public override void GenerateXmlAttributes(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { base.GenerateXmlAttributes(writer); if (ShowLabel.HasValue) { writer.WriteAttributeString("showLabel", ShowLabel.GetHashCode().ToString()); } if (ToolText.IsNotWhiteSpace()) { writer.WriteAttributeString("toolText", ToolText); } if (Label.IsNotWhiteSpace()) { writer.WriteAttributeString("label", Label); } if (ShowLabelBorder.HasValue) { writer.WriteAttributeString("showLabelBorder", ShowLabelBorder.GetHashCode().ToString()); } if (LabelPosition.HasValue) { writer.WriteAttributeString("LabelPosition", LabelPosition.GetHashCode().ToString()); } if (LabelHAlign.HasValue) { writer.WriteAttributeString("LabelHAlign", LabelHAlign.GetHashCode().ToString()); } if (LabelVAlign.HasValue) { writer.WriteAttributeString("LabelVAlign", LabelVAlign.GetHashCode().ToString()); } }
// Calculate coordinates for label around vertex private void FindLabelPlace(ref PointF location, int vertexRadius, LabelPosition labelPosition, SizeF labelSize) { switch (labelPosition) { case LabelPosition.Top: location.X -= labelSize.Width / 2; location.Y -= vertexRadius + (int)labelSize.Height; break; case LabelPosition.Bottom: location.X -= labelSize.Width / 2; location.Y += vertexRadius + 1; break; case LabelPosition.Left: location.X -= labelSize.Width + vertexRadius + 3; location.Y -= labelSize.Height / 2; break; case LabelPosition.Right: location.X += vertexRadius + 2; location.Y -= labelSize.Height / 2; break; case LabelPosition.Center: location.X -= labelSize.Width / 2; location.Y -= labelSize.Height / 2; break; } }
// set label position relatively to anchor point static void SetPosition(LabelState label, LabelPosition position) { if (!label.IsMovable) { return; } var sz = label.Size; switch (position) { case LabelPosition.TopLeft: label.Position = label.Point; break; case LabelPosition.TopRight: label.Position = new Point(label.Point.X - sz.Width, label.Point.Y); break; case LabelPosition.BottomLeft: label.Position = new Point(label.Point.X, label.Point.Y - sz.Height); break; case LabelPosition.BottomRight: label.Position = new Point(label.Point.X - sz.Width, label.Point.Y - sz.Height); break; } }
private void ConfigureLabelPosition() { if (LabelPosition != HorizontalPosition.None) { ElementClass = $"{ElementClass} {LabelPosition.GetDescription()} labeled"; } }
protected FormElement(string type, string name, LabelPosition labelPosition, string label) { Name = name; Type = type; LabelPosition = labelPosition; Label = label; }
public wLabel(LabelPosition NewPosition, LabelAlignment NewAlignment, wGraphic NewGraphic) { Enabled = true; Position = NewPosition; Alignment = NewAlignment; Graphics = NewGraphic; }
/// <summary> /// 속성들을 Xml Attribute로 생성합니다. /// </summary> /// <param name="writer">Attribute를 쓸 Writer</param> public override void GenerateXmlAttributes(XmlWriter writer) { base.GenerateXmlAttributes(writer); if (Dashed.HasValue) { writer.WriteAttributeString("dashed", Dashed.GetHashCode().ToString()); } if (Label.IsNotWhiteSpace()) { writer.WriteAttributeString("label", Label); } if (ShowLabelBorder.HasValue) { writer.WriteAttributeString("showLabelBorder", ShowLabelBorder.GetHashCode().ToString()); } if (LinePosition.HasValue) { writer.WriteAttributeString("linePosition", LinePosition.ToString()); } if (LabelPosition.HasValue) { writer.WriteAttributeString("labelPosition", LabelPosition.GetHashCode().ToString()); } if (LabelHAlign.HasValue) { writer.WriteAttributeString("labelHAlign", LabelHAlign.GetHashCode().ToString()); } if (LabelVAlign.HasValue) { writer.WriteAttributeString("labelVAlign", LabelVAlign.GetHashCode().ToString()); } }
public TextField(string name, LabelPosition labelPosition, string label, IEnumerable <ValidationRule <TextField> > rules, string defaultContent) : base(nameof(TextField), name, labelPosition, label) { DefaultContent = defaultContent; _content = defaultContent; Rules = rules; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="labelPosition"></param> /// <returns></returns> public decimal MatchNormalizedLabelMax(LabelPosition labelPosition) { if (labelPosition != LabelPosition.Below) { return(NormalizedValue + LabelHeight); } return(NormalizedValue); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="labelPosition"></param> /// <returns></returns> public decimal MatchNormalizedLabelMin(LabelPosition labelPosition) { if (labelPosition != LabelPosition.Above) { return(NormalizedValue - LabelHeight); } return(NormalizedValue); }
