// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { // Make the game run as fast as possible //Application.targetFrameRate = 300; Time.timeScale = 1.0f; GameSingleton.Instance.SavedCargo = 0; GameSingleton.Instance.BountiesCollected = 0; InitDifficulty();// Get stored vars in singleton levelRemainingTime = levelStartTime; timePauseToNextSceneRemaining = timePauseToNextScene; // GameObject myObject = Instantiate(prefab, position, rotation) as GameObject; enemyPrefab = Resources.Load("EnemyShip"); checkpointPrefab = Resources.Load("Checkpoint"); haulerPrefab = Resources.Load("Hauler3"); cargoPrefab = Resources.Load("Cargo"); spawnTimer = Time.time + 5.0f; spawnBossTimer = Time.time + spawnBossInterval; levelTimerText = GameObject.Find("CountdownText").GetComponent <Text>(); gameUi = GameObject.Find("UIController").GetComponent <GameUI>(); overlayUi = GameObject.Find("UIController").GetComponent <UnitOverlayUi>(); playerShip = GameObject.Find("PlayerShip"); GameObject.Find("PlayerCamera").GetComponent <MySmoothFollow>().target = playerShip.transform; explosion = GameObject.Find("Explosion").GetComponent <Explosion>(); if (testBoss) { StartListeners(); wormhole.SetActive(false); int xx = Random.Range(100, 300); int yy = Random.Range(100, 300); int zz = Random.Range(100, 300); Vector3 startPos = new Vector3(xx, yy, zz); GameObject newBoss = Instantiate(bossPrefab, startPos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; overlayUi.RegisterUnit(newBoss); } else { SetWormhole(); StartListeners(); CreateCheckpoints(); CreateHaulers(); LevelStatus(); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { overlayUi = GameObject.Find("UIController").GetComponent <UnitOverlayUi>(); overlayUi.RegisterUnit(this.gameObject); }