// public Dictionary<string, List<string>> MatchedSurfaceIds; // public Dictionary<string, List<string>> MatchedOpening; public void Clear() { testSummary = ""; testReasoning = ""; if (standResult != null) standResult.Clear(); if (testResult != null) testResult.Clear(); if (idList != null) idList.Clear(); tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.ToleranceDefault; lengthtol = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.ToleranceDefault; vectorangletol = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.ToleranceDefault; coordtol = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.ToleranceDefault; testType = TestType.None; subTestIndex = -1; passOrFail = false; if (MessageList != null) { MessageList.Clear(); } if (TestPassedDict != null) { TestPassedDict.Clear(); } longMsg = ""; }
public void ShowAbstractFactory() { TestType tt = new TestType(); ISomething sm = SomethingFactory.CreateSomething(); sm.InsertSomething(tt); sm.GetSomething("1234"); }
public void Update_Should_Update_A_TestType() { _repository .Setup(it => it.Update(It.IsAny<String>(), It.IsAny<String>(), It.IsAny<Boolean>(), It.IsAny<Int32>())) .Callback<String, String, Boolean, Int32>((name, testValidatorType, isActive, id) => { var tTestType = _repositoryList.Find(x => x.Id==id); tTestType.Name = name; tTestType.TestValidatorType = testValidatorType; tTestType.IsActive = isActive; }); var tempTestType = _repositoryList.Find(x => x.Id==id); var testTestType = new TestType { Id = tempTestType.Id, Name = tempTestType.Name, TestValidatorType = tempTestType.TestValidatorType, IsActive = tempTestType.IsActive}; //TODO change something on testTestType //testTestType.oldValue = newValue; _target.Update(testTestType); //Assert.AreEqual(newValue, _repositoryList.Find(x => x.Id==1).oldValue); //TODO fail until we update the test above Assert.Fail(); }
public void AddHandlerWorks() { bool invoked = false; var c = new TestType(); Type.AddHandler(c, "Evt", (EventHandler)((s, e) => invoked = true)); c.Raise(); Assert.AreEqual(invoked, true); }
public TestResults( int totalRes, int correctRes, DateTime timeOfPassage, TestType type) { TotalRes = totalRes; CorrectRes = correctRes; TimeOfPassage = timeOfPassage; Type = type; }
public static void RunTest(TestType type, int ThreadCount, CallbackFunction callBack, ITest target) { for (int i = 0; i < ThreadCount; i++) { BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker(); worker.DoWork += (object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) => { bool result = target.Test(); e.Result = result; }; worker.RunWorkerCompleted += (object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) => { if (callBack != null) { if (e.Error != null) { callBack(type, (bool)e.Result); } else { callBack(type, false); } } }; worker.RunWorkerAsync(); } }
public static TestResult RunTest(TestType testType) { const int repeat = 5; var spaces = new[] { new Space(1000, 1000), new Space(1200, 1200), new Space(1400, 1400), new Space(1600, 1600), new Space(1800, 1800), new Space(2000, 2000) }; var watch = new Stopwatch(); var testResult = new TestResult(); foreach (var space in spaces) { space.RandomGenerate(); var key = $"{space.HeightCount}x{space.WidthCount}"; for (var i = 0; i < repeat; i++) { watch.Start(); switch (testType) { case TestType.SingleThread: space.NewGeneration(); break; case TestType.MultiThread: space.NewGenerationMultiThread(); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(testType), testType, null); } watch.Stop(); testResult[key] = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; watch.Reset(); } var eventArg = new IntermediateResult { TestType = testType, Min = testResult[key, GettingType.Min], Max = testResult[key, GettingType.Max], Size = key }; NewGenerationDone?.Invoke(null, eventArg); } return testResult; }
