예제 #1
        public void CouldWriteReadLog0MoveGT()
#pragma warning disable 618
            Settings.DoAdditionalCorrectnessChecks = false;
#pragma warning restore 618
            var path          = TestUtils.GetPath();
            var repoName      = "CouldWriteAndReadLog0";
            var processConfig = new ProcessConfig(path);

            StartupConfig.StreamLogBufferPoolFlags = LMDBEnvironmentFlags.NoSync;
            StartupConfig.StreamBlockIndexFlags    = LMDBEnvironmentFlags.NoSync;

            var slm = new StreamLogManager(processConfig, repoName, null, 10 * 1024, true, true);

            var log0 = new NotificationLog(slm);

            // will disable packing

            var count = 3_000_000;

            using (Benchmark.Run("Log0.Append", count))
                for (long i = 1; i <= count; i++)

            using (Benchmark.Run("Log0 MoveGT", count))
                using (var reader = new NotificationLog.Reader(log0, CancellationToken.None, false))
                    for (long i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        if (reader.MoveGT((ulong)i))
                            if (reader.CurrentVersion != (ulong)(i + 1))
                                Assert.Fail($"reader.CurrentVersion {reader.CurrentVersion} != [(ulong) (i + 1)] {i + 1}");

            // readerTask.Wait();


            slm.BufferPool.PrintBuffersAfterPoolDispose = true;
예제 #2
        public StreamLogManager(ProcessConfig processConfig,
                                string dataStoreName,
                                string dataStorePath             = null,
                                uint maxLogSizeMb                = 1024,
                                bool disableNotificationLog      = false,
                                bool disablePacker               = false,
                                IStreamBlockStorage blockStorage = null)
            if (LeaksDetection.Enabled)
                Spreads.Buffers.BufferPool.PinnedArrayMemoryPool.AddStackTraceOnRent = true;

            DataStorePath = dataStorePath ?? Path.Combine(processConfig.DataRootPath, dataStoreName);

            ProcessConfig = processConfig;
            _wpidValue    = ProcessConfig.Wpid;

            DisableNotificationLog = disableNotificationLog;
            DisablePacker          = disablePacker;

            var bufferPoolPath  = Path.Combine(DataStorePath, "log", "logbuffer");
            var bufferPoolFlags = StartupConfig.StreamLogBufferPoolFlags;

            BufferPool = new BlockMemoryPool(bufferPoolPath, maxLogSizeMb, bufferPoolFlags, processConfig.Wpid,
                                             maxBufferLength: MaxBufferSize,
                                             maxBuffersPerBucket: Environment.ProcessorCount * 4);

            if (blockStorage == null)
                var dataStoragePath = Path.Combine(DataStorePath, "storage");
                var path        = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(dataStoragePath, "data.db"));
                var uri         = new Uri(path);
                var absoluteUri = uri.AbsoluteUri;

                blockStorage = new SQLiteStorage($@"Data Source={absoluteUri}?cache=shared");

            var blockIndexPath   = Path.Combine(DataStorePath, "log", "blockindex");
            var blockIndexFlags  = StartupConfig.StreamBlockIndexFlags;
            var blockIndexSizeMb = Math.Max(StartupConfig.StreamBlockTableMaxSizeMb, 128);

            BlockIndex = new StreamBlockIndex(blockIndexPath, blockIndexSizeMb, blockIndexFlags, BufferPool, blockStorage);

            var logStateStoragePath = Path.Combine(DataStorePath, "log", "logstate");

            StateStorage = new StreamLogStateStorage(logStateStoragePath);

            // For Log0 tests we need state but we removed it from Log0 ctor, so always init it.
            // In real code _disableNotificationLog is always false.
            Log0State = StateStorage.GetState(StreamLogId.Log0Id);
            Log0State.CheckInit(StreamLogId.Log0Id, StreamLogNotification.Size, StreamLogFlags.IsBinary | StreamLogFlags.NoTimestamp | StreamLogFlags.DropPacked | StreamLogFlags.Pow2Payload);


            if (!DisableNotificationLog)
                Log0 = new NotificationLog(this);
                OpenStreams.TryAdd((long)StreamLogId.Log0Id, Log0);
                Log0Reader = new NotificationLog.Reader(Log0, Cts.Token);
                var lastVersion = (ulong)Log0.CurrentVersion;
                if (lastVersion > 1)
                    Log0Reader.MoveGT(lastVersion - 1);

            Packer = new Packer(this, StateStorage, disablePacker);


            // TODO we need more general unlocking locking that detects missed updates
            // and works for all waiters, not only for ack. See Log0.Reader comments.
            //_unlockTimer = new Timer(o =>
            //    TryCompleteAckRequests();
            //}, null, 0, 1000);