static bool Prefix(PlayerPhysics __instance) { ModdedPlayerClass moddedController = Main.Instance.ModdedPlayerById(__instance.myPlayer.PlayerId); if (__instance.myPlayer != PlayerControl.LocalPlayer || moddedController?.Role?.RoleName != "Bellatrix" || ((Bellatrix)moddedController.Role).MindControlledPlayer == null) { return(true); } PlayerPhysics controlledPlayer = ((Bellatrix)moddedController.Role).MindControlledPlayer._Object.MyPhysics; GameData.PlayerInfo data = moddedController._Object.Data; bool flag = data != null && data.IsDead; Vector2 vel = HudManager.Instance.joystick.Delta * __instance.TrueSpeed; controlledPlayer.body.velocity = vel; MessageWriter writer = AmongUsClient.Instance.StartRpc(PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.NetId, (byte)Packets.MoveControlledPlayer, Hazel.SendOption.Reliable); writer.Write(controlledPlayer.myPlayer.PlayerId); writer.Write(vel.x); writer.Write(vel.y); writer.EndMessage(); return(false); }
public Deluminator(ModdedPlayerClass owner) { this.Owner = owner; this.ParentInventory = owner.Inventory; this.Id = 0; this.Icon = Main.Instance.Assets.ItemIcons[Id]; this.Name = "Deluminator"; }
public MaraudersMap(ModdedPlayerClass owner) { this.Owner = owner; this.ParentInventory = owner.Inventory; this.Id = 1; this.Icon = Main.Instance.Assets.ItemIcons[Id]; this.Name = "Marauder's Map"; }
public PortKey(ModdedPlayerClass owner) { this.Owner = owner; this.ParentInventory = owner.Inventory; this.Id = 2; this.Icon = Main.Instance.Assets.ItemIcons[Id]; this.Name = "Port Key"; }
public TheGoldenSnitch(ModdedPlayerClass owner) { this.Owner = owner; this.ParentInventory = owner.Inventory; this.Id = 3; this.Icon = Main.Instance.Assets.ItemIcons[Id]; this.Name = "The Golden Snitch"; this.IsSpecial = true; }
public Hermione(ModdedPlayerClass owner) { RoleName = "Hermione"; RoleColor = Palette.Orange; RoleColor2 = Palette.Orange; IntroString = "We could all have been\nkilled - or worse, expelled."; Owner = owner; if (!Owner._Object.AmOwner) { return; } HourglassButton = KillButtonManager.Instantiate(HudManager.Instance.KillButton); HourglassButton.renderer.enabled = true; }
public Voldemort(ModdedPlayerClass owner) { RoleName = "Voldemort"; RoleColor = Palette.ImpostorRed; RoleColor2 = Palette.ImpostorRed; IntroString = "There is no good and evil. There is only\npower, and those too weak to seek it."; Owner = owner; if (!Owner._Object.AmOwner) { return; } CurseButton = Object.Instantiate(HudManager.Instance.KillButton); CurseButton.renderer.enabled = true; }
public Harry(ModdedPlayerClass owner) { RoleName = "Harry"; RoleColor = Palette.Orange; RoleColor2 = Palette.Orange; IntroString = "I solemnly swear I am up to no good."; Owner = owner; if (!Owner._Object.AmOwner) { return; } InvisCloakButton = KillButtonManager.Instantiate(HudManager.Instance.KillButton); InvisCloakButton.renderer.enabled = true; }
static void Postfix(IntroCutscene.Nested_0 __instance) { ModdedPlayerClass localPlayer = Main.Instance.GetLocalModdedPlayer(); if (localPlayer.Role == null) { return; } localPlayer.Role.ResetCooldowns(); __instance.__this.ImpostorText.gameObject.SetActive(true); __instance.__this.ImpostorText.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.7f, 0.7f); __instance.__this.Title.text = localPlayer.Role.RoleName; __instance.__this.Title.color = localPlayer.Role.RoleColor; __instance.__this.ImpostorText.text = localPlayer.Role.IntroString; __instance.__this.BackgroundBar.material.color = localPlayer.Role.RoleColor2; }