public void Big_long_expressions_work(TestState testState, TestType testType, string expected) { var actual = _queryStringBuilder .QueryStringWith(testState == TestState.All ? "" : "state=" + testState.ToString().EnumNameToTransportCase()) .AndWith(testType == TestType.All ? "" : "type=" + testType.ToString().EnumNameToTransportCase()) .Build(); actual.Should().Be(expected); }
public override async Task ProcessAsync(ILiaraContext context) { // Anything put into content will be serialized into the stream, using the Formatter, // which is in-turn automatically selected using the FormatSelector. var t = new TestType {Message = "Hello!", RequestPath = context.Request.Info.Uri.ToString()}; context.Response.Content = t; await base.ProcessAsync(context); }
public RevitLookupTestFuncInfo(string label, string desc, System.Type classType, TestFunc func, TestType tType) { m_label = label; m_desc = desc; m_classType = classType; m_isCategoryBased = false; m_testFunc = func; m_testType = tType; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TestMethodWrapperContainer"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="testMethodsWrapper">The test methods wrapper.</param> /// <param name="groupingField">The grouping field.</param> internal TestMethodWrapperContainer(string caption, IEnumerable<TestMethodWrapper> testMethodsWrapper, TestMethodGroupingField groupingField, TestType testType) { _caption = caption; _groupingField = groupingField; TestType = testType; TestMethodsWrapper = testMethodsWrapper; LazyLoading = true; }
public void with_a_non_typed_option_that_does_not_exist_should_not_set() { var referenceType = new TestType(); var result = OptionApplicator.Get<TestType>(new OptionSource[]{ new OptionSource("test", "NonExistent", false, "bar") }); Assert.AreEqual(referenceType.Flag, result.Flag); Assert.AreEqual(referenceType.IpEndpoint, result.IpEndpoint); Assert.AreEqual(referenceType.Name, result.Name); }
public RevitLookupTestFuncInfo(string label, string desc, string categoryStr, TestFunc func, TestType tType) { m_label = label; m_desc = desc; m_classType = null; m_isCategoryBased = true; m_categoryStr = categoryStr; m_testFunc = func; m_testType = tType; }
public ActionResult Edit(int id, TestType testType) { try { _dbTestTypeRepository.Update(testType); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } catch { return View(testType); } }
public ActionResult Create(TestType testType) { try { _dbTestTypeRepository.Insert(testType); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } catch { return View(testType); } }
public void ItShouldReturnFalseIfInnerSpecificationReturnsTrue(IFixture fixture, [Frozen]ISpecification<TestType> inner, TestType item) { // Arrange A.CallTo(() => inner.IsSatisfiedBy(item)).Returns(true); var sut = fixture.Create<NotSpecification<TestType>>(); // Act var result = sut.IsSatisfiedBy(item); // Assert result.Should().BeFalse(); }
public void Then_the_return_value_is_from_the_cache_when_the_key_is_present() { //arrange / act var result1 = new TestType().MyMethod1(); //assert Assert.That(result1 == 2); //arrange / act var result2 = new TestType().MyMethod2(3, "test string"); //assert Assert.That(result2 == 2); }
public void Then_the_cache_item_is_automatically_recalculated_according_to_the_strategy() { //arrange / act var instance = new TestType(); var result = instance.MyMethod3(); //assert Assert.That(result == 1); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); //wait for auto recalculation to be performed //assert Assert.That(TestType.Counter > 1); //the method has been invoked automatically behind the scenes a number of times by a worker thread }
public void Then_the_result_is_recalculated_as_if_no_caching_was_in_place() { //arrange / act var instance = new TestType(); var result = instance.MyMethod4(); //assert Assert.That(result == 1); //arrange / act instance.MyMethod4(); //assert Assert.That(TestType.Counter2 == 3); //the counter has been manually incremented once for each of the direct invocations, with one automatic calculation ocurring in the meantime }
