예제 #1
        float theta = 35 + 90;                                            //角度值 4f->64

        private void check_uwb(byte Response1, byte Response2, int Check) //02,10,F3,02,4F,4B,E5,
            RX_Counter   = 0;
            theta        = Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text) + 90;
            label32.Text = Convert.ToString(theta);
            double radian = theta * Math.PI / 180;//轉換弧度值

            //label10.Text = Response[0].ToString("X2") + " " + Response[1].ToString("X2") + " ";
            if (Response[0] == Response1 && Response[1] == Response2)
                label9.Text = "UWB OK";

                 * label10.Text = Response[0].ToString("X2") + " " + Response[24].ToString("X2") + " " + Response[25].ToString("X2") + " " + Response[26].ToString("X2") + " ";
                 * float Tag_dis1 = ((Response[26] << 16) | (Response[25] << 8) | (Response[24] << 0)) / 256000.0f;
                 * label12.Text = Convert.ToString(Tag_dis1);*/

                Anchor_x     = ((Response[6] << 24) | (Response[5] << 16) | (Response[4] << 8) | (0x00 << 0)) / 256000.0f;
                label26.Text = Convert.ToString(Anchor_x);

                Anchor_y     = ((Response[9] << 24) | (Response[8] << 16) | (Response[7] << 8) | (0x00 << 0)) / 256000.0f;
                label27.Text = Convert.ToString(Anchor_y);

                Anchor_z = ((Response[12] << 24) | (Response[11] << 16) | (Response[10] << 8) | (0x00 << 0)) / 256000.0f;
                //Anchor_z = Anchor_z + 0.3;
                label28.Text = Convert.ToString(Anchor_z);
                if (Anchor_z < 1)
                    Anchor_z = Anchor_z + 0.2;  //4f-> 0.3
                if (send_flag)
                    long cur_ms = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    MAVLink.mavlink_att_pos_mocap_t att_pos = new MAVLink.mavlink_att_pos_mocap_t();
                    //att_pos.time_usec = (ulong)(((DateTime.UtcNow - unix_epoch).TotalMilliseconds - 10) * 1000);
                    att_pos.time_usec = (ulong)(cur_ms * 1000);
                    //att_pos.x = Anchor_y; //north Anchor_y
                    //att_pos.y = Anchor_x; //east Anchor_x
                    att_pos.x    = (float)(Anchor_x * Math.Cos(radian) + Anchor_y * Math.Sin(radian));     //north
                    att_pos.y    = (float)-((-Anchor_x * Math.Sin(radian)) + Anchor_y * Math.Cos(radian)); //east
                    att_pos.z    = (float)-Anchor_z;                                                       //down
                    Anchor_x     = att_pos.x;
                    Anchor_y     = att_pos.y;
                    Anchor_z     = att_pos.z;
                    label7.Text  = Convert.ToString(att_pos.x);
                    label13.Text = Convert.ToString(att_pos.y);
                    label22.Text = Convert.ToString(att_pos.z);

                    //att_pos.q = new float[4] { rbData.qw, rbData.qx, rbData.qz, -rbData.qy };
                    DroneData drone = drones["bebop2"];
                    drone.lost_count = 0;

                    byte[] pkt;
                    pkt = mavlinkParse.GenerateMAVLinkPacket20(MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.ATT_POS_MOCAP, att_pos);
                    mavSock.SendTo(pkt, drone.ep);
                // for (int i = 0; i < 23; i++ )
                //     richTextBox1.Text += Response[i].ToString("X2") + " ";

                if (log_flag)
                    Log_Counter = Log_Counter + 1;
                        wSheet      = (Excel._Worksheet)wBook.Worksheets[1]; // 引用第一個工作表
                        wSheet.Name = "UWB Sensor Value Log";                // 命名工作表的名稱
                        wSheet.Activate();                                   // 設定工作表焦點

                        //excelApp.Cells[1, 1] = "Excel測試";

                        excelApp.Cells[Log_Counter, 1] = Anchor_x; //att_pos.x
                        excelApp.Cells[Log_Counter, 2] = Anchor_y; //att_pos.y
                        excelApp.Cells[Log_Counter, 3] = Anchor_z; //att_pos.z
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine("產生報表時出錯!" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message);

                    if (log_flag_set)
                            wBook.SaveAs(pathFile, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
                            Console.WriteLine("儲存文件於 " + Environment.NewLine + pathFile);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Console.WriteLine("儲存檔案出錯,檔案可能正在使用" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message);

