예제 #1
        public string GetNumByPlanFlag(int ProjectID, string flag)
            string Num       = "";
            string className = "";

            Maticsoft.BLL.ProjectTask BProjectTask = new Maticsoft.BLL.ProjectTask();
            string strWhere = " ProjectID=" + ProjectID;

            #region 筛选条件
            if (flag.ToLower() == "new")
                strWhere += " and ProjectTaskCheckStatusID=1";
                className = "label-danger";
            else if (flag.ToLower() == "hascheck")
                strWhere += " and ProjectTaskCheckStatusID=2";
                className = "label-info";
            else if (flag.ToLower() == "running")
                strWhere += " and ProjectTaskCheckStatusID=2";
                strWhere += " and DealStatusID=2";
                className = "label-warning";
            else if (flag.ToLower() == "notbegin")
                strWhere += " and ProjectTaskCheckStatusID=2";
                strWhere += " and DealStatusID=1";
                className = "label-default";
            else if (flag.ToLower() == "done")
                strWhere += " and ProjectTaskCheckStatusID=2";
                strWhere += " and DealStatusID=3";
                className = "label-primary";
            else if (flag.ToLower() == "cancel")
                strWhere += " and ProjectTaskCheckStatusID=2";
                strWhere += " and DealStatusID=4";
                className = "label-default";
            int count = BProjectTask.GetRecordCount(strWhere);
            Num = count.ToString();
            if (count != 0)
                if (flag.ToLower() == "new" || flag.ToLower() == "hascheck")
                    Num = "<span class='label operate " + className + "'data-operate='scanPlan' data-where='" + flag.ToLower() + "'>" + Num + "</span>";
                    Num = "<span class='label operate " + className + "'data-operate='editprogress' data-where='" + flag.ToLower() + "'>" + Num + "</span>";