public void SimpleObjectRoundTrip() { var serializer = new SSJsonSerializer(); var testObj = new TestType() { Name = "Foo", SomeValue = "Bar" }; var serialized = serializer.Serialize(testObj); var deserialized = serializer.Deserialize(serialized); Assert.That(deserialized, Is.TypeOf<TestType>()); Assert.That(((TestType)deserialized).Name, Is.EqualTo(testObj.Name)); Assert.That(((TestType)deserialized).SomeValue, Is.EqualTo(testObj.SomeValue)); }
//Update (postive or negative) and total test count at the beginning of test scenario private void UpdateCounts(TestType testType) { if (TestType.PositiveTest == testType) { posTestCount++; totalTestCount++; return; } if (TestType.NegativeTest == testType) { negTestCount++; totalTestCount++; return; } }
public static TestRunner GetTestRunner( TestType type, MethodInfo testMethod, object typeInstance) { switch (type) { case TestType.Normal: return new NormalTestRunner(testMethod, typeInstance); case TestType.ShouldThrow: return new ShouldThrowTestRunner(testMethod, typeInstance); default: throw new NotSupportedException( "Test type has no supported runner at this moment"); } }
public void SerializeTest() { object obj = new TestType() { Id = 1, Name = "Deneme 1", NullProperty = null, DateTimeProperty = new DateTime(2012, 7, 26, 13, 21, 36, 0), GuidProperty = new Guid("38fa9452-4491-4a96-a48b-be0854f10286") }; //string expected = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value string actual = JsonNetSerializerHelper.Serialize(obj); Assert.IsNotNull(actual); Assert.AreEqual(actual, JsonString); Debug.Write(actual); }
public void DeserializeTest() { //DeserializeTestHelper<GenericParameterHelper>(); //TestType expected = default(T); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value var expected = new TestType() { Id = 1, Name = "Deneme 1", NullProperty = null, DateTimeProperty = new DateTime(2012, 7, 26, 13, 21, 36), GuidProperty = new Guid("38fa9452-4491-4a96-a48b-be0854f10286") }; var actual = JsonNetSerializerHelper.Deserialize<TestType>(JsonString); Assert.IsNotNull(actual); Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected); }
public void Can_select_constant_add_expression() { var expected = new TestType() { IntColumn = 7, BoolColumn = true, StringColumn = "test" }; EstablishContext(10, expected); var actual = ConnectionString.OpenDbConnection().Select<TestType>(q => q.IntColumn == 4 + 3); Assert.IsNotNull(actual); Assert.AreEqual(1, actual.Count); CollectionAssert.Contains(actual, expected); }
public void SerialzeTest() { var ttl = new List<TestType>(); var tt1 = new TestType(); var tt2 = new TestType(); var tt3 = new TestType(); var tt4 = new TestType(); ttl.Add(tt1); ttl.Add(tt2); ttl.Add(tt3); ttl.Add(tt4); var json = Json.Serialize(ttl); Console.WriteLine(json); }
public TestResult CreateTestResult(TestType type, string fullName, ResultState state = ResultState.Success, Func<IEnumerable<TestResult>> children = null, string stackTrace = null, string description = null, IList categories = null, string agentName = null) { description = description ?? RandomValuesGenerator.GetRandomValue<string>(); agentName = agentName ?? RandomValuesGenerator.GetRandomValue<string>(); var splitted = (fullName ?? string.Empty).Split(new[]{'.'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var childResults = children != null ? children() : new TestResult[0]; var testResult = new TestResult(new TestInfoWrapper { TestName = new TestName { FullName = fullName, Name = splitted.Length > 0 ? splitted[splitted.Length - 1] : string.Empty }, Categories = categories, IsSuite = type != TestType.TestMethod, TestCount = type == TestType.TestMethod ? 1 : RandomValuesGenerator.GetRandomValue<int>(), TestType = type.ToString() }) { AssertCount = 1, Time = RandomValuesGenerator.GetRandomValue<double>() }; if (state != ResultState.Success) testResult.SetResult(state, description, stackTrace); else testResult.Success(description); testResult.SetAgentName(agentName); foreach (var childResult in childResults) { testResult.AddResult(childResult); } return testResult; }
