private float getOptimalTau(PointInfo goalPointInfo, PointInfo startPointInfo,
                                /*params for Newton*/ float t0 = 20, int max_n = 10, float r = 2.0f)
        float p_x0 = startPointInfo.pos.x;
        float p_y0 = startPointInfo.pos.z;
        float v_x0 = startPointInfo.vel.x;
        float v_y0 = startPointInfo.vel.z;

        float p_x1 = goalPointInfo.pos.x;
        float p_y1 = goalPointInfo.pos.z;
        float v_x1 = goalPointInfo.vel.x;
        float v_y1 = goalPointInfo.vel.z;

        float a = ((24 * r * v_x1 * v_x0) + (12 * r * v_x1 * (v_x1 - v_x0)) - (4 * r * Mathf.Pow(2 * (v_x1 - v_x0) - 3 * v_x0, 2)) - (4 * r * Mathf.Pow(2 * (v_y1 - v_y0) - 3 * v_y0, 2)));
        float b = (-24 * r * v_x1 * (p_x1 - p_x0) + 24 * r * (2 * (v_x1 - v_x0) - 3 * v_x0) * (p_x1 - p_x0) + 24 * r * (2 * (v_y1 - v_y0) - 3 * v_y0) * (p_y1 - p_y0));
        float c = -36 * r * ((p_x1 - p_x0) * (p_x1 - p_x0) + (p_y1 - p_y0) * (p_y1 - p_y0));

        float[] coefficients = new float[5];
        coefficients [0] = c;
        coefficients [1] = b;
        coefficients [2] = a;
        coefficients [3] = 0;
        coefficients [4] = 1;
        return(NewtonSolver.Newton(coefficients, t0, max_n));
예제 #2
        public double GetTangentModulus(double ratio)
            double stress = ratio * SoilModel.GetFailureStress();
            var    solver = new NewtonSolver(x => SoilModel.GetDeviatoricStress(x) - stress, 0);
            double eps    = solver.Solve();

            var derivative = new Derivative(x => SoilModel.GetDeviatoricStress(x), DerivativeAccuracy);

        public static double CalculateImpliedVolCall(double C, double S, double k, double r, double T, double x0 = 0.5, double maxErr = 1e-6, int N = 10000)
            Func <double, double> F = (x) =>
                return(C - BlackScholesFormula.CalculateCallOptionPrice(x, S, k, r, T));
            NewtonSolver s = new NewtonSolver(maxErr, N);

            return(s.Solve(F, null, x0));
예제 #4
        public double GetSecantModulus(double ratio)
            double stress = ratio * SoilModel.GetFailureStress();
            var    solver = new NewtonSolver(x => SoilModel.GetDeviatoricStress(x) - stress, 0);
            double eps    = solver.Solve();

            if (eps == 0)
                throw new Exception();

            return(stress / eps);
예제 #5
        private static List <ISolver> DeafaultSolvers()
            var opts = new NewtonOptions()
                MaxIterations = 20, DerivativeStep = new double[] { 0.01 }
            var solver = new NewtonSolver(opts);

            return(new List <ISolver>()
    public static double CalculateImpliedVolCall(double C, double S, double K, double r, double T, double x0 = 0.5, double maxErr = 1e-6, int N = 10000)
        if (C <= 0 || T <= 0 || K <= 0 || S <= 0 || maxErr <= 0 || N <= 0)
            throw new System.ArgumentException("Need C > 0, T > 0, K > 0, S > 0, maxErr > 0, N > 0.");

