예제 #1
        // Description
        //    Transforms the given components. This method is used by
        //    the move, rotate, and scale tools in component mode.
        //    The bounding box has to be updated here, so do the normals and
        //    any other attributes that depend on vertex positions.
        // Arguments
        //    mat           - matrix to transform the components by
        //    componentList - list of components to be transformed,
        //                    or an empty list to indicate the whole surface
        //    cachingMode   - how to use the supplied pointCache
        //    pointCache    - if non-null, save or restore points from this list base
        //                      on the cachingMode
        public override void transformUsing(MMatrix mat,
            MObjectArray componentList,
            MVertexCachingMode cachingMode,
            MPointArray pointCache)
            apiMeshGeom geomPtr = meshGeom();

            bool savePoints = (cachingMode == MVertexCachingMode.kSavePoints);
            int i = 0, j = 0;
            uint len = componentList.length;

            if (cachingMode == MVertexCachingMode.kRestorePoints) {
                // restore the points based on the data provided in the pointCache attribute
                uint cacheLen = pointCache.length;
                if (len > 0) {
                    // traverse the component list
                    for ( i = 0; i < len && j < cacheLen; i++ )
                        MObject comp = componentList[i];
                        MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( comp );
                        int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount;
                        for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount && j < cacheLen; idx++, ++j ) {
                            int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
                            geomPtr.vertices[elemIndex] = pointCache[j];
                } else {
                    // if the component list is of zero-length, it indicates that we
                    // should transform the entire surface
                    len = geomPtr.vertices.length;
                    for ( int idx = 0; idx < len && j < cacheLen; ++idx, ++j ) {
                        geomPtr.vertices[idx] = pointCache[j];
            } else {
                // Transform the surface vertices with the matrix.
                // If savePoints is true, save the points to the pointCache.
                if (len > 0) {
                    // Traverse the componentList
                    for ( i=0; i<len; i++ )
                        MObject comp = componentList[i];
                        MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( comp );
                        uint elemCount = (uint)fnComp.elementCount;

                        if (savePoints && 0 == i) {
                            pointCache.sizeIncrement = elemCount;
                        for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount; idx++ )
                            int elemIndex = fnComp.element( (int)idx );
                            if (savePoints) {

                            geomPtr.vertices[elemIndex].multiplyEqual( mat );
                            geomPtr.normals[idx] = geomPtr.normals[idx].transformAsNormal( mat );
                } else {
                    // If the component list is of zero-length, it indicates that we
                    // should transform the entire surface
                    len = geomPtr.vertices.length;
                    if (savePoints) {
                        pointCache.sizeIncrement = len;
                    for ( int idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx ) {
                        if (savePoints) {
                        geomPtr.vertices[idx].multiplyEqual( mat );
                        geomPtr.normals[idx] = geomPtr.normals[idx].transformAsNormal( mat );

            // Retrieve the value of the cached surface attribute.
            // We will set the new geometry data into the cached surface attribute
            // Access the datablock directly. This code has to be efficient
            // and so we bypass the compute mechanism completely.
            // NOTE: In general we should always go though compute for getting
            // and setting attributes.
            MDataBlock datablock = _forceCache();

            MDataHandle cachedHandle = datablock.outputValue( cachedSurface );
            apiMeshData cached = cachedHandle.asPluginData as apiMeshData;

            MDataHandle dHandle = datablock.outputValue( mControlPoints );

            // If there is history then calculate the tweaks necessary for
            // setting the final positions of the vertices.
            if ( hasHistory() && (null != cached) ) {
                // Since the shape has history, we need to store the tweaks (deltas)
                // between the input shape and the tweaked shape in the control points
                // attribute.
                buildControlPoints( datablock, (int)geomPtr.vertices.length );

                MArrayDataHandle cpHandle = new MArrayDataHandle( dHandle );

                // Loop through the component list and transform each vertex.
                for ( i=0; i<len; i++ )
                    MObject comp = componentList[i];
                    MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( comp );
                    int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount;
                    for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount; idx++ )
                        int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
                        cpHandle.jumpToElement( (uint)elemIndex );
                        MDataHandle pntHandle = cpHandle.outputValue();
                        double[] pnt = pntHandle.Double3;

                        MPoint oldPnt = cached.fGeometry.vertices[elemIndex];
                        MPoint newPnt = geomPtr.vertices[elemIndex];
                        MVector offset = newPnt.minus( oldPnt );

