예제 #1
         * CLASS METHODS
        /// <summary>
        /// Primary Analysis Thread:
        /// </summary>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var    algorithmPath    = "";
            string mode             = "RELEASE";
            AlgorithmNodePacket job = null;
            var algorithm           = default(IAlgorithm);
            var startTime           = DateTime.Now;

            Log.LogHandler = Composer.Instance.GetExportedValueByTypeName <ILogHandler>(Config.Get("log-handler", "CompositeLogHandler"));

            #if DEBUG
            mode = "DEBUG";

            //Name thread for the profiler:
            Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Algorithm Analysis Thread";
            Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): LEAN ALGORITHMIC TRADING ENGINE v" + Constants.Version + " Mode: " + mode);
            Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Started " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString());
            Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Memory " + OS.ApplicationMemoryUsed + "Mb-App  " + +OS.TotalPhysicalMemoryUsed + "Mb-Used  " + OS.TotalPhysicalMemory + "Mb-Total");

            //Import external libraries specific to physical server location (cloud/local)
                // grab the right export based on configuration
                Api      = Composer.Instance.GetExportedValueByTypeName <IApi>(Config.Get("api-handler"));
                Notify   = Composer.Instance.GetExportedValueByTypeName <IMessagingHandler>(Config.Get("messaging-handler"));
                JobQueue = Composer.Instance.GetExportedValueByTypeName <IJobQueueHandler>(Config.Get("job-queue-handler"));
            catch (CompositionException compositionException)
            { Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Failed to load library: " + compositionException); }

            //Setup packeting, queue and controls system: These don't do much locally.

            //Start monitoring the backtest active status:
            var statusPingThread = new Thread(StateCheck.Ping.Run);

                    //Reset algo manager internal variables preparing for a new algorithm.

                    //Reset thread holders.
                    var    initializeComplete = false;
                    Thread threadFeed         = null;
                    Thread threadTransactions = null;
                    Thread threadResults      = null;
                    Thread threadRealTime     = null;

                        //-> Pull job from QuantConnect job queue, or, pull local build:
                        job = JobQueue.NextJob(out algorithmPath); // Blocking.

                        // if the job version doesn't match this instance version then we can't process it
                        // we also don't want to reprocess redelivered live jobs
                        if (job.Version != Constants.Version || (LiveMode && job.Redelivered))
                            Log.Error("Engine.Run(): Job Version: " + job.Version + "  Deployed Version: " + Constants.Version);

                            //Tiny chance there was an uncontrolled collapse of a server, resulting in an old user task circulating.
                            //In this event kill the old algorithm and leave a message so the user can later review.
                            Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, _collapseMessage);
                            Notify.RuntimeError(job.AlgorithmId, _collapseMessage);
                            job = null;
                    } while (job == null);

                    //-> Initialize messaging system

                    //-> Create SetupHandler to configure internal algorithm state:
                    SetupHandler = GetSetupHandler(job.SetupEndpoint);

                    //-> Set the result handler type for this algorithm job, and launch the associated result thread.
                    ResultHandler = GetResultHandler(job);
                    threadResults = new Thread(ResultHandler.Run, 0)
                        Name = "Result Thread"

                        // Save algorithm to cache, load algorithm instance:
                        algorithm = SetupHandler.CreateAlgorithmInstance(algorithmPath);

                        //Initialize the internal state of algorithm and job: executes the algorithm.Initialize() method.
                        initializeComplete = SetupHandler.Setup(algorithm, out _brokerage, job);

                        //If there are any reasons it failed, pass these back to the IDE.
                        if (!initializeComplete || algorithm.ErrorMessages.Count > 0 || SetupHandler.Errors.Count > 0)
                            initializeComplete = false;
                            //Get all the error messages: internal in algorithm and external in setup handler.
                            var errorMessage = String.Join(",", algorithm.ErrorMessages);
                            errorMessage += String.Join(",", SetupHandler.Errors);
                            Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError);
                    catch (Exception err)
                        var runtimeMessage = "Algorithm.Initialize() Error: " + err.Message + " Stack Trace: " + err.StackTrace;
                        ResultHandler.RuntimeError(runtimeMessage, err.StackTrace);
                        Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, runtimeMessage);

                    //-> Using the job + initialization: load the designated handlers:
                    if (initializeComplete)
                        //-> Reset the backtest stopwatch; we're now running the algorithm.
                        startTime = DateTime.Now;

                        //Set algorithm as locked; set it to live mode if we're trading live, and set it to locked for no further updates.

                        //Load the associated handlers for data, transaction and realtime events:
                        DataFeed           = GetDataFeedHandler(algorithm, job);
                        TransactionHandler = GetTransactionHandler(algorithm, _brokerage, ResultHandler, job);
                        RealTimeHandler    = GetRealTimeHandler(algorithm, _brokerage, DataFeed, ResultHandler, job);

                        //Set the error handlers for the brokerage asynchronous errors.
                        SetupHandler.SetupErrorHandler(ResultHandler, _brokerage);

                        //Send status to user the algorithm is now executing.
                        ResultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.Running);

                        //Launch the data, transaction and realtime handlers into dedicated threads
                        threadFeed = new Thread(DataFeed.Run, 0)
                            Name = "DataFeed Thread"
                        threadTransactions = new Thread(TransactionHandler.Run, 0)
                            Name = "Transaction Thread"
                        threadRealTime = new Thread(RealTimeHandler.Run, 0)
                            Name = "RealTime Thread"