        Func <double, double> F = (x) => {
            return(C - BlackScholesFormula.CalculateCallOptionPrice(x, S, K, r, T));
        NewtonSolver s = new NewtonSolver(maxErr, N);

        return(s.Solve(F, null, x0));
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides the revesed model, according to the specified variables
        /// </summary>
        public WorkflowReversedModel Reverse(List <Data> inputs, List <Data> outputs)
            var opts = new NewtonOptions()
                MaxIterations = 20, DerivativeStep = new double[] { 0.01 }
            var    solver        = new NewtonSolver(opts);
            string reversedName  = GetReversedName(inputs, outputs);
            var    reversedModel = new WorkflowReversedModel(reversedName, Description, inputs, outputs, this, new List <ISolver>()

            reversedModel.Rename(FullName + new string(reversedName.SkipWhile(c => c != ':').ToArray()));
예제 #8
        private static List <ISolver> DeafaultSolversSCC()
            var solver = new FixedPointSolver()
                MaxEvals = 20
            var opts = new NewtonOptions()
                MaxIterations = 20, DerivativeStep = new double[] { 0.01 }
            var solver2 = new NewtonSolver(opts);

            return(new List <ISolver>()
                solver, solver2
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// This function identifies the Modified models (from imMatrixi and imMatrif) in the modelObjects, then creates a 'modified model subprocess' for each modified model,
        /// and therafter combines it with other models in the modelObjects and return it in a object array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IMi"></param>
        /// <param name="IMf"></param>
        /// <param name="components"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="clusters"></param>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static WorkflowComponent[] CreateReversedModels(IncidenceMatrix IMi, IncidenceMatrix IMf, List <WorkflowComponent> components, List <Data> data, List <Cluster> clusters, string name)
            var processedComponents = new WorkflowComponent[IMf.RowCount];

            for (int r = 0; r < IMi.RowCount; r++)
                WorkflowComponent component = components[r];
                Vector <double>   row       = IMi.Row(r);
                if (!IMf.Row(r).CompareAssigned(row))
                    List <int> inputIndices  = row.FindLocations(IN);
                    List <int> outputIndices = row.FindLocations(OUT);
                    var        inputs        = inputIndices.Select(i => data[i]).ToList();
                    var        outputs       = outputIndices.Select(i => data[i]).ToList();

                    if (component is Model model)
                        processedComponents[r] = model.Reverse(inputs, outputs);
                    else if (component is Workflow workflow)
                        var opts = new NewtonOptions()
                            MaxIterations = 20, DerivativeStep = new double[] { 0.01 }
                        var solver = new NewtonSolver(opts);
                        processedComponents[r] = new WorkflowGlobal($"{name}#GlobalWorkflow#{workflow.Name}", "", inputs, outputs, workflow.Components, workflow.Components, new List <ISolver>()
                    processedComponents[r] = components[r];
        public void Circlify(List <TreemapData> data)
            //IL faut commencer par les 2 plus gros cercles, le milieu du cercle final étant le centre du segment reliant les extrémités de ces cercles.
            double a1 = GetInnerCircleArea() * data[0].Size / Size;
            double a2 = GetInnerCircleArea() * data[1].Size / Size;
            double r1 = Math.Sqrt(a1 / Math.PI);
            double r2 = Math.Sqrt(a2 / Math.PI);

            var items = new Dictionary <TreemapItem, List <TreemapItem> >();

            Geometric.Point center = GetCenter();
            TreemapItem     item1  = AddItem(data[0], center.AddX(-r2), r1);
            TreemapItem     item2  = AddItem(data[1], center.AddX(r1), r2);

            items.Add(item1, new List <TreemapItem> {
            items.Add(item2, new List <TreemapItem> {

            for (int d = 2; d < data.Count; d++)
                double a       = GetInnerCircleArea() * data[d].Size / Size;
                double r       = Math.Sqrt(a / Math.PI);
                var    results = new List <Tuple <TreemapItem, TreemapItem, Geometric.Point, double> >();

                foreach (var kvp in items)
                    TreemapItem i1 = kvp.Key;
                    foreach (TreemapItem i2 in kvp.Value)
                        Triangle t = Triangle.FromTwoPointsAndTwoLengths(i1.GetCenter(), i2.GetCenter(),
                                                                         i1.GetRadius() + r, i2.GetRadius() + r);
                        double distance = center.Distance(t.Point3);

                        if (Items.All(item => item.GetCenter().Distance(t.Point3) - (item.GetRadius() + r) >= -0.0001))
                            results.Add(Tuple.Create(i1, i2, t.Point3, distance));

                var         result  = results.OrderBy(t => t.Item4).First();
                TreemapItem newItem = AddItem(data[d], result.Item3, r);
                items.Add(newItem, new List <TreemapItem> {
                    result.Item1, result.Item2

