예제 #1
    // Constructor
    public SkillInstance(Skill skill = null, Entity castedBy = null)
        _caster = castedBy;
        _skill = skill;

        if(_skill != null)
            _skillStage = _skill.currentStage;
예제 #2
    // Constructor
    public SkillInstance(Skill skill = null, Entity castedBy = null)
        _caster = castedBy;
        _skill  = skill;

        if (_skill != null)
            _skillStage = _skill.currentStage;
예제 #3
    // Draw a skill stage
    void DrawSkillStage(Skill.Stage stage)
        // Position

        /*switch(stage.posType) {
         *      case Skill.PositionType.AtRightHand:
         *              break;
         *      case Skill.PositionType.AboveCaster:
         *              break;
         *      case Skill.PositionType.AtHitPoint:
         *              break;
         * }*/

        GUI.skin.textField.wordWrap = true;
        stage.description           = EditorGUILayout.TextField(stage.description, GUILayout.Width(0), GUILayout.Height(descriptionHeight), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
        stage.castDuration          = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(stage.castDuration, valueHeight);
        stage.cooldown = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(stage.cooldown, valueHeight);
        stage.effectId = (SkillEffectId)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(stage.effectId, valueHeight);
        stage.animType = (Skill.CastAnimation)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(stage.animType, valueHeight);
        stage.posType  = (Skill.PositionType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(stage.posType, valueHeight);

        using (new GUIHorizontal()) {
            //stage.posOffset.x = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(stage.posOffset.x, valueHeight);
            stage.posOffset.y = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(stage.posOffset.y, valueHeight);
            //stage.posOffset.z = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(stage.posOffset.z, valueHeight);

        stage.rotType          = (Skill.RotationType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(stage.rotType, valueHeight);
        stage.castEffectPrefab = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(stage.castEffectPrefab, typeof(GameObject), false, valueHeight);
        //stage.attackParticlesType = (Skill.ParticlesType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(stage.attackParticlesType, valueHeight);

        using (new GUIHorizontal()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < stage.castVoices.Length; i++)
                stage.castVoices[i] = (AudioClip)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(stage.castVoices[i], typeof(AudioClip), false, valueHeight);

            if (GUILayout.Button("+", GUILayout.Width(22)))
                var nList = new List <AudioClip>(stage.castVoices);
                stage.castVoices = nList.ToArray();

            if (GUILayout.Button("-", GUILayout.Width(22)))
                var nList = new List <AudioClip>(stage.castVoices);
                nList.RemoveAt(nList.Count - 1);
                stage.castVoices = nList.ToArray();

        stage.energyCostAbs         = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(stage.energyCostAbs, valueHeight);
        stage.lifeDrainRel          = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(stage.lifeDrainRel, valueHeight);
        stage.powerMultiplier       = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(stage.powerMultiplier, valueHeight);
        stage.staggerDuration       = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(stage.staggerDuration, valueHeight);
        stage.canMoveWhileCasting   = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(stage.canMoveWhileCasting, valueHeight);
        stage.canMoveWhileAttacking = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(stage.canMoveWhileAttacking, valueHeight);
        stage.isRuneDetonator       = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(stage.isRuneDetonator, valueHeight);
        stage.runeType = (Skill.RuneType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(stage.runeType, valueHeight);
예제 #4
    // Applies damage to the player
    public static void ApplyDamage(Entity entity, SkillInstance skillInstance, int power)
        // Dead entity or protected by spawn protection
        if (!entity.isAlive || entity.hasSpawnProtection || !GameManager.gameStarted)

        // Caster of the skill
        Entity caster = skillInstance.caster;

        // Get stats of the caster and the player
        PlayerQueueStats casterStats = caster.stats.total;
        PlayerQueueStats playerStats = entity.stats.total;

        // Blocked hits
        if (entity.blocking)
            // Show blocked text
            if (GameManager.isClient)
                if (caster == Player.main)
                    Entity.SpawnText(entity, "Blocked", new Color(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
                else if (entity == Player.main)
                    Entity.SpawnText(entity, "Blocked", new Color(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f), -1f, 0, Config.instance.ownDmgOffset);

            // Player blocked a hit, count them
            playerStats.blocks      += 1;
            casterStats.blocksTaken += 1;

            // Generate threat
            entity.AddThreat(caster, 0);

            // Player blocked: Outta here.

        // Player didn't block.

        // The skill used
        Skill skill = skillInstance.skill;

        Skill.Stage skillStage = skillInstance.skillStage;

        // Wake up player if he was sleeping and the skill is a damage skill
        if (power > 0 && entity.slept > 0)
            entity.slept = 0;

        // Calculate the actual damage
        int dmg = entity.GetModifiedDamage(power * caster.charStats.attackDmgMultiplier * caster.currentWeapon.damageMultiplier);

        //LogManager.General.Log("Dmg: " + dmg + ", Power: " + power);

        // Detonate runes
        if (skillStage.isRuneDetonator)

        // Depending on whether this is the server or client we do different stuff
        if (GameManager.isServer)
            // Apply stagger
            if (skillStage.staggerDuration > 0f)
                entity.networkView.RPC("Stagger", uLink.RPCMode.All, skillStage.staggerDuration);