                        //Launch the data feed, result sending, and transaction models/handlers in separate threads.
                        threadFeed.Start();         // Data feed pushing data packets into thread bridge;
                        threadTransactions.Start(); // Transaction modeller scanning new order requests
                        threadRealTime.Start();     // RealTime scan time for time based events:
                        // Result manager scanning message queue: (started earlier)
                        ResultHandler.DebugMessage(string.Format("Launching analysis for {0} with LEAN Engine v{1}", job.AlgorithmId, Constants.Version));

                            // Execute the Algorithm Code:
                            var complete = Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(SetupHandler.MaximumRuntime, () =>
                                    //Run Algorithm Job:
                                    // -> Using this Data Feed,
                                    // -> Send Orders to this TransactionHandler,
                                    // -> Send Results to ResultHandler.
                                    AlgorithmManager.Run(job, algorithm, DataFeed, TransactionHandler, ResultHandler, SetupHandler, RealTimeHandler);
                                catch (Exception err)
                                    //Debugging at this level is difficult, stack trace needed.
                                    Log.Error("Engine.Run(): Error in Algo Manager: " + err.Message + " ST >> " + err.StackTrace);

                                Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Exiting Algorithm Manager");
                            }, MaximumRamAllocation);

                            if (!complete)
                                Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Failed to complete in time: " + SetupHandler.MaximumRuntime.ToString("F"));
                                throw new Exception("Failed to complete algorithm within " + SetupHandler.MaximumRuntime.ToString("F") + " seconds. Please make it run faster.");

                            // Algorithm runtime error:
                            if (algorithm.RunTimeError != null)
                                throw algorithm.RunTimeError;
                        catch (Exception err)
                            //Error running the user algorithm: purge datafeed, send error messages, set algorithm status to failed.
                            Log.Error("Engine.Run(): Breaking out of parent try-catch: " + err.Message + " " + err.StackTrace);
                            if (DataFeed != null)
                            if (ResultHandler != null)
                                var message = "Runtime Error: " + err.Message;
                                Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Sending runtime error to user...");
                                ResultHandler.RuntimeError(message, err.StackTrace);
                                Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, message + " Stack Trace: " + err.StackTrace);

                        //Send result data back: this entire code block could be rewritten.
                        // todo: - Split up statistics class, its enormous.
                        // todo: - Make a dedicated Statistics.Benchmark class.
                        // todo: - Move all creation and transmission of statistics out of primary engine loop.
                        // todo: - Statistics.Generate(algorithm, resulthandler, transactionhandler);

                            var charts     = new Dictionary <string, Chart>(ResultHandler.Charts);
                            var orders     = new Dictionary <int, Order>(algorithm.Transactions.Orders);
                            var holdings   = new Dictionary <string, Holding>();
                            var statistics = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                            var banner     = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                                //Generates error when things don't exist (no charting logged, runtime errors in main algo execution)
                                const string strategyEquityKey   = "Strategy Equity";
                                const string equityKey           = "Equity";
                                const string dailyPerformanceKey = "Daily Performance";

                                // make sure we've taken samples for these series before just blindly requesting them
                                if (charts.ContainsKey(strategyEquityKey) &&
                                    charts[strategyEquityKey].Series.ContainsKey(equityKey) &&
                                    var equity      = charts[strategyEquityKey].Series[equityKey].Values;
                                    var performance = charts[strategyEquityKey].Series[dailyPerformanceKey].Values;
                                    var profitLoss  =
                                        new SortedDictionary <DateTime, decimal>(algorithm.Transactions.TransactionRecord);
                                    statistics = Statistics.Statistics.Generate(equity, profitLoss, performance,
                                                                                SetupHandler.StartingPortfolioValue, 252);
                            catch (Exception err)
                                Log.Error("Algorithm.Node.Engine(): Error generating statistics packet: " + err.Message);

                            //Diagnostics Completed, Send Result Packet:
                            var totalSeconds = (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds;
                            ResultHandler.DebugMessage(string.Format("Algorithm Id:({0}) completed in {1} seconds at {2}k data points per second. Processing total of {3} data points.",
                                                                     job.AlgorithmId, totalSeconds.ToString("F2"), ((AlgorithmManager.DataPoints / (double)1000) / totalSeconds).ToString("F0"), AlgorithmManager.DataPoints.ToString("N0")));

                            ResultHandler.SendFinalResult(job, orders, algorithm.Transactions.TransactionRecord, holdings, statistics, banner);
                        catch (Exception err)
                            Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Error sending analysis result: " + err.Message + "  ST >> " + err.StackTrace);

                        //Before we return, send terminate commands to close up the threads

                    //Close result handler:

                    //Wait for the threads to complete:
                    var ts = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    while ((ResultHandler.IsActive || (TransactionHandler != null && TransactionHandler.IsActive) || (DataFeed != null && DataFeed.IsActive)) && ts.ElapsedMilliseconds < 30 * 1000)
                        Thread.Sleep(100); Log.Trace("Waiting for threads to exit...");
                    if (threadFeed != null && threadFeed.IsAlive)
                    if (threadTransactions != null && threadTransactions.IsAlive)
                    if (threadResults != null && threadResults.IsAlive)
                    Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Analysis Completed and Results Posted.");
                catch (Exception err)
                    Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Error running algorithm: " + err.Message + " >> " + err.StackTrace);
                    //No matter what for live mode; make sure we've set algorithm status in the API for "not running" conditions:
                    if (LiveMode && AlgorithmManager.State != AlgorithmStatus.Running && AlgorithmManager.State != AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError)
                        Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmManager.State);

