private void Log(string msg) { msg = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm::ss") + ": " + msg; int index = LogListView.Items.Add(msg); LogListView.ScrollIntoView(LogListView.Items[index]); }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); LogView.ListView = this.LogListView; Connect.RenderBox = this.RenderBox; this.Load += Connect.Create; this.FormClosed += Connect.Destory; Application.Idle += Connect.Idle; _models = new Models(MaterialTable, SkeletonTreeView, SkeletonPanel, AnimationTrackBar, AnimationBarPanel, ModelLayoutPanel, ModelAdderPathBox, ModelAdderSkeletonBox); FileFbxConvertMenu.Click += _models.FileFbxConvertMenu_Click; FileOpenMenu.Click += _models.FileOpenMenu_Click; FileSaveMenu.Click += _models.FileSaveMenu_Click; _shaders = new Shaders(ShaderFileList, PartsListBox, ModelAdderPathBox); RefreshShaderFileList.Click += _shaders.Refresh; ShaderFileList.MouseDown += ShaderFileLlist_MouseDown; _textures = new Textures(TextureFileList); TextureFileList.MouseDown += TextureFileList_MouseDown; RefreshTextureFileList.Click += _textures.Refresh; _animations = new Animation(AnimationFileList, AnimationFilePathTextBox, AnimationNameTextBox, AnimationAdderButton, AnimationLayoutPanel, AnimationTrackBar, AnimationBarPanel); RefreshAnimationFileList.Click += _animations.Refresh; FrameTimer.Tick += FrameTimer_Tick; LogListView.Focus(); }
private void FPSTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { LogInfo last = ETRViewModel.Instance.UpdateLog(); if (null != last) { LogListView.UpdateLayout(); LogListView.ScrollIntoView(last); } //if(true == FPSMeter.IsChecked) { float fps = ETRViewModel.Instance.UpdateFPS(); if (true == ETRViewModel.Instance.IsPlaying) { TotalElapsedText.Text = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)Time.TotalElapsedSeconds).ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss"); FPSText.Text = fps.ToString("F2"); } else { TotalElapsedText.Text = "--:--:--"; FPSText.Text = "--.--"; } } }
private void SetLog() { LogListView.ItemsSource = Log.Instance.Messages; LogListView.SelectedIndex = LogListView.Items.Count - 1; LogListView.ScrollIntoView(LogListView.SelectedItem); }
public void Log(string line) { Helper.ControlInvokeRequired(LogListView, () => { LogListView.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(line)); LogListView.EnsureVisible(LogListView.Items.Count - 1); LogListView.Refresh(); }); }
private void Log(string message) { var record = new { Time = DateTime.Now, Message = message }; Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { LogListView.Items.Add(record); LogListView.ScrollIntoView(record); }); }
private void logTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (logItemList.Count > 0) { LogListView.BeginUpdate(); while (LogListView.Items.Count > 100) { LogListView.Items.RemoveAt(0); } LogListView.Items.AddRange(logItemList.ToArray()); logItemList.Clear(); if (LogListView.Items.Count > 0) { LogListView.EnsureVisible(LogListView.Items.Count - 1); } LogListView.EndUpdate(); } }
private void OnLogWrite(string from, string type, object content, LogLevel level) { LogListView.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() => { LogListView.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss")).Also(v => { v.SubItems.Add(from); v.SubItems.Add(type); v.SubItems.Add(content.ToString()); v.SubItems.Add("-"); v.ForeColor = Color.FromKnownColor(level.GetAlias <KnownColor>()); })); if (!RealTimeCheckbox.Checked) { return; } LogListView.EnsureVisible(LogListView.Items.Count - 1); LogListView.Items[LogListView.Items.Count - 1].Selected = true; })); }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ColumnHeader logHeader = new ColumnHeader(); geneticController = new GeneticController(this); bestInds = new List <BitIndividual>(); averageInds = new List <BitIndividual>(); worstInds = new List <BitIndividual>(); bestIndsBackup = new List <BitIndividual>(); averageIndsBackup = new List <BitIndividual>(); worstIndsBackup = new List <BitIndividual>(); LogListView.Columns.Add(logHeader); LogListView.Scrollable = true; LogListView.HeaderStyle = ColumnHeaderStyle.None; LogListView.View = View.Details; LogListView.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.HeaderSize); geneticChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.Zoom(0, 50); geneticChart.ChartAreas[0].CursorX.IsUserEnabled = true; geneticChart.ChartAreas[0].CursorX.IsUserSelectionEnabled = true; geneticChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.Zoomable = true; geneticChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScrollBar.IsPositionedInside = true; }