                        pnt[0] += offset[0];
                        pnt[1] += offset[1];
                        pnt[2] += offset[2];

                        pntHandle.Double3 = pnt;

            // Copy outputSurface to cachedSurface
            if ( null == cached ) {
                MGlobal.displayInfo("NULL cachedSurface data found");
            else {
                cached.fGeometry = geomPtr;

            MPlug pCPs = new MPlug( thisMObject(), mControlPoints );

            // Moving vertices will likely change the bounding box.
            computeBoundingBox( datablock );

            // Tell Maya the bounding box for this object has changed
            // and thus "boundingBox()" needs to be called.
            childChanged( MChildChanged.kBoundingBoxChanged );
예제 #2
        // Description
        //    Transforms the given components. This method is used by
        //    the move, rotate, and scale tools in component mode when the
        //    tweaks for the shape are stored on a separate tweak node.
        //    The bounding box has to be updated here, so do the normals and
        //    any other attributes that depend on vertex positions.
        // Arguments
        //    mat           - matrix to transform the components by
        //    componentList - list of components to be transformed,
        //                    or an empty list to indicate the whole surface
        //    cachingMode   - how to use the supplied pointCache
        //    pointCache    - if non-null, save or restore points from this list base
        //                      on the cachingMode
        //    handle	    - handle to the attribute on the tweak node where the
        //                      tweaks should be stored
        public override void tweakUsing( MMatrix mat,
            MObjectArray componentList,
            MVertexCachingMode cachingMode,
            MPointArray pointCache,
            MArrayDataHandle handle)
            apiMeshGeom geomPtr = meshGeom();

            bool savePoints    = (cachingMode == MVertexCachingMode.kSavePoints);
            bool updatePoints  = (cachingMode == MVertexCachingMode.kUpdatePoints);

            MArrayDataBuilder builder = handle.builder();

            MPoint delta = new MPoint();
            MPoint currPt = new MPoint();
            MPoint newPt = new MPoint();
            int i=0;
            uint len = componentList.length;
            int cacheIndex = 0;
            uint cacheLen = (null != pointCache) ? pointCache.length : 0;

            if (cachingMode == MVertexCachingMode.kRestorePoints) {
                // restore points from the pointCache
                if (len > 0) {
                    // traverse the component list
                    for ( i=0; i<len; i++ )
                        MObject comp = componentList[i];
                        MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( comp );
                        int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount;
                        for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount && cacheIndex < cacheLen; idx++, cacheIndex++) {
                            int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
                            MDataHandle hdl = builder.addElement((uint)elemIndex);
                            double[] pt = hdl.Double3;
                            MPoint cachePt = pointCache[cacheIndex];
                            pt[0] += cachePt.x;
                            pt[1] += cachePt.y;
                            pt[2] += cachePt.z;
                            hdl.Double3 = pt;
                } else {
                    // if the component list is of zero-length, it indicates that we
                    // should transform the entire surface
                    len = geomPtr.vertices.length;
                    for ( uint idx = 0; idx < len && idx < cacheLen; ++idx ) {
                        MDataHandle hdl = builder.addElement(idx);
                        double[] pt = hdl.Double3;
                        MPoint cachePt = pointCache[cacheIndex];
                        pt[0] += cachePt.x;
                        pt[1] += cachePt.y;
                        pt[2] += cachePt.z;
                        hdl.Double3 = pt;
            } else {
                // Tweak the points. If savePoints is true, also save the tweaks in the
                // pointCache. If updatePoints is true, add the new tweaks to the existing
                // data in the pointCache.
                if (len > 0) {
                    for ( i=0; i<len; i++ )
                        MObject comp = componentList[i];
                        MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( comp );
                        int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount;
                        if (savePoints) {
                            pointCache.sizeIncrement = (uint)elemCount;
                        for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount; idx++ )
                            int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
                            MDataHandle hdl = builder.addElement((uint)elemIndex);
                            double[] pt = hdl.Double3;
                            currPt = newPt = geomPtr.vertices[elemIndex];
                            newPt.multiplyEqual( mat );
                            delta.x = newPt.x - currPt.x;
                            delta.y = newPt.y - currPt.y;
                            delta.z = newPt.z - currPt.z;
                            pt[0] += delta.x;
                            pt[1] += delta.y;
                            pt[2] += delta.z;
                            hdl.Double3 = pt;
                            if (savePoints) {
                                // store the points in the pointCache for undo
                            } else if (updatePoints && cacheIndex < cacheLen) {
                                MPoint cachePt = pointCache[cacheIndex];
                                cachePt[0] -= delta.x;
                                cachePt[1] -= delta.y;
                                cachePt[2] -= delta.z;
                } else {
                    // if the component list is of zero-length, it indicates that we
                    // should transform the entire surface
                    len = geomPtr.vertices.length;
                    if (savePoints) {
                        pointCache.sizeIncrement = len;
                    for ( int idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx ) {
                        MDataHandle hdl = builder.addElement((uint)idx);
                        double[] pt = hdl.Double3;
                        currPt = newPt = geomPtr.vertices[idx];
                        newPt.multiplyEqual( mat );
                        delta.x = newPt.x - currPt.x;
                        delta.y = newPt.y - currPt.y;
                        delta.z = newPt.z - currPt.z;
                        pt[0] += delta.x;
                        pt[1] += delta.y;
                        pt[2] += delta.z;
                        hdl.Double3 = pt;
                        if (savePoints) {
                            // store the points in the pointCache for undo
                        } else if (updatePoints && idx < cacheLen) {
                            MPoint cachePt = pointCache[idx];
                            cachePt[0] -= delta.x;
                            cachePt[1] -= delta.y;
                            cachePt[2] -= delta.z;
            // Set the builder into the handle.

