WIDE)
                                currentUserFileUpload.ProgramFK = null;
                                currentUserFileUpload.HubFK     = null;
                                currentUserFileUpload.StateFK   = Convert.ToInt32(ddState.Value);
                                currentUserFileUpload.CohortFK  = null;
                            else if (currentUserFileUpload.TypeCodeFK == (int)Utilities.FileTypeFKs.COHORT_WIDE)
                                currentUserFileUpload.ProgramFK = null;
                                currentUserFileUpload.HubFK     = null;
                                currentUserFileUpload.StateFK   = null;
                                currentUserFileUpload.CohortFK  = Convert.ToInt32(ddCohort.Value);

                            //Save to the database

                            //Redirect the user back to this page with a message
                        msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("danger", "Upload Failed", "The file failed to upload properly, please try again.", 10000);
                    msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("danger", "Error", "No valid file was selected to be uploaded!", 120000);
                msgSys.ShowMessageToUser("danger", "Error", "You are not authorized to make changes!", 120000);