예제 #1
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);

            var node = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes()[0];
            this.Label = node.Token.ValueString;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a mapped grand-child of the parse-tree node and returns its AST node, if the expected AST type matches.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TargetAst">Expected AST type.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="parseNode">Original parse-tree node.</param>
        /// <param name="childIndex">Child item position.</param>
        /// <param name="grandChildIndex">Grand-child item position.</param>
        /// <returns>Grand-child AST node, if it matches the expected type. Null otherwise.</returns>
        public static TargetAst GetGrandChildAst <TargetAst>(this ParseTreeNode parseNode, int childIndex, int grandChildIndex) where TargetAst : BaseAstNode
            var childNode      = parseNode?.GetMappedChildNodes().GetSafeItem(childIndex);
            var grandChildNode = childNode?.GetMappedChildNodes().GetSafeItem(grandChildIndex);

            return(grandChildNode?.AstNode as TargetAst);
예제 #3
 // this is where data is initially passed to the item
 public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
     string sVal = treeNode.FindTokenAndGetText();
     base.Init(context, treeNode);
     var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
     var functionOrProperty = AddChild("FunctionOrId", nodes[0]);
     if (functionOrProperty is SelectFunctionNode)
         _TheFunction = (SelectFunctionNode)functionOrProperty;
     else if (functionOrProperty is SelectPropertyNode)
         _PropNode = (SelectPropertyNode)functionOrProperty;
         throw new Exception("Unmanaged type in selectmemberaccessnode");
     if (nodes.Count > 1)
         var child = AddChild("Queue", nodes[1]);
         string sval = nodes[1].FindTokenAndGetText();
         if (child is LeftObjectNode)
             _queue = (LeftObjectNode)child;
예제 #4
 public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode) {
   base.Init(context, treeNode);
   var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
   _target = AddChild("Target", nodes.First());
   _index = AddChild("Index", nodes.Last()); 
   AsString = "[" + _index + "]";
예제 #5
 public virtual void BuildAst(ParseTreeNode parseNode)
     var term = parseNode.Term;
     if (term.Flags.IsSet(TermFlags.NoAstNode) || parseNode.AstNode != null) return;
     //children first
     var processChildren = !parseNode.Term.Flags.IsSet(TermFlags.AstDelayChildren) &&
                           parseNode.ChildNodes.Count > 0;
     if (processChildren)
         var mappedChildNodes = parseNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
         for (var i = 0; i < mappedChildNodes.Count; i++)
     //create the node
     //We know that either NodeCreator or DefaultNodeCreator is set; VerifyAstData create the DefaultNodeCreator
     var config = term.AstConfig;
     if (config.NodeCreator != null)
         config.NodeCreator(Context, parseNode);
         // We assume that Node creator method creates node and initializes it, so parser does not need to call 
         // IAstNodeInit.Init() method on node object. But we do call AstNodeCreated custom event on term.
         //Invoke the default creator compiled when we verified the data
         parseNode.AstNode = config.DefaultNodeCreator();
         //Initialize node
         var iInit = parseNode.AstNode as IAstNodeInit;
         if (iInit != null)
             iInit.Init(Context, parseNode);
     //Invoke the event on term
 } //method
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a mapped child of the parse-tree node and returns its string token, if it has any.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parseNode">Original parse-tree node.</param>
        /// <param name="index">Item position.</param>
        /// <returns>String token of the child parse-node, if it has any. Empty string otherwise.</returns>
        public static string GetChildString(this ParseTreeNode parseNode, int index)
            var    childNode    = parseNode?.GetMappedChildNodes().GetSafeItem(index);
            string childNodeStr = childNode?.FindTokenAndGetText();