            // Tell Maya the bounding box for this object has changed
            // and thus "boundingBox()" needs to be called.
            childChanged( MChildChanged.kBoundingBoxChanged );
예제 #3
		public override void tweakUsing( MMatrix mat,
										 MObjectArray componentList,
										 MVertexCachingMode cachingMode,
										 MPointArray pointCache,
										 MArrayDataHandle handle )
		// Description
		//    Transforms the given components. This method is used by
		//    the move, rotate, and scale tools in component mode when the
		//    tweaks for the shape are stored on a separate tweak node.
		//    The bounding box has to be updated here, so do the normals and
		//    any other attributes that depend on vertex positions.
		// Arguments
		//    mat           - matrix to transform the components by
		//    componentList - list of components to be transformed,
		//                    or an empty list to indicate the whole surface
		//    cachingMode   - how to use the supplied pointCache
		//    pointCache    - if non-null, save or restore points from this list base
		//					  on the cachingMode
		//    handle	    - handle to the attribute on the tweak node where the
		//					  tweaks should be stored
			apiMeshGeom geomPtr = meshGeom();

			bool savePoints    = (cachingMode == MVertexCachingMode.kSavePoints);
			bool updatePoints  = (cachingMode == MVertexCachingMode.kUpdatePoints);

			MArrayDataBuilder builder = handle.builder();

			MPoint delta = new MPoint();
			MPoint currPt = new MPoint();
			MPoint newPt = new MPoint();
			int i=0;
			uint len = componentList.length;
			int cacheIndex = 0;
			uint cacheLen = (null != pointCache) ? pointCache.length : 0;

