예제 #1
    private void AddUISelector(MixerCategory category)
        string[] labels = LibraryAsset.GetCategoryLabelNames(category.name)

        // Create new item & add it to the sidebar
        MixerSelector item = Instantiate(selectorTemplate, transform);

        // Initialize the item with options
        item.Init(category, labels);
예제 #2
    public void Init(MixerCategory category, string[] labels)
        // Set title
        titleLabel.text = category.displayTitle;

        // Populate dropdown
        List <Dropdown.OptionData> spriteLabels = new List <Dropdown.OptionData>();

        foreach (string label in labels)
            Dropdown.OptionData data = new Dropdown.OptionData(label);

        dropdown.options = spriteLabels;

        // Handle change
        dropdown.onValueChanged.AddListener(optionIndex =>
            string label = labels[optionIndex];
            category.resolver.SetCategoryAndLabel(category.name, label);