private void OuiFileSelectSlotOnEnterFirstArea(On.Celeste.OuiFileSelectSlot.orig_EnterFirstArea orig,
                                                       OuiFileSelectSlot self)

            if (!Enabled)

            lastTime = 0;
예제 #2
        public new IEnumerator Enter(Oui from)
            if (!Loaded)
                int maxSaveFile;

                if (CoreModule.Settings.MaxSaveSlots != null)
                    maxSaveFile = Math.Max(3, CoreModule.Settings.MaxSaveSlots.Value);
                    // first load: we want to check how many slots there are by checking which files exist in the Saves folder.
                    maxSaveFile = 1; // we're adding 2 later, so there will be at least 3 slots.
                    string saveFilePath = patch_UserIO.GetSaveFilePath();
                    if (Directory.Exists(saveFilePath))
                        foreach (string filePath in Directory.GetFiles(saveFilePath))
                            string fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
                            // is the file named [number].celeste?
                            if (fileName.EndsWith(".celeste") && int.TryParse(fileName.Substring(0, fileName.Length - 8), out int fileIndex))
                                maxSaveFile = Math.Max(maxSaveFile, fileIndex);

                    // if 2.celeste exists, slot 3 is the last slot filled, therefore we want 4 slots (2 + 2) to always have the latest one empty.
                    maxSaveFile += 2;

                Slots = new OuiFileSelectSlot[maxSaveFile];

            int         slotIndex = 0;
            IEnumerator orig      = orig_Enter(from);

            while (orig.MoveNext())
                if (orig.Current is float f && f == 0.02f)
                    // only apply the delay if the slot is on-screen (less than 2 slots away from the selected one).
                    if (Math.Abs(SlotIndex - slotIndex) <= 2)
                        yield return(orig.Current);
        public OuiFileSelectSlotLevelSetPicker(OuiFileSelectSlot selectSlot)
            this.selectSlot = selectSlot;

            Label  = DialogExt.CleanLevelSet(NewGameLevelSet ?? "Celeste");
            Scale  = 0.5f;
            Action = () => changeStartingLevelSet(1);

            // find out what is the width of the biggest level set out there.
            float levelSetNameWidth = 0;

            foreach (AreaData areaData in AreaData.Areas)
                levelSetNameWidth = Math.Max(levelSetNameWidth, ActiveFont.Measure(DialogExt.CleanLevelSet(areaData.GetLevelSet())).X);
            arrowOffset = new Vector2(20f + levelSetNameWidth / 2 * Scale, 0f);
예제 #4
        public OuiFileSelectSlotLevelSetPicker(OuiFileSelectSlot selectSlot)
            this.selectSlot = selectSlot;

            // if the default starting level set still exists, set it by default.
            if (AreaData.Areas.Any(area => area.GetLevelSet() == CoreModule.Settings.DefaultStartingLevelSet))
                NewGameLevelSet = CoreModule.Settings.DefaultStartingLevelSet;

            Label  = DialogExt.CleanLevelSet(NewGameLevelSet ?? "Celeste");
            Scale  = 0.5f;
            Action = () => changeStartingLevelSet(1);

            // find out what is the width of the biggest level set out there.
            float levelSetNameWidth = 0;

            foreach (AreaData areaData in AreaData.Areas)
                levelSetNameWidth = Math.Max(levelSetNameWidth, ActiveFont.Measure(DialogExt.CleanLevelSet(areaData.GetLevelSet())).X);
            arrowOffset = new Vector2(20f + levelSetNameWidth / 2 * Scale, 0f);
예제 #5
                internal static void HandleCreateButtons(List <patch_OuiFileSelectSlot.Button> buttons, OuiFileSelectSlot slot, bool fileExists)
                    if (OnCreateButtons == null)

                    foreach (Delegate del in OnCreateButtons.GetInvocationList())
                        // find the Everest module this delegate belongs to, and load the mod save data from it for the current slot.
                        EverestModule         matchingModule = _Modules.Find(module => module.GetType().Assembly == del.Method.DeclaringType.Assembly);
                        EverestModuleSaveData modSaveData    = null;
                        if (matchingModule != null)
                            modSaveData = matchingModule._SaveData;

                        // call the delegate.
                        del.DynamicInvoke(new object[] { buttons, slot, modSaveData, fileExists });
예제 #6
        private static void onOuiFileSelectSlotShow(On.Celeste.OuiFileSelectSlot.orig_Show orig, OuiFileSelectSlot self)
            // If we are currently in a collab map, display the lobby level set stats instead.
            AreaKey?savedLastArea = null;
            string  collab        = collabNames.FirstOrDefault(collabName => self.SaveData?.LevelSet != null && self.SaveData.LevelSet.StartsWith($"{collabName}/") && self.SaveData.LevelSet != $"{collabName}/0-Lobbies");

            if (collab != null)
                AreaData firstMapFromCollab = AreaData.Areas.FirstOrDefault(area => area.GetLevelSet() == $"{collab}/0-Lobbies");
                if (firstMapFromCollab != null)
                    savedLastArea = self.SaveData.LastArea_Safe;
                    self.SaveData.LastArea_Safe = firstMapFromCollab.ToKey();
                    self.Strawberries.CanWiggle = false; // prevent the strawberry collect sound from playing.


