예제 #1
        public static TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions ConvertTextAnchor(TextAnchor ta)
            TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions t = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Center;
            switch (ta)
            case TextAnchor.MiddleLeft: t = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineLeft; break;

            case TextAnchor.UpperLeft: t = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopLeft; break;

            case TextAnchor.LowerLeft: t = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomLeft; break;

            case TextAnchor.MiddleRight: t = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineRight; break;

            case TextAnchor.UpperRight: t = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopRight; break;

            case TextAnchor.LowerRight: t = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomRight; break;

            case TextAnchor.MiddleCenter: t = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineJustified; break;

            case TextAnchor.UpperCenter: t = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopJustified; break;

            case TextAnchor.LowerCenter: t = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomJustified; break;
예제 #2
        public override void DoLocalize(Localize cmp, string mainTranslation, string secondaryTranslation)
            //--[ Localize Font Object ]----------
                TMPro.TMP_FontAsset newFont = cmp.GetSecondaryTranslatedObj<TMPro.TMP_FontAsset>(ref mainTranslation, ref secondaryTranslation);

                if (newFont != null)
                    if (mTarget.font != newFont)
                        mTarget.font = newFont;
                    //--[ Localize Font Material ]----------
                    Material newMat = cmp.GetSecondaryTranslatedObj<Material>(ref mainTranslation, ref secondaryTranslation);
                    if (newMat != null && mTarget.fontMaterial != newMat)
                        if (!newMat.name.StartsWith(mTarget.font.name, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            newFont = GetTMPFontFromMaterial(cmp, secondaryTranslation.EndsWith(newMat.name, StringComparison.Ordinal) ? secondaryTranslation : newMat.name);
                            if (newFont != null)
                                mTarget.font = newFont;

                        mTarget.fontSharedMaterial/* fontMaterial*/ = newMat;
            if (mInitializeAlignment)
                mInitializeAlignment = false;
                mAlignmentWasRTL = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left;
                InitAlignment_TMPro(mAlignmentWasRTL, mTarget.alignment, out mAlignment_LTR, out mAlignment_RTL);
                TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions alignRTL, alignLTR;
                InitAlignment_TMPro(mAlignmentWasRTL, mTarget.alignment, out alignLTR, out alignRTL);

                if ((mAlignmentWasRTL && mAlignment_RTL != alignRTL) ||
                    (!mAlignmentWasRTL && mAlignment_LTR != alignLTR))
                    mAlignment_LTR = alignLTR;
                    mAlignment_RTL = alignRTL;
                mAlignmentWasRTL = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left;

            if (mainTranslation != null && mTarget.text != mainTranslation)
                if (mainTranslation != null && cmp.CorrectAlignmentForRTL)
                    mTarget.alignment = (LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left ? mAlignment_RTL : mAlignment_LTR);
                    mTarget.isRightToLeftText = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left;
                    if (LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left) mainTranslation = I2Utils.ReverseText(mainTranslation);

                mTarget.text = mainTranslation;
예제 #3
    public static Tippy SpawnTippy(string text, float textSize, TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions textAlignment, Vector3 size, float lifetime, Transform location, Vector3 offset, float fadeInDuration, float fadeOutDuration, Tippy.MovementMode mode, bool exclusive = false)
        if (exclusive && tippies.ContainsKey(text))
            tippies[text].lifetime = lifetime;

        GameObject tippyObject = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Tippy", typeof(GameObject))) as GameObject;
        Tippy      tippy       = tippyObject.GetComponent <Tippy>();

        tippy.dimensions      = size;
        tippy.lifetime        = lifetime;
        tippy.location        = location;
        tippy.offset          = offset;
        tippy.fadeInDuration  = fadeInDuration;
        tippy.fadeOutDuration = fadeOutDuration;
        tippy.mode            = mode;
        tippy.setText(text, textSize, textAlignment);

        if (!tippies.ContainsKey(text))
            tippies.Add(text, tippy);

예제 #4
 public void SetTextAlignment(TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions alignment)
     if (text == null)
     text.alignment = alignment;
    static int IntToEnum(IntPtr L)
        int arg0 = (int)LuaDLL.lua_tonumber(L, 1);

        TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions o = (TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions)arg0;
        ToLua.Push(L, o);
        public void DoLocalize_TMPUGUILabel(string MainTranslation, string SecondaryTranslation)
                //--[ Localize Font Object ]----------
                                #if TextMeshPro_Pre53
                TMPro.TextMeshProFont newFont = GetSecondaryTranslatedObj <TMPro.TextMeshProFont>(ref MainTranslation, ref SecondaryTranslation);
                TMPro.TMP_FontAsset newFont = GetSecondaryTranslatedObj <TMPro.TMP_FontAsset>(ref MainTranslation, ref SecondaryTranslation);

                if (newFont != null)
                    if (mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.font != newFont)
                        mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.font = newFont;
                    //--[ Localize Font Material ]----------
                    Material newMat = GetSecondaryTranslatedObj <Material>(ref MainTranslation, ref SecondaryTranslation);
                    if (newMat != null && mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.fontMaterial != newMat)
                        mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.fontMaterial = newMat;
            if (mInitializeAlignment)
                mInitializeAlignment    = false;
                mOriginalAlignmentTMPro = mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.alignment;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainTranslation) && mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.text != MainTranslation)
                if (Localize.CurrentLocalizeComponent.CorrectAlignmentForRTL)
                    if (mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.alignment <= TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopJustified)
                        mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.alignment = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left ? TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopRight : mOriginalAlignmentTMPro;
                    if (mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.alignment <= TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Justified)
                        mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.alignment = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left ? TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Right : mOriginalAlignmentTMPro;
                        mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.alignment = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left ? TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomRight : mOriginalAlignmentTMPro;
                mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.text = MainTranslation;
                mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.SetText(MainTranslation, 0);
 public void CloneFromTextMeshPro(TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI text)
     this.font = text.font;
     this.fontSharedMaterial = text.fontSharedMaterial;
     this.fontStyle          = text.fontStyle;
     this.color              = text.color;
     this.colorGradient      = text.colorGradient;
     this.fontSize           = text.fontSize;
     this.alignment          = text.alignment;
     this.enableWordWrapping = text.enableWordWrapping;
     this.overflowMode       = text.overflowMode;
 public void SetCurrentSpeaker(string speaker)
     if (speaker.ToLower() == "jason")
         currentSpeakerName = "Jason";
         textAlign          = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Left;
         currentSpeakerName = otherName;
         textAlign          = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Right;
예제 #9
        internal static void InitAlignment_TMPro(bool isRTL, TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions alignment, out TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions alignLTR, out TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions alignRTL)
            alignLTR = alignRTL = alignment;

            if (isRTL)
                switch (alignment)
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopRight: alignLTR = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopLeft; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Right: alignLTR = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Left; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomRight: alignLTR = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomLeft; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BaselineRight: alignLTR = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BaselineLeft; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineRight: alignLTR = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineLeft; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.CaplineRight: alignLTR = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.CaplineLeft; break;

