예제 #1
    protected void remove_selected_orders(int hblid)
        if (this.dxlstSaved.Items.Count > 0 && hblid > 0)
                //get  house bl details
                HouseBLTable _hbl = new HouseBLTable(hblid);
                //DateTime? _nulldt = null; //use for clearing ets, eta if we need to

                //IList<string> _ordernos = new List<string>();
                OrderTableCollection _col = new OrderTableCollection();
                //step through selected list items and get order numbers
                for (int _ix = 0; _ix < this.dxlstSaved.Items.Count; _ix++)
                    if (this.dxlstSaved.Items[_ix].Selected == true)
                        string _no = this.dxlstSaved.Items[_ix].Text.ToString();
                        OrderTable _tbl = new OrderTable("OrderNumber", _no);

                        _tbl.HouseBLNUmber = null; //_h.HouseBLNumber;
                        _tbl.HouseBLAdded  = false;
                        //_tbl.Ets = _nulldt;  //should we clear this? ms access db doesn't bother
                        //_tbl.Eta = _nulldt;  //should we clear this? ms access db doesn't bother
                        //_tbl.VesselLastUpdated = DateTime.Now; //should we clear this? ms access db doesn't bother

                    } //end if
                }     //end loop


                //clear selected list and rebind other lists
                //saved orders list binding using hblnumber
                //available orders list binding
                bind_housebl_orders(wwi_func.vint(_hbl.ConsigneeID.ToString()), wwi_func.vint(_hbl.OriginPort.ToString()), wwi_func.vint(_hbl.DestinationPort.ToString()));
                //clear selected list
            catch (Exception ex)
                string _ex = ex.Message.ToString();
                this.dxlblErr.Text          = _ex;
                this.dxpnlErr.ClientVisible = true;
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// replacing objectdatasource
 /// </summary>
 protected void bind_formview(string viewmode)
     string[] _key = { "OrderID" };
     string _orderno = wwi_security.DecryptString(get_token("pno"), "publiship");
     int _orderid = wwi_func.vint(wwi_security.DecryptString(get_token("pid"), "publiship"));
         OrderTableCollection _o = new OrderTableCollection();
         OrderTable _t = viewmode != "Insert" ? new OrderTable(_orderid) : new OrderTable();
         this.formOrder.DataSource = _o;  //303635; //183689; 303635 is the orderid for test record order number 999909  
         this.formOrder.DataKeyNames = _key;
     catch (Exception ex)
         string _ex = ex.Message.ToString();
         this.dxlblErr.Text = string.Format("Order Number {0}. Error: {1}", _orderno , _ex);
         this.dxpnlErr.ClientVisible = true;
예제 #3
    /// <summary>
    /// replacing objectdatasource address data in in OrderTable
    /// </summary>
    protected void bind_formview(string viewmode)
        string[] _key     = { "OrderID" };
        string   _orderno = wwi_security.DecryptString(get_token("pno"), "publiship");
        int      _orderid = wwi_func.vint(wwi_security.DecryptString(get_token("pid"), "publiship"));

            OrderTableCollection _o = new OrderTableCollection();
            OrderTable           _t = viewmode != "Insert" ? new OrderTable(_orderid) : new OrderTable();
            this.fmvAddresses.DataSource   = _o; //303635; //183689; 303635 is the orderid for test record order number 999909
            this.fmvAddresses.DataKeyNames = _key;
        catch (Exception ex)
            string _ex = ex.Message.ToString();
            this.dxlblErr.Text          = string.Format("Order Number {0}. Error: {1}", _orderno, _ex);
            this.dxpnlErr.ClientVisible = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// allocation of charges
    /// </summary>
    protected void bind_formview(string viewmode)
        string[] _key     = { "OrderID" };
        string   _orderno = wwi_security.DecryptString(get_token("pno"), "publiship");
        int      _orderid = wwi_func.vint(wwi_security.DecryptString(get_token("pid"), "publiship"));

            //have to use a collection as formview requires i IListSource, IEnumerable, or IDataSource.
            OrderTableCollection _tbc = new OrderTableCollection();
            OrderTable           _tbl = viewmode != "Insert" ? new OrderTable(_orderid) : new OrderTable();
            //bind formview to collection
            this.fmvCharge.DataSource = _tbc;
        catch (Exception ex)
            string _ex = ex.Message.ToString();
            this.dxlblErr.Text          = string.Format("Order Number {0}. Error: {1}", _orderno, _ex);
            this.dxpnlErr.ClientVisible = true;
    //end package type

