public ResponseInfoModel EditInfoPause([FromBody] UpdateArticleInput input) { ResponseInfoModel json = new ResponseInfoModel() { Success = 1, Result = new object() }; try { CheckModelState(); if (!_articleService.EditInfoPause(input)) { json.Success = 0; json.Result = LocalizationConst.UpdateFail; } else { _logService.Insert(new Log() { ActionContent = LocalizationConst.Update, SourceType = _moduleName, SourceID = input.ID, LogTime = DateTime.Now, LogUserID = input.ModifyUser, LogIPAddress = IPHelper.GetIPAddress, }); } } catch (Exception e) { DisposeUserFriendlyException(e, ref json, "api/article/editInfopause", LocalizationConst.UpdateFail); } return(json); }
public virtual async Task UpdateArticleAsync(UpdateArticleInput input) { var blog = await _blogManager.Get(input.Id); if (blog.CreatorUserId != AbpSession.GetUserId()) { throw new UserFriendlyException("Permission Denied"); } blog.Article.Content = input.Content; blog.Article.Title = input.Title; }
public async Task UpdateArticle(string id, UpdateArticleInput input) { var article = await _articleRepository.GetById(id); if (article == null) { throw new BusinessException("文章不存在!"); } _mapper.Map(input, article); await CheckCoverImageExist(input.CoverImage); await CheckAttachmentExist(input.AttachmentIds); article.Categories = await GetCategorys(input.CategoryIds); await _articleRepository.Update(article); }
public async Task <UpdateArticlePayload> UpdateArticleAsync( UpdateArticleInput input, [Service] IDateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset, [Service] ITopicEventSender sender, [ScopedService] NmediaContext dbContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) { Nmedian?nmedian = null; if (input.NmedianId.HasValue) { nmedian = await dbContext.Nmedians.SingleOrDefaultAsync( x => x.Uuid == input.NmedianId.Value, cancellationToken ) ?? throw new ArgumentException($"The Nmédian (ID={input.NmedianId}) could not be found.", nameof(input)); } Article entity = await dbContext.Articles .SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Uuid == input.Id, cancellationToken) ?? throw new ArgumentException($"The Article (ID={input.Id}) could not be found.", nameof(input)); entity.Categories = input.Categories; entity.Content = input.Content; entity.Nmedian = nmedian; entity.NmedianId = nmedian?.Id; entity.Picture = input.Picture; entity.Published = input.Published; entity.Title = input.Title; entity.Updated = dateTimeOffset.Now; await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken); await sender.SendAsync(nameof(Subscription.OnArticleSaved), entity, cancellationToken); return(new UpdateArticlePayload(entity)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateArticle(string id, [FromBody] UpdateArticleInput input) { await _articleService.UpdateArticle(id, input); return(NoContent()); }