예제 #1
        //TODO: I used auto-fix to add the private line above. Why is it required to set numProducts?
        public OrderManager(IOrderRepo orderRepository)
            _orderRepository = orderRepository;
            //TODO: Search for _orderRepository to see how it's used and ask if I still don't know.

            // Load all tax Info
            List <StateTax> Taxes = new List <StateTax>();

            Taxes = TaxRepo.ReadFile();

            //Load all Product Info
            List <Product> Products = new List <Product>();

            Products = ProductRepo.ReadFile();
            int          numProducts = Products.Count;
            List <Order> allOrders   = new List <Order>();
예제 #2
        private static Order CalcRestofOrder(Order orderFromUsr)
            //Keep lInq statements here.
            // Move others to the getter.
            //Order completedOrder = new Order();
            OrderTestRepo2 orderRepo = new OrderTestRepo2();

            //List<Order> allCrntOrders = orderRepo.LoadOrders();
            List <StateTax> allTaxInfo = TaxRepo.ReadFile();
            List <Product>  allPrducts = ProductRepo.ReadFile();

            StateTax stateTax = allTaxInfo.FirstOrDefault(t => t.StateAbrev == orderFromUsr.State);

            orderFromUsr.TaxRate = stateTax.Tax;

            Product crntProd = allPrducts.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductType == orderFromUsr.ProductType);

            orderFromUsr.CostPerSquareFoot      = crntProd.CostPerSquareFoot;
            orderFromUsr.LaborCostPerSquareFoot = crntProd.LaborCostPerSquareFoot;

예제 #3
        public static string AskForNewStateAbbr()
            List <StateTax> TaxList = TaxRepo.ReadFile();

            foreach (StateTax tax in TaxList)
                Console.WriteLine("  " + (TaxList.IndexOf(tax) + 1) + ". " + tax.StateName);
            Console.WriteLine("Type the number of the state.");

            int userNumChoice = CommonIO.GetIntFromUser(0, TaxList.Count, -1);

            if (userNumChoice == -1)
                // Users choose zero when selecting no state, which gets set to -1 in GetIntFromUser using offset
                StateTax SelectedState = TaxList.ElementAt(userNumChoice);