public Ron(ModdedPlayerClass owner) { RoleName = "Ron"; RoleColor = Palette.Orange; RoleColor2 = Palette.Orange; IntroString = "Why Spiders!? Why couldn't it\nhave been follow the butterflies!?"; Owner = owner; if (!Owner._Object.AmOwner) { return; } DDButton = KillButtonManager.Instantiate(HudManager.Instance.KillButton); DDButton.renderer.enabled = true; }
static void Postfix(GameData.PlayerInfo __0, ref bool __1, ref bool __2) { ModdedPlayerClass moddedPlayer = Main.Instance.ModdedPlayerById(__0.PlayerId); if (moddedPlayer == null) { return; } if (moddedPlayer.CanUseConsoles) { return; } __1 = false; __2 = false; }
static void Prefix(OverlayKillAnimation __instance, ref GameData.PlayerInfo __0, GameData.PlayerInfo __1) { if (__0 == null || __1 == null || __instance == null) { return; } if (__0.PlayerId != __1.PlayerId) { return; } ModdedPlayerClass harry = Main.Instance.FindPlayerOfRole("Harry"); if (harry == null) { return; } __0 = harry._Object.Data; __instance.killerParts.Body.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.4f, 0.4f); __instance.killerParts.Body.transform.position -= new Vector3(0.3f, 0f, 0f); }
public Bellatrix(ModdedPlayerClass owner) { RoleName = "Bellatrix"; RoleColor = Palette.ImpostorRed; RoleColor2 = Palette.ImpostorRed; IntroString = "Oh, he knows how to play,\nlittle bitty baby Potter."; Owner = owner; if (!Owner._Object.AmOwner) { return; } CrucioButton = KillButtonManager.Instantiate(HudManager.Instance.KillButton); CrucioButton.renderer.enabled = true; MindControlButton = KillButtonManager.Instantiate(HudManager.Instance.KillButton); MindControlButton.renderer.enabled = true; ControlMenu = new MindControlMenu(); }
static void Postfix() { List <ModdedPlayerClass> allImp = Main.Instance.AllPlayers.Where(x => x._Object.Data.IsImpostor).ToList(); List <ModdedPlayerClass> allCrew = Main.Instance.AllPlayers.Where(x => !x._Object.Data.IsImpostor).ToList(); List <string> impRolesToAssign = new List <string> { "Voldemort", "Bellatrix" }; List <string> crewRolesToAssign = new List <string> { "Harry", "Hermione", "Ron" }; while (allImp.Count > 0 && impRolesToAssign.Count > 0) { ModdedPlayerClass rolePlayer = allImp.Random(); allImp.Remove(rolePlayer); if (impRolesToAssign.Contains("Voldemort")) { impRolesToAssign.Remove("Voldemort"); Main.Instance.RpcAssignRole(rolePlayer, new Voldemort(rolePlayer)); continue; } if (impRolesToAssign.Contains("Bellatrix")) { impRolesToAssign.Remove("Bellatrix"); Main.Instance.RpcAssignRole(rolePlayer, new Bellatrix(rolePlayer)); continue; } } while (allCrew.Count > 0 && crewRolesToAssign.Count > 0) { ModdedPlayerClass rolePlayer = allCrew.Random(); allCrew.Remove(rolePlayer); if (crewRolesToAssign.Contains("Harry")) { crewRolesToAssign.Remove("Harry"); Main.Instance.RpcAssignRole(rolePlayer, new Harry(rolePlayer)); continue; } if (crewRolesToAssign.Contains("Ron")) { crewRolesToAssign.Remove("Ron"); Main.Instance.RpcAssignRole(rolePlayer, new Ron(rolePlayer)); continue; } if (crewRolesToAssign.Contains("Hermione")) { crewRolesToAssign.Remove("Hermione"); Main.Instance.RpcAssignRole(rolePlayer, new Hermione(rolePlayer)); continue; } } }