			if (cachingMode == MVertexCachingMode.kRestorePoints) {
				// restore points from the pointCache
				if (len > 0) {
					// traverse the component list
					for ( i=0; i<len; i++ )
						MObject comp = componentList[i];
						MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( comp );
						int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount;
						for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount && cacheIndex < cacheLen; idx++, cacheIndex++) {
							int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
                            MDataHandle hdl = builder.addElement((uint)elemIndex);
							double[] pt = hdl.Double3;
							MPoint cachePt = pointCache[cacheIndex];
							pt[0] += cachePt.x;
							pt[1] += cachePt.y;
							pt[2] += cachePt.z;
                            hdl.Double3 = pt;
				} else {
					// if the component list is of zero-length, it indicates that we
					// should transform the entire surface
					len = geomPtr.vertices.length;
					for ( uint idx = 0; idx < len && idx < cacheLen; ++idx ) {
                        MDataHandle hdl = builder.addElement(idx);
                        double[] pt = hdl.Double3;
						MPoint cachePt = pointCache[cacheIndex];
						pt[0] += cachePt.x;
						pt[1] += cachePt.y;
						pt[2] += cachePt.z;
                        hdl.Double3 = pt;
			} else {
				// Tweak the points. If savePoints is true, also save the tweaks in the
				// pointCache. If updatePoints is true, add the new tweaks to the existing
				// data in the pointCache.
				if (len > 0) {
					for ( i=0; i<len; i++ )
						MObject comp = componentList[i];
						MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( comp );
						int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount;
						if (savePoints) {
							pointCache.sizeIncrement = (uint)elemCount;
						for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount; idx++ )
							int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
                            MDataHandle hdl = builder.addElement((uint)elemIndex);
							double[] pt = hdl.Double3;
							currPt = newPt = geomPtr.vertices[elemIndex];
							newPt.multiplyEqual( mat );
							delta.x = newPt.x - currPt.x;
							delta.y = newPt.y - currPt.y;
							delta.z = newPt.z - currPt.z;
							pt[0] += delta.x;
							pt[1] += delta.y;
							pt[2] += delta.z;
                            hdl.Double3 = pt;
							if (savePoints) {
								// store the points in the pointCache for undo
							} else if (updatePoints && cacheIndex < cacheLen) {
								MPoint cachePt = pointCache[cacheIndex];
								cachePt[0] -= delta.x;
								cachePt[1] -= delta.y;
								cachePt[2] -= delta.z;
				} else {
					// if the component list is of zero-length, it indicates that we
					// should transform the entire surface
					len = geomPtr.vertices.length;
					if (savePoints) {
						pointCache.sizeIncrement = len;
					for ( int idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx ) {
                        MDataHandle hdl = builder.addElement((uint)idx);
						double[] pt = hdl.Double3;
						currPt = newPt = geomPtr.vertices[idx];
						newPt.multiplyEqual( mat );
						delta.x = newPt.x - currPt.x;
						delta.y = newPt.y - currPt.y;
						delta.z = newPt.z - currPt.z;
						pt[0] += delta.x;
						pt[1] += delta.y;
						pt[2] += delta.z;
                        hdl.Double3 = pt;
						if (savePoints) {
							// store the points in the pointCache for undo
						} else if (updatePoints && idx < cacheLen) {
							MPoint cachePt = pointCache[idx];
							cachePt[0] -= delta.x;
							cachePt[1] -= delta.y;
							cachePt[2] -= delta.z;
			// Set the builder into the handle.

			// Tell Maya the bounding box for this object has changed
			// and thus "boundingBox()" needs to be called.
			childChanged( MChildChanged.kBoundingBoxChanged );
예제 #4
		// Description
		//    Create circles of vertices starting with 
		//    the top pole ending with the bottom pole
		public void buildSphere(double rad,
								int div,
								MPointArray vertices,
								MIntArray counts,
								MIntArray connects,
								MVectorArray normals,
								apiMeshGeomUV uvs)
			double u = -Math.PI / 2.0;
			double v = -Math.PI;
			double u_delta = Math.PI / ((double)div); 
			double v_delta = 2 * Math.PI / ((double)div); 

			MPoint topPole = new MPoint( 0.0, rad, 0.0 );
			MPoint botPole = new MPoint( 0.0, -rad, 0.0 );

			// Build the vertex and normal table
			vertices.append( botPole );
			normals.append( botPole.minus(MPoint.origin) );
			int i;
			for ( i=0; i<(div-1); i++ )
				u += u_delta;
				v = -Math.PI;

				for ( int j=0; j<div; j++ )
					double x = rad * Math.Cos(u) * Math.Cos(v);
					double y = rad * Math.Sin(u);
					double z = rad * Math.Cos(u) * Math.Sin(v) ;
					MPoint pnt = new MPoint( x, y, z );
					vertices.append( pnt );
					normals.append( pnt.minus(MPoint.origin) );
					v += v_delta;
			vertices.append( topPole );
			normals.append( topPole.minus(MPoint.origin) );

			// Create the connectivity lists
			int vid = 1;
			int numV = 0;
			for ( i=0; i<div; i++ )
				for ( int j=0; j<div; j++ )
					if ( i==0 )
						counts.append( 3 );
						connects.append( 0 );
						connects.append( j+vid );
						connects.append( (j==(div-1)) ? vid : j+vid+1 );
					else if ( i==(div-1) )
						counts.append( 3 );
						connects.append( j+vid+1-div );
						connects.append( vid+1 );
						connects.append( j==(div-1) ? vid+1-div : j+vid+2-div );
						counts.append( 4 );
						connects.append( j + vid+1-div );
						connects.append( j + vid+1 );
						connects.append( j == (div-1) ? vid+1 : j+vid+2 );
						connects.append( j == (div-1) ? vid+1-div : j+vid+2-div );
				vid = numV;