                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopLeft: alignLTR = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopRight; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Left: alignLTR = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Right; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomLeft: alignLTR = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomRight; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BaselineLeft: alignLTR = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BaselineRight; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineLeft: alignLTR = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineRight; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.CaplineLeft: alignLTR = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.CaplineRight; break;

                switch (alignment)
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopRight: alignRTL = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopLeft; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Right: alignRTL = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Left; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomRight: alignRTL = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomLeft; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BaselineRight: alignRTL = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BaselineLeft; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineRight: alignRTL = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineLeft; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.CaplineRight: alignRTL = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.CaplineLeft; break;

                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopLeft: alignRTL = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopRight; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Left: alignRTL = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Right; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomLeft: alignRTL = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomRight; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BaselineLeft: alignRTL = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BaselineRight; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineLeft: alignRTL = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineRight; break;
                    case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.CaplineLeft: alignRTL = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.CaplineRight; break;
예제 #10
        private GameObject CreateLabel(
            int id,
            string text,
            string fontName,
            float fontSize,
            TMPro.FontStyles fontStyle,
            TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions alignment,
            Transform labelTransform,
            Vector3 labelPositionOffset,
            Quaternion labelRotationOffset,
            Vector2 rectPivot,
            Vector2 rectSize)
            string labelName = internalProp.name + "-" + internalProp.propID + "-" + id;

            GameObject labelGameObject = new GameObject(labelName);

            labelGameObject.layer = 20;

            TMPro.TextMeshPro tmpLabel = labelGameObject.AddComponent <TMPro.TextMeshPro>();
            tmpLabel.fontSize  = fontSize;
            tmpLabel.fontStyle = fontStyle;
            tmpLabel.alignment = alignment;

            tmpLabel.rectTransform.pivot         = rectPivot;
            tmpLabel.rectTransform.localPosition = labelPositionOffset;
            tmpLabel.rectTransform.localRotation = labelRotationOffset;
            tmpLabel.rectTransform.sizeDelta     = rectSize;

            // find and set font
            TMPro.TMP_FontAsset tmpFont = AssetLoader.Instance.GetFont(fontName);
            if (tmpFont != null)
                tmpLabel.font = tmpFont;
                Utils.LogWarning("KVR_DigitalIndicator font not found!");

예제 #11
        void InitAlignment_TMPro(TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions alignment, out TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions alignLTR, out TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions alignRTL)
            alignLTR = alignRTL = alignment;

            if (LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left)
                switch (alignment)
                case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopRight: alignLTR = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopLeft; break;

                case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Right: alignLTR = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Left; break;

                case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomRight: alignLTR = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomLeft; break;

                case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BaselineRight: alignLTR = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BaselineLeft; break;

                case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineRight: alignLTR = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineLeft; break;

                case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.CaplineRight: alignLTR = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.CaplineLeft; break;
                switch (alignment)
                case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopLeft: alignRTL = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopRight; break;

                case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Left: alignRTL = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Right; break;

                case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomLeft: alignRTL = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomRight; break;

                case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BaselineLeft: alignRTL = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BaselineRight; break;

                case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineLeft: alignRTL = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineRight; break;

                case TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.CaplineLeft: alignRTL = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.CaplineRight; break;
예제 #12
        static TextAnchor TMPTextAlignToTextAnchor(TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions align)
            if (align == TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Bottom)
            else if (align == TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomLeft)
            else if (align == TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomRight)
            if (align == TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Top)
            else if (align == TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopLeft)
            else if (align == TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopRight)
            else if (align == TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Left)
            else if (align == TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Right)

예제 #13
        protected GameObject CreateLabel(
            string gameObjectName,
            string text,
            TMPro.TMP_FontAsset font,
            float fontSize,
            TMPro.FontStyles fontStyle,
            TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions textAlignment,
            Transform parentTransform,
            Vector3 positionOffset,
            Quaternion rotationOffset,
            Vector2 rectPivot,
            Vector2 rectSize)
            GameObject labelGameObject = new GameObject(gameObjectName);

            labelGameObject.layer = 20;

            TMPro.TextMeshPro tmpLabel = labelGameObject.AddComponent <TMPro.TextMeshPro>();
            tmpLabel.fontSize  = fontSize;
            tmpLabel.fontStyle = fontStyle;
            tmpLabel.alignment = textAlignment;

            tmpLabel.rectTransform.pivot         = rectPivot;
            tmpLabel.rectTransform.localPosition = positionOffset;
            tmpLabel.rectTransform.localRotation = rotationOffset;
            tmpLabel.rectTransform.sizeDelta     = rectSize;

            // find and set font
            if (font != null)
                tmpLabel.font = font;

예제 #14
        public KVR_Label(InternalProp prop, ConfigNode configuration)
            // label text
            string text    = "";
            bool   success = configuration.TryGetValue("text", ref text);

            if (success)
                Text = text;

            // label transform (where to place the label)
            ParentTransform = ConfigUtils.GetTransform(prop, configuration, "parentTransformName");

            // position offset from the transform
            Vector3 positionOffset = Vector3.zero;

            success = configuration.TryGetValue("positionOffset", ref positionOffset);
            if (success)
                PositionOffset = positionOffset;

            // rotation offset from the transform
            Quaternion rotationOffset = Quaternion.identity;

            success = configuration.TryGetValue("rotationOffset", ref rotationOffset);
            if (success)
                RotationOffset = rotationOffset;

            // font
            string fontName = "";

            success = configuration.TryGetValue("fontName", ref fontName);
            if (success)
                Font = AssetLoader.Instance.GetFont(fontName);
                if (Font == null)
                    Utils.LogWarning("KVR_Label: font \"" + fontName + "\" not found!");

            // font size
            float fontSize = 0.1f;

            success = configuration.TryGetValue("fontSize", ref fontSize);
            if (success)
                FontSize = fontSize;

            // font style (bold, italics, etc)
            TMPro.FontStyles fontStyle = TMPro.FontStyles.Normal;
            success = configuration.TryGetEnum("fontStyle", ref fontStyle, TMPro.FontStyles.Normal);
            if (success)
                FontStyle = fontStyle;

            // font alignment
            TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions textAlignment = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Center;
            success = configuration.TryGetEnum("textAlignment", ref textAlignment, TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Center);
            if (success)
                TextAlignment = textAlignment;

            // canvas pivot (anchor point on the canvas)
            Vector2 rectPivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);

            success = configuration.TryGetValue("rectPivot", ref rectPivot);
            if (success)
                RectPivot = rectPivot;

            // size of the label canvas
            Vector2 rectSize = new Vector2(0.2f, 0.2f);

            success = configuration.TryGetValue("rectSize", ref rectSize);
            if (success)
                RectSize = rectSize;

            // create the label
            string gameObjectName = prop.name + "-" + prop.propID + "-" + configuration.id;