            return(childNodeStr ?? "");
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a mapped grand-child of the parse-tree node and returns its string token, if it has any.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parseNode">Original parse-tree node.</param>
        /// <param name="childIndex">Child item position.</param>
        /// <param name="grandChildIndex">Grand-child item position.</param>
        /// <returns>String token of the grand-child parse-node, if it has any. Empty string otherwise.</returns>
        public static string GetGrandChildString(this ParseTreeNode parseNode, int childIndex, int grandChildIndex)
            var    childNode         = parseNode?.GetMappedChildNodes().GetSafeItem(childIndex);
            var    grandChildNode    = childNode?.GetMappedChildNodes().GetSafeItem(grandChildIndex);
            string grandChildNodeStr = grandChildNode?.FindTokenAndGetText();

            return(grandChildNodeStr ?? "");
예제 #8
 public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode) {
   base.Init(context, treeNode);
   var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
   Test = AddChild("Test", nodes[0]);
   IfTrue = AddChild("IfTrue", nodes[1]);
   if (nodes.Count > 2)
     IfFalse = AddChild("IfFalse", nodes[2]);
예제 #9
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);

            ParseTreeNodeList nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            this.unOpNode = AddChild("unOpNode", nodes[0]);
            this.termNode = AddChild("termNode", nodes[1]);
예제 #10
파일: DefineFunction.cs 프로젝트: baban/lp
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);
            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            functionName = nodes[2];
            CallArgs     = AddChild("CallArgs", nodes[3]);
            Body         = AddChild("Body", nodes[4]);
예제 #11
 public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode) {
   base.Init(context, treeNode);
   var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
   TargetRef = AddChild("Target", nodes[0]);
   TargetRef.UseType = NodeUseType.CallTarget;
   _targetName = nodes[0].FindTokenAndGetText();
   Arguments = AddChild("Args", nodes[1]);
   AsString = "Call " + _targetName;
예제 #12
 public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode) {
   base.Init(context, treeNode);
   var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
   OpSymbol = nodes[0].FindTokenAndGetText();
   Argument = AddChild("Arg", nodes[1]);
   base.AsString = OpSymbol + "(unary op)";
   var interpContext = (InterpreterAstContext)context; 
   base.ExpressionType = interpContext.OperatorHandler.GetUnaryOperatorExpressionType(OpSymbol);
예제 #13
 public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode) {
   base.Init(context, treeNode);
   var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
   _left = AddChild("Target", nodes[0]);
   var right = nodes[nodes.Count - 1];
   _memberName = right.FindTokenAndGetText();
   ErrorAnchor = right.Span.Location; 
   AsString = "." + _memberName;
예제 #14
 // this is where data is initially passed to the item
 public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
     base.Init(context, treeNode);
     var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
     if (nodes.Count > 0)
         propName = nodes[0].FindTokenAndGetText();
예제 #15
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);
            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            FixingId   = nodes[0].FindTokenAndGetText();
            ScheduleId = nodes[2].FindTokenAndGetText();

            AsString = "Fixing ";
예제 #16
파일: Array.cs 프로젝트: baban/lp
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);
            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            if (nodes.Count > 2)
                AddChild("Node", nodes[1]);
예제 #17
파일: FenceArgs.cs 프로젝트: baban/lp
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);
            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            //nodes.ForEach((node) => System.Console.WriteLine(node));
            //nodes.ForEach((node) => AddChild("Stmt", node));
            VarNames = AddChild("VarNames", nodes[1]);
예제 #18
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode parseNode)
            var children = parseNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            Label = AddChild(children[0]) as IdentNode;
            if (Label is null)
                throw new System.Exception("Expected child to be an ident!");
예제 #19
        public override void Init(Irony.Ast.AstContext context, ParseTreeNode parseNode)
            base.Init(context, parseNode);
            var nodes = parseNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            TargetRef  = AddChild("Target", nodes[0]);
            targetName = TargetRef.AsString;
            Arguments  = AddChild("Args", nodes[1]);
            AsString   = "Call " + targetName;
예제 #20
        public override void Init(Irony.Ast.AstContext context, ParseTreeNode parseNode)
            base.Init(context, parseNode);
            var nodes = parseNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            Target      = AddChild("Target", nodes[0]);
            memberName  = nodes[1].FindTokenAndGetText();
            ErrorAnchor = nodes[1].Span.Location;
            AsString    = "." + memberName;
예제 #21
        public override void Initialize(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Initialize(context, treeNode);
            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            OpSymbol       = nodes[0].FindTokenAndGetText();
            Argument       = AddChild("Arg", nodes[1]);
            AsString       = OpSymbol + "(unary op)";
            ExpressionType = OperatorHandler.GetUnaryOperatorExpressionType(OpSymbol);
예제 #22
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);