                    //Delete the message from the job queue:
                    Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Packet removed from queue: " + job.AlgorithmId);

                    //Attempt to clean up ram usage:
                //If we're running locally will execute just once.
            } while (!IsLocal);

            // Send the exit signal and then kill the thread

            // Make the console window pause so we can read log output before exiting and killing the application completely

            //Finally if ping thread still not complete, kill.
            if (statusPingThread != null && statusPingThread.IsAlive)

            if (Log.LogHandler != null)
예제 #2
파일: Engine.cs 프로젝트: mdj/Lean
         * CLASS METHODS
        /// <summary>
        /// Primary Analysis Thread:
        /// </summary>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            AlgorithmNodePacket job = null;
            var timer     = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var algorithm = default(IAlgorithm);

            //Name thread for the profiler:
            Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Algorithm Analysis Thread";
            Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Started " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString());
            Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Memory " + OS.ApplicationMemoryUsed + "Mb-App  " + +OS.TotalPhysicalMemoryUsed + "Mb-Used  " + OS.TotalPhysicalMemory + "Mb-Total");

            //Import external libraries specific to physical server location (cloud/local)
            var catalog = new AggregateCatalog();

            catalog.Catalogs.Add(new DirectoryCatalog(@"../../Extensions"));
            var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);

                // grab the right export based on configuration
                Notify = container.GetExportedValueByTypeName <IMessagingHandler>(Config.Get("messaging-handler"));
                Queue  = container.GetExportedValueByTypeName <IQueueHandler>(Config.Get("queue-handler"));
                Api    = container.GetExportedValueByTypeName <IApi>(Config.Get("api-handler"));
            catch (CompositionException compositionException)
            { Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Failed to load library: " + compositionException); }

            //Setup packeting, queue and controls system: These don't do much locally.

            //Start monitoring the backtest active status:
            var statusPingThread = new Thread(StateCheck.Ping.Run);


                    //Clean up cache directories:

                    //Reset algo manager internal variables preparing for a new algorithm.

                    //Reset thread holders.
                    var    initializeComplete = false;
                    Thread threadFeed         = null;
                    Thread threadTransactions = null;
                    Thread threadResults      = null;
                    Thread threadRealTime     = null;

                    //-> Pull job from QuantConnect job queue, or, pull local build:
                    var algorithmPath = "";
                    job = Queue.NextJob(out algorithmPath); // Blocking.

                    //-> Initialize messaging system

                    //-> Reset the backtest stopwatch; we're now running the algorithm.

                    //-> Create SetupHandler to configure internal algorithm state:
                    SetupHandler = GetSetupHandler(job.SetupEndpoint);

                    //-> Set the result handler type for this algorithm job, and launch the associated result thread.
                    ResultHandler = GetResultHandler(job);
                    threadResults = new Thread(ResultHandler.Run, 0)
                        Name = "Result Thread"

                        // Save algorithm to cache, load algorithm instance:
                        algorithm = SetupHandler.CreateAlgorithmInstance(algorithmPath);

                        //Initialize the internal state of algorithm and job: executes the algorithm.Initialize() method.
                        initializeComplete = SetupHandler.Setup(algorithm, out _brokerage, job);

                        //If there are any reasons it failed, pass these back to the IDE.
                        if (!initializeComplete || algorithm.ErrorMessages.Count > 0 || SetupHandler.Errors.Count > 0)
                            initializeComplete = false;
                            //Get all the error messages: internal in algorithm and external in setup handler.
                            var errorMessage = String.Join(",", algorithm.ErrorMessages);
                            errorMessage += String.Join(",", SetupHandler.Errors);
                            throw new Exception(errorMessage);
                    catch (Exception err)
                        ResultHandler.RuntimeError("Algorithm.Initialize() Error: " + err.Message, err.StackTrace);

                    //-> Using the job + initialization: load the designated handlers:
                    if (initializeComplete)
                        //Set algorithm as locked; set it to live mode if we're trading live, and set it to locked for no further updates.

                        //Load the associated handlers for data, transaction and realtime events:
                        DataFeed           = GetDataFeedHandler(algorithm, job);
                        TransactionHandler = GetTransactionHandler(algorithm, _brokerage, ResultHandler, job);
                        RealTimeHandler    = GetRealTimeHandler(algorithm, _brokerage, DataFeed, ResultHandler, job);

                        //Set the error handlers for the brokerage asynchronous errors.
                        SetupHandler.SetupErrorHandler(ResultHandler, _brokerage);

                        //Send status to user the algorithm is now executing.
                        ResultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.Running);

                        //Launch the data, transaction and realtime handlers into dedicated threads
                        threadFeed = new Thread(DataFeed.Run, 0)
                            Name = "DataFeed Thread"
                        threadTransactions = new Thread(TransactionHandler.Run, 0)
                            Name = "Transaction Thread"
                        threadRealTime = new Thread(RealTimeHandler.Run, 0)
                            Name = "RealTime Thread"