            LabelGameObject = CreateLabel(
예제 #15
    public virtual PUTMPro AddTextWithOptions(PUGameObject container, string content, string fontPath, Color color, float fontScale, string style, TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions alignment)
        if (currentY != 0)
            currentY -= paragraphSpacing();

        float maxWidth = container.size.Value.x - (padding.left + padding.right);

        PUTMPro text = new PUTMPro();

        text.SetFrame(padding.left, currentY - padding.top, maxWidth, 0, 0, 1, "top,left");
        text.font      = fontPath;
        text.fontColor = color;
        text.fontStyle = style;
        text.fontSize  = (int)(DefaultFontSize() * fontScale);
        text.sizeToFit = true;
        text.alignment = alignment;
        text.value     = content;

        if (urlLinks.Count > 0)
            string[] linkURLs = urlLinks.ToArray();
            text.OnLinkClickAction = (linkText, linkIdx) => {


        Vector2 size = text.CalculateTextSize(content, maxWidth);

        text.rectTransform.sizeDelta = size;

        currentY -= text.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y + padding.bottom;

예제 #16
    public override void Create_Table(PUGameObject container, TableSpec spec)
        float margin = DefaultFontSize();

        currentY -= paragraphSpacing();

        float savedY = currentY;

        PUGridLayoutGroup tableGroup = new PUGridLayoutGroup();

        tableGroup.SetFrame(padding.left + 2, currentY, container.size.Value.x, 100, 0, 1, "top,left");

        // Fill out the group, then figure out the height / widths needed based upon the content
        float maxCellWidth  = 0;
        float maxCellHeight = 0;
        int   numberOfCols  = 0;
        int   numberOfRows  = 0;

        if (spec.Headers != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < spec.Headers.Count; i++)
                string          header    = spec.Headers [i];
                ColumnAlignment alignment = spec.Columns [i];

                TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions tmAlignment = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Left;
                if (alignment == ColumnAlignment.Right)
                    tmAlignment = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Right;
                if (alignment == ColumnAlignment.Center)
                    tmAlignment = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Center;

                PUTMPro text = AddTextWithOptions(tableGroup, header, DefaultFont(), textColor(), 1.0f, "Bold", tmAlignment);
                Vector2 size = text.rectTransform.sizeDelta + new Vector2(margin * 2.0f, margin);

                text.rectTransform.pivot     = Vector2.zero;
                text.rectTransform.anchorMax = Vector2.one;
                text.rectTransform.anchorMin = Vector2.zero;

                PutTextInBox(tableGroup, text, 2, new Color32(204, 204, 204, 255), new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255));
                text.SetStretchStretch(margin * 0.5f, margin, margin * 0.5f, margin);

                if (size.x > maxCellWidth)
                    maxCellWidth = size.x;
                if (size.y > maxCellHeight)
                    maxCellHeight = size.y;

        numberOfCols = spec.Rows[0].Count;
        numberOfRows = spec.Rows.Count;

        if (spec.Headers != null && spec.Headers.Count > 0)

        for (int i = 0; i < spec.Rows.Count; i++)
            List <string> rows = spec.Rows[i];

            for (int j = 0; j < rows.Count; j++)
                string row = rows[j];

                ColumnAlignment alignment = spec.Columns[j];

                TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions tmAlignment = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Left;
                if (alignment == ColumnAlignment.Right)
                    tmAlignment = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Right;
                if (alignment == ColumnAlignment.Center)
                    tmAlignment = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Center;

                PUTMPro text = AddTextWithOptions(tableGroup, row, DefaultFont(), textColor(), 1.0f, "Normal", tmAlignment);
                Vector2 size = text.rectTransform.sizeDelta + new Vector2(margin * 2.0f, margin);

                text.rectTransform.pivot     = Vector2.zero;
                text.rectTransform.anchorMax = Vector2.one;
                text.rectTransform.anchorMin = Vector2.zero;

                if (i % 2 != 0)
                    PutTextInBox(tableGroup, text, 2, new Color32(204, 204, 204, 255), new Color32(248, 248, 248, 255));
                    PutTextInBox(tableGroup, text, 2, new Color32(204, 204, 204, 255), new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255));
                text.SetStretchStretch(margin * 0.5f, margin, margin * 0.5f, margin);

                if (size.x > maxCellWidth)
                    maxCellWidth = size.x;
                if (size.y > maxCellHeight)
                    maxCellHeight = size.y;

        tableGroup.layout.cellSize         = new Vector2(maxCellWidth, maxCellHeight);
        tableGroup.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(maxCellWidth * numberOfCols, maxCellHeight * numberOfRows);
        currentY = savedY - tableGroup.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y;
예제 #17
        public void DoLocalize_TMPLabel(string mainTranslation, string secondaryTranslation)
            // there its a problem with TMPro that disables and renables the inspector when changing fonts, and that breaks the current preview flow
            if (!Application.isPlaying)
                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                if (UnityEditor.Selection.activeGameObject == gameObject)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TMP_previewLanguage))
                        TMP_previewLanguage = LocalizationManager.CurrentLanguage;

            //--[ Localize Font Object ]----------
                                #if TextMeshPro_Pre53
                TMPro.TextMeshProFont newFont = GetSecondaryTranslatedObj <TMPro.TextMeshProFont>(ref mainTranslation, ref secondaryTranslation);
                TMPro.TMP_FontAsset newFont = GetSecondaryTranslatedObj <TMPro.TMP_FontAsset>(ref mainTranslation, ref secondaryTranslation);

                if (newFont != null)
                    if (mTarget_TMPLabel.font != newFont)
                        mTarget_TMPLabel.font = newFont;
                    //--[ Localize Font Material ]----------
                    Material newMat = GetSecondaryTranslatedObj <Material>(ref mainTranslation, ref secondaryTranslation);
                    if (newMat != null && mTarget_TMPLabel.fontMaterial != newMat)
                        if (!newMat.name.StartsWith(mTarget_TMPLabel.font.name, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            newFont = GetTMPFontFromMaterial(secondaryTranslation.EndsWith(newMat.name, StringComparison.Ordinal) ? secondaryTranslation : newMat.name);
                            if (newFont != null)
                                mTarget_TMPLabel.font = newFont;

