예제 #1
 public ProviderManifest(byte[] serializedManifest, ManifestEnvelope.ManifestFormats format, byte majorVersion, byte minorVersion)
     this.serializedManifest = serializedManifest;
     this.majorVersion = majorVersion;
     this.minorVersion = minorVersion;
     this.format = format;
예제 #2
        internal unsafe void SendManifest(byte[] rawManifest, EventSource eventSource)
            ManifestEnvelope envelope = new ManifestEnvelope();

            envelope.Format       = ManifestEnvelope.ManifestFormats.SimpleXmlFormat;
            envelope.MajorVersion = 1;
            envelope.MinorVersion = 0;
            envelope.Magic        = 0x5B;       // An unusual number that can be checked for consistancy.
            int dataLeft = rawManifest.Length;

            envelope.TotalChunks = (ushort)((dataLeft + (ManifestEnvelope.MaxChunkSize - 1)) / ManifestEnvelope.MaxChunkSize);
            envelope.ChunkNumber = 0;

            var manifestDescr = new EventDescriptor(0xFFFE, 1, 0, 0, 0xFE, 0xFFFE, -1);

            if (m_curITraceEvent == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Currently can only write the event being processed by the callback");
            // Make a copy of the template so we can modify it
            var manifestEvent = m_relogger.CreateEventInstance(m_traceHandleForFirstStream, 0);

            _EVENT_DESCRIPTOR *ptrDescr = (_EVENT_DESCRIPTOR *)&manifestDescr;

            manifestEvent.SetEventDescriptor(ref *ptrDescr);

            // Set the provider to the EventSoruce
            Guid providerGuid = eventSource.Guid;

            manifestEvent.SetProviderId(ref providerGuid);

            // Clone the process ID, thread ID and TimeStamp
            _EVENT_RECORD *eventRecord = (_EVENT_RECORD *)m_curITraceEvent.GetEventRecord();

            manifestEvent.SetTimeStamp(ref eventRecord->EventHeader.TimeStamp);

            int bufferSize = sizeof(ManifestEnvelope) + Math.Min(ManifestEnvelope.MaxChunkSize, rawManifest.Length);

            byte[] buffer      = new byte[bufferSize];
            int    manifestIdx = 0;                 // Where we are in the manifest.

            while (dataLeft > 0)
                // Copy envelope into buffer
                byte *envelopePtr = (byte *)&envelope;
                int   bufferIdx   = 0;
                while (bufferIdx < sizeof(ManifestEnvelope))
                    buffer[bufferIdx++] = *envelopePtr++;

                // Copy chunk of manifest into buffer
                while (bufferIdx < buffer.Length && manifestIdx < rawManifest.Length)
                    buffer[bufferIdx++] = rawManifest[manifestIdx++];

                // write the envelope + chunk.
                fixed(byte *bufferPtr = buffer)
                    manifestEvent.SetPayload(ref *bufferPtr, (uint)bufferIdx);

                Debug.Assert(envelope.ChunkNumber <= envelope.TotalChunks);
                dataLeft -= ManifestEnvelope.MaxChunkSize;
            Debug.Assert(envelope.ChunkNumber == envelope.TotalChunks);