예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This will figure how much velocity to apply to each bodyCenter
        /// TODO: Also calculate angular velocities
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bodyCenters">The bodies to apply velocity to</param>
        /// <param name="hitStart">The point of impact</param>
        /// <param name="hitDirection">The direction and force of the impact</param>
        /// <param name="mainBodyRadius">The avg radius of the body that is getting blown apart</param>
        private static Vector3D[] DistributeForces(Point3D[] bodyCenters, Point3D hitStart, Vector3D hitDirection, double mainBodyRadius, HullVoronoiExploder_Options options)
            Vector3D hitDirectionUnit = hitDirection.ToUnit();
            double   hitForceBase     = hitDirection.Length / mainBodyRadius;

            var vectors = bodyCenters.
                          Select(o =>
                Vector3D direction     = o - hitStart;
                Vector3D directionUnit = direction.ToUnit();

                double distance       = direction.Length;
                double scaledDistance = distance;
                if (options.DistanceDot_Power != null)
                    double linearDot = Math3D.GetLinearDotProduct(hitDirectionUnit, directionUnit);         // making it linear so the power function is more predictable

                    // Exaggerate the distance based on dot product.  That way, points in line with the hit will get more of the impact
                    double scale   = (1 - Math.Abs(linearDot));
                    scale          = Math.Pow(scale, options.DistanceDot_Power.Value);
                    scaledDistance = scale * distance;

                    ForcePoint = o,
                    Distance = distance,
                    ScaledDistance = scaledDistance,
                    DirectionUnit = directionUnit,

            double[] percents = GetPercentOfProjForce(vectors.Select(o => o.ScaledDistance).ToArray());

            Vector3D[] retVal = new Vector3D[vectors.Length];

            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < vectors.Length; cntr++)
                retVal[cntr] = vectors[cntr].DirectionUnit * (hitForceBase * percents[cntr]);
