Touch point. Immutable class for tracking the location and type of 'touch'/gesture made by the user
상속: ITouchPoint
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a particular touch by the user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='touch'>The position and type of gesture/touch made</param>
        /// <param name='touchPosition'>Touch position.</param>
        protected override void HandleTouch(ITouchPoint touchPosition)
            var gaugeTouchPoint = touchPosition;

            if (this.boundsMiddleImage.Contains(touchPosition.Position))
                // if the user starts to press the gauge but slightly misses it (as it is quite small) and hence
                // their Y is just above/below the gauge then we alter the Y position to ensure that the touch
                // will get picked up on
                gaugeTouchPoint = new TouchPoint(
                    new Vector2(touchPosition.Position.X, this.gaugeBounds.Y),
            else if (this.boundsLeftImage.Contains(touchPosition.Position))
                // if the user presses the 'slow icon' to the left of the gauge then treat this as pressing the
                // far left of the gauge - i.e. the slowest speed
                gaugeTouchPoint = new TouchPoint(
                    new Vector2(this.boundsMiddleImage.X, this.gaugeBounds.Y),
            else if (this.boundsRightImage.Contains(touchPosition.Position))
                // if the user presses the 'fast icon' to the right of the gauge then treat this as pressing the
                // far right of the gauge - i.e. the fastest speed
                gaugeTouchPoint = new TouchPoint(
                    new Vector2(this.boundsMiddleImage.X + this.boundsMiddleImage.Width - 1, this.gaugeBounds.Y),

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles any user input.
        /// Collect all gestures made since the last 'update' - check if these need to be handled
        /// </summary>
        private void HandleInput()
            while (TouchPanel.IsGestureAvailable)
                // read the next gesture from the queue
                GestureSample gesture = TouchPanel.ReadGesture();

                TouchType touchType = this.ConvertGestureType(gesture.GestureType);

                TouchPoint touchPoint = new TouchPoint(gesture.Position, touchType);

        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether the user has touched inside the toolbox
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if the touch is within the toolbox, false if not
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name='touchPoint' Where the user touched the screen />
        protected bool CheckToolboxCollision(ITouchPoint touchPoint)
            bool touchInToolbox = false;
            ITouchPoint offsetCollisionPoint = touchPoint;

            if (this.ToolBox.DockPosition == DockPosition.Bottom)
                int toolboxPositionY = (this.ImageStateData.Height - this.ToolBox.ToolboxHeight);
                Vector2 offsetPosition = new Vector2(touchPoint.Position.X, touchPoint.Position.Y - toolboxPositionY);

                offsetCollisionPoint = new TouchPoint(offsetPosition, touchPoint.TouchType);

                if (touchPoint.Position.Y >= toolboxPositionY)
                    touchInToolbox = true;
                if (touchPoint.Position.Y <= this.ToolBox.ToolboxHeight)
                    touchInToolbox = true;

            if (touchInToolbox == false)
                return false;

            return true;