public void Update(string name, string testValidatorType, bool isActive, int id) { using (var client = new HttpClient(_messageHandler, false)) { client.BaseAddress = new Uri(_baseAddress); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); var testType = new TestType { Name = name, TestValidatorType = testValidatorType, IsActive = isActive, Id = id }; var response = client.PutAsync(UrlBase, testType, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter()).Result; response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); } }
// public Dictionary<string, List<string>> MatchedSurfaceIds; // public Dictionary<string, List<string>> MatchedOpening; public void Clear() { if (standResult != null) standResult.Clear(); if (testResult != null) testResult.Clear(); if (idList != null) idList.Clear(); tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.ToleranceDefault; testType = TestType.None; subTestIndex = -1; passOrFail = false; if (MessageList != null) { MessageList.Clear(); } if (TestPassedDict != null) { TestPassedDict.Clear(); } longMsg = ""; }
public void ItShouldReturnTheCorrectValueForAllPossibleLHSAndRHSCombinations(bool lhsResult, bool rhsResult, bool expected) { // Arrange var item = new TestType(); var lhs = A.Fake<ISpecification<TestType>>(); A.CallTo(() => lhs.IsSatisfiedBy(item)).Returns(lhsResult); var rhs = A.Fake<ISpecification<TestType>>(); A.CallTo(() => rhs.IsSatisfiedBy(item)).Returns(rhsResult); var sut = new AndSpecification<TestType>(lhs, rhs); // Act var result = sut.IsSatisfiedBy(item); // Assert result.Should().Be(expected); }
public void ConvertSqlTestStringToTestType_Success() { Assert.Equal(TestType.SqlTest, TestType.From("@sqltest")); }
private void CommutativeRemove(CRDT.Application.Commutative.Set.LWW_SetWithVCService <TestType> sourceReplica, TestType value, VectorClock vectorClock, List <CRDT.Application.Commutative.Set.LWW_SetWithVCService <TestType> > downstreamReplicas) { sourceReplica.LocalRemove(value, vectorClock); foreach (var downstreamReplica in downstreamReplicas) { downstreamReplica.DownstreamRemove(value, vectorClock); } }
private void ConvergentRemove(CRDT.Application.Convergent.Set.LWW_SetWithVCService <TestType> sourceReplica, TestType value, VectorClock vectorClock, List <CRDT.Application.Convergent.Set.LWW_SetWithVCService <TestType> > downstreamReplicas) { sourceReplica.LocalRemove(value, vectorClock); var(adds, removes) = sourceReplica.State; foreach (var downstreamReplica in downstreamReplicas) { downstreamReplica.Merge(adds, removes); } }
public void ConvertXmlFromEnum_Success(TestType.Enumeration value) { Assert.Equal(TestType.LoadTest, TestType.From(value)); }
public void ConvertIntegrationTestStringToEnum_Success() { Assert.Equal(TestType.Enumeration.IntegrationTest, TestType.ToEnum("@integrationtest")); }
public void ConvertSqlTestStringToEnum_Success() { Assert.Equal(TestType.Enumeration.SqlTest, TestType.ToEnum("@sqltest")); }
public void ConvertStringToEnum_Fails(string value) { Assert.Throws <QAToolKitCoreException>(() => TestType.ToEnum(value)); }
public void Lookup_Removed_ReturnsFalse(HashSet <LWW_SetWithVCElement <TestType> > existingAdds, HashSet <LWW_SetWithVCElement <TestType> > existingRemoves, TestType value, Node node) { var clock = ImmutableSortedDictionary <Node, long> .Empty; _repository.PersistAdds(existingAdds.ToImmutableHashSet()); _repository.PersistRemoves(existingRemoves.ToImmutableHashSet()); _lwwSetService.DownstreamAssign(value, new VectorClock(clock.Add(node, 0))); _lwwSetService.DownstreamRemove(value, new VectorClock(clock.Add(node, 1))); var lookup = _lwwSetService.Lookup(value); Assert.False(lookup); }