                        //Launch the data feed, result sending, and transaction models/handlers in separate threads.
                        threadFeed.Start();         // Data feed pushing data packets into thread bridge;
                        threadTransactions.Start(); // Transaction modeller scanning new order requests
                        threadRealTime.Start();     // RealTime scan time for time based events:
                                                    // Result manager scanning message queue: (started earlier)

                            // Execute the Algorithm Code:
                            var complete = Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(SetupHandler.MaximumRuntime, () =>
                                    //Run Algorithm Job:
                                    // -> Using this Data Feed,
                                    // -> Send Orders to this TransactionHandler,
                                    // -> Send Results to ResultHandler.
                                    AlgorithmManager.Run(job, algorithm, DataFeed, TransactionHandler, ResultHandler, SetupHandler, RealTimeHandler);
                                catch (Exception err)
                                    //Debugging at this level is difficult, stack trace needed.
                                    Log.Error("Engine.Run(): Error in Algo Manager: " + err.Message + " ST >> " + err.StackTrace);

                                Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Exiting Algorithm Manager");
                            }, MaximumRamAllocation);

                            if (!complete)
                                Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Failed to complete in time: " + SetupHandler.MaximumRuntime.ToString("F"));
                                throw new Exception("Failed to complete algorithm within " + SetupHandler.MaximumRuntime.ToString("F") + " seconds. Please make it run faster.");

                            // Algorithm runtime error:
                            if (AlgorithmManager.RunTimeError != null)
                                throw AlgorithmManager.RunTimeError;
                        catch (Exception err)
                            //Error running the user algorithm: purge datafeed, send error messages, set algorithm status to failed.
                            Log.Error("Engine.Run(): Breaking out of parent try-catch: " + err.Message + " " + err.StackTrace);
                            if (DataFeed != null)
                            if (ResultHandler != null)
                                var runtimeMessage = "Runtime Error: " + err.Message + " Stack Trace: " + err.StackTrace;
                                ResultHandler.RuntimeError(runtimeMessage, err.StackTrace);
                                Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, runtimeMessage);

                        //Send result data back: this entire code block could be rewritten.
                        // todo: - Split up statistics class, its enormous.
                        // todo: - Make a dedicated Statistics.Benchmark class.
                        // todo: - Elegently manage failure scenarios where no equity present.
                        // todo: - Move all creation and transmission of statistics out of primary engine loop.
                        // todo: - Statistics.Generate(algorithm, resulthandler, transactionhandler);

                            var charts     = new Dictionary <string, Chart>(ResultHandler.Charts);
                            var orders     = new Dictionary <int, Order>(algorithm.Transactions.Orders);
                            var holdings   = new Dictionary <string, Holding>();
                            var statistics = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                            var banner     = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                                //Generates error when things don't exist (no charting logged, runtime errors in main algo execution)
                                const string strategyEquityKey   = "Strategy Equity";
                                const string equityKey           = "Equity";
                                const string dailyPerformanceKey = "Daily Performance";

                                // make sure we've taken samples for these series before just blindly requesting them
                                if (charts.ContainsKey(strategyEquityKey) && charts[strategyEquityKey].Series.ContainsKey(equityKey) && charts[strategyEquityKey].Series.ContainsKey(dailyPerformanceKey))
                                    var equity      = charts[strategyEquityKey].Series[equityKey].Values;
                                    var performance = charts[strategyEquityKey].Series[dailyPerformanceKey].Values;
                                    var profitLoss  = new SortedDictionary <DateTime, decimal>(algorithm.Transactions.TransactionRecord);
                                    statistics = Statistics.Statistics.Generate(equity, profitLoss, performance, SetupHandler.StartingCapital, 252);
                            catch (Exception err) {
                                Log.Error("Algorithm.Node.Engine(): Error generating result packet: " + err.Message);

                            //Diagnostics Completed:
                            ResultHandler.DebugMessage("Algorithm Id:(" + job.AlgorithmId + ") completed analysis in " + timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString("F2") + " seconds");

                            //Send the result packet:
                            ResultHandler.SendFinalResult(job, orders, algorithm.Transactions.TransactionRecord, holdings, statistics, banner);
                        catch (Exception err)
                            Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Error sending analysis result: " + err.Message + "  ST >> " + err.StackTrace);

                        //Before we return, send terminate commands to close up the threads
                        timer.Stop();               //Algorithm finished running.

                    //Close result handler:

                    //Wait for the threads to complete:
                    Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Waiting for threads to deactivate...");
                    var ts = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    while ((ResultHandler.IsActive || (TransactionHandler != null && TransactionHandler.IsActive) || (DataFeed != null && DataFeed.IsActive)) && ts.ElapsedMilliseconds < 60 * 1000)
                        Log.Trace("WAITING >> Result: " + ResultHandler.IsActive + " Transaction: " + TransactionHandler.IsActive + " DataFeed: " + DataFeed.IsActive + " RealTime: " + RealTimeHandler.IsActive);

                    Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Closing Threads...");
                    if (threadFeed != null && threadFeed.IsAlive)
                    if (threadTransactions != null && threadTransactions.IsAlive)
                    if (threadResults != null && threadResults.IsAlive)
                    Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Analysis Completed and Results Posted.");
                catch (Exception err)
                    Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Error running algorithm: " + err.Message + " >> " + err.StackTrace);
                    //Delete the message from the queue before another worker picks it up:
                    Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Packet removed from queue: " + job.AlgorithmId);

