// This event is generated by Data Source Configuration Wizard void pLinqInstantFeedbackSource1_GetEnumerable(object sender, DevExpress.Data.PLinq.GetEnumerableEventArgs e) { // Instantiate a new DataContext QLNS28.QLNSDataContext dataContext = new QLNS28.QLNSDataContext(); // Assign a queryable source to the PLinqInstantFeedbackSource e.Source = dataContext.ChamCongs; // Assign the DataContext to the Tag property, // to dispose of it in the DismissEnumerable event handler e.Tag = dataContext; }
// This event is generated by Data Source Configuration Wizard void linqInstantFeedbackSource1_GetQueryable(object sender, DevExpress.Data.Linq.GetQueryableEventArgs e) { // Instantiate a new DataContext QLNS28.QLNSDataContext dataContext = new QLNS28.QLNSDataContext(); // Assign a queryable source to the LinqInstantFeedbackSource e.QueryableSource = dataContext.NHANVIENs; // Assign the DataContext to the Tag property, // to dispose of it in the DismissQueryable event handler e.Tag = dataContext; }