                        wBook.Close(false, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);                    //關閉活頁簿
                        excelApp.Quit();                                                   //關閉Excel
                        System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(excelApp); //釋放Excel資源
                        wBook    = null;
                        wSheet   = null;
                        excelApp = null;
                        log_flag     = false;
                        log_flag_set = false;
                        Log_Counter  = 0;
        //static uint GPS_LEAPSECONDS_MILLIS = 18000;

        static void processFrameData(NatNetML.FrameOfMocapData data)
            bool data_gogo = true;

            /*  Parsing Rigid Body Frame Data   */
            for (int i = 0; i < mRigidBodies.Count; i++)
                int rbID = mRigidBodies[i].ID;              // Fetching rigid body IDs from the saved descriptions

                for (int j = 0; j < data.nRigidBodies; j++)
                    if (rbID == data.RigidBodies[j].ID)                      // When rigid body ID of the descriptions matches rigid body ID of the frame data.
                        NatNetML.RigidBody     rb     = mRigidBodies[i];     // Saved rigid body descriptions
                        NatNetML.RigidBodyData rbData = data.RigidBodies[j]; // Received rigid body descriptions

                        if (rbData.Tracked == true)
                            Console.WriteLine("\tRigidBody ({0}):", rb.Name);
                            Console.WriteLine("\t\tpos ({0:N3}, {1:N3}, {2:N3})", rbData.x, rbData.y, rbData.z);

                            // Rigid Body Euler Orientation
                            float[] quat = new float[4] {
                                rbData.qx, rbData.qy, rbData.qz, rbData.qw
                            float[] eulers = new float[3];

                            eulers = NatNetClientML.QuatToEuler(quat, NATEulerOrder.NAT_XYZr); //Converting quat orientation into XYZ Euler representation.
                            double xrot = RadiansToDegrees(eulers[0]);
                            double yrot = RadiansToDegrees(eulers[1]);
                            double zrot = RadiansToDegrees(eulers[2]);
                            Console.WriteLine("\t\tori ({0:N3}, {1:N3}, {2:N3})", xrot, yrot, zrot);
                            if (drones.ContainsKey(rb.Name))
                                DroneData drone = drones[rb.Name];
                                drone.lost_count = 0;
                                long cur_ms = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                                if (drone.send_count > 0)
                                else if (data_gogo)
                                    drone.send_count = 10;
                                    data_gogo        = false;
                                    MAVLink.mavlink_att_pos_mocap_t att_pos = new MAVLink.mavlink_att_pos_mocap_t();
                                    att_pos.time_usec = (ulong)(cur_ms * 1000);
                                    att_pos.x         = rbData.x;  //north
                                    att_pos.y         = rbData.z;  //east
                                    att_pos.z         = -rbData.y; //down
                                    att_pos.q         = new float[4] {
                                        rbData.qw, rbData.qx, rbData.qz, -rbData.qy
                                    byte[] pkt = mavlinkParse.GenerateMAVLinkPacket10(MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.ATT_POS_MOCAP, att_pos);

                                    if (drone.lastTime >= 0)
                                        MAVLink.mavlink_vision_speed_estimate_t vis_speed = new MAVLink.mavlink_vision_speed_estimate_t();
                                        float total_s = (cur_ms - drone.lastTime) * 0.001f;
                                        vis_speed.x    = (rbData.x - drone.lastPosN) / total_s;
                                        vis_speed.y    = (rbData.z - drone.lastPosE) / total_s;
                                        vis_speed.z    = (-rbData.y - drone.lastPosD) / total_s;
                                        vis_speed.usec = (ulong)(cur_ms * 1000);
                                        byte[] pkt2      = mavlinkParse.GenerateMAVLinkPacket10(MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.VISION_SPEED_ESTIMATE, vis_speed);
                                        int    total_len = pkt.Length + pkt2.Length;
                                        byte[] uwb_data  = new byte[10 + total_len + 1];
                                        uwb_data[0] = 0x54;
                                        uwb_data[1] = 0xf1;
                                        uwb_data[2] = 0xff;
                                        uwb_data[3] = 0xff;
                                        uwb_data[4] = 0xff;
                                        uwb_data[5] = 0xff;
                                        uwb_data[6] = 2;
                                        uwb_data[7] = drone.uwb_tag_id;
                                        uwb_data[8] = (byte)(total_len & 0xff);
                                        uwb_data[9] = (byte)(total_len >> 16);
                                        Array.Copy(pkt, 0, uwb_data, 10, pkt.Length);
                                        Array.Copy(pkt2, 0, uwb_data, 10 + pkt.Length, pkt2.Length);
                                        byte chk_sum = 0;
                                        foreach (byte uwb_data_byte in uwb_data)
                                            chk_sum += uwb_data_byte;
                                        uwb_data[uwb_data.Length - 1] = chk_sum;
                                        mavSock.SendTo(uwb_data, drone.ep);
                                drone.lastTime = cur_ms;
                                drone.lastPosN = rbData.x;
                                drone.lastPosE = rbData.z;
                                drone.lastPosD = -rbData.y;
                            Console.WriteLine("\t{0} is not tracked in current frame", rb.Name);