            //Identify the item farther from the center and expand the chart so that this item becomes adjacent to external circle
            var max = Items
                      .Select(i => new { Item = i, Distance = i.GetCenter().Distance(center) + i.GetRadius() })
                      .OrderByDescending(o => o.Distance)

            Homothety homothety = new Homothety(center, GetRadius() / max.Distance);

            foreach (var item in Items)
                item.Rectangle      = homothety.Transform(item.Rectangle);
                item.InnerRectangle = homothety.Transform(item.InnerRectangle);
                item.Empty          = homothety.Transform(item.Empty);

            //Homothety from contact point
            Vector vector = new Segment(center, max.Item.GetCenter()).ToVector();

            Geometric.Point contact = max.Item.GetCenter()
                                      .AddX(max.Item.GetRadius() / vector.Length * vector.X)
                                      .AddY(max.Item.GetRadius() / vector.Length * vector.Y);

            NewtonSolver solver = new NewtonSolver((c) =>
                Homothety h = new Homothety(contact, c);
                double min  = Items
                              .Except(new List <TreemapItem> {
                              .Select(i => h.Transform(i.InnerRectangle))
                              .Select(r => new
                    Center = new Geometric.Point(r.Left + r.Width / 2, r.Top + r.Height / 2),
                    Radius = r.Width / 2
                              .Min(r => GetRadius() - (r.Center.Distance(center) + r.Radius));


            homothety = new Homothety(contact, solver.Solution);
            foreach (var item in Items)
                item.Rectangle      = homothety.Transform(item.Rectangle);
                item.InnerRectangle = homothety.Transform(item.InnerRectangle);
                item.Empty          = homothety.Transform(item.Empty);
예제 #11
        public ViscoElasticKnot(Knot _knot, GetBetaFunction getElasticBeta)
            : base(_knot.core_node, _knot.current_time)
            int L = nodes.GetLength(0);

            lumen_sq_old             = new double[L];
            chrt_func                = new MDFunction[L];
            energy_conservation_func = new MDFunction[L - 1];
            funcs = new MDFunction[2 * L];

            wall_thickhess = new double[L];
            lumen_sq_0     = new double[L];

            beta_1        = new double[L];
            chrt_b        = new double[L];
            chrt_f        = new double[L];
            c_dst         = new double[L];
            dep_matrix    = new bool[2 * L, 2 * L];
            prev_velocity = new double[L];
#if FAST
            nl_system = new NewtonSolver(2 * L);

            for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < L; j++)
                    dep_matrix[i, j] = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                double R0 = Math.Sqrt(nodes[i].lumen_sq_0 / Math.PI);
                beta_1[i]         = getElasticBeta(R0, nodes[i].elasticity) / nodes[i].lumen_sq_0;
                wall_thickhess[i] = GlobalDefs.getBoileauWallThickness(R0, nodes[i].elasticity);
                lumen_sq_0[i]     = nodes[i].lumen_sq_0;
                prev_velocity[i]  = nodes[i].velocity;
                chrt_b[i]         = 0;
                chrt_f[i]         = 0;
                c_dst[i]          = Math.Pow(nodes[i].lumen_sq_0, 0.25f) * Math.Sqrt(beta_1[i] / 2.0f / GlobalDefs.BLOOD_DENSITY);
                lumen_sq_old[i]   = lumen_sq_0[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                pressure[i] = GlobalDefs.DIASTOLIC_PRESSURE;

            int count = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                    int I = i;
#if FAST
                    MDFunction_del f1_del = delegate(double *args)
                        double v = args[0 + I * 2];
                        double l = args[1 + I * 2];

