예제 #1
        private void Reset()
            IsAlive = true;
            Entity.Transform.Position.Y = enemyInitPositionY;

            var random = enemyRandomLocal;

            // Appearance position
            Entity.Transform.Position.X = (((float)(random.NextDouble())) * gameWidthX) - gameWidthHalfX;
            // Waiting time
            enemyAge = enemyTimeToWait - (((float)(random.NextDouble())));

            enemySpriteComponent.SpriteProvider = new SpriteFromSheet {
                Sheet = spriteSheet
            SpriteAnimation.Play(enemySpriteComponent, spriteSheet.FindImageIndex("active0"), spriteSheet.FindImageIndex("active1"), AnimationRepeatMode.LoopInfinite, enemyActiveFps);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="SpriteFromSheet"/> with the specified <see cref="SpriteSheet"/>.
        /// <see cref="CurrentFrame"/> is initialized according to the specified <paramref name="spriteName"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sheet"></param>
        /// <param name="spriteName">The name of the sprite.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">sheet</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException">No sprite in the sheet has the given name.</exception>
        /// <remarks>If two sprites have the provided name then the first sprite found is used.</remarks>
        public static SpriteFromSheet Create(SpriteSheet sheet, string spriteName)
            if (sheet == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sheet));

            return(new SpriteFromSheet
                Sheet = sheet,
                CurrentFrame = sheet.FindImageIndex(spriteName),
예제 #3
 private Entity CreateSpriteEntity(SpriteSheet sheet, string frameName)
     return(new Entity(frameName)
         new SpriteComponent
             SpriteProvider = new SpriteFromSheet {
                 Sheet = sheet
             CurrentFrame = sheet.FindImageIndex(frameName)
예제 #4
        private Entity CreateSpriteEntity(SpriteSheet sheet, string frameName, bool addToScene = true)
            var entity = new Entity(frameName)
                new SpriteComponent
                    SpriteProvider = new SpriteFromSheet {
                        Sheet = sheet
                    CurrentFrame = sheet.FindImageIndex(frameName)

            if (addToScene)

예제 #5
        public override async Task Execute()
            spriteSheet          = BulletSheet;
            agentSpriteComponent = Entity.Get <SpriteComponent>();
            var animComponent = Entity.Get <AnimationComponent>();
            PlayingAnimation playingAnimation = null;

            // Calculate offset of the bullet from the Agent if he is facing left and right side // TODO improve this
            var bulletOffset = new Vector3(1.3f, 1.65f, 0f);

            // Initialize game entities
            if (!IsLiveReloading)
                shootDelayCounter     = 0f;
                isAgentFacingRight    = true;
                currentAgentAnimation = AgentAnimation.Idle;
            CurrentAgentAnimation = currentAgentAnimation;

            var normalScaleX = Entity.Transform.Scale.X;

            var bulletCS = BulletColliderShape;

            Task animTask = null;

            while (Game.IsRunning)
                await Script.NextFrame();

                var inputState = GetKeyboardInputState();

                if (inputState == InputState.None)
                    inputState = GetPointerInputState();

                if (inputState == InputState.RunLeft || inputState == InputState.RunRight)
                    // Update Agent's position
                    var dt = (float)Game.UpdateTime.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;

                    Entity.Transform.Position.X += ((inputState == InputState.RunRight) ? AgentMoveDistance : -AgentMoveDistance) * dt;

                    if (Entity.Transform.Position.X < -gameWidthHalfX)
                        Entity.Transform.Position.X = -gameWidthHalfX;

                    if (Entity.Transform.Position.X > gameWidthHalfX)
                        Entity.Transform.Position.X = gameWidthHalfX;

                    isAgentFacingRight = inputState == InputState.RunRight;

                    // If agent face left, flip the sprite
                    Entity.Transform.Scale.X = isAgentFacingRight ? normalScaleX : -normalScaleX;

                    // Update the sprite animation and state
                    CurrentAgentAnimation = AgentAnimation.Run;
                    if (playingAnimation == null || playingAnimation.Name != "Run")
                        playingAnimation = animComponent.Play("Run");
                else if (inputState == InputState.Shoot)
                    if (animTask != null && !animTask.IsCompleted)
                    if (animTask != null && animTask.IsCompleted)
                        playingAnimation = null;

                    animTask = null;

                    var rb = new RigidbodyElement {
                        CanCollideWith = CollisionFilterGroupFlags.CustomFilter1, CollisionGroup = CollisionFilterGroups.DefaultFilter
                    rb.ColliderShapes.Add(new ColliderShapeAssetDesc {
                        Shape = bulletCS

