/// <inheritdoc />
        public void Tick()
            //Don't need to do this if we aren't moving
            if (isMoving)
                using (SyncObj.Lock())
                    //Double check locking
                    if (!isMoving)

                    GameObject worldObject = WorldObjectMap[EntityGuid.ComputeEntityGuid(EntityType.Player, SlotModel.SlotSelected)];

                    //From old movement
                    //Vector3.Magnitude(lastPosition - transform.position) > Vector3.kEpsilon
                    if (Vector3.Magnitude(LastPosition - worldObject.transform.position) > Vector3.kEpsilon)
                        LocalPlayerNetworkController.UpdatedMovementLocation(worldObject.transform.position, worldObject.transform.rotation);

                        //TODO: This design is such that the above statement will be true the first time around. This could be bad for the first time the player moves
                        LastPosition = worldObject.transform.position;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void Tick()
            if (currentTimeSince < timeSendInterval)
                currentTimeSince += Time.deltaTime;

            //Don't need to do this if we aren't moving
            if (isMoving)
                using (SyncObj.Lock())
                    //Only reset if we're actually moving. Want to broadcast right away.
                    currentTimeSince = 0.0f;

                    //Double check locking
                    if (!isMoving)

                    GameObject worldObject = WorldObjectMap[EntityGuid.ComputeEntityGuid(EntityType.Player, SlotModel.SlotSelected)];

                    //From old movement
                    //Vector3.Magnitude(lastPosition - transform.position) > Vector3.kEpsilon
                    if (Vector3.Magnitude(LastPosition - worldObject.transform.position) > Vector3.kEpsilon)
                        LocalPlayerNetworkController.UpdatedMovementLocation(worldObject.transform.position, worldObject.transform.rotation);

                        //TODO: This design is such that the above statement will be true the first time around. This could be bad for the first time the player moves
                        LastPosition = worldObject.transform.position;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override async void OnEventFired(object source, MovementInputChangedEventArgs args)
            //State doesn't need to change if this is true
            //but it SHOULDN'T be true, as the event should not be
            if (CurrentMovementArgs == args)

            //It's ok to capture the sync context here, we'll need it to touch the GameObject
            //and the Transform.
            using (var l = await SyncObj.LockAsync())
                //If the input says NOT MOVING but we are MOVING
                //then we need to end the movement and then send a movement finished command
                if (!args.isMoving && isMoving)
                    GameObject worldObject = WorldObjectMap[EntityGuid.ComputeEntityGuid(EntityType.Player, SlotModel.SlotSelected)];

                    //It's important that this doesn't capture the sync context otheriwse it could block Update from finishing (causing deadlock)
                    //since it needs to wait on SyncContext to be serviced by Unity3D in fixed update. It's CRITICAL that we do NOT block on the main thread
                    //or such a deadlock will occur.
                    await LocalPlayerNetworkController.StopMovementAsync(worldObject.transform.position, worldObject.transform.rotation)

                    //We tell the controller to stop moving and we set our movement here to false.
                    isMoving = false;
                    isMoving = true;                     //it probably already is true but it doesn't hurt to set it again.
                CurrentMovementArgs = args;