private void AssertExistsInRepository(TestType value, VectorClock vectorClock) { Assert.Equal(1, _repository.GetElements().Count(e => Equals(e.Value, value) && e.VectorClock.Equals(vectorClock))); }
#pragma warning disable 1998 public async Task <ActionResult <OtherType> > Bar(TestType test, string foobar) { return(null); }
public void ConverIntegrationTestFromEnum_Success(TestType.Enumeration value) { Assert.Equal(TestType.IntegrationTest, TestType.From(value)); }
public ArkadeTestMock(string name, TestType testType, string description = null) : this(new TestId(TestId.TestKind.Unidentified, 0), name, testType, description) { }
public void ReadObjects(TestType testType) { int count1 = 100; int count2 = 10; List <long> memoryUsages = new List <long>(); List <Func <IDbContextConnectionClass> > contexts = PerformanceTestsHelper.GetMemoryTestsCollectionContextCreators(); foreach (Func <IDbContextConnectionClass> createContext in contexts) { long initialUsedMemory = 0; long usedMemory = 0; initialUsedMemory = PerformanceTestsHelper.GetCurrentUsedMemory(); using (IDisposable disposableContextInterface = (IDisposable)createContext()) { IDbContextConnectionClass contextInterface = (IDbContextConnectionClass)disposableContextInterface; DbContext context = (DbContext)contextInterface; context.ResetDatabase(); for (int companyIndex = 0; companyIndex < count1; companyIndex++) { string companySuffix = companyIndex.ToString(); Company company = new Company(); company.CompanyName = companySuffix; company.Description = "Description" + companySuffix; for (int officeIndex = 0; officeIndex < count2; officeIndex++) { string officeSuffix = officeIndex.ToString(); Office office = new Office(); office.Name = officeSuffix; office.Description = "Description" + companySuffix; company.Offices.Add(office); } contextInterface.Company.Add(company); } context.SaveChanges(); } using (IDisposable disposableContextInterface = (IDisposable)createContext()) { IDbContextConnectionClass contextInterface = (IDbContextConnectionClass)disposableContextInterface; DbContext context = (DbContext)contextInterface; if (testType == TestType.WithOnePermission) { SecurityDbContext securityDbContext = context as SecurityDbContext; if (securityDbContext != null) { PerformanceTestsHelper.AddOneCollectionPermission(securityDbContext, SecurityOperation.Read); } } if (testType == TestType.WithMultiplePermissions) { SecurityDbContext securityDbContext = context as SecurityDbContext; if (securityDbContext != null) { PerformanceTestsHelper.AddMultipleCollectionPermissions(securityDbContext, SecurityOperation.Read); } } List <Company> objects = contextInterface.Company.Select(obj => obj).Include(obj => obj.Offices).ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(count1, objects.Count); for (int companyIndex = 1; companyIndex < count1; companyIndex++) { Assert.AreEqual(count2, objects[companyIndex].Offices.Count); } } long beforeCollect = GC.GetTotalMemory(true); usedMemory = PerformanceTestsHelper.GetCurrentUsedMemory(); memoryUsages.Add(usedMemory - initialUsedMemory); } double securedContextBytesGrow = PerformanceTestsHelper.GetSecuredContextValue(memoryUsages); double nativeContextBytesGrow = PerformanceTestsHelper.GetNativeContextValue(memoryUsages); Assert.IsTrue(false, "our: " + securedContextBytesGrow.ToString() + " bytes, native: " + nativeContextBytesGrow.ToString() + " bytes"); }
public void ConvertLoadTestStringToTestType_Success() { Assert.Equal(TestType.LoadTest, TestType.From("@loadtest")); }
public void ConvertIntegrationTestStringToTestType_Success() { Assert.Equal(TestType.IntegrationTest, TestType.From("@integrationtest")); }
