public static void Main()
        long                  seed         = ConfigProgramForBenchmarking();
        string                seedAsString = seed.ToString();
        Stopwatch             sw           = new Stopwatch();
        Func <string, string> f;

        List <string> inputs  = new List <string>();
        List <string> outputs = new List <string>();

        inputs.Add("This is   a Warm ONLY up function for\tbest   \r\n benchmark results." + seed);
        outputs.Add("This is   a Warm ONLY up function for\tbest   \r\n benchmark results." + seed);

        inputs.Add("Hello World,    how are   you           doing?" + seed);
        outputs.Add("Hello World, how are you doing?" + seed);

        inputs.Add("It\twas\t \tso    nice  to\t\t see you \tin 1950.  \t" + seed);
        outputs.Add("It was so nice to see you in 1950. " + seed);

        inputs.Add("That car\r\nis sooooooooo     fast." + seed);
        outputs.Add("That car is sooooooooo fast." + seed);

        inputs.Add("  " + seed);
        outputs.Add(" " + seed);

        inputs.Add(" " + seed);
        outputs.Add(" " + seed);

        //warm-up timer function
        f = (x) => seedAsString;
        long baseVal = TestMethod(f, sw, inputs, outputs, 0, "BASELINE").ElapsedTicks;

        Console.WriteLine(@"|                           | Time  |   TEST 1    |   TEST 2    |   TEST 3    |   TEST 4    |   TEST 5    |");
        Console.WriteLine(@"| Function Name             |(ticks)| dup. spaces | spaces+tabs | spaces+CR/LF| "" "" -> "" ""  | "" "" -> "" "" |");

        // InPlace Replace by Felipe Machado but modified by Ryan for multi-space removal (
        TestMethod(SwitchStmtBuildSpaceOnly, sw, inputs, outputs, baseVal);

        // InPlace Replace by Felipe Machado but modified by Ryan for multi-space removal (
        TestMethod(InPlaceCharArraySpaceOnly, sw, inputs, outputs, baseVal);

        // InPlace Replace by Felipe Machado but modified by Ryan for multi-space removal (
        TestMethod(SwitchStmtBuild, sw, inputs, outputs, baseVal);

        // InPlace Replace by Felipe Machado but modified by Ryan for multi-space removal (
        TestMethod(SwitchStmtBuild2, sw, inputs, outputs, baseVal);

        //StringBuilder by David S 2013 (
        TestMethod(SingleSpacedTrim, sw, inputs, outputs, baseVal);

        //StringBuilder by fubo (
        TestMethod(Fubo, sw, inputs, outputs, baseVal);

        //Split And Join by Jon Skeet (
        TestMethod(SplitAndJoinOnSpace, sw, inputs, outputs, baseVal);

        //Regex with compile by Jon Skeet (
        f = (x) => MultipleSpaces.Replace(x, " ");
        TestMethod(f, sw, inputs, outputs, baseVal, "RegExWithCompile");

        //StringBuilder by user214147 (
        TestMethod(User214147, sw, inputs, outputs, baseVal);

        //Regex by Brandon (
        f = (x) => Regex.Replace(x, @"\s{2,}", " ");
        TestMethod(f, sw, inputs, outputs, baseVal, "RegExBrandon");