public int AddLabel(string text, Color color, LabelPosition position, Font font) { labelId++; labels.Add(new CharacterLabel(text, color, position, font, labelId)); animateTimer.Enabled = true; Invalidate(); return labelId; }
public ComboBoxField(string name, LabelPosition labelPosition, string label, IEnumerable <ValidationRule <ComboBoxField> > rules, IEnumerable <string> items, string defaultSelectedItem) : base(nameof(ComboBoxField), name, labelPosition, label) { DefaultSelectedItem = defaultSelectedItem; SelectedItem = defaultSelectedItem; Items = items; Rules = rules; }
public CheckBoxField(string name, LabelPosition labelPosition, string label, IEnumerable <ValidationRule <CheckBoxField> > rules, string content, bool defaultIsChecked) : base( nameof(CheckBoxField), name, labelPosition, label) { Content = content; DefaultIsChecked = defaultIsChecked; IsChecked = defaultIsChecked; Rules = rules; }
// Calculate coordinates for label private PointF CalculateLabelPosition(PointF vertexLocation, int vertexRadius, string label, Font font, LabelPosition labelPosition = LabelPosition.Top) { PointF labelLocation = new PointF(vertexLocation.X, vertexLocation.Y); SizeF labelSize = LabelSize(label, font); FindLabelPlace(ref labelLocation, vertexRadius, labelPosition, labelSize); return(labelLocation); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Barcode" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">The data to encode as a barcode.</param> /// <param name="showLabel">if set to <c>true</c> show the data as a label. Defaults to false.</param> /// <param name="width">The width in pixels. Defaults to 300.</param> /// <param name="height">The height in pixels. Defaults to 150.</param> /// <param name="labelPosition">The label position. Defaults to bottom-center.</param> public Barcode(string data, bool showLabel, int width, int height, LabelPosition labelPosition) { _autoSize = false; _data = data; _showLabel = showLabel; _width = width; _height = height; _labelPosition = labelPosition; InitializeType(); }
private void SetLabelCompass() { var chartLabel = BubbleChart1.ChartLabel; chartLabel.Visible = CbVisible.Checked; LabelPosition labelPosition = (LabelPosition)Enum.Parse(typeof(LabelPosition), DdlPosition.SelectedValue); chartLabel.Position = labelPosition; ChartCompass compass = (ChartCompass)Enum.Parse(typeof(ChartCompass), DdlCompass.SelectedValue); chartLabel.Compass = compass; }
/// <summary> /// Устанавливает позиция «лычки» значения в зависимости от <see cref="LabelPosition"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="dataItem">Исходный <see cref="IChartDataItem"/></param> /// <param name="labelPosition">Указание позиции «лычки»</param> /// <returns>Замыкание на переданный <see cref="IChartDataItem"/></returns> public static IChartDataItem SetLabelPosition(this IChartDataItem dataItem, LabelPosition labelPosition) { if (labelPosition == LabelPosition.Hidden) { dataItem.SetShowValue(false); } else { dataItem.Set <ChartSet>(FusionChartApi.Chart_ValuePosition, labelPosition.ToString()); } return(dataItem); }
public AdvancedField(string label, T @default, LabelPosition position = LabelPosition.Left, int minFieldWidth = 120, VisualElement prependLabel = null, VisualElement appendLabel = null, Action <TFieldElement, T> onValueChanged = null) { labelContainer = new VisualElement(); = Position.Relative; = FlexDirection.Row; = fontSize; = 4; = 4; this.label = new Label(label); = fontSize; = Position.Relative; = FlexDirection.Row; labelContainer.Add(this.label); this.prependLabel = prependLabel; this.appendLabel = appendLabel; this.position = position; this.StretchToParentWidth(); style.position = Position.Relative; style.unityTextAlign = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; style.flexDirection = (position == LabelPosition.Left || position == LabelPosition.Right) ? FlexDirection.Row : FlexDirection.Column; field = System.Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TFieldElement), @default) as TFieldElement; = Position.Relative; = FlexDirection.Row; = fontSize + 8; = minFieldWidth; field.RegisterValueChangedCallback((e) => { onValueChanged?.DynamicInvoke(field, e.newValue); }); if (position == LabelPosition.Left || position == LabelPosition.Top) { if (position == LabelPosition.Top) { = + 8; } Add(labelContainer); Add(field); } else { Add(field); Add(labelContainer); } }