            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
            this.Label = nodes[0].FindTokenAndGetText();

            // Make a nice display name.
            this.AsString = "Label: " + this.Label;
예제 #23
파일: MethodCall.cs 프로젝트: baban/lp
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);
            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            Expr         = AddChild("Expr", nodes[0]);
            functionName = nodes[1];
            Args         = AddChild("Args", nodes[2]);
            BlockArg     = AddChild("BlockArg", nodes[3]);
예제 #24
 public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode parseNode)
     foreach (var child in parseNode.GetMappedChildNodes())
         if (!(child.AstNode is null))
예제 #25
 // this is where data is initially passed to the item
 public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
     base.Init(context, treeNode);
     var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
     if (nodes.Count == 1)
         actualnode = (AstNode)nodes[0].AstNode;
         AddChild(string.Empty, nodes[0]);
예제 #26
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);
            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            Flag      = AddChild("Flag: ", nodes[1]);
            Condition = AddChild("Condition: ", nodes[2]);
            Update    = AddChild("Update: ", nodes[3]);
            Block     = AddChild("Block: ", nodes[4]);
예제 #27
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);

            ParseTreeNodeList nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            Left  = AddChild("Left", nodes[0]);
            Op    = nodes[1];
            Right = AddChild("Right", nodes[2]);
예제 #28
        public override void Init(Irony.Ast.AstContext context, ParseTreeNode parseNode)
            base.Init(context, parseNode);
            var nodes = parseNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            Condition = AddChild("Condition", nodes[1]);
            Body      = AddChild("Body", nodes[0]);

            AsString = "Do While Loop";
예제 #29
 public override void BuildAst(ParseTreeNode parseNode)
     if (parseNode.Term.Flags.IsSet(TermFlags.IsList) && parseNode.Term.Flags.IsSet(TermFlags.NoAstNode))
     {   // HACK: the default BuildAst does not proceed the children of the list node (is it a bug in Irony, or what?)
         var mappedChildNodes = parseNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
         foreach (var mappedChildNode in mappedChildNodes)
예제 #30
파일: LabelNode.cs 프로젝트: Serabass/0x1DE
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);

            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            this.Label = nodes[0].FindTokenAndGetText();

            // Make a nice display name.
            this.AsString = "Label: " + this.Label;
예제 #31
        public override void Init(Irony.Ast.AstContext context, ParseTreeNode parseNode)
            base.Init(context, parseNode);
            var nodes = parseNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            target      = AddChild("Target", nodes[1]) as IdentifierNode;
            parameters  = AddChild("Parameters", nodes[2]) as ParamListNode;
            isExtension = string.Equals(nodes[3].FindTokenAndGetText(), "extension", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

            AsString = "<extern " + (isExtension ? "Extension " : "") + "Function " + target.AsString + "[" + parameters.ChildNodes.Count + "]>";
예제 #32
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);

            var nodes        = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
            var numberNode   = nodes[0];
            var registerNode = nodes[1];

            this.Value    = ms_valueLookup[registerNode.Token.ValueString];
            this.NextWord = Convert.ToUInt16(numberNode.Token.Value);
예제 #33
 public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode) {
   base.Init(context, treeNode);
   var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
   int argIndex = IsPostfix? 0 : 1;
   Argument = AddChild(NodeUseType.ValueReadWrite, "Arg", nodes[argIndex]);
   BinaryOpSymbol = OpSymbol[0].ToString(); //take a single char out of ++ or --
   var interpContext = (InterpreterAstContext)context; 
   BinaryOp = interpContext.OperatorHandler.GetOperatorExpressionType(BinaryOpSymbol); 
   base.AsString = OpSymbol + (IsPostfix ? "(postfix)" : "(prefix)");
예제 #34
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);