    #region move container and orders
    /// <summary>
    /// move container to a different vessel
    /// 1. update Order table set VesselID = 'new vessel id', VesselLastUpdated = current date where containerid = N .Equivalent to access "ContainerVesselUpdateVesselQuery"
    /// 2. update Order table set ETS = VoyageETSSubTable.ETS, ETA=VoyageETSSubTable.ETA where containerid = N .Equivalent to access "ContainerVesselUpdateDatesQuery"
    /// 3. update Container table set VoyageID = 'new voyage id' where containerid = N .Equivalent to access ""ContainerVesselUpdateContainerQuery"
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="containerid"></param>
    protected bool change_vessel(int containerid, int vesselid)
        bool _changed = false;
        DateTime _currentdate = DateTime.Now;

        //for testing
        //containerid = 2332;

        using (SharedDbConnectionScope _sc = new SharedDbConnectionScope())
            using (System.Transactions.TransactionScope _ts = new System.Transactions.TransactionScope())
                    //for testing q1
                    //string _q1 = "SELECT o.OrderID, VesselId, VesselLastUpdated FROM OrderTable as o INNER JOIN  " + 
                    //"ContainerTable AS c INNER JOIN " +
                    //"ContainerSubTable AS s ON c.ContainerID = s.ContainerID ON o.OrderNumber = s.OrderNumber WHERE (c.ContainerID = 2332);";
                    //object[] _p1 = { containerid };
                    //int _result = new SubSonic.CodingHorror().ExecuteScalar<int>(_q1, _p1);
                    OrderTableCollection _q2 = new Select().From(DAL.Logistics.Tables.OrderTable)
                        .InnerJoin(DAL.Logistics.ContainerSubTable.OrderNumberColumn, DAL.Logistics.OrderTable.OrderNumberColumn)
                        .InnerJoin(DAL.Logistics.ContainerTable.ContainerIDColumn, DAL.Logistics.ContainerSubTable.ContainerIDColumn)

                    for (int _ix = 0; _ix < _q2.Count; _ix++)
                        _q2[_ix].VesselID = vesselid;
                        _q2[_ix].VesselLastUpdated = _currentdate;
                    //does not work because the triggers on the ordertable cause errors 
                    //Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression
                    //1st statement paramatised and using subsonic.codinghorror, table aliases prevent 'multi-part identifier can't be bound' tsql error
                    //string _q1 = "UPDATE OrderTable " +
                    //                "SET VesselID = @vesselid, VesselLastUpdated = @lastupdated " + 
                    //                "FROM OrderTable INNER JOIN " + 
                    //                "ContainerTable AS c INNER JOIN " + 
                    //                "ContainerSubTable AS s ON c.ContainerID = s.ContainerID ON OrderTable.OrderNumber = s.OrderNumber " + 
                    //                "WHERE (c.ContainerID = @containerid);";
                    //object[] _p1 = { vesselid, _currentdate,  containerid };
                    //int _result = new SubSonic.CodingHorror().ExecuteScalar<int>(_q1, _p1);

                    //for testing q2
                    //SELECT c.ContainerID, ets.ets, eta.eta, OrderTable.OrderID FROM ContainerTable AS c INNER JOIN 
                    //ContainerSubTable AS s ON c.ContainerID = s.ContainerID INNER JOIN 
                    //VoyageTable AS v INNER JOIN VoyageETASubTable AS eta ON v.VoyageID = eta.VoyageID 
                    //INNER JOIN VoyageETSSubTable AS ets ON v.VoyageID = ets.VoyageID INNER JOIN 
                    //OrderTable ON v.VoyageID = OrderTable.VesselID ON s.OrderNumber = OrderTable.OrderNumber
                    //WHERE (c.ContainerID = @containerid);
                    //object[] _p2 = { containerid };
                    //_result = new SubSonic.CodingHorror().ExecuteScalar<int>(_q2, _p2);
                    string[] _cols2 = { "OrderTable.OrderID", "VoyageETSSubTable.ETS", "VoyageETASubTable.ETA" };
                    DataTable _dt = new Select(_cols2).From(DAL.Logistics.Tables.OrderTable)
                    .InnerJoin(DAL.Logistics.ContainerSubTable.OrderIDColumn, DAL.Logistics.OrderTable.OrderIDColumn)
                    .InnerJoin(DAL.Logistics.ContainerTable.ContainerIDColumn, DAL.Logistics.ContainerSubTable.ContainerIDColumn)
                    .InnerJoin(DAL.Logistics.VoyageTable.VoyageIDColumn, DAL.Logistics.OrderTable.VesselIDColumn)
                    .InnerJoin(DAL.Logistics.VoyageETSSubTable.VoyageIDColumn, DAL.Logistics.VoyageTable.VoyageIDColumn)
                    .InnerJoin(DAL.Logistics.VoyageETASubTable.VoyageIDColumn, DAL.Logistics.VoyageTable.VoyageIDColumn)

