/// <summary>
        /// get items by category
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="category">Category Description</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List<Model.Item> getItemByCategory(string category)
            Model.ItemCategory cat = new Model.ItemCategory();
            cat = (from c in ctx.ItemCategory
                      where c.ItemDescription == category
                      select c).First();

            var items = from c in ctx.Item
                        where cat.ItemCatID == c.ItemCatID
                        select c;
            return items.ToList();
        /// <summary>
        /// get items by category
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="category">Category Description</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Model.Item> getItemByCategory(string category)
            Model.ItemCategory cat = new Model.ItemCategory();
            cat = (from c in ctx.ItemCategory
                   where c.ItemDescription == category
                   select c).First();

            var items = from c in ctx.Item
                        where cat.ItemCatID == c.ItemCatID
                        select c;

예제 #3
파일: WBill.cs 프로젝트: rjakech/SCMS
 public static ViewWayBill prepareWB(Guid wbId)
     using (var db = new SCMSEntities())
         WayBill     entitymodel = db.WayBills.First(p => p.Id == wbId);
         ViewWayBill model       = new ViewWayBill();
         model.EntityWBill = entitymodel;
         WarehouseRelease wrn = model.EntityWBill.WarehouseRelease;
         model.issuer           = db.VStaffDetails.FirstOrDefault(p => p.StaffID == entitymodel.PreparedBy);
         model.consignee        = db.VStaffDetails.FirstOrDefault(p => p.StaffID == entitymodel.Consignee);
         model.ReceivedBy       = db.VStaffDetails.FirstOrDefault(p => p.StaffID == entitymodel.ReceivedBy);
         model.OrrignWH         = db.WareHouses.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == entitymodel.IssuerWarehouse);
         model.destinationWH    = db.WareHouses.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == entitymodel.DestinationWarehouse);
         model.DestnationOfiice = db.CountrySubOffices.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == entitymodel.DestinationOffice);
         Model.Location         loc = model.destinationWH.Location;
         Model.CountrySubOffice cso = model.destinationWH.CountrySubOffice;
         model.OrignSOfiice = db.CountrySubOffices.First(p => p.Id == entitymodel.IssuingOffice);
         Model.Location l   = model.OrignSOfiice.Location;
         Model.Location lok = model.DestnationOfiice.Location;
         List <WarehouseReleaseItem> writems = entitymodel.WarehouseRelease.WarehouseReleaseItems.ToList();
         foreach (WarehouseReleaseItem item in writems)
             Model.Inventory     inv = item.Inventory;
             Model.Item          it  = inv.Item;
             Model.ItemCategory  ic  = it.ItemCategory;
             Model.UnitOfMeasure u   = it.UnitOfMeasure;
             Model.Asset         ast = item.Asset;
         model.WRItems = writems;
         var person = entitymodel.Staff.Person;
         if (entitymodel.Staff1 != null)
             person = entitymodel.Staff1.Person;
예제 #4
        public static BasicCategory ConvertToDTO(this Model.ItemCategory category)
            if (category.ItemCategories1.Any())
                var dtoCategory = new Category();
                dtoCategory.ID       = category.ID;
                dtoCategory.Name     = category.Name;
                dtoCategory.ParentId = category.ParentCategoryID;
                foreach (var child in category.ItemCategories1)


            return(new BasicCategory()
                ID = category.ID,
                Name = category.Name,
                ParentId = category.ParentCategoryID
예제 #5
        public ActionResult WBReceive()
            using (var db = new SCMSEntities())
                WarehouseRelease            wrn  = db.WarehouseReleases.FirstOrDefault <WarehouseRelease>();
                List <WarehouseReleaseItem> itmz = wrn != null?wrn.WarehouseReleaseItems.ToList() : new List <WarehouseReleaseItem>();

                foreach (WarehouseReleaseItem item in itmz)
                    Model.Inventory     iv  = item.Inventory;
                    Model.Item          it  = iv.Item;
                    Model.ItemCategory  itc = it.ItemCategory;
                    Model.Asset         ast = item.Asset;
                    Model.UnitOfMeasure u   = it.UnitOfMeasure;
                //Use this to populate items on load for any changes in the stolen code
                //WayBill wb = db.WayBills.First(p => p.Id == new Guid("0D88562F-BBEC-4722-941B-91FC4D82BB1C"));
                //List<WarehouseReleaseItem> wrnn = db.WarehouseReleases.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == wb.WRNId).WarehouseReleaseItems.ToList();
                //foreach (WarehouseReleaseItem item in wrnn)
                //    Model.Asset ass = item.Asset;
                //    Model.Inventory iv = item.Inventory;
                //    Model.Item it = iv.Item;
                //    Model.ItemCategory ic = it.ItemCategory;
                //    Model.UnitOfMeasure u = it.UnitOfMeasure;

                var model = new ReceiveWB()
                    EntityWBill   = new WayBill(),
                    IssuingOffice = new SelectList(WBService.GetSubOffices(countryProg.Id), "Id", "Name"),
                    WBlist        = new SelectList(WBService.GetWayBillsNotReceived(countryProg.Id), "Id", "RefNumber"),
                    WRItems       = new List <WarehouseReleaseItem>()//wrnn