예제 #1
        public override void Execute(JoinPointContext context)
            long stoptime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            long starttime = (long)context.GetProperty("starttime");

            TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(stoptime - starttime);

            Console.WriteLine("Timed method {0} (declaring type {1})",
                              context.MethodInformation.Name, context.MethodInformation.DeclaringType.FullName);
예제 #2
        public override void Execute(JoinPointContext context)
            long   stoptime    = 0;
            double executetime = 0;

            // Get the frequency from the JoinPointContext, this frequency was stored in the StartTimerAction
            long freq = (long)context.GetProperty("frequency");

            if (freq == 0)
                stoptime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                QueryPerformanceCounter(out stoptime);

            if (context == null)
                TraceFile.WriteLine("StopTimer: Context not set!");

            // Get the starttime from the JoinPointContext, this starttime was stored int he StartTimerAction
            long starttime = (long)context.GetProperty("starttime");

            if (freq == 0)
                TimeSpan executeTimeSpan = new TimeSpan(stoptime - starttime);
                executetime = (double)executeTimeSpan.Milliseconds;
                executetime = ((double)(stoptime - starttime) / (double)freq) / 1000;

            String sender = "unknown";

            if (context.Sender != null)
                sender = context.Sender.GetType().FullName;

            String target = "unknown";

            if (context.StartTarget != null)
                target = context.StartTarget.GetType().FullName;

            String args = "";

            if (context.ArgumentCount > 0)
                for (short i = 0; i < context.ArgumentCount; i++)
                    if (context.GetArgumentValue(i) != null)
                        if (args != "")
                            args = args + ",";
                        args = args + context.GetArgumentValue(i).GetType().FullName;

            TraceFile.WriteLine("The execution of message: {0}.{1}({2}) took {3:0.0000} msec.", target, context.StartSelector, args, executetime);