예제 #1
        private static void InsertBaseData(Neo4JClient client)
            // Create the base flight data:

            Console.WriteLine($"Starting Carriers CSV Import: {csvCarriersFile}");

            // As an Observable:
            // Batch in 1000 Entities / or wait 1 Second:
            .Buffer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), 1000)
            // Insert when Buffered:
            .Subscribe(records =>

            Console.WriteLine($"Starting Airports CSV Import: {csvAirportsFile}");

            // As an Observable:
            // Batch in 1000 Entities / or wait 1 Second:
            .Buffer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), 1000)
            // Insert when Buffered:
            .Subscribe(records =>
        public async Task Post(/*[FromBody] string value*/)
            var service = new MovieDataService();

            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(url, username, password);

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                // Create Indices for faster Lookups:
                //await client.CreateIndices();

                //// Create Base Data:
                //await client.CreateMovies(service.Movies);
                //await client.CreatePersons(service.Persons);
                //await client.CreateGenres(service.Genres);

                //// Create Relationships:
                //await client.CreateRelationships(service.Metadatas);

                //await client.CreateServices(service.Services);
                //await client.CreateFrontEnds(service.FrontEnds);
                //await client.CreateDatabases(service.Databases);
                //await client.CreateRelationships_Service(service.Metadatas_service);
                //await client.CreateRelationships_Database(service.Metadatas_database);
                //await client.CreateRelationships_FrontEnd(service.Metadatas_frontend);

                //await client.CreateServices(service.Services_sc1);
                //await client.CreateRelationships_Service(service.Metadatas_service_sc1);
예제 #3
 public JsonResult GetPersons(string movieType, string movieTitle, string personsRelation)
     using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
         IList <Person> result = client.GetSpecificPersons(movieType, movieTitle, personsRelation);
예제 #4
 public JsonResult GetMovies()
     using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
         IList <Movie> result = client.GetSpecificMovies(null);
예제 #5
        public async Task Index()
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(Neo4JClient.uri, Neo4JClient.user, Neo4JClient.password);

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                await client.CreateIndices();
        public ActionResult GetDegree()
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(url, username, password);

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
        public async Task <List <Category> > Index()
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(Neo4JClient.uri, "neo4j", "admin");

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                CategoryService myService = new CategoryService(client);
                return(await myService.GetAllCategories());
        public async Task <List <Like> > Index()
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(Neo4JClient.uri, Neo4JClient.user, Neo4JClient.password);

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                LikeService myService = new LikeService(client);
                return(await myService.getAllLikes());
예제 #9
        private static async Task InsertLocalWeatherDataAsync(Neo4JClient client)
            // Import 10 Minute CDC Weather Data:
            var csvWeatherDataFiles = GetFilesFromFolder(@"D:\datasets\CDC");

            foreach (var csvWeatherDataFile in csvWeatherDataFiles)
                await ProcessLocalWeatherData(client, csvWeatherDataFile);
예제 #10
        public ActionResult GetPathLengths()
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(url, username, password);

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                var result = client.GetPathLengths();
예제 #11
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth("bolt://localhost:7687/db/flights", "neo4j", "test_pwd");

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                // Create Indices for faster Lookups:
                // Insert the Base Data (Airports, Carriers, ...):
                // Insert the Flight Data:
예제 #12
        public async Task <IActionResult> Report(ReportInfo reportInfo)
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(Neo4JClient.uri, Neo4JClient.user, Neo4JClient.password);

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                ReportService myService = new ReportService(client);
                string        ans       = await myService.CreateReport(reportInfo);

                Response response = new Response {
                    Ans = ans
                return(Created(Neo4JClient.uri, response));
        public async Task <List <User> > FilterByCategory(string name)
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(Neo4JClient.uri, Neo4JClient.user, Neo4JClient.password);

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                Category category = new Category
                    Name = name
                CategoryService myService = new CategoryService(client);
                return(await myService.GetUsers(myService.Categories));
        public async Task <List <User> > FilterByLike(string name)
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(Neo4JClient.uri, Neo4JClient.user, Neo4JClient.password);

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                Like like = new Like
                    Name = name
                LikeService myService = new LikeService(client);
                return(await myService.GetUsers(myService.likes));
예제 #15
        public async Task <ActionResult> InsertTraces()
            var dataService = new MovieDataService();