public DBWebAggregateControl() : base() { FTextBox = new TextBox(); FTextBox.ReadOnly = true; FLabel = new Label(); FPanel = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel(); FTextBoxPortion = defaultTextBoxPortion; FLabelPosition = LabelPosition.LabelToLeft; FColumnLink = new DBWebColumnLink(this); IColumnLink = (FColumnLink as IDBWebColumnLink); base.Width = new Unit(minWidth); // TODO: remove from object inspector FAggregateType = AggType.aggAvg; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Barcode" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">The data to encode as a barcode.</param> /// <param name="showLabel">if set to <c>true</c> show the data as a label. Defaults to false.</param> /// <param name="width">The width in pixels. Defaults to 300.</param> /// <param name="height">The height in pixels. Defaults to 150.</param> /// <param name="labelPosition">The label position. Defaults to bottom-center.</param> /// <param name="alignmentPosition">The alignment position. Defaults to center.</param> /// <param name="labelFont">The label font. Defaults to Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10, FontStyle.Bold)</param> public Barcode(string data, bool showLabel, int width, int height, LabelPosition labelPosition, AlignmentPosition alignmentPosition, Font labelFont) { _autoSize = false; _data = data; _showLabel = showLabel; _width = width; _height = height; _labelPosition = labelPosition; _alignmentPosition = alignmentPosition; _labelFont = labelFont; InitializeType(); }
public Barcode(string data, bool showLabel, int width, int height, LabelPosition labelPosition, AlignmentPosition alignmentPosition, Color backgroundColor, Color foregroundColor) { _autoSize = false; _data = data; _showLabel = showLabel; _width = width; _height = height; _labelPosition = labelPosition; _alignmentPosition = alignmentPosition; _backgroundColor = backgroundColor; _foregroundColor = foregroundColor; InitializeType(); }
///<summary> /// Update labels ///</summary> private void UpdateLabels() { for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.Columns; i++) { labels[i].gameObject.SetActive(labelToggle.isOn); LabelPosition labelPosition = pieChart.GetLabelPosition(i, labelPos.value); if (labelPosition != null) { labels[i].rectTransform.anchoredPosition = labelPosition.position; labels[i].text = labelPosition.value.ToString("0.00"); } } labelPos.interactable = labelToggle.isOn; }
public void SpinButtonShouldHaveLabelPositionClassName(Visual visual, LabelPosition labelPosition) { var component = RenderComponent <BitSpinButtonTest>(parameters => { parameters.Add(p => p.Visual, visual); parameters.Add(p => p.LabelPosition, labelPosition); }); var labelPositionClass = labelPosition == LabelPosition.Left ? "left" : "top"; var visualClass = visual == Visual.Cupertino ? "cupertino" : visual == Visual.Material ? "material" : "fluent"; var container = component.Find(".bit-spb"); var hasLabelClass = container.ClassList.Contains($"bit-spb-label-{labelPositionClass}-{visualClass}"); Assert.IsTrue(hasLabelClass); }
public LabelValidator(string aminoAcids, LabelPosition position) { switch (position) { case LabelPosition.NTERM: validator = new LabelNTermValidator(aminoAcids); break; case LabelPosition.CTERM: validator = new LabelCTermValidator(aminoAcids); break; default: validator = new LabelAllValidator(aminoAcids); break; } }
public static IEnumerable <LabelPosition[]> GetVariants(DataItem[] dataItems) { var values = new List <string>(); var v = dataItems.Length; for (var ch = 'a'; ch <= 'c'; ch++) { values.Add(ch.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } for (var i = 1; i < v; i++) { var newValues = new List <string>(); EnumerableExtensions.DoForEach(values, _ => { for (var ch = 'a'; ch <= 'c'; ch++) { newValues.Add(_ + ch); } }); values = newValues; } var indexes = GetHiddenIndexes(dataItems).ToList(); foreach (var el in values) { var c = new LabelPosition[v]; var k = 0; foreach (var ch in el.ToCharArray()) { switch (ch) { case 'a': c[k] = LabelPosition.Auto; break; case 'b': c[k] = LabelPosition.Above; break; case 'c': c[k] = LabelPosition.Below; break; } k++; } indexes.ForEach(_ => c[_] = LabelPosition.Hidden); yield return(c); } }