                //If we're running locally will execute just once.
            } while (!IsLocal);

            // Send the exit signal and then kill the thread

            // Make the console window pause so we can read log output before exiting and killing the application completely

            //Finally if ping thread still not complete, kill.
            if (statusPingThread != null && statusPingThread.IsAlive)
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and data subscriptions as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">Brokerage instance</param>
        /// <param name="baseJob">Algorithm job</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully initializing the algorithm</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, out IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket baseJob)
            var job = baseJob as BacktestNodePacket;

            brokerage = new Brokerage(); //Not used.

            if (algorithm == null)
                Errors.Add("Could not create instance of algorithm");

            //Make sure the algorithm start date ok.
            if (job.PeriodStart == null)
                Errors.Add("Algorithm start date is null");

            //Execute the initialize code:
            var initializeComplete = Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () =>
                    //0.0 Set the algorithm time before we even initialize:
                    //1.0 Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:
                    //1.2 Set the algorithm to locked to avoid messing with cash:
                catch (Exception err)
                    Errors.Add("Failed to initialize algorithm: Initialize(): " + err.Message);

            //Before continuing, detect if this is ready:
            if (!initializeComplete)

            //Calculate the max runtime for the strategy
            _maxRuntime = GetMaximumRuntime(job.PeriodStart, job.PeriodFinish, algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Count);

            //Get starting capital:
            _startingCaptial = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;

            //Max Orders: 100 per day:
            _maxOrders = (int)(job.PeriodFinish - job.PeriodStart).TotalDays * 100;

            //Starting date of the algorithm:
            _startingDate = job.PeriodStart;

            //Put into log for debugging:
            Log.Trace("SetUp Backtesting: User: "******" ProjectId: " + job.ProjectId + " AlgoId: " + job.AlgorithmId);
            Log.Trace("Dates: Start: " + job.PeriodStart.ToShortDateString() + " End: " + job.PeriodFinish.ToShortDateString() + " Cash: " + _startingCaptial.ToString("C"));

            if (Errors.Count > 0)
                initializeComplete = false;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Primary entry point to setup a new algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">New brokerage output instance</param>
        /// <param name="job">Algorithm job task</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
        /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configurated transaction handler</param>
        /// <param name="realTimeHandler">The configured real time handler</param>
        /// <returns>True on successfully setting up the algorithm state, or false on error.</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, out IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler, IRealTimeHandler realTimeHandler)
            _algorithm = algorithm;
            brokerage = default(IBrokerage);

            // verify we were given the correct job packet type
            var liveJob = job as LiveNodePacket;
            if (liveJob == null)
                AddInitializationError("BrokerageSetupHandler requires a LiveNodePacket");
                return false;

            // verify the brokerage was specified
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(liveJob.Brokerage))
                AddInitializationError("A brokerage must be specified");
                return false;

            // attach to the message event to relay brokerage specific initialization messages
            EventHandler<BrokerageMessageEvent> brokerageOnMessage = (sender, args) =>
                if (args.Type == BrokerageMessageType.Error)
                    AddInitializationError(string.Format("Brokerage Error Code: {0} - {1}", args.Code, args.Message));

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Initializing algorithm...");

                //Execute the initialize code:
                var isolator = new Isolator();
                var initializeComplete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () =>
                        //Set the live trading level asset/ram allocation limits.
                        //Protects algorithm from linux killing the job by excess memory:
                        switch (job.ServerType)
                            case ServerType.Server1024:
                                algorithm.SetAssetLimits(100, 20, 10);

                            case ServerType.Server2048:
                                algorithm.SetAssetLimits(400, 50, 30);

                            default: //512
                                algorithm.SetAssetLimits(50, 25, 15);

                        //Algorithm is live, not backtesting:
                        //Initialize the algorithm's starting date
                        //Set the source impl for the event scheduling
                        //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:
                    catch (Exception err)

                if (!initializeComplete)
                    AddInitializationError("Initialization timed out.");
                    return false;
                    // find the correct brokerage factory based on the specified brokerage in the live job packet
                    _factory = Composer.Instance.Single<IBrokerageFactory>(factory => factory.BrokerageType.MatchesTypeName(liveJob.Brokerage));
                catch (Exception err)
                    Log.Error("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Error resolving brokerage factory for " + liveJob.Brokerage + ". " + err.Message);
                    AddInitializationError("Unable to locate factory for brokerage: " + liveJob.Brokerage);

                // let the world know what we're doing since logging in can take a minute
                resultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.LoggingIn, "Logging into brokerage...");

                // initialize the correct brokerage using the resolved factory
                brokerage = _factory.CreateBrokerage(liveJob, algorithm);

                if (brokerage == null)
                    AddInitializationError("Failed to create instance of brokerage: " + liveJob.Brokerage);
                    return false;

                brokerage.Message += brokerageOnMessage;

                // set the transaction models base on the brokerage properties
                SetupHandler.UpdateTransactionModels(algorithm, algorithm.BrokerageModel);

                    // this can fail for various reasons, such as already being logged in somewhere else
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error connecting to brokerage: " + err.Message);
                    return false;

                if (!brokerage.IsConnected)
                    // if we're reporting that we're not connected, bail
                    AddInitializationError("Unable to connect to brokerage.");
                    return false;