            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(url, username, password);

            using (var client = _factory.CreateClient())
                //read from json
                var tracesfromFile = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <List <SpanDto> > >(System.IO.File.ReadAllText("traces.json"));

                var traces_model = dataService.Create(tracesfromFile);

                using (var client_2 = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                    //delete the existing graph first
                    await client_2.DeleteGraph();

                    foreach (var trace in traces_model)
                        //await client_2.CreateServices(trace.services);
                        //await client.CreateFrontEnds(service.FrontEnds);
                        //await client.CreateDatabases(service.Databases);

                        //if (traces_model[0] == trace)
                        //    System.IO.File.WriteAllText("traces_1.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(trace.serviceinformation));
                        //if (traces_model[1] == trace)
                        //    System.IO.File.WriteAllText("traces_2.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(trace.serviceinformation));
                        //if (traces_model[2] == trace)
                        //    System.IO.File.WriteAllText("traces_3.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(trace.serviceinformation));
                        //if (traces_model[3] == trace)
                        //    System.IO.File.WriteAllText("traces_4.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(trace.serviceinformation));
                        await client_2.CreateRelationships_Service(trace.serviceinformation);

                        //await client.CreateRelationships_Database(service.Metadatas_database);
                        //await client.CreateRelationships_FrontEnd(service.Metadatas_frontend);

                        //await client.CreateServices(service.Services_sc1);
                        //await client.CreateRelationships_Service(service.Metadatas_service_sc1);

        public async Task <List <Like> > UsersLikes(string id)
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(Neo4JClient.uri, Neo4JClient.user, Neo4JClient.password);

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                UserService myService = new UserService(client);
                User        auxUser   = new User {
                    Id = id
                List <Like> ans = await myService.UsersLikes(myService.Users);

예제 #17
        private static async Task ProcessLocalWeatherData(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth("bolt://localhost:7687/db/weather", "neo4j", "test_pwd");

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                // Create Indices for faster Lookups:
                await client.CreateIndicesAsync();

                // Insert the Base Data (Airports, Carriers, ...):
                await InsertStationsAsync(client);

                // Insert the Flight Data:
                await InsertLocalWeatherDataAsync(client);
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetSuggestion(string id)
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(Neo4JClient.uri, Neo4JClient.user, Neo4JClient.password);

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                User user = new User {
                    Id = id
                UserService aux = new UserService(client);
                SuggestionService     myService = new SuggestionService(client);
                List <SuggestionInfo> ans       = await myService.getSuggestion(aux.Users);

        public async Task <bool> ExistLike(string name)
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(Neo4JClient.uri, Neo4JClient.user, Neo4JClient.password);

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                Like like = new Like
                    Name = name
                LikeService myService = new LikeService(client);
                List <bool> ans = await myService.ExistLike(myService.likes);

        public async Task <IActionResult> NewIs(LikeInfo likeInfo)
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(Neo4JClient.uri, Neo4JClient.user, Neo4JClient.password);

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                LikeService myService = new LikeService(client);
                string aux = await myService.CreateRelationshipLike(myService.likeInfos);

                Response ans = new Response()
                    Ans = aux
                return(Created(Neo4JClient.uri, ans));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Deactivate(Suggestion suggestion)
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(Neo4JClient.uri, Neo4JClient.user, Neo4JClient.password);

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                SuggestionService myService = new SuggestionService(client);
                string aux = await myService.ChangeIsActive(myService.Suggestions);

                Response ans = new Response()
                    Ans = aux
        public async Task <bool> ExistCategory(string name)
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(Neo4JClient.uri, Neo4JClient.user, Neo4JClient.password);

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                Category category = new Category
                    Name = name
                CategoryService myService = new CategoryService(client);
                List <bool> ans = await myService.ExistCategory(myService.Categories);

        public async Task <IActionResult> NewCategory(Category category)
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(Neo4JClient.uri, "neo4j", "admin");

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                CategoryService myService = new CategoryService(client);
                string aux = await myService.CreateCategory(myService.Categories);

                Response ans = new Response()
                    Ans = aux
                return(Created(Neo4JClient.uri, ans));
        public async Task <IActionResult> NewGather(UserInfo userInfo)
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(Neo4JClient.uri, Neo4JClient.user, Neo4JClient.password);

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                UserService myService = new UserService(client);
                string aux = await myService.CreateRelationGatherUser(myService.UserInfos);

                Response ans = new Response()
                    Ans = aux
                return(Created(Neo4JClient.uri, ans));
예제 #25
        private static void InsertFlightData(Neo4JClient client)
            // Create Flight Data with Batched Items:
            foreach (var csvFlightStatisticsFile in csvFlightStatisticsFiles)
                Console.WriteLine($"Starting Flights CSV Import: {csvFlightStatisticsFile}");

