예제 #1
        public void GetItems()
            using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
                //add a trunker day
                int id = TrunkerDaysController.SaveTrunkerDay(PopulateNewItem());
                if (id > -1)
                    //retrieve all trunker days and the one we saved should return at least
                    List <TrunkerDay> trunkerDays = TrunkerDaysController.GetTrunkerDays(false);

                    //so the count should be >0
                    Assert.IsTrue(trunkerDays.Count > 0);
                    //check for our new id
                    Assert.IsTrue(trunkerDays.Find(delegate(TrunkerDay currentItem)
                        return(currentItem.Id == id);
                    }) != null);
예제 #2
        public void GetItems_CheckSort()
            using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
                //add a trunker day with a high number of days
                TrunkerDay trunkerDay = PopulateNewItem();
                trunkerDay.Days = 10;
                int id = TrunkerDaysController.SaveTrunkerDay(trunkerDay);
                if (id > -1)
                    //add a trunker day with a lower number of days
                    trunkerDay    = trunkerDay.DeepClone <TrunkerDay>();
                    trunkerDay.Id = -1;
                    trunkerDay.DestinationWarehouse    = WarehouseTests.PopulateNewItem();
                    trunkerDay.DestinationWarehouse.Id = WarehouseController.SaveWarehouse(trunkerDay.DestinationWarehouse);
                    trunkerDay.DestinationWarehouseId  = trunkerDay.DestinationWarehouse.Id;
                    trunkerDay.Days = 5;
                    int id2 = TrunkerDaysController.SaveTrunkerDay(trunkerDay);

                    if (id2 > -1)
                        //retrieve all trunker days and the one we saved should return at least
                        List <TrunkerDay> trunkerDays = TrunkerDaysController.GetTrunkerDays(false, "Days");

                        //so the count should be >0
                        Assert.IsTrue(trunkerDays.Count > 0);
                        //find the two we added
                        trunkerDays = trunkerDays.FindAll(delegate(TrunkerDay currentItem)
                            return(currentItem.Id == id || currentItem.Id == id2);
                        Assert.IsTrue(trunkerDays.Count == 2);

                        Assert.IsTrue(trunkerDays[0].Days < trunkerDays[1].Days);