                    // set the algorithm's cash balance for each currency
                    var cashBalance = brokerage.GetCashBalance();
                    foreach (var cash in cashBalance)
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting " + cash.Symbol + " cash to " + cash.Quantity);
                        algorithm.SetCash(cash.Symbol, cash.Quantity, cash.ConversionRate);
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting cash balance from brokerage: " + err.Message);
                    return false;

                    // populate the algorithm with the account's outstanding orders
                    var openOrders = brokerage.GetOpenOrders();
                    foreach (var order in openOrders)
                        // be sure to assign order IDs such that we increment from the SecurityTransactionManager to avoid ID collisions
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Has open order: " + order.Symbol + " - " + order.Quantity);
                        order.Id = algorithm.Transactions.GetIncrementOrderId();
                        transactionHandler.Orders.AddOrUpdate(order.Id, order, (i, o) => order);
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting open orders from brokerage: " + err.Message);
                    return false;

                    // populate the algorithm with the account's current holdings
                    var holdings = brokerage.GetAccountHoldings();
                    var minResolution = new Lazy<Resolution>(() => algorithm.Securities.Min(x => x.Value.Resolution));
                    foreach (var holding in holdings)
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Has existing holding: " + holding);
                        if (!algorithm.Portfolio.ContainsKey(holding.Symbol))
                            Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Adding unrequested security: " + holding.Symbol);
                            // for items not directly requested set leverage to 1 and at the min resolution
                            algorithm.AddSecurity(holding.Type, holding.Symbol, minResolution.Value, null, true, 1.0m, false);
                        algorithm.Portfolio[holding.Symbol].SetHoldings(holding.AveragePrice, (int) holding.Quantity);
                        algorithm.Securities[holding.Symbol].SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar
                            Time = DateTime.Now,
                            Open = holding.MarketPrice,
                            High = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Low = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Close = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Volume = 0,
                            Symbol = holding.Symbol,
                            DataType = MarketDataType.TradeBar
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting account holdings from brokerage: " + err.Message);
                    return false;

                // call this after we've initialized everything from the brokerage since we may have added some holdings/currencies
                algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook.EnsureCurrencyDataFeeds(algorithm.Securities, algorithm.SubscriptionManager, SecurityExchangeHoursProvider.FromDataFolder());

                //Set the starting portfolio value for the strategy to calculate performance:
                StartingPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue;
                StartingDate = DateTime.Now;
            catch (Exception err)
                if (brokerage != null)
                    brokerage.Message -= brokerageOnMessage;

            return Errors.Count == 0;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and data subscriptions as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">Brokerage instance</param>
        /// <param name="baseJob">Algorithm job</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
        /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configurated transaction handler</param>
        /// <param name="realTimeHandler">The configured real time handler</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully initializing the algorithm</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket baseJob, IResultHandler resultHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler, IRealTimeHandler realTimeHandler)
            var job = baseJob as BacktestNodePacket;
            if (job == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Expected BacktestNodePacket but received " + baseJob.GetType().Name);

            Log.Trace(string.Format("BacktestingSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting up job: Plan: {0}, UID: {1}, PID: {2}, Version: {3}, Source: {4}", job.UserPlan, job.UserId, job.ProjectId, job.Version, job.RequestSource));

            if (algorithm == null)
                Errors.Add("Could not create instance of algorithm");
                return false;

            //Make sure the algorithm start date ok.
            if (job.PeriodStart == default(DateTime))
                Errors.Add("Algorithm start date was never set");
                return false;

            var controls = job.Controls;
            var isolator = new Isolator();
            var initializeComplete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), () =>
                    //Set our parameters
                    //Algorithm is backtesting, not live:
                    //Set the algorithm time before we even initialize:
                    //Set the source impl for the event scheduling
                    //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:
                catch (Exception err)
                    Errors.Add("Failed to initialize algorithm: Initialize(): " + err.Message);

            //Before continuing, detect if this is ready:
            if (!initializeComplete) return false;


            //Calculate the max runtime for the strategy
            _maxRuntime = GetMaximumRuntime(job.PeriodStart, job.PeriodFinish, algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Count);

            //Get starting capital:
            _startingCaptial = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;

            //Max Orders: 10k per backtest:
            if (job.UserPlan == UserPlan.Free)
                _maxOrders = 10000;
                _maxOrders = int.MaxValue;
                _maxRuntime += _maxRuntime;

            //Set back to the algorithm,
            //Starting date of the algorithm:
            _startingDate = job.PeriodStart;

            //Put into log for debugging:
            Log.Trace("SetUp Backtesting: User: "******" ProjectId: " + job.ProjectId + " AlgoId: " + job.AlgorithmId);
            Log.Trace("Dates: Start: " + job.PeriodStart.ToShortDateString() + " End: " + job.PeriodFinish.ToShortDateString() + " Cash: " + _startingCaptial.ToString("C"));

            if (Errors.Count > 0)
                initializeComplete = false;
            return initializeComplete;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Primary entry point to setup a new algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">New brokerage output instance</param>
        /// <param name="job">Algorithm job task</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
        /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configurated transaction handler</param>
        /// <param name="realTimeHandler">The configured real time handler</param>
        /// <returns>True on successfully setting up the algorithm state, or false on error.</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler, IRealTimeHandler realTimeHandler)
            // verify we were given the correct job packet type
            var liveJob = job as LiveNodePacket;

            if (liveJob == null)
                AddInitializationError("BrokerageSetupHandler requires a LiveNodePacket");