                // As an Observable:
                // Batch in 1000 Entities / or wait 1 Second:
                .Buffer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), 1000)
                // Insert when Buffered:
                .Subscribe(records =>
예제 #26
        public static async Task RunAsync(IMovieDataService service)
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth("bolt://localhost:7687/db/actors", "neo4j", "test_pwd");

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                // Create Indices for faster Lookups:
                await client.CreateIndices();

                // Create Base Data:
                await client.CreateMovies(service.Movies);

                await client.CreatePersons(service.Persons);

                await client.CreateGenres(service.Genres);

                // Create Relationships:
                await client.CreateRelationships(service.Metadatas);
예제 #27
        public ActionResult GetCC()
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(url, username, password);

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                var result = client.GetCC();
                //we omit cc values for nodes in chains by checking null for traceid. It will consider only the main graph nodes
                //var result2 = result.Where(y => y.GUID == "null").GroupBy(x => x.Name).Select(y => new
                //    //id = y.First().Id,
                //    name = y.First().Name,
                //    cc = y.OrderByDescending(c => c.CC).First().CC

                var result2 = result.Where(y => y.GUID == "null");

예제 #28
        private static async Task InsertStationsAsync(Neo4JClient client)
            // Read the Stations:
            string csvStationDataFile = @"D:\datasets\CDC\zehn_min_tu_Beschreibung_Stationen.txt";

            // Access to the List of Parsers:
            var batches = Parsers
                          // Use the LocalWeatherData Parser:
                          // Read the File:
                          .ReadFromFile(csvStationDataFile, Encoding.UTF8, 1)
                          // Get the Valid Results:
                          .Where(x => x.IsValid)
                          // And get the populated Entities:
                          .Select(x => x.Result)
                          // Let's stay safe! Stop parallelism here:
                          // Evaluate, prefer smaller batches for Neo4j:
                          // Go Parallel again:
                          // As List:
                          .Select(batch =>
                       // Group by WBAN, Date and Time to avoid duplicates for this batch:
                       .GroupBy(x => new { x.Identifier })
                       // If there are duplicates then make a guess and select the first one:
                       .Select(x => x.First())
                       // Convert to Neo4j:
                       .Select(x => LocalWeatherDataConverter.Convert(x))
                       // And evaluate to prevent multiple iterations:

            foreach (var batch in batches)
                // Finally write them with the Batch Writer:
                await client.CreateStationsAsync(batch);
예제 #29
        private static async Task ProcessLocalWeatherData(Neo4JClient client, string csvFilePath, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            Console.WriteLine($"Processing File: {csvFilePath}");

            // Access to the List of Parsers:
            var batches = Parsers
                          // Use the LocalWeatherData Parser:
                          // Read the File:
                          .ReadFromFile(csvFilePath, Encoding.UTF8, 1)
                          // Get the Valid Results:
                          .Where(x => x.IsValid)
                          // And get the populated Entities:
                          .Select(x => x.Result)
                          // Let's stay safe! Stop parallelism here:
                          // Evaluate, prefer smaller batches for Neo4j:
                          // Go Parallel again:
                          // As List:
                          .Select(batch =>
                       // Group by WBAN, Date and Time to avoid duplicates for this batch:
                       .GroupBy(x => new { x.StationIdentifier, x.TimeStamp })
                       // If there are duplicates then make a guess and select the first one:
                       .Select(x => x.First())
                       // Convert to Neo4j:
                       .Select(x => LocalWeatherDataConverter.Convert(x))
                       // And evaluate to prevent multiple iterations:

            foreach (var batch in batches)
                // Finally write them with the Batch Writer:
                await client.CreateLocalWeatherDataAsync(batch);
        public async Task <IList <SuggestionInfo> > CreateSuggest(User user)
            var settings = ConnectionSettings.CreateBasicAuth(Neo4JClient.uri, Neo4JClient.user, Neo4JClient.password);

            using (var client = new Neo4JClient(settings))
                SuggestionService myService  = new SuggestionService(client);
                UserService       myService2 = new UserService(client);
                IList <SuggestionInfo> toReturn = await myService.CreateSuggestedRelation(myService2.Users);

                UserInfo metadata = new UserInfo
                    User        = user,
                    Suggestions = myService.Suggestions
                await myService2.CreateRelationSuggUser(myService2.UserInfos);