                    // Spawns a new bullet
                    var bullet = new Entity
                        new SpriteComponent {
                            SpriteProvider = new SpriteFromSheet {
                                Sheet = spriteSheet
                            }, CurrentFrame = spriteSheet.FindImageIndex("bullet")
                        new PhysicsComponent {
                            Elements = { rb }
                        new ScriptComponent {
                            Scripts = { new BeamScript() }
                    bullet.Name = "bullet";

                    bullet.Transform.Position = (isAgentFacingRight) ? Entity.Transform.Position + bulletOffset : Entity.Transform.Position + (bulletOffset * new Vector3(-1, 1, 1));


                    rb.RigidBody.LinearFactor  = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
                    rb.RigidBody.AngularFactor = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                    rb.RigidBody.ApplyImpulse(isAgentFacingRight ? new Vector3(25, 0, 0) : new Vector3(-25, 0, 0));

                    // Start animation for shooting
                    CurrentAgentAnimation = AgentAnimation.Shoot;
                    if (playingAnimation == null || playingAnimation.Name != "Attack")
                        playingAnimation = animComponent.Play("Attack");
                        animTask         = playingAnimation.Ended();
                    CurrentAgentAnimation = AgentAnimation.Idle;
                    if (playingAnimation == null || playingAnimation.Name != "Stance")
                        playingAnimation = animComponent.Play("Stance");
예제 #6
        public override async Task Execute()
            spriteSheet          = SpriteSheet;
            agentSpriteComponent = Entity.Get <SpriteComponent>();

            // Calculate offset of the bullet from the Agent if he is facing left and right side // TODO improve this
            var bulletOffset = new Vector3(1f, 0.2f, 0f);

            // Initialize game entities
            if (!IsLiveReloading)
                shootDelayCounter     = 0f;
                isAgentFacingRight    = true;
                currentAgentAnimation = AgentAnimation.Idle;
            CurrentAgentAnimation = currentAgentAnimation;

            while (Game.IsRunning)
                await Script.NextFrame();

                var inputState = GetKeyboardInputState();

                if (inputState == InputState.None)
                    inputState = GetPointerInputState();

                // Reset the shoot delay, if state changes
                if (inputState != InputState.Shoot && CurrentAgentAnimation == AgentAnimation.Shoot)
                    shootDelayCounter = 0;

                if (inputState == InputState.RunLeft || inputState == InputState.RunRight)
                    // Update Agent's position
                    var dt = (float)Game.UpdateTime.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;

                    Entity.Transform.Position.X += ((inputState == InputState.RunRight) ? AgentMoveDistance : -AgentMoveDistance) * dt;

                    if (Entity.Transform.Position.X < -gameWidthHalfX)
                        Entity.Transform.Position.X = -gameWidthHalfX;

                    if (Entity.Transform.Position.X > gameWidthHalfX)
                        Entity.Transform.Position.X = gameWidthHalfX;

                    isAgentFacingRight = inputState == InputState.RunRight;

                    // If agent face left, flip the sprite
                    Entity.Transform.Scale.X = isAgentFacingRight ? 1f : -1f;

                    // Update the sprite animation and state
                    CurrentAgentAnimation = AgentAnimation.Run;
                else if (inputState == InputState.Shoot)
                    // Update shootDelayCounter, and check whether it is time to create a new bullet
                    shootDelayCounter -= (float)Game.UpdateTime.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;

                    if (shootDelayCounter > 0)

                    // Reset shoot delay
                    shootDelayCounter = AgentShootDelay;

                    // Spawns a new bullet
                    var bullet = new Entity
                        new SpriteComponent {
                            SpriteProvider = new SpriteFromSheet {
                                Sheet = spriteSheet
                            }, CurrentFrame = spriteSheet.FindImageIndex("bullet")

                        // Will make the beam move along a direction at each frame
                        new ScriptComponent {
                            Scripts = { new BeamScript {
                                            DirectionX = isAgentFacingRight ? 1f : -1f, SpriteSheet = SpriteSheet
                                        } }

                    bullet.Transform.Position = (isAgentFacingRight) ? Entity.Transform.Position + bulletOffset : Entity.Transform.Position + (bulletOffset * new Vector3(-1, 1, 1));


                    // Start animation for shooting
                    CurrentAgentAnimation = AgentAnimation.Shoot;
                    CurrentAgentAnimation = AgentAnimation.Idle;