private void UpdateLog() { // clear the previous visual data LogData.Clear(); // get the selectedTab int selectedTabIndex = LogTabControl.SelectedIndex; // if the selected tab is undefined, just return if (selectedTabIndex == -1) { return; } LogData.Add(GameState.GetLogEntry(0)); // add "Game Started." // for each index of the log, except for the first, see if we want to display it for (int i = 1; i < GameState.GetLogSize(); ++i) { // get the string we are considering -> s string s = GameState.GetLogEntry(i); // if "Me" is selected, check if the entry pertains to user, continue if doesn't if (selectedTabIndex == 1) { if (!s.Contains("You") && !s.Contains("Me")) { continue; } } // if a non-user player tab is selected else if (selectedTabIndex > 1) { // check if the entry contains their name, continue if doesn't if (!s.Contains(PlayersData[selectedTabIndex - 1])) { continue; } } // now check filters // if user only wants to see significant entries, and entry contains "significant", continue if (Filter1ToggleButton.IsChecked.Equals(true) && s.Contains("significant")) { continue; } // if user only wants to see entries pertaining to cards shown and entry does not contain // "showed", continue if (Filter2ToggleButton.IsChecked.Equals(true) && Filter3ToggleButton.IsChecked.Equals(false) && !s.Contains("showed")) { continue; } else if (Filter2ToggleButton.IsChecked.Equals(false) && Filter3ToggleButton.IsChecked.Equals(true) && !s.Contains("suggested")) { continue; } else if (Filter2ToggleButton.IsChecked.Equals(true) && Filter3ToggleButton.IsChecked.Equals(true) && (!s.Contains("suggested")) && (!s.Contains("showed"))) { continue; } // add the string since at this point we have done all our checking LogData.Add(s); } // scroll to the last entry for convenience LogListView.ScrollIntoView(LogListView.Items.GetItemAt(LogListView.Items.Count - 1)); }
protected ScannerBase(LogListView log) { _log = log; _uiSyncContext = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext(); }
private void LoadMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //десериализация состояния программы и восстановление состояния программы if (!isAnimationFinished) { MessageBox.Show(Constants.Strings.ANIMATION_END); return; } OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); SerializableContainer container; BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = "c:\\"; openFileDialog.Filter = Constants.Strings.FILE_FORMAT; openFileDialog.FilterIndex = 1; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { clearChart(); var fs = openFileDialog.OpenFile(); foreach (ListViewItem i in LogListView.Items) { i.Remove(); } container = (SerializableContainer)formatter.Deserialize(fs); this.logType = container.LogType; if (logType == Constants.Integers.LOG_TYPE_BEST) { LogTypeBox.SelectedItem = "Best individual"; } else if (logType == Constants.Integers.LOG_TYPE_AVERAGE) { LogTypeBox.SelectedItem = "Average individual"; } else if (logType == Constants.Integers.LOG_TYPE_WORST) { LogTypeBox.SelectedItem = "Worst individual"; } this.EpochNumeric.Value = container.EpochCount; this.MutationNumeric.Value = container.MutationChance; this.PopulationNumeric.Value = container.PopSize; this.BestIndividualTextBox.Text = container.BestInd; this.bestIndsBackup = container.BestInds; this.averageIndsBackup = container.AverageInds; this.worstIndsBackup = container.WorstInds; for (int i = 0; i < container.BestInds.Count; ++i) { geneticChart.Series[0].Points.Add(new DataPoint((double)container.BestInds[i].Epoch, (double)container.BestInds[i].Fitness)); geneticChart.Series[1].Points.Add(new DataPoint((double)container.AverageInds[i].Epoch, (double)container.AverageInds[i].Fitness)); geneticChart.Series[2].Points.Add(new DataPoint((double)container.WorstInds[i].Epoch, (double)container.WorstInds[i].Fitness)); if (logType == Constants.Integers.LOG_TYPE_BEST) { LogListView.Items.Add("Epoch: " + container.BestInds[i].Epoch + " best: " + container.BestInds[i].GetChromosomeString() + "\n"); } else if (logType == Constants.Integers.LOG_TYPE_AVERAGE) { LogListView.Items.Add("Epoch: " + container.AverageInds[i].Epoch + " average: " + container.AverageInds[i].GetChromosomeString() + "\n"); } else if (logType == Constants.Integers.LOG_TYPE_WORST) { LogListView.Items.Add("Epoch: " + container.WorstInds[i].Epoch + " worst: " + container.WorstInds[i].GetChromosomeString() + "\n"); } } LogListView.Refresh(); } }
public FloutecScanner(LogListView log) : base(log) { }
public RocScanner(LogListView log, GprsClient gprsClient) : base(log) { _gprsClient = gprsClient; }