                    if (_dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        OrderTableCollection _ot = new OrderTableCollection(); 
                        for (int _ix = 0; _ix < _dt.Rows.Count; _ix++)
                            int _id = wwi_func.vint(_dt.Rows[_ix]["OrderID"].ToString());
                            DateTime _ets = wwi_func.vdatetime(_dt.Rows[_ix]["Ets"].ToString());
                            DateTime _eta = wwi_func.vdatetime(_dt.Rows[_ix]["Eta"].ToString());
                            OrderTable _tb = new OrderTable(_id);
                            _tb.Ets = _ets;
                            _tb.Eta = _eta;
                    //does not work because the triggers on the ordertable cause errors 
                    //2nd statement paramatised and using subsonic.codinghorror, table aliases prevent 'multi-part identifier can't be bound' tsql error
                    //string _q2 = "UPDATE OrderTable " + 
                    //                "SET ETS = ets.ETS, ETA = eta.ETA " + 
                    //                "FROM ContainerTable AS c INNER JOIN " + 
                    //                "ContainerSubTable AS s ON c.ContainerID = s.ContainerID INNER JOIN " + 
                    //                "VoyageTable AS v INNER JOIN " + 
                    //                "VoyageETASubTable AS eta ON v.VoyageID = eta.VoyageID INNER JOIN " + 
                    //                "VoyageETSSubTable AS ets ON v.VoyageID = ets.VoyageID INNER JOIN " + 
                    //                "OrderTable ON v.VoyageID = OrderTable.VesselID ON s.OrderNumber = OrderTable.OrderNumber " + 
                    //                "WHERE (c.ContainerID = @containerid);";
                    //object[] _p2 = { containerid };
                    //_result = new SubSonic.CodingHorror().ExecuteScalar<int>(_q2, _p2);
                    //3rd statement 
                    Update _q3 = new Update(DAL.Logistics.Tables.ContainerTable);
                    //_test = _q3.ToString();

                    //commit transaction

                    _changed = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string _er = ex.Message.ToString();
                    this.dxlblErr.Text = _er;
                    this.dxpnlErr.ClientVisible = true;


        return _changed;
    /// <summary>
    /// allocation of charges
    /// </summary>
    protected void bind_formview(string viewmode)
        string[] _key = { "OrderID" };
        string _orderno = wwi_security.DecryptString(get_token("pno"), "publiship");
        int _orderid = wwi_func.vint(wwi_security.DecryptString(get_token("pid"), "publiship"));

            //have to use a collection as formview requires i IListSource, IEnumerable, or IDataSource.
            OrderTableCollection _tbc = new OrderTableCollection();
            OrderTable _tbl = viewmode != "Insert" ? new OrderTable(_orderid) : new OrderTable();
            //bind formview to collection
            this.fmvCharge.DataSource = _tbc;
        catch (Exception ex)
            string _ex = ex.Message.ToString();
            this.dxlblErr.Text = string.Format("Order Number {0}. Error: {1}", _orderno, _ex);
            this.dxpnlErr.ClientVisible = true;
예제 #7
    protected void remove_selected_orders(int hblid)
        if (this.dxlstSaved.Items.Count > 0 && hblid > 0)
                //get  house bl details
                HouseBLTable _hbl = new HouseBLTable(hblid);  
                //DateTime? _nulldt = null; //use for clearing ets, eta if we need to
                //IList<string> _ordernos = new List<string>(); 
                OrderTableCollection _col = new OrderTableCollection();
                //step through selected list items and get order numbers
                for (int _ix = 0; _ix < this.dxlstSaved.Items.Count; _ix++)
                    if (this.dxlstSaved.Items[_ix].Selected == true)
                        string _no = this.dxlstSaved.Items[_ix].Text.ToString();
                        OrderTable _tbl = new OrderTable("OrderNumber", _no);

                        _tbl.HouseBLNUmber = null; //_h.HouseBLNumber;
                        _tbl.HouseBLAdded = false;
                        //_tbl.Ets = _nulldt;  //should we clear this? ms access db doesn't bother
                        //_tbl.Eta = _nulldt;  //should we clear this? ms access db doesn't bother
                        //_tbl.VesselLastUpdated = DateTime.Now; //should we clear this? ms access db doesn't bother

                    }//end if
                }//end loop


                //clear selected list and rebind other lists
                //saved orders list binding using hblnumber
                //available orders list binding
                bind_housebl_orders(wwi_func.vint(_hbl.ConsigneeID.ToString()), wwi_func.vint(_hbl.OriginPort.ToString()), wwi_func.vint(_hbl.DestinationPort.ToString()));
                //clear selected list
            catch (Exception ex)
                string _ex = ex.Message.ToString();
                this.dxlblErr.Text = _ex;
                this.dxpnlErr.ClientVisible = true;