            // verify the brokerage was specified
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(liveJob.Brokerage))
                AddInitializationError("A brokerage must be specified");

            // attach to the message event to relay brokerage specific initialization messages
            EventHandler <BrokerageMessageEvent> brokerageOnMessage = (sender, args) =>
                if (args.Type == BrokerageMessageType.Error)
                    AddInitializationError(string.Format("Brokerage Error Code: {0} - {1}", args.Code, args.Message));

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Initializing algorithm...");

                resultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(AlgorithmStatus.Initializing, "Initializing algorithm...");

                //Execute the initialize code:
                var controls           = job.Controls;
                var isolator           = new Isolator();
                var initializeComplete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(300), () =>
                        //Set the default brokerage model before initialize

                        //Margin calls are disabled by default in live mode
                        algorithm.Portfolio.MarginCallModel = MarginCallModel.Null;

                        //Set our parameters

                        //Algorithm is live, not backtesting:

                        //Initialize the algorithm's starting date

                        //Set the source impl for the event scheduling

                        // set the option chain provider
                        algorithm.SetOptionChainProvider(new CachingOptionChainProvider(new LiveOptionChainProvider()));

                        // If we're going to receive market data from IB,
                        // set the default subscription limit to 100,
                        // algorithms can override this setting in the Initialize method
                        if (brokerage is InteractiveBrokersBrokerage &&
                            algorithm.Settings.DataSubscriptionLimit = 100;

                        //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:
                        if (liveJob.Brokerage != "PaperBrokerage")
                            //Zero the CashBook - we'll populate directly from brokerage
                            foreach (var kvp in algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook)
                    catch (Exception err)
                }, controls.RamAllocation);

                if (!initializeComplete)
                    AddInitializationError("Initialization timed out.");

                // let the world know what we're doing since logging in can take a minute
                resultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(AlgorithmStatus.LoggingIn, "Logging into brokerage...");

                brokerage.Message += brokerageOnMessage;

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Connecting to brokerage...");
                    // this can fail for various reasons, such as already being logged in somewhere else
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError(string.Format("Error connecting to brokerage: {0}. " +
                                                         "This may be caused by incorrect login credentials or an unsupported account type.", err.Message));

                if (!brokerage.IsConnected)
                    // if we're reporting that we're not connected, bail
                    AddInitializationError("Unable to connect to brokerage.");

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Fetching cash balance from brokerage...");
                    // set the algorithm's cash balance for each currency
                    var cashBalance = brokerage.GetCashBalance();
                    foreach (var cash in cashBalance)
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting " + cash.Symbol + " cash to " + cash.Amount);
                        algorithm.Portfolio.SetCash(cash.Symbol, cash.Amount, cash.ConversionRate);
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting cash balance from brokerage: " + err.Message);

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Fetching open orders from brokerage...");
                    // populate the algorithm with the account's outstanding orders
                    var openOrders = brokerage.GetOpenOrders();
                    foreach (var order in openOrders)
                        // be sure to assign order IDs such that we increment from the SecurityTransactionManager to avoid ID collisions
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Has open order: " + order.Symbol.Value + " - " + order.Quantity);
                        order.Id = algorithm.Transactions.GetIncrementOrderId();
                        transactionHandler.Orders.AddOrUpdate(order.Id, order, (i, o) => order);
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting open orders from brokerage: " + err.Message);

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Fetching holdings from brokerage...");
                    // populate the algorithm with the account's current holdings
                    var holdings = brokerage.GetAccountHoldings();
                    var supportedSecurityTypes = new HashSet <SecurityType> {
                        SecurityType.Equity, SecurityType.Forex, SecurityType.Cfd, SecurityType.Option, SecurityType.Future
                    var minResolution = new Lazy <Resolution>(() => algorithm.Securities.Select(x => x.Value.Resolution).DefaultIfEmpty(Resolution.Second).Min());
                    foreach (var holding in holdings)
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Has existing holding: " + holding);

                        // verify existing holding security type
                        if (!supportedSecurityTypes.Contains(holding.Type))
                            Log.Error("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Unsupported security type: " + holding.Type + "-" + holding.Symbol.Value);
                            AddInitializationError("Found unsupported security type in existing brokerage holdings: " + holding.Type + ". " +
                                                   "QuantConnect currently supports the following security types: " + string.Join(",", supportedSecurityTypes));

                            // keep aggregating these errors

                        if (!algorithm.Portfolio.ContainsKey(holding.Symbol))
                            Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Adding unrequested security: " + holding.Symbol.Value);

                            if (holding.Type == SecurityType.Option)
                                // add current option contract to the system
                                algorithm.AddOptionContract(holding.Symbol, minResolution.Value, true, 1.0m);
                            else if (holding.Type == SecurityType.Future)
                                // add current future contract to the system
                                algorithm.AddFutureContract(holding.Symbol, minResolution.Value, true, 1.0m);
                                // for items not directly requested set leverage to 1 and at the min resolution
                                algorithm.AddSecurity(holding.Type, holding.Symbol.Value, minResolution.Value, null, true, 1.0m, false);