            ParseTreeNodeList nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            foreach (var node in nodes)
                this.numList.Add(AddChild("numList", node));
예제 #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialization of the AST node. Specifies conversion from parse-tree node to AST node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="treeNode">Parse-tree node.</param>
        public override void Init(ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            TypedIdentifiers = new List <Tuple <string, string> >();

            var childNodes       = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
            var listOfTypeListsN = (childNodes.Count > 0) ? childNodes[0] : null;

            if (listOfTypeListsN != null)
                foreach (var singleTypedList in listOfTypeListsN.GetMappedChildNodes())
                    var typedListBlocks = singleTypedList.GetMappedChildNodes();

                    var identifiersList = (typedListBlocks.Count > 0) ? typedListBlocks[0] : null;
                    var typeDeclaration = (typedListBlocks.Count > 1) ? typedListBlocks[1] : null;

                    string type = "";
                    if (typeDeclaration != null)
                        var  typeDeclStruct = typeDeclaration.GetMappedChildNodes();
                        bool typeDeclared   = (typeDeclStruct.Count > 1);

                        if (typeDeclared)
                            var typeDeclItemList     = typeDeclStruct[1].GetMappedChildNodes();
                            var typeOrEitherTypeList = (typeDeclItemList.Count > 1) ? typeDeclItemList[1] : null;

                            if (typeOrEitherTypeList != null)
                                var eitherTypeList = typeOrEitherTypeList.GetMappedChildNodes();
                                foreach (var eitherType in eitherTypeList)
                                    type += (type.Length > 0) ? ";" : "";
                                    type += eitherType.FindTokenAndGetText();
                                type = typeDeclItemList[0].FindTokenAndGetText();

                    if (identifiersList != null)
                        foreach (var identifierItem in identifiersList.GetMappedChildNodes())
                            string identifier = identifierItem.FindTokenAndGetText();
                            TypedIdentifiers.Add(Tuple.Create(identifier, type));
예제 #36
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);
            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            TargetRef         = AddChild("Target", nodes[0]);
            TargetRef.UseType = NodeUseType.CallTarget;
            _targetName       = nodes[0].FindTokenAndGetText();
            Arguments         = AddChild("Args", nodes[1]);
            AsString          = "Call " + _targetName;
예제 #37
        public override void Init(Irony.Ast.AstContext context, ParseTreeNode parseNode)
            base.Init(context, parseNode);
            var nodes = parseNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            IterVarBlock = AddChild("IterVar", nodes[0]);
            InExpr       = AddChild("InExpr", nodes[1]);
            Block        = AddChild("ForeachBlock", nodes[2]);

            AsString = "Forech Loop";
예제 #38
 public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode) {
   base.Init(context, treeNode);
   //child #0 is usually a keyword like "def"
   var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
   NameNode = AddChild("Name", nodes[1]);
   Lambda = new LambdaNode(context, treeNode, nodes[2], nodes[3]);
   Lambda.Parent = this; 
   AsString = "<Function " + NameNode.AsString + ">";
   //Lamda will set treeNode.AstNode to itself, we need to set it back to "this" here
   treeNode.AstNode = this; //
예제 #39
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);
            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            Test   = AddChild("Test", nodes[0]);
            IfTrue = AddChild("IfTrue", nodes[1]);
            if (nodes.Count > 2)
                IfFalse = AddChild("IfFalse", nodes[2]);
예제 #40
        public override void Init(Irony.Ast.AstContext context, ParseTreeNode parseNode)
            base.Init(context, parseNode);
            var nodes  = parseNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
            var hasVar = nodes[0].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes.Count > 0;

            if (hasVar)
                exceptionVar = (IdentifierNode)AddChild("exceptionVar", nodes[0].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0]);
            block = AddChild("Block", nodes[1]);
예제 #41
        }                                         //null, Block, if

