예제 #1
        internal static IEnumerable <long> InsertDateFieldDummyData(EntityType definition, string newRecordPrefix, string analyserFieldColumnName, string oper, string value, bool isDateOnlyField, int financialYearStartMonth)
            // generate 3 random dateTime values
            DateTime minDate, maxDate;
            var      conditionOper = (ConditionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConditionType), oper);
            int?     argument      = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                argument = int.Parse(value);

            // workout minDate and maxDate
            PeriodConditionHelper.GetPeriodFromConditionType(conditionOper, DateTime.Today, argument, financialYearStartMonth, isDateOnlyField, out minDate, out maxDate);

            // get a random value between min and max date values
            var rand          = new Random();
            var dateDiffTicks = maxDate.Ticks - minDate.Ticks;

            var newEntities           = new long[3];
            var textFieldColumnId     = definition.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == "TextField").Id;
            var analyserFieldColumnId = definition.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == analyserFieldColumnName).Id;

            // get
            using (DatabaseContext.GetContext(false))
                for (int ctr = 0; ctr < 3; ctr++)
                    string randomTextFieldColValue = string.Format("{0}-{1}", newRecordPrefix, DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToLongTimeString());
                    var    randPercentNum          = rand.Next(1, 100);
                    var    randomTicks             = dateDiffTicks * randPercentNum / 100;
                    var    dt = minDate.AddTicks(randomTicks);  // add a random percentage of difference to the min date value

                    // server stores value in utc. 'dateToSave' is saved as it is.
                    // in case of dateOnly field, time portion is ignored and only date value is used. thats why we save 'dt' as it is.
                    // in case of dateAndTime field, the whole vale is adjusted to current timezone. Thats why we save the utc vale of 'dt'.
                    var dateToSave = isDateOnlyField ? dt : dt.ToUniversalTime();

                    var entity = Entity.Create(definition.Id);
                    entity.SetField(textFieldColumnId, randomTextFieldColValue);
                    entity.SetField(analyserFieldColumnId, dateToSave);

                    newEntities[ctr] = entity.Id;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Builds a predicate that examines the raw data (as its native .Net type) to determine if
        ///     it passes the specified filter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     This overload assumes that the values will not be null.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="condition">The condition to be applied.</param>
        /// <param name="gridResultColumn">The grid result column.</param>
        /// <param name="conditionalFormatter">The conditional formatter.</param>
        /// <returns>A predicate that accepts a data value and returns true if the value is acceptable on the basis of the filter.</returns>
        private static Predicate <object> BuildValueFilterPredicateNoNulls(Condition condition, ResultColumn gridResultColumn, ConditionalFormatter conditionalFormatter)
            // Get and check argument
            TypedValue  argument  = condition.Argument;
            string      sArgument = null;
            IComparable cArgument = null;

            // Handle null strings. TODO: Improve this hack
            if (argument != null && argument.Value == null && argument.Type is StringType)
                argument.Value = "";

            if (argument == null || argument.Value == null)
                if (ConditionTypeHelper.GetArgumentCount(condition.Operator) != 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(@"Condition has no (or null) argument.", "condition");
                sArgument = argument.Value as string;
                cArgument = argument.Value as IComparable;

            bool isDate     = condition.ColumnType is DateType;
            bool isCurrency = condition.ColumnType is CurrencyType;

            // Return lambda to evaluate test
            // 'cell' is statically type object
            switch (condition.Operator)
            case ConditionType.Unspecified:
                return(cell => true);    // assert false - predicates should not be built from filters with unspecified operators. Silently ignore.