                        mTarget_TMPLabel.fontSharedMaterial = newMat;
            if (mInitializeAlignment)
                mInitializeAlignment = false;
                mAlignmentTMPwasRTL  = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left;
                InitAlignment_TMPro(mAlignmentTMPwasRTL, mTarget_TMPLabel.alignment, out mAlignmentTMPro_LTR, out mAlignmentTMPro_RTL);
                TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions alignRTL, alignLTR;
                InitAlignment_TMPro(mAlignmentTMPwasRTL, mTarget_TMPLabel.alignment, out alignLTR, out alignRTL);

                if ((mAlignmentTMPwasRTL && mAlignmentTMPro_RTL != alignRTL) ||
                    (!mAlignmentTMPwasRTL && mAlignmentTMPro_LTR != alignLTR))
                    mAlignmentTMPro_LTR = alignLTR;
                    mAlignmentTMPro_RTL = alignRTL;
                mAlignmentTMPwasRTL = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left;

            if (mainTranslation != null && mTarget_TMPLabel.text != mainTranslation)
                if (CurrentLocalizeComponent.CorrectAlignmentForRTL)
                    mTarget_TMPLabel.alignment         = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left ? mAlignmentTMPro_RTL : mAlignmentTMPro_LTR;
                    mTarget_TMPLabel.isRightToLeftText = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left;
                    if (LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left)
                        mainTranslation = ReverseText(mainTranslation);

                mTarget_TMPLabel.text = mainTranslation;
                //mTarget_TMPLabel.SetText( mainTranslation, 0 );
예제 #18
 public void setText(string newText, float fontSize = 2f, TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions alignment = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Left)
     text.text      = newText;
     text.fontSize  = fontSize;
     text.alignment = alignment;
예제 #19
        public void DoLocalize_TMPUGUILabel(string MainTranslation, string SecondaryTranslation)
                //--[ Localize Font Object ]----------
                                #if TextMeshPro_Pre53
                TMPro.TextMeshProFont newFont = GetSecondaryTranslatedObj <TMPro.TextMeshProFont>(ref MainTranslation, ref SecondaryTranslation);
                TMPro.TMP_FontAsset newFont = GetSecondaryTranslatedObj <TMPro.TMP_FontAsset>(ref MainTranslation, ref SecondaryTranslation);

                if (newFont != null)
                    if (mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.font != newFont)
                        mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.font = newFont;
                    //--[ Localize Font Material ]----------
                    Material newMat = GetSecondaryTranslatedObj <Material>(ref MainTranslation, ref SecondaryTranslation);
                    if (newMat != null && mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.fontMaterial != newMat)
                        if (!newMat.name.StartsWith(mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.font.name))
                            newFont = GetTMPFontFromMaterial(newMat.name);
                            if (newFont != null)
                                mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.font = newFont;
                        mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.fontSharedMaterial = newMat;
            if (mInitializeAlignment)
                mInitializeAlignment    = false;
                mOriginalAlignmentTMPro = mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.alignment;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainTranslation) && mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.text != MainTranslation)
                if (Localize.CurrentLocalizeComponent.CorrectAlignmentForRTL)
                    int align = (int)mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.alignment;

                    if (align % 4 == 0)
                        mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.alignment = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left ? mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.alignment + 2 : mOriginalAlignmentTMPro;
                    if (align % 4 == 2)
                        mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.alignment = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left ? mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.alignment - 2 : mOriginalAlignmentTMPro;

                mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.text = MainTranslation;
                //mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.SetText(MainTranslation, 0);
예제 #20
 public void SetMessageAlignment(TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions alignment)
     m_MessagesLabel.alignment = alignment;
예제 #21
        public override void Process(string scene, Object changeObj)
            if (scene != _sceneName || !(changeObj is PlayMakerFSM fsm) || fsm.FsmName != _fsmName ||
                fsm.gameObject.name != _objectName)

            // Begin showing lore state
            FsmState startReading = fsm.GetState("Trink 1");

            startReading.RemoveActionsOfType <FsmStateAction>();

            // Yeeting the shop menu probably isn't ideal; however, we can't close it because the shop menu's descendant is carrying
            // this FSM that's showing the lore. So welcome to spaghetti-land I guess
            startReading.AddAction(new RandomizerExecuteLambda(() => {
                GameObject.Find("Shop Menu").transform.SetPositionY(200);

            startReading.AddAction(new RandomizerExecuteLambda(() => GameObject.Find("DialogueManager")
                                                               .LocateMyFSM("Box Open").SendEvent("BOX UP")));
            startReading.AddAction(new Wait()
                time        = 0.3f,
                finishEvent = FsmEvent.Finished

            // Reading
            FsmState loreReading = new FsmState(fsm.GetState("No"))
                Name = "Lore Reading"

            loreReading.RemoveActionsOfType <FsmStateAction>();

            loreReading.AddAction(new RandomizerExecuteLambda(() => {
                GameObject dialogueManager = GameObject.Find("DialogueManager");
                GameObject textObj         = dialogueManager.transform.Find("Text").gameObject;

                // Extract the parameters of the shown lore
                ReqDef loredef = LogicManager.GetItemDef(fsm.FsmVariables.StringVariables.First(v => v.Name == "PD Bool Name").Value.Split('.')[2]);
                string key     = loredef.loreKey;
                string sheet   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(loredef.loreSheet) ? "Lore Tablets" : loredef.loreSheet;
                TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions align = loredef.textType == ChangeShinyIntoText.TextType.LeftLore
                    ? TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopLeft : TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Top;

                textObj.GetComponent <TMPro.TextMeshPro>().alignment = align;
                textObj.GetComponent <DialogueBox>().StartConversation(key, sheet);

            // Finished Reading
            FsmState finishReading = new FsmState(fsm.GetState("No"))
                Name = "Lore Finish Reading"

            finishReading.RemoveActionsOfType <FsmStateAction>();

            finishReading.AddAction(new RandomizerExecuteLambda(() => {
                GameObject dialogueManager = GameObject.Find("DialogueManager");
                GameObject textObj         = dialogueManager.transform.Find("Text").gameObject;
                dialogueManager.LocateMyFSM("Box Open").SendEvent("BOX DOWN");
                textObj.GetComponent <TMPro.TextMeshPro>().alignment = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopLeft;
            // Add a useless wait here; this is basically just to give the dialogue box time to disappear before returning the shop menu.
            // The time value isn't a special number; I just found that it seemed to work well.
            finishReading.AddAction(new Wait()
                time        = 0.15f,
                finishEvent = FsmEvent.Finished

            // Return the shop menu to its rightful position
            fsm.GetState("Reset").AddFirstAction(new RandomizerExecuteLambda(() => {
                GameObject.Find("Shop Menu").transform.SetPositionY(0.5f);

            // Adding states
            startReading.AddTransition("FINISHED", loreReading.Name);
            loreReading.AddTransition("CONVO_FINISH", finishReading.Name);
            finishReading.AddTransition("FINISHED", "Reset");