        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);
            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            Condition = AddChild("Condition: ", nodes[1]);
            Block     = AddChild("Block: ", nodes[2]);
            if (nodes.Count > 4)
                Else = AddChild("Else: ", nodes[4]);
예제 #42
        public override void Init(Irony.Ast.AstContext context, ParseTreeNode parseNode)
            base.Init(context, parseNode);
            var nodes = parseNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            Condition = AddChild("Condition", nodes[0]);
            IfBlock   = AddChild("IfBlock", nodes[1]);
            if (nodes.Count > 2)
                ElseBlock = AddChild("ElseBlock", nodes[2]);
예제 #43
        public override void Initialize(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Initialize(context, treeNode);
            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            _left = AddChild("Target", nodes[0]);
            var right = nodes[nodes.Count - 1];

            _memberName = right.FindTokenAndGetText();
            ErrorAnchor = right.Span.Location;
            AsString    = "." + _memberName;
예제 #44
파일: ReturnNode.cs 프로젝트: hstde/Calc2
        public override void Init(Irony.Ast.AstContext context, ParseTreeNode parseNode)
            base.Init(context, parseNode);
            var nodes = parseNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            if (nodes.Any())
                Expression = AddChild("Expression", nodes[0]);

            AsString = "return" + (nodes.Any() ? " Expression" : "");
예제 #45
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);

            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
            foreach (var node in nodes.Where(e => e.AstNode is LineNode))
                AddChild(String.Empty, node);

            // Make a nice display name.
            this.AsString = "Lines";
예제 #46
 public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode) {
   base.Init(context, treeNode);
   var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
   Left = AddChild("Arg", nodes[0]);
   Right = AddChild("Arg", nodes[2]);
   var opToken = nodes[1].FindToken();
   OpSymbol = opToken.Text;
   var ictxt = context as InterpreterAstContext;
   Op = ictxt.OperatorHandler.GetOperatorExpressionType(OpSymbol);
   // Set error anchor to operator, so on error (Division by zero) the explorer will point to 
   // operator node as location, not to the very beginning of the first operand.
   ErrorAnchor = opToken.Location;
   AsString = Op + "(operator)"; 
예제 #47
    AstNode _singleChild; //stores a single child when child count == 1, for fast access

    public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode) {
      base.Init(context, treeNode);
      var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
      foreach (var child in nodes) {
        //don't add if it is null; it can happen that "statement" is a comment line and statement's node is null.
        // So to make life easier for language creator, we just skip if it is null
        if (child.AstNode != null) 
          AddChild(string.Empty, child); 
      AsString = "Statement List";
      if (ChildNodes.Count == 0) {
        AsString += " (Empty)";
      } else 
         ChildNodes[ChildNodes.Count - 1].Flags |= AstNodeFlags.IsTail;
예제 #48
        // this is where data is initially passed to the item
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);
            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
            if (nodes.Count == 2)
                // todo: consider model

                if (nodes[1].AstNode != null)
                    ElementList = nodes[1];
                    // AddChild(string.Empty, nodes[1]);
                    // this.AsString += "(child children: " + child.ChildNodes.Count);
예제 #49
        // this is where data is initially passed to the item
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);
            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            // gets the argument list
            if (nodes.Count > 1)
                Arguments = new AstNode[nodes[1].ChildNodes.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < nodes[1].ChildNodes.Count; i++)
                    var nd = AddChild("Arg" + i.ToString(), nodes[1].ChildNodes[i]);
                    Arguments[i] = nd;
            function = treeNode;
예제 #50
        // this is where data is initially passed to the item
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            string sVal = treeNode.FindTokenAndGetText();

            base.Init(context, treeNode);
            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
            property = treeNode;

            if (nodes.Count > 1)
                var child = AddChild("Queue", nodes[1]);
                string sval = nodes[1].FindTokenAndGetText();
                if (child is LeftObjectNode)
                    _queue = (LeftObjectNode)child;
예제 #51
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);