private Vector2 GetPaddingVector(LabelPosition position) { switch (position) { case LabelPosition.TopRight: return(new Vector2(_resolution.X - 20f, 20f)); case LabelPosition.BottomRight: return(new Vector2(-20f, -20f)); case LabelPosition.BottomLeft: return(new Vector2(-20f, 20f)); case LabelPosition.TopLeft: return(new Vector2(20f, 20f)); default: return(new Vector2(20f, 20f)); } }
public CharacterLabel(string text, Color color, LabelPosition labelPosition, Font font, int id) { Text = text; Color = color; LabelPosition = labelPosition; Font = font; Id = id; if (labelPosition == LabelPosition.TOP_RIGHT_ANIMATE) { Position = TOP_RIGHT_ANIMATE_POSITION; } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the label flat. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Context.</param> /// <param name="bordertype">Bordertype.</param> /// <param name="labelposition">Labelposition.</param> /// <param name="pin">Pin.</param> /// <param name="xpos">Xpos.</param> /// <param name="ypos">Ypos.</param> private static void DrawLabelFlat(Cairo.Context context, BorderType bordertype, LabelPosition labelposition, IPin pin, int xpos = 0, int ypos = 0) { string displaytext = ""; var color = GdkToCairo (pin.PlotColor); displaytext = pin.DisplayNumberShort + " " + pin.Name; if (displaytext.Length > 12) { displaytext = displaytext.Substring (0, 12); displaytext += "..."; } if (bordertype == BorderType.Line) { DrawRoundedRectangle (context, xpos, ypos, LabelWidth - LabelBorderWeight, FlatHeight, 5); context.SetSourceRGBA (color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A); context.LineWidth = LabelBorderWeight; context.Stroke (); } //PinToLabelLine int xposlabelline = 0; int yposlabelline = 0; switch (labelposition) { case LabelPosition.Left: xposlabelline = xpos + LabelWidth; yposlabelline = ypos + (FlatHeight / 2); break; case LabelPosition.Right: xposlabelline = xpos; yposlabelline = ypos + (FlatHeight / 2); break; case LabelPosition.Bottom: xpos = xpos + LabelWidth / 2; yposlabelline = ypos; break; default: break; } if (PinLocations.ContainsKey ((int)pin.RealNumber)) { DrawLines ( context, xposlabelline, yposlabelline, (int)(MCUImageXZero + PinLocations [(int)pin.RealNumber].x), (int)(MCUImageYZero + PinLocations [(int)pin.RealNumber].y), color ); } //Number context.SetSourceRGB (0, 0, 0); context.SelectFontFace ("Sans", FontSlant.Normal, FontWeight.Bold); context.SetFontSize (LabelFontSize); context.MoveTo (xpos + 5, ypos + LabelFontSize + LabelBorderWeight); context.ShowText (displaytext); }
public GraphicBoxGenerator At(int x, int y) { _position = new LabelPosition(x, y); return this; }
public CustomFloatField(string label, float @default, LabelPosition position = LabelPosition.Left, int minFieldWidth = 120, VisualElement prependLabel = null, VisualElement appendLabel = null, Action <FloatField, float> onValueChanged = null) : base(label, @default, position, minFieldWidth, prependLabel, appendLabel, onValueChanged) { }
public int Generate(string expression, LabelPosition position, bool largestPartOnly = true) { return(_labels.Generate(expression, (tkLabelPositioning)position, largestPartOnly)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="labelPosition"></param> /// <returns></returns> public decimal MatchNormalizedLabelMin(LabelPosition labelPosition) { if (labelPosition != LabelPosition.Above) return NormalizedValue - LabelHeight; return NormalizedValue; }