예제 #22
        public static LocalizableText AddLine(VerticalLayoutGroup layout, LocalizableText src, string text, TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions aligin)
            GameObject      aline     = new GameObject();
            LocalizableText atextline = aline.AddComponent <LocalizableText>();

            atextline.fontSizeMax = src.fontSizeMax;
            atextline.fontSizeMin = src.fontSizeMin;
            atextline.fontSize    = src.fontSize;
            atextline.alignment          = aligin;
            atextline.enableWordWrapping = false;
예제 #23
        public ConfigManager(BetterUI mod)
            ConfigFileComponents          = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BetterUI-Components.cfg", true);
            ConfigFileMisc                = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BetterUI-Misc.cfg", true);
            ConfigFileAdvancedIcons       = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BetterUI-AdvancedIcons.cfg", true);
            ConfigFileBuffs               = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BetterUI-Buffs.cfg", true);
            ConfigFileCommandImprovements = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BetterUI-CommandImprovements.cfg", true);
            ConfigFileDPSMeter            = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BetterUI-DPSMeter.cfg", true);
            ConfigFileItemCounters        = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BetterUI-ItemCounters.cfg", true);
            ConfigFileStatsDisplay        = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BetterUI-StatsDisplay.cfg", true);
            ConfigFileSorting             = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BetterUI-Sorting.cfg", true);

            // Components

            ComponentsAdvancedIcons = ConfigFileComponents.Bind("Components", "AdvanedIcons", true, "Enable/Disable the component entirely, stopping it from hooking any game functions.");

            ComponentsBuffTimers = ConfigFileComponents.Bind("Components", "BuffTimers", true, "Enable/Disable the component entirely, stopping it from hooking any game functions.");

            ComponentsCommandImprovements = ConfigFileComponents.Bind("Components", "CommandImprovements", true, "Enable/Disable the component entirely, stopping it from hooking any game functions.");

            ComponentsDPSMeter = ConfigFileComponents.Bind("Components", "DPSMeter", true, "Enable/Disable the component entirely, stopping it from hooking any game functions.");

            ComponentsItemCounters = ConfigFileComponents.Bind("Components", "ItemCounters", true, "Enable/Disable the component entirely, stopping it from hooking any game functions.");

            ComponentsItemSorting = ConfigFileComponents.Bind("Components", "ItemSorting", true, "Enable/Disable the component entirely, stopping it from hooking any game functions.");

            ComponentsMisc = ConfigFileComponents.Bind("Components", "Misc", true, "Enable/Disable the component entirely, stopping it from hooking any game functions.");

            ComponentsStatsDisplay = ConfigFileComponents.Bind("Components", "StatsDisplay", true, "Enable/Disable the component entirely, stopping it from hooking any game functions.");

            // Misc

            MiscShowHidden = ConfigFileMisc.Bind("Misc", "ShowHidden", false, "Show hidden items in the item inventory.");

            MiscAdvancedPickupNotificationsItems = ConfigFileMisc.Bind("Misc", "AdvancedPickupNotificationsItems", false, "Show advanced descriptions when picking up an item.");

            MiscAdvancedPickupNotificationsEquipements = ConfigFileMisc.Bind("Misc", "AdvancedPickupNotificationsEquipements", false, "Show advanced descriptions when picking up equipment.");

            MiscHidePickupNotificiationsItems = ConfigFileMisc.Bind("Misc", "HidePickupNotificiationsItems", false, "Hide pickup notifications for items.");

            MiscHidePickupNotificiationsEquipements = ConfigFileMisc.Bind("Misc", "HidePickupNotificiationsEquipements", false, "Hide pickup notifications for equipment.");

            MiscHidePickupNotificiationsArtifacts = ConfigFileMisc.Bind("Misc", "HidePickupNotificiationsArtifacts", false, "Hide pickup notifications for artifacts.");

            MiscShowPickupDescription = ConfigFileMisc.Bind("Misc", "ShowPickupDescription", true, "Show the item description on the interaction popup.");

            MiscPickupDescriptionAdvanced = ConfigFileMisc.Bind("Misc", "PickupDescriptionAdvanced", false, "Show advanced descriptions for the interaction popup.");

            // Advanced Icons

            AdvancedIconsItemAdvancedDescriptions = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Item Improvements", "AdvancedDescriptions", true, "Show advanced descriptions when hovering over an item.");

            AdvancedIconsItemItemStatsIntegration = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Item Improvements", "ItemStatsIntegration", true, "If installed, show item stats from ItemStatsMod where applicable.");

            AdvancedIconsEquipementShowCooldownStacks = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Equipement Improvements", "ShowCooldownStacks", true, "Show the cooldown for your equipement when charging multiple stacks.");

            AdvancedIconsEquipementAdvancedDescriptions = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Equipement Improvements", "AdvancedDescriptions", true, "Show advanced descriptions when hovering over equipment.");

            AdvancedIconsEquipementShowBaseCooldown = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Equipement Improvements", "BaseCooldown", true, "Show the base cooldown when hovering over equipment.");

            AdvancedIconsEquipementShowCalculatedCooldown = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Equipement Improvements", "CalculatedCooldown", true, "Show the calculated cooldown based on your items when hovering over equipment.");

            AdvancedIconsSkillShowCooldownStacks = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Skill Improvements", "ShowCooldownStacks", true, "Show the cooldown for skills when charging multiple stacks.");

            AdvancedIconsSkillShowBaseCooldown = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Skill Improvements", "BaseCooldown", true, "Show the base cooldown when hovering over a skill.");

            AdvancedIconsSkillShowCalculatedCooldown = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Skill Improvements", "CalculatedCooldown", true, "Show the calculated cooldown based on your items when hovering over a skill.");

            AdvancedIconsSkillShowProcCoefficient = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Skill Improvements", "ShowProcCoefficient", true, "Show the proc coefficient when hovering over a skill.");

            AdvancedIconsSkillCalculateSkillProcEffects = ConfigFileAdvancedIcons.Bind("Skill Improvements", "CalculateProcEffects", true, "Show the effects of proc coefficient of a skill related to the items you are carrying.");

            // Buffs

            BuffTimers = ConfigFileBuffs.Bind("Buffs", "BuffTimers", true, "Show buff timers (host only).");

            BuffTimersDecimal = ConfigFileBuffs.Bind("Buffs", "BuffTimersDecimal", true, "Show 1 decimal point when timer is below 10.");

            BuffTooltips = ConfigFileBuffs.Bind("Buffs", "BuffTooltips", true, "Show buff tooltips.");

            BuffTimersPosition = ConfigFileBuffs.Bind("Buffs", "CountersPosition", "TopRight",
                                                      "Location of buff timer text.\n" +
                                                      "Valid options:\n" +
                                                      "TopLeft\n" +
                                                      "TopRight\n" +
                                                      "BottomLeft\n" +
                                                      "BottomRight\n" +

            BuffTimersTextAlignmentOption = (TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions)Enum.Parse(typeof(TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions), BuffTimersPosition.Value, true);

            BuffTimersFontSize = ConfigFileBuffs.Bind("Buffs", "CountersFontSize", 23f, "Size of the buff timer text.");

            // Command / Scrapper Improvements

            CommandResizeCommandWindow = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "ResizeCommandWindow", true, "Resize the command window depending on the number of items.");

            CommandRemoveBackgroundBlur = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "RemoveBackgroundBlur", true, "Remove the blur behind the command window that hides the rest of the UI.");

            CommandCloseOnEscape = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "CloseOnEscape", true, "Close the command/scrapper window when you press escape.");