			// TODO: Define UVs for sphere ...
예제 #5
		// Description
		//    Constructs a cube
		public void buildCube(double cube_size, 
							  MPointArray pa,
							  MIntArray faceCounts, 
							  MIntArray faceConnects,
							  MVectorArray normals, 
							  apiMeshGeomUV uvs)
			const int num_faces			= 6;
			const int num_face_connects	= 24;
			const double normal_value   = 0.5775;
			const int uv_count			= 14; 

			pa.append( new MPoint( -cube_size, -cube_size, -cube_size ) );
			pa.append( new MPoint(  cube_size, -cube_size, -cube_size ) );
			pa.append( new MPoint(  cube_size, -cube_size,  cube_size ) );
			pa.append( new MPoint( -cube_size, -cube_size,  cube_size ) );
			pa.append( new MPoint( -cube_size,  cube_size, -cube_size ) );
			pa.append( new MPoint( -cube_size,  cube_size,  cube_size ) );
			pa.append( new MPoint(  cube_size,  cube_size,  cube_size ) );
			pa.append( new MPoint(  cube_size,  cube_size, -cube_size ) );

			normals.append( new MVector( -normal_value, -normal_value, -normal_value ) );
			normals.append( new MVector(  normal_value, -normal_value, -normal_value ) );
			normals.append( new MVector(  normal_value, -normal_value,  normal_value ) );
			normals.append( new MVector( -normal_value, -normal_value,  normal_value ) );
			normals.append( new MVector( -normal_value,  normal_value, -normal_value ) );
			normals.append( new MVector( -normal_value,  normal_value,  normal_value ) );
			normals.append( new MVector(  normal_value,  normal_value,  normal_value ) );
			normals.append( new MVector(  normal_value,  normal_value, -normal_value ) );

			// Define the UVs for the cube. 
			float[] uv_pts = new float[uv_count*2] { 0.375f, 0.0f,
													 0.625f, 0.0f,
													 0.625f, 0.25f,
													 0.375f, 0.25f,
													 0.625f, 0.5f,
													 0.375f, 0.5f,
													 0.625f, 0.75f,
													 0.375f, 0.75f,
													 0.625f, 1.0f,
													 0.375f, 1.0f,
													 0.875f, 0.0f,
													 0.875f, 0.25f,
													 0.125f, 0.0f,
													 0.125f, 0.25f };

			// UV Face Vertex Id.
			int[] uv_fvid = new int[num_face_connects]{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 
														3, 2, 4, 5, 
														5, 4, 6, 7, 
														7, 6, 8, 9, 
														1, 10, 11, 2, 
														12, 0, 3, 13 };

			int i;
			for ( i = 0; i < uv_count; i ++ ) {
				uvs.append_uv( uv_pts[i*2], uv_pts[i*2 + 1] ); 
			for ( i = 0; i < num_face_connects; i ++ ) { 
				uvs.faceVertexIndex.append( uv_fvid[i] ); 

			// Set up an array containing the number of vertices
			// for each of the 6 cube faces (4 vertices per face)
			int[] face_counts = new int[num_faces]{ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 };

			for ( i=0; i<num_faces; i++ )
				faceCounts.append( face_counts[i] );

			// Set up and array to assign vertices from pa to each face 
			int[] face_connects = new int[ num_face_connects ]{ 0, 1, 2, 3,
																4, 5, 6, 7,
																3, 2, 6, 5,
																0, 3, 5, 4,
																0, 4, 7, 1,
																1, 7, 6, 2 };
			for ( i=0; i<num_face_connects; i++ )
				faceConnects.append( face_connects[i] );
예제 #6
        // Description
        //    Create circles of vertices starting with
        //    the top pole ending with the bottom pole
        public void buildSphere(double rad,
                                int div,
                                MPointArray vertices,
                                MIntArray counts,
                                MIntArray connects,
                                MVectorArray normals,
                                apiMeshGeomUV uvs)
            double u       = -Math.PI / 2.0;
            double v       = -Math.PI;
            double u_delta = Math.PI / ((double)div);
            double v_delta = 2 * Math.PI / ((double)div);