        //Regex with non-compile Tim Hoolihan (
        f = (x) => Regex.Replace(x, @"\s+", " ");
        TestMethod(f, sw, inputs, outputs, baseVal, "RegExNoCompile");
     public static void Main(string[] args)
     long seed = ConfigProgramForBenchmarking();
     Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
     string warmup = "This is   a Warm  up function for best   benchmark results." + seed;
     string input1 = "Hello World,    how are   you           doing?" + seed;
     string input2 = "It\twas\t \tso    nice  to\t\t see you \tin 1950.  \t" + seed;
     string correctOutput1 = "Hello World, how are you doing?" + seed;
     string correctOutput2 = "It\twas\tso nice to\tsee you in 1950. " + seed;
     string output1,output2;
     //warm-up timer function
     long baseVal = sw.ElapsedTicks;
     // InPlace Replace by Felipe Machado but modified by Ryan for multi-space removal (
     output1 = InPlaceCharArraySpaceOnly (warmup);
     output1 = InPlaceCharArraySpaceOnly (input1);
     output2 = InPlaceCharArraySpaceOnly (input2);
     Console.WriteLine("InPlaceCharArraySpaceOnly : " + (sw.ElapsedTicks - baseVal));
     Console.WriteLine("  Trial1:(spaces only) " + (output1 == correctOutput1 ? "PASS " : "FAIL "));
     Console.WriteLine("  Trial2:(spaces+tabs) " + (output2 == correctOutput2 ? "PASS " : "FAIL "));
     // InPlace Replace by Felipe R. Machado and slightly modified by Ryan for multi-space removal (
     output1 = InPlaceCharArray(warmup);
     output1 = InPlaceCharArray(input1);
     output2 = InPlaceCharArray(input2);
     Console.WriteLine("InPlaceCharArray: " + (sw.ElapsedTicks - baseVal));
     Console.WriteLine("  Trial1:(spaces only) " + (output1 == correctOutput1 ? "PASS " : "FAIL "));
     Console.WriteLine("  Trial2:(spaces+tabs) " + (output2 == correctOutput2 ? "PASS " : "FAIL "));
     //Regex with non-compile Tim Hoolihan (
     string cleanedString = 
     output1 = Regex.Replace(warmup, @"\s+", " ");
     output1 = Regex.Replace(input1, @"\s+", " ");
     output2 = Regex.Replace(input2, @"\s+", " ");
     Console.WriteLine("Regex by Tim Hoolihan: " + (sw.ElapsedTicks - baseVal));
     Console.WriteLine("  Trial1:(spaces only) " + (output1 == correctOutput1 ? "PASS " : "FAIL "));
     Console.WriteLine("  Trial2:(spaces+tabs) " + (output2 == correctOutput2 ? "PASS " : "FAIL "));
     //Regex with compile by Jon Skeet (
     output1 = MultipleSpaces.Replace(warmup, " ");
     output1 = MultipleSpaces.Replace(input1, " ");
     output2 = MultipleSpaces.Replace(input2, " ");
     Console.WriteLine("Regex with compile by Jon Skeet: " + (sw.ElapsedTicks - baseVal));
     Console.WriteLine("  Trial1:(spaces only) " + (output1 == correctOutput1 ? "PASS " : "FAIL "));
     Console.WriteLine("  Trial2:(spaces+tabs) " + (output2 == correctOutput2 ? "PASS " : "FAIL "));
     //Split And Join by Jon Skeet (
     output1 = SplitAndJoinOnSpace(warmup);
     output1 = SplitAndJoinOnSpace(input1);
     output2 = SplitAndJoinOnSpace(input2);
     Console.WriteLine("Split And Join by Jon Skeet: " + (sw.ElapsedTicks - baseVal));
     Console.WriteLine("  Trial1:(spaces only) " + (output1 == correctOutput1 ? "PASS " : "FAIL "));
     Console.WriteLine("  Trial2:(spaces+tabs) " + (output2 == correctOutput2 ? "PASS " : "FAIL "));
     //Regex by Brandon (
     output1 = Regex.Replace(warmup, @"\s{2,}", " ");
     output1 = Regex.Replace(input1, @"\s{2,}", " ");
     output2 = Regex.Replace(input2, @"\s{2,}", " ");
     Console.WriteLine("Regex by Brandon: " + (sw.ElapsedTicks - baseVal));
     Console.WriteLine("  Trial1:(spaces only) " + (output1 == correctOutput1 ? "PASS " : "FAIL "));
     Console.WriteLine("  Trial2:(spaces+tabs) " + (output2 == correctOutput2 ? "PASS " : "FAIL "));
     //StringBuilder by user214147 (
     output1 = user214147(warmup);
     output1 = user214147(input1);
     output2 = user214147(input2);
     Console.WriteLine("StringBuilder by user214147: " + (sw.ElapsedTicks - baseVal));
     Console.WriteLine("  Trial1:(spaces only) " + (output1 == correctOutput1 ? "PASS " : "FAIL "));
     Console.WriteLine("  Trial2:(spaces+tabs) " + (output2 == correctOutput2 ? "PASS " : "FAIL "));
     //StringBuilder by fubo (
     output1 = fubo(warmup);
     output1 = fubo(input1);
     output2 = fubo(input2);
     Console.WriteLine("StringBuilder by fubo: " + (sw.ElapsedTicks - baseVal));
     Console.WriteLine("  Trial1:(spaces only) " + (output1 == correctOutput1 ? "PASS " : "FAIL "));
     Console.WriteLine("  Trial2:(spaces+tabs) " + (output2 == correctOutput2 ? "PASS " : "FAIL "));
     //StringBuilder by David S 2013 (
     output1 = SingleSpacedTrim(warmup);
     output1 = SingleSpacedTrim(input1);
     output2 = SingleSpacedTrim(input2);
     Console.WriteLine("StringBuilder(SingleSpacedTrim) by David S: " + (sw.ElapsedTicks - baseVal));
     Console.WriteLine("  Trial1:(spaces only) " + (output1 == correctOutput1 ? "PASS " : "FAIL "));
     Console.WriteLine("  Trial2:(spaces+tabs) " + (output2 == correctOutput2 ? "PASS " : "FAIL "));