            CommandCloseOnWASD = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "CloseOnWASD", true, "Close the command/scrapper window when you press W, A, S, or D.");

            CommandCloseOnCustom = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "CloseOnCustom", "", "Close the command/scrapper window when you press the key selected here.\n" +
                                                                      "Example: space\n" +
                                                                      "Must be lowercase. Leave blank to disable.");

            CommandTooltipsShow = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "TooltipsShow", true, "Show tooltips in the command and scrapper windows.");

            CommandTooltipsItemStatsBeforeAfter = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "TooltipsItemStatsBeforeAfter", true, "If ItemStatsMod is installed, show the stats before and after picking up the item.");

            CommandCountersShow = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "CountersShow", true, "Show counters in the command and scrapper windows.");

            CommandCountersHideOnZero = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "CountersHideOnZero", false, "Hide counters when they are zero.");

            CommandCountersPosition = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "CountersPosition", "TopRight",
                                                                         "Location of the command item counter.\n" +
                                                                         "Valid options:\n" +
                                                                         "TopLeft\n" +
                                                                         "TopRight\n" +
                                                                         "BottomLeft\n" +
                                                                         "BottomRight\n" +

            CommandCountersTextAlignmentOption = (TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions)Enum.Parse(typeof(TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions), CommandCountersPosition.Value, true);

            CommandCountersFontSize = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "CountersFontSize", 20f, "Size of the command item counter text.");

            CommandCountersPrefix = ConfigFileCommandImprovements.Bind("Command / Scrapper Improvements", "CountersPrefix", "x", "Prefix for the command item counter. Example 'x' will show x0, x1, x2, etc.\nCan be empty.");

            // DPSMeter

            DPSMeterTimespan = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "Timespan", 5f, "Calculate DPS across this many seconds.");

            DPSMeterWindowShow = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "WindowShow", true, "Show a dedicated DPSMeter.");

            DPSMeterWindowIncludeMinions = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "WindowIncludeMinions", true, "Include minions such as turrets and drones in the DPS meter.");

            DPSMeterWindowBackground = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "WindowBackground", true, "Whether or not the DPS window should have a background.");

            DPSMeterWindowAnchorMin = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "WindowAnchorMin", new Vector2(0, 0),
                                                              "Screen position the lower left window corner is anchored to.\n" +
                                                              "X & Y can be any number from 0.0 to 1.0 (inclusive).\n" +
                                                              "Screen position starts at the bottom-left (0.0, 0.0) and increases toward the top-right (1.0, 1.0).");

            DPSMeterWindowAnchorMax = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "WindowAnchorMax", new Vector2(0, 0f),
                                                              "Screen position the upper right window corner is anchored to.\n" +
                                                              "X & Y can be any number from 0.0 to 1.0 (inclusive).\n" +
                                                              "Screen position starts at the bottom-left (0.0, 0.0) and increases toward the top-right (1.0, 1.0).");

            DPSMeterWindowPosition = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "WindowPosition", new Vector2(120, 240), "Position of the DPSMeter window relative to the anchor.");

            DPSMeterWindowPivot = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "WindowPivot", new Vector2(0, 1), "Pivot of the DPSMeter window.\n" +
                                                          "Window Position is from the anchor to the pivot.");

            DPSMeterWindowSize = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "WindowSize", new Vector2(350, 45), "Size of the DPSMeter window.");

            DPSMeterWindowAngle = ConfigFileDPSMeter.Bind("DPSMeter", "WindowAngle", new Vector3(0, -6, 0), "Angle of the DPSMeter window.");

            // ItemCounters

            ItemCountersShowItemCounters = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters", "ShowItemCounters", true, "Enable/Disable ItemCounters entirely.");

            ItemCountersShowItemScore = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters", "ShowItemScore", true, "Show your item score.");

            ItemCountersItemScoreFromTier = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters", "ItemScoreFromTier", true, "Whether or not the ItemScore should be based on tier. If disabled, the per-item settings will be used.");

            ItemCountersShowItemSum = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters", "ShowItemSum", true, "Show the how many items you have.");

            ItemCountersItemSumTiersString = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters", "ItemSumTiersString", "01234", "Which tiers to include in the ItemSum.\n0 = White, 1 = Green, 2 = Red, 3 = Lunar, 4 = Boss, 5 = NoTier");

            ItemCountersItemSumTiers = ItemCountersItemSumTiersString.Value.ToCharArray().Select(c => (ItemTier)char.GetNumericValue(c)).ToList();

            ItemCountersShowItemsByTier = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters", "ShowItemsByTier", true, "Show how many items you have, by tier.");

            ItemCountersItemsByTierOrderString = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters", "ItemsByTierOrderString", "43210", "Which tiers to include in the ItemsByTier, in order.\n0 = White, 1 = Green, 2 = Red, 3 = Lunar, 4 = Boss, 5 = NoTier");

            ItemCountersItemsByTierOrder = ItemCountersItemsByTierOrderString.Value.ToCharArray().Select(c => (ItemTier)char.GetNumericValue(c)).ToList();

            ItemCountersTierScoreTier1  = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters Tier Score", "Tier1", 1, "Score for Tier 1 items.");
            ItemCountersTierScoreTier2  = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters Tier Score", "Tier2", 3, "Score for Tier 2 items.");
            ItemCountersTierScoreTier3  = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters Tier Score", "Tier3", 12, "Score for Tier 3 items.");
            ItemCountersTierScoreLunar  = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters Tier Score", "Lunar", 0, "Score for Lunar items.");
            ItemCountersTierScoreBoss   = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters Tier Score", "Boss", 4, "Score for Boss items.");
            ItemCountersTierScoreNoTier = ConfigFileItemCounters.Bind("ItemCounters Tier Score", "NoTier", 0, "Score for items without a tier.");

            ItemCountersTierScores = new int[]

            ItemCountersItemScores = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            // StatsDisplay

            StatsDisplayEnable = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "Enable", true, "Enable/Disable the StatsDisplay entirely.");

            StatsDisplayStatString = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "StatString",
                                                                 "<color=#FFFFFF>" +
                                                                 "<size=18><b>Stats</b></size>\n" +
                                                                 "<size=14>Luck: $luck\n" +
                                                                 "Base Damage: $dmg\n" +
                                                                 "Crit Chance: $luckcrit%\n" +
                                                                 "Attack Speed: $atkspd\n" +
                                                                 "Armor: $armor | $armordmgreduction%\n" +
                                                                 "Regen: $regen\n" +
                                                                 "Speed: $movespeed\n" +
                                                                 "Jumps: $jumps/$maxjumps\n" +
                                                                 "Kills: $killcount\n" +
                                                                 "Mountain Shrines: $mountainshrines\n",
                                                                 "You may format the StatString using formatting tags such as color, size, bold, underline, italics. See Readme for more.\n" +
                                                                 "Valid Parameters:\n" +
                                                                 "$exp $level $luck\n" +
                                                                 "$dmg $crit $luckcrit $atkspd\n" +
                                                                 "$hp $maxhp $shield $maxshield $barrier $maxbarrier\n" +
                                                                 "$armor $armordmgreduction $regen\n" +
                                                                 "$movespeed $jumps $maxjumps\n" +
                                                                 "$killcount $multikill $highestmultikill\n" +
                                                                 "$dps $dpscharacter $dpsminions\n" +
                                                                 "$mountainshrines\n" +
                                                                 "$blueportal $goldportal $celestialportal");