            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
            var astNode = nodes[0].AstNode as IContainsLabelAndInstruction;
            AddChild(String.Empty, nodes[0]);

            this.Label = astNode.Label;
            this.Instruction = astNode.Instruction;

            // Make a nice display name.
            this.AsString = "Line";
            if (ChildNodes.Count == 0)
                this.AsString += " (Empty)";
예제 #52
        // this is where data is initially passed to the item
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);
            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            if (nodes.Count > 0)
                if (nodes[0].AstNode != null)
                    _root = (AstNode)nodes[0].AstNode;
                    AddChild("Root", nodes[0]);

                if (nodes.Count > 1)
                    _Queue = (LeftObjectNode)nodes[1].AstNode;
                    AddChild("Queue", nodes[1]);
예제 #53
 // this is where data is initially passed to the item
 public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
     base.Init(context, treeNode);
     var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
     if (nodes.Count == 2)
         if (nodes[0] != null)
             thisNode = nodes[0];
             // AddChild(string.Empty, nodes[0]);
         if (nodes[1].AstNode != null)
             child = (SelectChildrenNodeMot)nodes[1].AstNode;
             AddChild(string.Empty, nodes[1]);
             // this.AsString += "(child children: " + child.ChildNodes.Count);
         this.AsString = "nochildren";
예제 #54
    public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode) {
      base.Init(context, treeNode);
      var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
      Target = AddChild(NodeUseType.ValueWrite, "To", nodes[0]);
      //Get Op and baseOp if it is combined assignment
      AssignmentOp = nodes[1].FindTokenAndGetText();
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AssignmentOp))
        AssignmentOp = "=";
      BinaryExpressionType = CustomExpressionTypes.NotAnExpression;
      //There maybe an "=" sign in the middle, or not - if it is marked as punctuation; so we just take the last node in child list
      Expression = AddChild(NodeUseType.ValueRead, "Expr", nodes[nodes.Count - 1]);
      AsString = AssignmentOp + " (assignment)";
      // TODO: this is not always correct: in Pascal the assignment operator is :=.
      IsAugmented = AssignmentOp.Length > 1;
      if (IsAugmented) {

        var ictxt = context as InterpreterAstContext;
        base.ExpressionType = ictxt.OperatorHandler.GetOperatorExpressionType(AssignmentOp);
        BinaryExpressionType = ictxt.OperatorHandler.GetBinaryOperatorForAugmented(this.ExpressionType);
        Target.UseType = NodeUseType.ValueReadWrite;
예제 #55
        public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
            base.Init(context, treeNode);

            var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();

            if (nodes.Count == 1 && nodes[0].AstNode as MtFork != null)
                nodes = nodes[0].GetMappedChildNodes();

            foreach (var child in nodes)
                // Only allow non-null, mtchains!
                if (child.AstNode != null)
                    _chains.Add(AddChild(string.Empty, child) as MtAstNode);

            AsString = "Fork";
예제 #56
 // this is where data is initially passed to the item
 public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
     base.Init(context, treeNode);
     var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
예제 #57
 public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode parseNode)
     var mappedNodes = parseNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
     InitImpl(context, parseNode, mappedNodes[0], mappedNodes[1]);
예제 #58
		public override void Init(AstContext context, ParseTreeNode treeNode)
			base.Init(context, treeNode);
			var nodes = treeNode.GetMappedChildNodes();
			globalNode = AddChild("Args", nodes[2]);