                        if (v > 0)
                            return(Math.Abs(v) + 4 * (Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt(l)) * Math.Sqrt(beta_1[I] / 2.0f / GlobalDefs.BLOOD_DENSITY) - c_dst[I]) - chrt_f[I]);
                            return(Math.Abs(v) - 4 * (Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt(l)) * Math.Sqrt(beta_1[I] / 2.0f / GlobalDefs.BLOOD_DENSITY) - c_dst[I]) - chrt_b[I]);
                    baseMDFunction f1 = new delegateMDFunc(f1_del);
                    nl_system.setDetMatrixEl(count, 2 * I, true);
                    nl_system.setDetMatrixEl(count, 2 * I + 1, true);
                    chrt_func[i] = delegate(double[] args) //v1,l1; v2,l2 ...
                        double v = args[0 + I * 2];
                        double l = args[1 + I * 2];

                        if (v > 0)
                            return(Math.Abs(v) + 4 * (Math.Pow(l, 0.25f) * Math.Sqrt(beta_1[I] / 2.0f / GlobalDefs.BLOOD_DENSITY) - c_dst[I]) - chrt_f[I]);
                            return(Math.Abs(v) - 4 * (Math.Pow(l, 0.25f) * Math.Sqrt(beta_1[I] / 2.0f / GlobalDefs.BLOOD_DENSITY) - c_dst[I]) - chrt_b[I]);

                    funcs[count]                 = chrt_func[i];
                    dep_matrix[count, 2 * I]     = true;
                    dep_matrix[count, 2 * I + 1] = true;


#if FAST
                MDFunction_del f1_del = delegate(double *args)
                    double summ_flux = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                        summ_flux += args[0 + i * 2] * args[1 + i * 2];

                baseMDFunction f1 = new delegateMDFunc(f1_del);

                for (int i = 0; i < 2 * L; i++)
                    nl_system.setDetMatrixEl(count, i, true);

                mass_conservation_func = delegate(double[] args)
                    double summ_flux = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                        double v = args[0 + i * 2];
                        double l = args[1 + i * 2];

                        summ_flux += v * l;

                funcs[count] = mass_conservation_func;
                for (int i = 0; i < 2 * L; i++)
                    dep_matrix[count, i] = true;


                for (int i = 1; i < L; i++)
                    int I = i;
#if FAST
                    MDFunction_del f1_del = delegate(double *args)
                        double v0 = args[0];
                        double p0 = calcPressureV(0, args[1]);

                        double v = args[0 + I * 2];
                        double p = calcPressureV(I, args[1 + 2 * I]);

                        return(GlobalDefs.BLOOD_DENSITY * (v0 * v0 - v * v) / 2 + p0 - p);
                    baseMDFunction f1 = new delegateMDFunc(f1_del);
                    nl_system.setDetMatrixEl(count, 0, true);
                    nl_system.setDetMatrixEl(count, 1, true);
                    nl_system.setDetMatrixEl(count, 2 * I, true);
                    nl_system.setDetMatrixEl(count, 2 * I + 1, true);

                    energy_conservation_func[i - 1] = delegate(double[] args)
                        double v0 = args[0];
                        double p0 = calcPressureV(0, args[1]);

                        double v = args[0 + I * 2];
                        double p = calcPressureV(I, args[1 + 2 * I]);

                        return(GlobalDefs.BLOOD_DENSITY * (v0 * v0 - v * v) / 2 + p0 - p);

                    funcs[count] = energy_conservation_func[I - 1];

                    dep_matrix[count, 0]         = true;
                    dep_matrix[count, 1]         = true;
                    dep_matrix[count, 2 * I]     = true;
                    dep_matrix[count, 2 * I + 1] = true;


#if FAST
                us_init_X   = (double *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(2 * L * sizeof(double));
                us_solution = (double *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(2 * L * sizeof(double));
                for (int i = 0; i < 2 * L; i += 2)
                    us_init_X[i]     = nodes[i / 2].velocity * v_sign[i / 2];
                    us_init_X[i + 1] = nodes[i / 2].lumen_sq;
                    nl_system.setDxVectorEl(i, 1e-12f);
                    nl_system.setDxVectorEl(i + 1, 1e-12f);

            dX = new double[2 * L];
            for (int i = 0; i < 2 * L; i += 2)
                dX[i]     = 1e-12f;
                dX[i + 1] = 1e-12f;