            MPoint topPole = new MPoint(0.0, rad, 0.0);
            MPoint botPole = new MPoint(0.0, -rad, 0.0);

            // Build the vertex and normal table
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < (div - 1); i++)
                u += u_delta;
                v  = -Math.PI;

                for (int j = 0; j < div; j++)
                    double x   = rad * Math.Cos(u) * Math.Cos(v);
                    double y   = rad * Math.Sin(u);
                    double z   = rad * Math.Cos(u) * Math.Sin(v);
                    MPoint pnt = new MPoint(x, y, z);
                    v += v_delta;

            // Create the connectivity lists
            int vid  = 1;
            int numV = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < div; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < div; j++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        connects.append(j + vid);
                        connects.append((j == (div - 1)) ? vid : j + vid + 1);
                    else if (i == (div - 1))
                        connects.append(j + vid + 1 - div);
                        connects.append(vid + 1);
                        connects.append(j == (div - 1) ? vid + 1 - div : j + vid + 2 - div);
                        connects.append(j + vid + 1 - div);
                        connects.append(j + vid + 1);
                        connects.append(j == (div - 1) ? vid + 1 : j + vid + 2);
                        connects.append(j == (div - 1) ? vid + 1 - div : j + vid + 2 - div);
                vid = numV;

            // TODO: Define UVs for sphere ...
예제 #7
        // Description
        //    Constructs a cube
        public void buildCube(double cube_size,
                              MPointArray pa,
                              MIntArray faceCounts,
                              MIntArray faceConnects,
                              MVectorArray normals,
                              apiMeshGeomUV uvs)
            const int    num_faces         = 6;
            const int    num_face_connects = 24;
            const double normal_value      = 0.5775;
            const int    uv_count          = 14;


            pa.append(new MPoint(-cube_size, -cube_size, -cube_size));
            pa.append(new MPoint(cube_size, -cube_size, -cube_size));
            pa.append(new MPoint(cube_size, -cube_size, cube_size));
            pa.append(new MPoint(-cube_size, -cube_size, cube_size));
            pa.append(new MPoint(-cube_size, cube_size, -cube_size));
            pa.append(new MPoint(-cube_size, cube_size, cube_size));
            pa.append(new MPoint(cube_size, cube_size, cube_size));
            pa.append(new MPoint(cube_size, cube_size, -cube_size));

            normals.append(new MVector(-normal_value, -normal_value, -normal_value));
            normals.append(new MVector(normal_value, -normal_value, -normal_value));
            normals.append(new MVector(normal_value, -normal_value, normal_value));
            normals.append(new MVector(-normal_value, -normal_value, normal_value));
            normals.append(new MVector(-normal_value, normal_value, -normal_value));
            normals.append(new MVector(-normal_value, normal_value, normal_value));
            normals.append(new MVector(normal_value, normal_value, normal_value));
            normals.append(new MVector(normal_value, normal_value, -normal_value));

            // Define the UVs for the cube.
            float[] uv_pts = new float[uv_count * 2] {
                0.375f, 0.0f,
                0.625f, 0.0f,
                0.625f, 0.25f,
                0.375f, 0.25f,
                0.625f, 0.5f,
                0.375f, 0.5f,
                0.625f, 0.75f,
                0.375f, 0.75f,
                0.625f, 1.0f,
                0.375f, 1.0f,
                0.875f, 0.0f,
                0.875f, 0.25f,
                0.125f, 0.0f,
                0.125f, 0.25f

            // UV Face Vertex Id.
            int[] uv_fvid = new int[num_face_connects] {
                0, 1, 2, 3,
                3, 2, 4, 5,
                5, 4, 6, 7,
                7, 6, 8, 9,
                1, 10, 11, 2,
                12, 0, 3, 13

            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < uv_count; i++)
                uvs.append_uv(uv_pts[i * 2], uv_pts[i * 2 + 1]);

            for (i = 0; i < num_face_connects; i++)

            // Set up an array containing the number of vertices
            // for each of the 6 cube faces (4 vertices per face)
            int[] face_counts = new int[num_faces] {
                4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4

            for (i = 0; i < num_faces; i++)

            // Set up and array to assign vertices from pa to each face
            int[] face_connects = new int[num_face_connects] {
                0, 1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6, 7,
                3, 2, 6, 5,
                0, 3, 5, 4,
                0, 4, 7, 1,
                1, 7, 6, 2
            for (i = 0; i < num_face_connects; i++)