            string collab2 = collabNames.FirstOrDefault(collabName => self.SaveData?.LevelSet == $"{collabName}/0-Lobbies");

            if (collab2 != null)
                // recompute the stats for the collab.
                int totalStrawberries                    = 0;
                int totalGoldenStrawberries              = 0;
                int totalHeartGems                       = 0;
                int totalCassettes                       = 0;
                int maxStrawberryCount                   = 0;
                int maxGoldenStrawberryCount             = 0;
                int maxStrawberryCountIncludingUntracked = 0;
                int maxCassettes     = 0;
                int maxCrystalHearts = 0;
                int maxCrystalHeartsExcludingCSides = 0;

                // aggregate all stats for the collab level sets.
                foreach (LevelSetStats stats in self.SaveData.LevelSets)
                    if (stats.Name.StartsWith($"{collab2}/"))
                        totalStrawberries                    += stats.TotalStrawberries;
                        totalGoldenStrawberries              += stats.TotalGoldenStrawberries;
                        totalHeartGems                       += countTotalHeartGemsForMapsThatHaveHearts(stats);
                        totalCassettes                       += stats.TotalCassettes;
                        maxStrawberryCount                   += stats.MaxStrawberries;
                        maxGoldenStrawberryCount             += stats.MaxGoldenStrawberries;
                        maxStrawberryCountIncludingUntracked += stats.MaxStrawberriesIncludingUntracked;
                        maxCassettes     += stats.MaxCassettes;
                        maxCrystalHearts += stats.MaxHeartGems;
                        maxCrystalHeartsExcludingCSides += stats.MaxHeartGemsExcludingCSides;

                DynData <OuiFileSelectSlot> slotData = new DynData <OuiFileSelectSlot>(self);
                slotData["totalGoldenStrawberries"]              = totalGoldenStrawberries;
                slotData["totalHeartGems"]                       = totalHeartGems;
                slotData["totalCassettes"]                       = totalCassettes;
                slotData["maxStrawberryCount"]                   = maxStrawberryCount;
                slotData["maxGoldenStrawberryCount"]             = maxGoldenStrawberryCount;
                slotData["maxStrawberryCountIncludingUntracked"] = maxStrawberryCountIncludingUntracked;
                slotData["maxCassettes"]     = maxCassettes;
                slotData["maxCrystalHearts"] = maxCrystalHearts;
                slotData["maxCrystalHeartsExcludingCSides"] = maxCrystalHeartsExcludingCSides;
                slotData["summitStamp"]   = false;
                slotData["farewellStamp"] = false;

                self.Strawberries.Amount = totalStrawberries;
                self.Strawberries.OutOf  = maxStrawberryCount;

            // figure out if some hearts are customized, and store it in DynData so that a IL hook can access it later.
            SaveData oldInstance = SaveData.Instance;

            SaveData.Instance = self.SaveData;
            List <string> customJournalHearts = new List <string>();

            if (self.SaveData != null)
                foreach (AreaStats item in self.SaveData.Areas_Safe)
                    if (item.ID_Safe > self.SaveData.UnlockedAreas_Safe)
                    if (!AreaData.Areas[item.ID_Safe].Interlude_Safe && AreaData.Areas[item.ID_Safe].CanFullClear)
                        string lobbyLevelSetName = GetLobbyLevelSet(item.GetSID());
                        if (lobbyLevelSetName != null && MTN.Journal.Has("CollabUtils2Hearts/" + lobbyLevelSetName))
                            customJournalHearts.Add("CollabUtils2Hearts/" + lobbyLevelSetName);
            new DynData <OuiFileSelectSlot>(self)["collabutils2_customhearts"] = customJournalHearts;
            SaveData.Instance = oldInstance;