public void ConvertFromString_Fails(string value) { Assert.Throws <QAToolKitCoreException>(() => TestType.From(value)); }
public void ConvertSecurityTestStringToEnum_Success() { Assert.Equal(TestType.Enumeration.SecurityTest, TestType.ToEnum("@securitytest")); }
public void Add_WithExistingValues_AddsElementToTheRepository(HashSet <LWW_SetWithVCElement <TestType> > adds, TestType value, Node node) { var clock = ImmutableSortedDictionary <Node, long> .Empty; _repository.PersistAdds(adds.ToImmutableHashSet()); _lwwSetService.DownstreamAssign(value, new VectorClock(clock.Add(node, 0))); var repositoryValues = _repository.GetAdds(); Assert.Contains(value, repositoryValues.Select(v => v.Value)); }
public void ConvertLoadTestStringToEnum_Success() { Assert.Equal(TestType.Enumeration.LoadTest, TestType.ToEnum("@loadtest")); }
public void ConvertLoadTestObjectToEnum_Success() { Assert.Equal(TestType.Enumeration.LoadTest, TestType.ToEnum(TestType.LoadTest)); }
public void ConvertIntegrationTestObjectToEnum_Success() { Assert.Equal(TestType.Enumeration.IntegrationTest, TestType.ToEnum(TestType.IntegrationTest)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets or creates test element. /// </summary> /// <param name="executionId"></param> /// <param name="parentExecutionId"></param> /// <param name="testType"></param> /// <param name="parentTestElement"></param> /// <param name="rockSteadyTestCase"></param> /// <returns>Trx test element</returns> private ITestElement GetOrCreateTestElement(Guid executionId, Guid parentExecutionId, TestType testType, ITestElement parentTestElement, ObjectModel.TestResult rockSteadyTestResult) { ITestElement testElement = parentTestElement; // For scenarios like data driven tests, test element is same as parent test element. if (parentTestElement != null && !parentTestElement.TestType.Equals(TrxLoggerConstants.OrderedTestType)) { return(testElement); } TestCase testCase = rockSteadyTestResult.TestCase; Guid testId = this.converter.GetTestId(testCase); // Scenario for inner test case when parent test element is not present. var testName = testCase.DisplayName; var adapter = testCase.ExecutorUri.ToString(); if (adapter.Contains(TrxLoggerConstants.MstestAdapterString) && parentTestElement == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rockSteadyTestResult.DisplayName)) { // Note: For old mstest adapters hierarchical support was not present. Thus inner result of data driven was identified using test result display name. // Non null test result display name means its a inner result of data driven/ordered test. // Changing GUID to keep supporting old mstest adapters. testId = Guid.NewGuid(); testName = rockSteadyTestResult.DisplayName; } // Get test element testElement = GetTestElement(testId); // Create test element if (testElement == null) { testElement = this.converter.ToTestElement(testId, executionId, parentExecutionId, testName, testType, testCase); testElements.TryAdd(testId, testElement); } return(testElement); }
public void ConvertSecurityTestObjectToEnum_Success() { Assert.Equal(TestType.Enumeration.SecurityTest, TestType.ToEnum(TestType.SecurityTest)); }
public void ConvertSecurityTestFromString_Success(string value) { Assert.Equal(TestType.SecurityTest, TestType.From(value)); }
public void ConvertLoadTestFromString_Success(string value) { Assert.Equal(TestType.LoadTest, TestType.From(value)); }
public void ConverIntegrationTestFromString_Success(string value) { Assert.Equal(TestType.IntegrationTest, TestType.From(value)); }