            // CC effects
            if (skillStage.effect != null)
                entity.networkView.RPC("ReceiveSkillEffect", uLink.RPCMode.All, (byte)skillStage.effect.id, caster.id);

            // Apply runes
            if (skillStage.runeType != Skill.RuneType.None)
                byte runeId = (byte)((int)(skillStage.runeType) - 1);
                entity.networkView.RPC("ReceiveRune", uLink.RPCMode.All, runeId);

            // Skill damage log
            if (entity.skillDamageReceived.ContainsKey(skill.id))
                entity.skillDamageReceived[skill.id] += dmg;
                entity.skillDamageReceived.Add(skill.id, dmg);

            // How many hits did each player do (to save assists)
            if (entity.hitsByPlayer.ContainsKey(caster))
                entity.hitsByPlayer[caster] += 1;
                entity.hitsByPlayer.Add(caster, 1);

            // The actual application of damage
            entity.health -= dmg;

            // Caster scored a hit.
            // Update the total hit counter:
            casterStats.hits      += 1;
            playerStats.hitsTaken += 1;

            // Life drain
            // TODO: Only drain the actual amount of HP / damage he did
            if (skillStage.lifeDrainRel > 0)
                int lifeDrain = (int)(dmg * skillStage.lifeDrainRel);

                // Life drain needs to be capped at 100%
                if (lifeDrain > dmg)
                    lifeDrain = dmg;

                casterStats.lifeDrain      += lifeDrain;
                playerStats.lifeDrainTaken += lifeDrain;
                caster.health += lifeDrain;

            // Generate threat
            entity.AddThreat(caster, dmg);
        else if (power != 0)
            // Client shows dmg number
            if (caster == Player.main)
                Entity.SpawnText(entity, dmg.ToString(), new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f, 1.0f));
            else if (entity == Player.main)
                Entity.SpawnText(entity, dmg.ToString(), new Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), -1f, 0, Config.instance.ownDmgOffset);

            // Client shows life drain heal
            if (skillStage.lifeDrainRel > 0 && (caster == Player.main || entity == Player.main))
                if (caster == Player.main)
                    Entity.SpawnText(caster, "+" + ((int)(dmg * skillStage.lifeDrainRel)), new Color(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), -1f, 0, Config.instance.ownDmgOffset);
                else if (entity == Player.main)
                    Entity.SpawnText(caster, "+" + ((int)(dmg * skillStage.lifeDrainRel)), new Color(0.2f, 1.0f, 0.2f, 1.0f));

        // Update combo counter
        if (caster.comboCounter != null)

        // Last hit
        entity.lastHitBy      = caster;
        entity.lastHitBySkill = skill;
        caster.entityLastHit  = entity;

        // Update CC stats
        if (skillStage.effect != null)
            casterStats.cc      += 1;
            playerStats.ccTaken += 1;

        // Update damage stats
        casterStats.damage      += dmg;
        playerStats.damageTaken += dmg;
예제 #5
    // Spawn skill instance
    protected SkillInstance SpawnSkillInstance(
        UnityEngine.Object prefab,
        Skill skill,
        Skill.Stage skillStage,
        Vector3 skillPosition,
        Quaternion skillRotation,
        Vector3 hitPoint
        GameObject clone = (GameObject)UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(prefab, skillPosition, skillRotation);

        clone.transform.parent = skillInstancesRoot;

        // Disable some stuff on server
        if (GameManager.isServer)
            // Audio on server
            if (clone.audio != null)

            /*// Particles on server
             * if(clone.particleEmitter != null)
             *      clone.particleEmitter.enabled = false;
             * var pSystem = clone.particleSystem;
             * if(pSystem != null) {
             *      pSystem.enableEmission = false;
             *      if(!pSystem.isStopped)
             *              pSystem.Stop();
             * }*/

        // Set skill instance info
        lastSkillInstance            = clone.GetComponent <SkillInstance>();
        lastSkillInstance.caster     = this;
        lastSkillInstance.skill      = skill;
        lastSkillInstance.skillStage = skillStage;
        lastSkillInstance.hitPoint   = hitPoint;

        // HINT: Change this to Entity.MoveToLayer() if you have collider children

        // We iterate the skill layers
        Entity.MoveToLayer(clone, Config.instance.skillLayersStart + SkillInstance.layerCounter);
        SkillInstance.layerCounter = (SkillInstance.layerCounter + 1) % Config.instance.skillLayersCount;

        // Ignore collision with the caster
        if (lastSkillInstance.collider != null)
            if (party != null)
                foreach (var member in party.members)
                    Physics.IgnoreCollision(lastSkillInstance.collider, member.collider);

                    if (member.weaponModelCollider != null)
                        Physics.IgnoreCollision(lastSkillInstance.collider, member.weaponModelCollider);
            else if (lastSkillInstance.collider)
                Physics.IgnoreCollision(lastSkillInstance.collider, collider);

                if (weaponModelCollider != null)
                    Physics.IgnoreCollision(lastSkillInstance.collider, weaponModelCollider);

        // Destroy after a few seconds
        if (!skill.canHold)
            Destroy(clone, Config.instance.skillInstanceDestructionTime);