            case ConditionType.Equal:
                if (argument.Type is StringType)
                    return(cell => ((string)cell).Equals(argument.ValueString, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
                return(cell => argument != null && argument.Value.Equals(isCurrency ? ConvertCurrencyCell(cell, condition.ColumnType) : cell));

            case ConditionType.NotEqual:
                if (argument.Type is StringType)
                    return(cell => !((string)cell).Equals(argument.ValueString, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
                return(cell => argument != null && !argument.Value.Equals(isCurrency ? ConvertCurrencyCell(cell, condition.ColumnType) : cell));

            case ConditionType.GreaterThan:
                return(cell => cArgument != null && cArgument.CompareTo(isCurrency ? ConvertCurrencyCell(cell, condition.ColumnType) : cell) < 0);

            case ConditionType.GreaterThanOrEqual:
                return(cell => cArgument != null && cArgument.CompareTo(isCurrency ? ConvertCurrencyCell(cell, condition.ColumnType) : cell) <= 0);

            case ConditionType.LessThan:
                return(cell => cArgument != null && cArgument.CompareTo(isCurrency ? ConvertCurrencyCell(cell, condition.ColumnType) : cell) > 0);

            case ConditionType.LessThanOrEqual:
                return(cell => cArgument != null && cArgument.CompareTo(isCurrency ? ConvertCurrencyCell(cell, condition.ColumnType) : cell) >= 0);

            case ConditionType.Contains:
                return(cell => ((string)cell).IndexOf(sArgument, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0);

            case ConditionType.StartsWith:
                return(cell => ((string)cell).StartsWith(sArgument, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));

            case ConditionType.EndsWith:
                return(cell => ((string)cell).EndsWith(sArgument, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));

            case ConditionType.AnyOf:
                return(cell => AnyOf((long)cell, condition.Arguments));

            case ConditionType.AnyExcept:
                return(cell => AnyExcept((long)cell, condition.Arguments));

            case ConditionType.Today:
            case ConditionType.ThisMonth:
            case ConditionType.ThisQuarter:
            case ConditionType.ThisYear:
            case ConditionType.CurrentFinancialYear:
            case ConditionType.LastNDays:
            case ConditionType.NextNDays:
            case ConditionType.LastNMonths:
            case ConditionType.NextNMonths:
            case ConditionType.LastNQuarters:
            case ConditionType.NextNQuarters:
            case ConditionType.LastNYears:
            case ConditionType.NextNYears:
            case ConditionType.LastNFinancialYears:
            case ConditionType.NextNFinancialYears:
            case ConditionType.LastNDaysTillNow:
            case ConditionType.NextNDaysFromNow:
            case ConditionType.ThisWeek:
            case ConditionType.LastNWeeks:
            case ConditionType.NextNWeeks:
                return(cell =>
                    DateTime minDate, maxDate;
                    var cellAsDateTime = isDate ? (DateTime)cell : UtcToLocal((DateTime)cell);

                    const int startMonthOfFinancialYear = 7;     //TODO: this comes from old code. Reported as a bug to Diana to improve to respect tenant FY configuration.
                    PeriodConditionHelper.GetPeriodFromConditionType(condition.Operator, DateTime.Today, cArgument != null ? cArgument as int?: null, startMonthOfFinancialYear, isDate, out minDate, out maxDate);

                    return cellAsDateTime >= minDate && cellAsDateTime < maxDate;

            case ConditionType.DateEquals:
                if (argument != null && argument.Value != null)
                    DateTime today     = ((DateTime)argument.Value).Date;
                    DateTime threshold = today.AddDays(1);
                    return(cell =>
                            DateTime dCell = isDate ? (DateTime)cell : UtcToLocal((DateTime)cell);
                            return threshold.CompareTo(dCell) > 0 && today.CompareTo(dCell) <= 0;

            case ConditionType.IsTrue:
                return(cell => ((bool)cell));

            case ConditionType.IsFalse:
                return(cell => !((bool)cell));

            case ConditionType.IsNull:
                return(cell => string.Empty.Equals(cell));    // this method does not get called if it is truly null

            case ConditionType.IsNotNull:
                return(cell => !string.Empty.Equals(cell));    // this method does not get called if it is truly null

            case ConditionType.CurrentUser:

            case ConditionType.AnyBelowStructureLevel:
            case ConditionType.AnyAboveStructureLevel:
            case ConditionType.AnyAtOrAboveStructureLevel:
            case ConditionType.AnyAtOrBelowStructureLevel:
                return(cell => ApplyStructureViewCondition((string)cell, condition, gridResultColumn, conditionalFormatter));

                throw new Exception("Unknown filter operator.");