/// <summary> /// 客户端请求 /// </summary> private void request() { try { sendAsyncEventArgs.SocketError = SocketError.Success; ulong random = AutoCSer.Random.Default.NextULong(); this.testType = loopTestType == TestType.Random ? (TestType)((byte)random & 7) : loopTestType; byte[] url = urls[(byte)testType]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(url, 0, sendBuffer, 0, asyncSize = url.Length); fixed(byte *bufferFixed = sendBuffer) { asyncSize += Number.ToString(left = (int)(uint)random, bufferFixed + asyncSize); *(long *)(bufferFixed + asyncSize) = '&' + ('r' << 8) + ('i' << 16) + ('g' << 24) + ((long)'h' << 32) + ((long)'t' << 40) + ((long)'=' << 48); asyncSize += 7; asyncSize += Number.ToString(right = (int)(uint)(random >> 32), bufferFixed + asyncSize); if (keepAliveCount == 1 || task.KeepAliveCount == 1) { Buffer.BlockCopy(httpVersion, 0, sendBuffer, asyncSize, httpVersion.Length); asyncSize += httpVersion.Length; } else { Buffer.BlockCopy(httpVersionKeepAlive, 0, sendBuffer, asyncSize, httpVersionKeepAlive.Length); asyncSize += httpVersionKeepAlive.Length; } switch (testType) { case TestType.WebView: case TestType.WebViewAsynchronous: Buffer.BlockCopy(AutoCSerSpiderUserAgent, 0, sendBuffer, asyncSize, AutoCSerSpiderUserAgent.Length); asyncSize += AutoCSerSpiderUserAgent.Length; break; } *(short *)(bufferFixed + asyncSize) = 0x0a0d; } asyncSize += sizeof(short); if (keepAliveCount == 0) { asyncType = ClientSocketAsyncType.Connect; socket = new Socket(serverEndPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); #if !MONO socket.SendBufferSize = socket.ReceiveBufferSize = bufferSize; #endif socket.LingerState = lingerOption; keepAliveCount = task.KeepAliveCount - 1; sendAsyncEventArgs.SetBuffer(0, asyncSize); if (socket.ConnectAsync(sendAsyncEventArgs)) { return; } if (sendAsyncEventArgs.SocketError == SocketError.Success) { if (sendAsyncEventArgs.BytesTransferred == 0 ? send() : receive()) { return; } } } else { if (send()) { return; } } } catch (Exception error) { Console.WriteLine(error.ToString()); } onError(); }
public void ConvertSecurityTestStringToTestType_Success() { Assert.Equal(TestType.SecurityTest, TestType.From("@securitytest")); }
/// <summary> /// Creates test result /// </summary> /// <param name="executionId"></param> /// <param name="parentExecutionId"></param> /// <param name="testType"></param> /// <param name="testElement"></param> /// <param name="parentTestElement"></param> /// <param name="parentTestResult"></param> /// <param name="rocksteadyTestResult"></param> /// <returns>Trx test result</returns> private ITestResult CreateTestResult(Guid executionId, Guid parentExecutionId, TestType testType, ITestElement testElement, ITestElement parentTestElement, ITestResult parentTestResult, ObjectModel.TestResult rocksteadyTestResult) { // Create test result TrxLoggerObjectModel.TestOutcome testOutcome = this.converter.ToOutcome(rocksteadyTestResult.Outcome); var testResult = this.converter.ToTestResult(testElement.Id.Id, executionId, parentExecutionId, testElement.Name, this.testResultsDirPath, testType, testElement.CategoryId, testOutcome, this.testRun, rocksteadyTestResult); // Normal result scenario if (parentTestResult == null) { this.results.TryAdd(executionId, testResult); return(testResult); } // Ordered test inner result scenario if (parentTestElement != null && parentTestElement.TestType.Equals(TrxLoggerConstants.OrderedTestType)) { (parentTestResult as TestResultAggregation).InnerResults.Add(testResult); this.innerResults.TryAdd(executionId, testResult); return(testResult); } // Data driven inner result scenario if (parentTestElement != null && parentTestElement.TestType.Equals(TrxLoggerConstants.UnitTestType)) { (parentTestResult as TestResultAggregation).InnerResults.Add(testResult); testResult.DataRowInfo = (parentTestResult as TestResultAggregation).InnerResults.Count; testResult.ResultType = TrxLoggerConstants.InnerDataDrivenResultType; parentTestResult.ResultType = TrxLoggerConstants.ParentDataDrivenResultType; return(testResult); } return(testResult); }
public void ConvertSecurityTestFromEnum_Success(TestType.Enumeration value) { Assert.Equal(TestType.SecurityTest, TestType.From(value)); }