protected GameObject CreateLabelWidget(string text, GameObject parent, LabelPosition position) { GameObject widget = new GameObject("TextElement"); RectTransform transform = widget.AddComponent <RectTransform>(); Text textItem = widget.AddComponent <Text>(); textItem.font = Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont("Arial", 40); textItem.fontSize = 40; textItem.text = text; transform.SetParent(parent.transform, false); switch (position) { case LabelPosition.XLower: textItem.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; transform.pivot = new Vector2(0f, 1f); transform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f); transform.anchorMax = new Vector2(0f, 0f); transform.offsetMin = new Vector2(0f, -70f); transform.offsetMax = new Vector2(150f, -20f); break; case LabelPosition.XUpper: textItem.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperRight; transform.pivot = new Vector2(1f, 1f); transform.anchorMin = new Vector2(1f, 0f); transform.anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 0f); transform.offsetMin = new Vector2(-150f, -70f); transform.offsetMax = new Vector2(0f, -20f); break; case LabelPosition.YLower: textItem.alignment = TextAnchor.LowerRight; transform.pivot = new Vector2(1f, 0f); transform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f); transform.anchorMax = new Vector2(0f, 0f); transform.offsetMin = new Vector2(-170f, 0f); transform.offsetMax = new Vector2(-20f, 50f); break; case LabelPosition.YUpper: textItem.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperRight; transform.pivot = new Vector2(1f, 1f); transform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 1f); transform.anchorMax = new Vector2(0f, 1f); transform.offsetMin = new Vector2(-170f, -50f); transform.offsetMax = new Vector2(-20f, 0f); break; default: Debug.LogError($"Unexpected position: {position}"); break; } //ThemeText themeText = widget.AddComponent<ThemeText>(); //themeText.textType = ThemeText.ThemeTextType.SystemText; //themeText.FindTier(); //themeText.UpdateFormatting(); return(widget); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="labelPosition"></param> /// <returns></returns> public decimal MatchNormalizedLabelMax(LabelPosition labelPosition) { if (labelPosition != LabelPosition.Below) return NormalizedValue + LabelHeight; return NormalizedValue; }
public bool Generate(LabelPosition position) { return(_charts.Generate((tkLabelPositioning)position)); }
/// <summary> /// Draws the label. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Context.</param> /// <param name="format">Format.</param> /// <param name="bordertype">Bordertype.</param> /// <param name="labelposition">Labelposition.</param> /// <param name="pin">Pin.</param> /// <param name="xpos">Xpos.</param> /// <param name="ypos">Ypos.</param> public static void DrawLabel(Cairo.Context context, LabelFormat format, BorderType bordertype, LabelPosition labelposition, IPin pin, int xpos, int ypos) { switch (format) { case LabelFormat.Flat: DrawLabelFlat (context, bordertype, labelposition, pin, xpos, ypos); break; case LabelFormat.Bold: DrawLabel (context, bordertype, pin, xpos, ypos); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the labels. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Context.</param> /// <param name="pins">Pins.</param> /// <param name="xpos">Xpos.</param> /// <param name="ypos">Ypos.</param> /// <param name="labelposition">Labelposition.</param> /// <param name="labelformat">Labelformat.</param> /// <param name="bordtype">Bordtype.</param> public static void SetPinLabels(Cairo.Context context, List<IPin> pins, int xpos, int ypos, LabelPosition labelposition, LabelFormat labelformat = LabelFormat.Flat, BorderType bordtype = BorderType.Line) { int height = (labelformat == LabelFormat.Flat) ? FlatHeight : BoldHeight; for (int i = 0; i < pins.Count; i++) { DrawLabel (context, labelformat, bordtype, labelposition, pins [i], xpos, ypos + (i * height + i * Space)); } }
public GraphicBoxGenerator At(int x, int y) { _position = new LabelPosition(x, y); return(this); }
// set label position relatively to anchor point static void SetPosition(LabelState label, LabelPosition position) { if (!label.IsMovable) return; var sz = label.Size; switch (position) { case LabelPosition.TopLeft: label.Position = label.Point; break; case LabelPosition.TopRight: label.Position = new Point(label.Point.X - sz.Width, label.Point.Y); break; case LabelPosition.BottomLeft: label.Position = new Point(label.Point.X, label.Point.Y - sz.Height); break; case LabelPosition.BottomRight: label.Position = new Point(label.Point.X - sz.Width, label.Point.Y - sz.Height); break; } }