            StatsDisplayStatStringCustomBind = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "StatStringCustomBind",
                                                                           "<color=#FFFFFF>" +
                                                                           "<size=18><b>Stats</b></size>\n" +
                                                                           "<size=14>Luck: $luck\n" +
                                                                           "Base Damage: $dmg\n" +
                                                                           "Crit Chance: $crit%\n" +
                                                                           "Crit w/ Luck: $luckcrit%\n" +
                                                                           "Attack Speed: $atkspd\n" +
                                                                           "Armor: $armor | $armordmgreduction%\n" +
                                                                           "Regen: $regen\n" +
                                                                           "Speed: $movespeed\n" +
                                                                           "Jumps: $jumps/$maxjumps\n" +
                                                                           "Kills: $killcount\n" +
                                                                           "Mountain Shrines: $mountainshrines\n" +
                                                                           "Difficulty: $difficulty\n" +
                                                                           "Blue Portal: $blueportal\n" +
                                                                           "Gold Portal: $goldportal\n" +
                                                                           "Celestial Portal: $celestialportal\n",
                                                                           "StatDisplay string to show when the custom bind is being pressed. This can be the same or different from the normal StatString.");

            StatsDisplayCustomBind = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "CustomBind", "tab", "Bind to show secondary StatsDisplay string.\n" +
                                                                 "Example: space\n" +
                                                                 "Must be lowercase. Leave blank to disable.");

            StatsDisplayShowCustomBindOnly = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "ShowCustomBindOnly", false, "Only show the StatsDisplay when the scoreboard is open.");

            StatsDisplayToggleOnBind = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "ToggleOnBind", false, "Toggle the StatsDisplay when the bind is pressed rather than showing it when it is held.");

            StatsDisplayPanelBackground = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "PanelBackground", true, "Whether or not the StatsDisplay panel should have a background.");

            StatsDisplayAttachToObjectivePanel = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "AttachToObjectivePanel", true, "Whether to attach the stats display to the objective panel.\n" +
                                                                             "If not, it will be a free-floating window that can be moved with the options below.");

            StatsDisplayWindowAnchorMin = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "WindowAnchorMin", new Vector2(1, 0.5f),
                                                                      "Screen position the lower left window corner is anchored to.\n" +
                                                                      "X & Y can be any number from 0.0 to 1.0 (inclusive).\n" +
                                                                      "Screen position starts at the bottom-left (0.0, 0.0) and increases toward the top-right (1.0, 1.0).");

            StatsDisplayWindowAnchorMax = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "WindowAnchorMax", new Vector2(1, 0.5f),
                                                                      "Screen position the upper right window corner is anchored to.\n" +
                                                                      "X & Y can be any number from 0.0 to 1.0 (inclusive).\n" +
                                                                      "Screen position starts at the bottom-left (0.0, 0.0) and increases toward the top-right (1.0, 1.0).");

            StatsDisplayWindowPosition = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "WindowPosition", new Vector2(-210, 100), "Position of the StatsDisplay window relative to the anchor.");

            StatsDisplayWindowPivot = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "WindowPivot", new Vector2(0, 0.5f), "Pivot of the StatsDisplay window.\n" +
                                                                  "Window Position is from the anchor to the pivot.");

            StatsDisplayWindowSize = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "WindowSize", new Vector2(200, 600), "Size of the StatsDisplay window.");

            StatsDisplayWindowAngle = ConfigFileStatsDisplay.Bind("StatsDisplay", "WindowAngle", new Vector3(0, 6, 0), "Angle of the StatsDisplay window.");

            // Sorting

            SortingSortItemsInventory = ConfigFileSorting.Bind("Sorting", "SortItemsInventory", true, "Sort items in the inventory and scoreboard.");

            SortingSortItemsCommand = ConfigFileSorting.Bind("Sorting", "SortItemsCommand", true, "Sort items in the command window.");

            SortingSortItemsScrapper = ConfigFileSorting.Bind("Sorting", "SortItemsScrapper", true, "Sort items in the scrapper window.");

            SortingTierOrderString = ConfigFileSorting.Bind("Sorting", "TierOrder", "012345", "Tiers in ascending order, left to right.\n0 = White, 1 = Green, 2 = Red, 3 = Lunar, 4 = Boss, 5 = NoTier");

            SortingTierOrder = new int[]

            SortingSortOrder = ConfigFileSorting.Bind("Sorting", "SortOrder", "S134",
                                                      "What to sort the items by, most important to least important.\n" +
                                                      "Find the full details and an example in the Readme on Thunderstore/Github.\n" +
                                                      "0 = Tier Ascending\n" +
                                                      "1 = Tier Descending\n" +
                                                      "2 = Stack Size Ascending\n" +
                                                      "3 = Stack Size Descending\n" +
                                                      "4 = Pickup Order\n" +
                                                      "5 = Pickup Order Reversed\n" +
                                                      "6 = Alphabetical\n" +
                                                      "7 = Alphabetical Reversed\n" +
                                                      "8 = Random\n" +
                                                      "i = ItemIndex\n" +
                                                      "I = ItemIndex Descending\n" +
                                                      "\n" +
                                                      "Tag Based:\n" +
                                                      "s = Scrap First\n" +
                                                      "S = Scrap Last\n" +
                                                      "d = Damage First\n" +
                                                      "D = Damage Last\n" +
                                                      "h = Healing First\n" +
                                                      "H = Healing Last\n" +
                                                      "u = Utility First\n" +
                                                      "U = Utility Last\n" +
                                                      "o = On Kill Effect First\n" +
                                                      "O = On Kill Effect Last\n" +
                                                      "e = Equipment Related First\n" +
                                                      "E = Equipment Related Last\n" +
                                                      "p = Sprint Related First\n" +
                                                      "P = Sprint Related Last");

            SortingSortOrderCommand = ConfigFileSorting.Bind("Sorting", "SortOrderCommand", "6",
                                                             "Sort order for the command window.\n" +
                                                             "The command window has a special sort option \"C\" which will place the last selected item in the middle.\n" +
                                                             "Note: This option must be the last one in the SortOrderCommand option.");

            SortingSortOrderScrapper = ConfigFileSorting.Bind("Sorting", "SortOrderScrapper", "134",
                                                              "Sort order for the scrapper window.");
 static void Push(IntPtr L, TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions arg)
     ToLua.Push(L, arg);
예제 #25
        protected void PopupMessage(string title, string message, PopupMenuType popupType = PopupMenuType.OK, TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions alignment = TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineGeoAligned)