                            /*if (drones.ContainsKey(rb.Name))
                             * {
                             *  DroneData drone = drones[rb.Name];
                             *  drone.lost_count++;
                             *  if (drone.lost_count > 3)
                             *  {
                             *      drone.lost_count = 0;
                             *      MAVLink.mavlink_gps_input_t gps_input = new MAVLink.mavlink_gps_input_t();
                             *      gps_input.gps_id = 0;
                             *      gps_input.fix_type = (byte)MAVLink.GPS_FIX_TYPE.NO_FIX;
                             *      byte[] pkt = mavlinkParse.GenerateMAVLinkPacket10(MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.GPS_INPUT, gps_input);
                             *      mavSock.SendTo(pkt, drone.ep);
                             *  }
                             * }*/

            /* Parsing Skeleton Frame Data  */
            for (int i = 0; i < mSkeletons.Count; i++)      // Fetching skeleton IDs from the saved descriptions
                int sklID = mSkeletons[i].ID;

                for (int j = 0; j < data.nSkeletons; j++)
                    if (sklID == data.Skeletons[j].ID)                     // When skeleton ID of the description matches skeleton ID of the frame data.
                        NatNetML.Skeleton     skl     = mSkeletons[i];     // Saved skeleton descriptions
                        NatNetML.SkeletonData sklData = data.Skeletons[j]; // Received skeleton frame data

                        Console.WriteLine("\tSkeleton ({0}):", skl.Name);
                        Console.WriteLine("\t\tSegment count: {0}", sklData.nRigidBodies);

                        /*  Now, for each of the skeleton segments  */
                        for (int k = 0; k < sklData.nRigidBodies; k++)
                            NatNetML.RigidBodyData boneData = sklData.RigidBodies[k];

                            /*  Decoding skeleton bone ID   */
                            int skeletonID  = HighWord(boneData.ID);
                            int rigidBodyID = LowWord(boneData.ID);
                            int uniqueID    = skeletonID * 1000 + rigidBodyID;
                            int key         = uniqueID.GetHashCode();

                            NatNetML.RigidBody bone = (RigidBody)mHtSkelRBs[key];   //Fetching saved skeleton bone descriptions

                            //Outputting only the hip segment data for the purpose of this sample.
                            if (k == 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("\t\t{0:N3}: pos({1:N3}, {2:N3}, {3:N3})", bone.Name, boneData.x, boneData.y, boneData.z);

            /*  Parsing Force Plate Frame Data  */
            for (int i = 0; i < mForcePlates.Count; i++)
                int fpID = mForcePlates[i].ID;                  // Fetching force plate IDs from the saved descriptions

                for (int j = 0; j < data.nForcePlates; j++)
                    if (fpID == data.ForcePlates[j].ID)                       // When force plate ID of the descriptions matches force plate ID of the frame data.
                        NatNetML.ForcePlate     fp     = mForcePlates[i];     // Saved force plate descriptions
                        NatNetML.ForcePlateData fpData = data.ForcePlates[i]; // Received forceplate frame data

                        Console.WriteLine("\tForce Plate ({0}):", fp.Serial);

                        // Here we will be printing out only the first force plate "subsample" (index 0) that was collected with the mocap frame.
                        for (int k = 0; k < fpData.nChannels; k++)
                            Console.WriteLine("\t\tChannel {0}: {1}", fp.ChannelNames[k], fpData.ChannelData[k].Values[0]);