public string GetLoanQuoute(string ssn, decimal amount, int duration)
            if (ssn.Length != 11)
                throw new ArgumentException("SSN must be in the format 'xxxxxx-xxxx'");
            if (ssn.Substring(6, 1) != "-")
                throw new ArgumentException("SSN must be in the format 'xxxxxx-xxxx'");

            if (amount <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Amount must be greater than 0");
            if (duration <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Duration must be greater than 0");

            LoanBroker.model.LoanRequest loanRequest = new LoanBroker.model.LoanRequest()
                Amount = amount,
                Duration = duration,
                SSN = ssn
            string returnString = "Could not send the message";

            // Do some stupid looping and "delete" old messages?

            if (HandleMessaging.SendMessage<LoanBroker.model.LoanRequest>(Queues.LOANBROKER_IN, loanRequest))
                returnString = blockingRead(loanRequest);
            return returnString;
        private string blockingRead(LoanBroker.model.LoanRequest loanRequest)
            string returnString = "Could not send the message";
            var    factory      = new ConnectionFactory()
                HostName = Queues.RABBITMQ_HOSTNAME

            using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection())
                using (var channel = connection.CreateModel())
                    channel.QueueDeclare(queue: Queues.LOANBROKER_OUT,
                                         durable: false,
                                         exclusive: false,
                                         autoDelete: false,
                                         arguments: null);

                    channel.BasicQos(0, 1, false); // Get one at the time.

                    var consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(channel);
                    channel.BasicConsume(queue: Queues.LOANBROKER_OUT,
                                         noAck: false,
                                         consumer: consumer);
                    bool weDontHaveIt = true;
                    using (Timer _timeOutTimer = new Timer(TIMEOUT))
                        _timeOutTimer.Enabled  = true;
                        _timeOutTimer.Elapsed += _timeOutTimer_Elapsed;

                        while (weDontHaveIt)
                            //Looks like the items stays in the queue
                            BasicDeliverEventArgs         ea           = (BasicDeliverEventArgs)consumer.Queue.Dequeue();
                            LoanBroker.model.LoanResponse loanResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LoanBroker.model.LoanResponse>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ea.Body));
                            if (loanRequest.SSN == loanResponse.SSN)
                                weDontHaveIt = false;
                                returnString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(loanResponse);
                                channel.BasicAck(ea.DeliveryTag, false);
                                // Return it to the queue
                                // what is the difference between true and false?
                                //channel.BasicReject(ea.DeliveryTag, false);
                                //channel.BasicReject(ea.DeliveryTag, true);
        private string nonBlockingRead(LoanBroker.model.LoanRequest loanRequest)
            string returnString = "Could not send the message";

            EventingBasicConsumer consumer;

            using (IModel channel = new ConnectionFactory()
                HostName = Queues.RABBITMQ_HOSTNAME
                channel.QueueDeclare(queue: Queues.LOANBROKER_OUT,
                                     durable: false,
                                     exclusive: false,
                                     autoDelete: false,
                                     arguments: null);

                consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(channel);

                bool weDontHaveIt = true;

                consumer.Received += (model, ea) =>
                    LoanBroker.model.LoanResponse loanResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LoanBroker.model.LoanResponse>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ea.Body));
                    if (loanResponse.SSN == loanRequest.SSN)
                        weDontHaveIt = false;
                        // Return it to the queue
                        channel.BasicReject(ea.DeliveryTag, true);
                channel.BasicConsume(queue: Queues.LOANBROKER_OUT,
                                     noAck: true,
                                     consumer: consumer);

                while (weDontHaveIt)
        public string GetLoanQuoute(string ssn, decimal amount, int duration)
            if (ssn.Length != 11)
                throw new ArgumentException("SSN must be in the format 'xxxxxx-xxxx'");
            if (ssn.Substring(6, 1) != "-")
                throw new ArgumentException("SSN must be in the format 'xxxxxx-xxxx'");

            if (amount <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Amount must be greater than 0");
            if (duration <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Duration must be greater than 0");

            LoanBroker.model.LoanRequest loanRequest = new LoanBroker.model.LoanRequest()
                Amount   = amount,
                Duration = duration,
                SSN      = ssn
            string returnString = "Could not send the message";

            // Do some stupid looping and "delete" old messages?

            if (HandleMessaging.SendMessage <LoanBroker.model.LoanRequest>(Queues.LOANBROKER_IN, loanRequest))
                returnString = blockingRead(loanRequest);