            // Restore the last area if it was replaced at the beginning of this method.
            if (savedLastArea != null)
                self.SaveData.LastArea_Safe = savedLastArea.Value;
 public static void Goto <T>(OuiFileSelectSlot slot, EverestModuleSaveData modSaveData, bool fileExists)
     where T : OuiFileSelectSlotSubmenu
     slot.Assisting = true; // same animation as assist mode.
     Goto <T>(overworld => overworld.Goto <OuiFileSelect>(), slot, modSaveData, fileExists);
 protected abstract void addOptionsToMenu(TextMenu menu, OuiFileSelectSlot slot, EverestModuleSaveData modSaveData, bool fileExists);
 private static void OuiFileSelectSlotOnOnNewGameSelected(On.Celeste.OuiFileSelectSlot.orig_OnNewGameSelected orig, OuiFileSelectSlot self)
     if (Manager.Running)
         tasStartFileTime = 0;
예제 #10
 private void CreateBingoButton(On.Celeste.OuiFileSelectSlot.orig_CreateButtons orig, OuiFileSelectSlot self)
     if (!self.Exists)
         var bingoButton = new OuiFileSelectSlot.Button {
             Action = () => {
                 var contents = TextInput.GetClipboardText();
                 if (contents.StartsWith("http") && contents.Contains(""))
                     this.Password = "******";
                     (self.Scene as Overworld).Goto <OuiTextEntry>().Init <OuiBingoConnecting>("password", s => {
                         this.Password = s;
                     }, 100);
                     this.Username = this.ModSettings.PlayerName.Length == 0 ? self.Name : this.ModSettings.PlayerName;
                     this.RoomUrl  = contents;
             Label = Dialog.Clean("BINGOCLIENT_START_BUTTON"),
             Scale = 0.7f,
         var buttons = (List <OuiFileSelectSlot.Button>) typeof(OuiFileSelectSlot).GetField("buttons", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(self);
예제 #11
        private static void onOuiFileSelectSlotShow(On.Celeste.OuiFileSelectSlot.orig_Show orig, OuiFileSelectSlot self)
            // If we are currently in a collab map, display the lobby level set stats instead.
            AreaKey?savedLastArea = null;
            string  collab        = collabNames.FirstOrDefault(collabName => self.SaveData?.LevelSet != null && self.SaveData.LevelSet.StartsWith($"{collabName}/") && self.SaveData.LevelSet != $"{collabName}/0-Lobbies");

            if (collab != null)
                AreaData firstMapFromCollab = AreaData.Areas.FirstOrDefault(area => area.GetLevelSet() == $"{collab}/0-Lobbies");
                if (firstMapFromCollab != null)
                    savedLastArea = self.SaveData.LastArea_Safe;
                    self.SaveData.LastArea_Safe = firstMapFromCollab.ToKey();
                    self.Strawberries.CanWiggle = false; // prevent the strawberry collect sound from playing.


            string collab2 = collabNames.FirstOrDefault(collabName => self.SaveData?.LevelSet == $"{collabName}/0-Lobbies");

            if (collab2 != null)
                // recompute the stats for the collab.
                int totalStrawberries                    = 0;
                int totalGoldenStrawberries              = 0;
                int totalHeartGems                       = 0;
                int totalCassettes                       = 0;
                int maxStrawberryCount                   = 0;
                int maxGoldenStrawberryCount             = 0;
                int maxStrawberryCountIncludingUntracked = 0;
                int maxCassettes     = 0;
                int maxCrystalHearts = 0;
                int maxCrystalHeartsExcludingCSides = 0;

                // aggregate all stats for the collab level sets.
                foreach (LevelSetStats stats in self.SaveData.LevelSets)
                    if (stats.Name.StartsWith($"{collab2}/"))
                        totalStrawberries                    += stats.TotalStrawberries;
                        totalGoldenStrawberries              += stats.TotalGoldenStrawberries;
                        totalHeartGems                       += countTotalHeartGemsForMapsThatHaveHearts(stats);
                        totalCassettes                       += stats.TotalCassettes;
                        maxStrawberryCount                   += stats.MaxStrawberries;
                        maxGoldenStrawberryCount             += stats.MaxGoldenStrawberries;
                        maxStrawberryCountIncludingUntracked += stats.MaxStrawberriesIncludingUntracked;
                        maxCassettes     += stats.MaxCassettes;
                        maxCrystalHearts += stats.MaxHeartGems;
                        maxCrystalHeartsExcludingCSides += stats.MaxHeartGemsExcludingCSides;

                DynData <OuiFileSelectSlot> slotData = new DynData <OuiFileSelectSlot>(self);
                slotData["totalGoldenStrawberries"]              = totalGoldenStrawberries;
                slotData["totalHeartGems"]                       = totalHeartGems;
                slotData["totalCassettes"]                       = totalCassettes;
                slotData["maxStrawberryCount"]                   = maxStrawberryCount;
                slotData["maxGoldenStrawberryCount"]             = maxGoldenStrawberryCount;
                slotData["maxStrawberryCountIncludingUntracked"] = maxStrawberryCountIncludingUntracked;
                slotData["maxCassettes"]     = maxCassettes;
                slotData["maxCrystalHearts"] = maxCrystalHearts;
                slotData["maxCrystalHeartsExcludingCSides"] = maxCrystalHeartsExcludingCSides;
                slotData["summitStamp"]   = false;
                slotData["farewellStamp"] = false;

                self.Strawberries.Amount = totalStrawberries;
                self.Strawberries.OutOf  = maxStrawberryCount;

            // Restore the last area if it was replaced at the beginning of this method.
            if (savedLastArea != null)
                self.SaveData.LastArea_Safe = savedLastArea.Value;