            _popupWindow.PopupType = popupType;

            _popupWindow.SetMessage(message, 500, 250);
예제 #26
            static public GameObject SpawnBlueButton(GameObject parent, Vector2 givenPivot, Vector2 givenSize, string givenLabel, TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions alignment, List <Image> images, bool isFallback = false)
                ColorBlock colourBlock = new ColorBlock();

                colourBlock.disabledColor    = new Color(0.255f, 0.201f, 0.201f, 0.714f);
                colourBlock.highlightedColor = new Color(0.988f, 1.000f, 0.693f, 0.733f);
                colourBlock.normalColor      = new Color(0.327f, 0.403f, 0.472f, 1.000f);
                colourBlock.pressedColor     = new Color(0.740f, 0.755f, 0.445f, 0.984f);
                colourBlock.colorMultiplier  = 1;

                GameObject button = ElementCreator.SpawnButtonSize(parent, Resources.panelTextures[0], colourBlock, givenPivot, givenSize, isFallback);

                ElementCreator.SpawnImageOffset(images, button, Resources.panelTextures[7], new Color(1, 1, 1, 1), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(-6, -6), new Vector2(6, 6));
                images[images.Count - 1].gameObject.SetActive(false);
                ElementCreator.SpawnImageOffset(new List <Image>(), button, Resources.panelTextures[1], new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.286f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(0, 0));
                Image highlightImage = ElementCreator.SpawnImageOffset(new List <Image>(), button, Resources.panelTextures[2], new Color(1, 1, 1, 1), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(-4, -12), new Vector2(12, 4));

                button.GetComponent <RoR2.UI.HGButton>().imageOnHover = highlightImage;
                List <TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI> buttonText = new List <TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI>();

                ElementCreator.SpawnTextOffset(buttonText, button, new Color(1, 1, 1, 1), 24, 0, new Vector2(12, 4), new Vector2(-12, -4));
                buttonText[0].alignment   = alignment;
                buttonText[0].text        = givenLabel;
                buttonText[0].lineSpacing = -25;
예제 #27
        public void DoLocalize_TMPLabel(string MainTranslation, string SecondaryTranslation)
            // there its a problem with TMPro that disables and renables the inspector when changing fonts, and that breaks the current preview flow
            if (!Application.isPlaying)
                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                if (UnityEditor.Selection.activeGameObject == gameObject)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TMP_previewLanguage))
                        TMP_previewLanguage = LocalizationManager.CurrentLanguage;

            //--[ Localize Font Object ]----------
                                #if TextMeshPro_Pre53
                TMPro.TextMeshProFont newFont = GetSecondaryTranslatedObj <TMPro.TextMeshProFont>(ref MainTranslation, ref SecondaryTranslation);
                TMPro.TMP_FontAsset newFont = GetSecondaryTranslatedObj <TMPro.TMP_FontAsset>(ref MainTranslation, ref SecondaryTranslation);

                if (newFont != null)
                    if (mTarget_TMPLabel.font != newFont)
                        mTarget_TMPLabel.font = newFont;
                    //--[ Localize Font Material ]----------
                    Material newMat = GetSecondaryTranslatedObj <Material>(ref MainTranslation, ref SecondaryTranslation);
                    if (newMat != null && mTarget_TMPLabel.fontMaterial != newMat)
                        mTarget_TMPLabel.fontMaterial = newMat;
            if (mInitializeAlignment)
                mInitializeAlignment    = false;
                mOriginalAlignmentTMPro = mTarget_TMPLabel.alignment;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainTranslation) && mTarget_TMPLabel.text != MainTranslation)
                if (Localize.CurrentLocalizeComponent.CorrectAlignmentForRTL)
                    if (mTarget_TMPLabel.alignment <= TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopJustified)
                        mTarget_TMPLabel.alignment = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left ? TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.TopRight : mOriginalAlignmentTMPro;
                    if (mTarget_TMPLabel.alignment <= TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Justified)
                        mTarget_TMPLabel.alignment = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left ? TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.Right : mOriginalAlignmentTMPro;
                        mTarget_TMPLabel.alignment = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left ? TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions.BottomRight : mOriginalAlignmentTMPro;

                mTarget_TMPLabel.text = MainTranslation;
                mTarget_TMPLabel.SetText(MainTranslation, 0);
예제 #28
        public void DoLocalize_TMPUGUILabel(string mainTranslation, string secondaryTranslation)
                //--[ Localize Font Object ]----------
                                #if TextMeshPro_Pre53
                TMPro.TextMeshProFont newFont = GetSecondaryTranslatedObj <TMPro.TextMeshProFont>(ref mainTranslation, ref secondaryTranslation);
                TMPro.TMP_FontAsset newFont = GetSecondaryTranslatedObj <TMPro.TMP_FontAsset>(ref mainTranslation, ref secondaryTranslation);

                if (newFont != null)
                    if (mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.font != newFont)
                        mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.font = newFont;
                    //--[ Localize Font Material ]----------
                    Material newMat = GetSecondaryTranslatedObj <Material>(ref mainTranslation, ref secondaryTranslation);
                    if (newMat != null && mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.fontMaterial != newMat)
                        if (!newMat.name.StartsWith(mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.font.name, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            newFont = GetTMPFontFromMaterial(secondaryTranslation.EndsWith(newMat.name, StringComparison.Ordinal) ? secondaryTranslation : newMat.name);
                            if (newFont != null)
                                mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.font = newFont;
                        mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.fontSharedMaterial = newMat;

            if (mInitializeAlignment)
                mInitializeAlignment = false;
                mAlignmentTMPwasRTL  = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left;
                InitAlignment_TMPro(mAlignmentTMPwasRTL, mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.alignment, out mAlignmentTMPro_LTR, out mAlignmentTMPro_RTL);
                TMPro.TextAlignmentOptions alignRTL, alignLTR;
                InitAlignment_TMPro(mAlignmentTMPwasRTL, mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.alignment, out alignLTR, out alignRTL);

                if ((mAlignmentTMPwasRTL && mAlignmentTMPro_RTL != alignRTL) ||
                    (!mAlignmentTMPwasRTL && mAlignmentTMPro_LTR != alignLTR))
                    mAlignmentTMPro_LTR = alignLTR;
                    mAlignmentTMPro_RTL = alignRTL;
                mAlignmentTMPwasRTL = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left;

            if (mainTranslation != null && mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.text != mainTranslation)
                if (CurrentLocalizeComponent.CorrectAlignmentForRTL)
                    mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.alignment         = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left ? mAlignmentTMPro_RTL : mAlignmentTMPro_LTR;
                    mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.isRightToLeftText = LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left;
                    if (LocalizationManager.IsRight2Left)
                        mainTranslation = ReverseText(mainTranslation);

                mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.text = mainTranslation;
                //mTarget_TMPUGUILabel.SetText(mainTranslation, 0);