                        algorithm.Portfolio[holding.Symbol].SetHoldings(holding.AveragePrice, holding.Quantity);
                        algorithm.Securities[holding.Symbol].SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar
                            Time     = DateTime.Now,
                            Open     = holding.MarketPrice,
                            High     = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Low      = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Close    = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Volume   = 0,
                            Symbol   = holding.Symbol,
                            DataType = MarketDataType.TradeBar
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting account holdings from brokerage: " + err.Message);


                //Set the starting portfolio value for the strategy to calculate performance:
                StartingPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue;
                StartingDate           = DateTime.Now;
            catch (Exception err)
                if (brokerage != null)
                    brokerage.Message -= brokerageOnMessage;

            return(Errors.Count == 0);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the class in the library, safely.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblyPath">Location of the DLL</param>
        /// <param name="algorithmInstance">Output algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessage">Output error message on failure</param>
        /// <returns>bool success</returns>     
        public bool TryCreateAlgorithmInstanceWithIsolator(string assemblyPath, out IAlgorithm algorithmInstance, out string errorMessage)
            IAlgorithm instance = null;
            var error = string.Empty;

            var success = false;
            var isolator = new Isolator();
            var complete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(_loaderTimeLimit, () =>
                success = TryCreateAlgorithmInstance(assemblyPath, out instance, out error);

            algorithmInstance = instance;
            errorMessage = error;

            // if the isolator stopped us early add that to our error message
            if (!complete)
                errorMessage = "Failed to create algorithm instance within 10 seconds. Try re-building algorithm. " + error;

            return complete && success && algorithmInstance != null;
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Primary entry point to setup a new algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">New brokerage output instance</param>
        /// <param name="job">Algorithm job task</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
        /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configurated transaction handler</param>
        /// <param name="realTimeHandler">The configured real time handler</param>
        /// <returns>True on successfully setting up the algorithm state, or false on error.</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, out IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler, IRealTimeHandler realTimeHandler)
            _algorithm = algorithm;
            brokerage  = default(IBrokerage);

            // verify we were given the correct job packet type
            var liveJob = job as LiveNodePacket;

            if (liveJob == null)
                AddInitializationError("BrokerageSetupHandler requires a LiveNodePacket");

            // verify the brokerage was specified
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(liveJob.Brokerage))
                AddInitializationError("A brokerage must be specified");

            // attach to the message event to relay brokerage specific initialization messages
            EventHandler <BrokerageMessageEvent> brokerageOnMessage = (sender, args) =>
                if (args.Type == BrokerageMessageType.Error)
                    AddInitializationError(string.Format("Brokerage Error Code: {0} - {1}", args.Code, args.Message));

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Initializing algorithm...");

                resultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.Initializing, "Initializing algorithm...");

                //Execute the initialize code:
                var isolator           = new Isolator();
                var initializeComplete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(300), () =>
                        //Set the live trading level asset/ram allocation limits.
                        //Protects algorithm from linux killing the job by excess memory:
                        switch (job.ServerType)
                        case ServerType.Server1024:
                            algorithm.SetAssetLimits(100, 20, 10);

                        case ServerType.Server2048:
                            algorithm.SetAssetLimits(400, 50, 30);

                        default:     //512
                            algorithm.SetAssetLimits(50, 25, 15);

                        //Algorithm is live, not backtesting:
                        //Initialize the algorithm's starting date
                        //Set the source impl for the event scheduling
                        //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:
                    catch (Exception err)

                if (!initializeComplete)
                    AddInitializationError("Initialization timed out.");
                    // find the correct brokerage factory based on the specified brokerage in the live job packet
                    _factory = Composer.Instance.Single <IBrokerageFactory>(factory => factory.BrokerageType.MatchesTypeName(liveJob.Brokerage));
                catch (Exception err)
                    Log.Error("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Error resolving brokerage factory for " + liveJob.Brokerage + ". " + err.Message);
                    AddInitializationError("Unable to locate factory for brokerage: " + liveJob.Brokerage);

                // let the world know what we're doing since logging in can take a minute
                resultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.LoggingIn, "Logging into brokerage...");

                // initialize the correct brokerage using the resolved factory
                brokerage = _factory.CreateBrokerage(liveJob, algorithm);

                if (brokerage == null)
                    AddInitializationError("Failed to create instance of brokerage: " + liveJob.Brokerage);

                brokerage.Message += brokerageOnMessage;

                // set the transaction models base on the brokerage properties
                SetupHandler.UpdateTransactionModels(algorithm, algorithm.BrokerageModel);

                    // this can fail for various reasons, such as already being logged in somewhere else
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError(string.Format("Error connecting to brokerage: {0}. " +
                                                         "This may be caused by incorrect login credentials or an unsupported account type.", err.Message));

                if (!brokerage.IsConnected)
                    // if we're reporting that we're not connected, bail
                    AddInitializationError("Unable to connect to brokerage.");

                    // set the algorithm's cash balance for each currency
                    var cashBalance = brokerage.GetCashBalance();
                    foreach (var cash in cashBalance)
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting " + cash.Symbol + " cash to " + cash.Quantity);
                        algorithm.SetCash(cash.Symbol, cash.Quantity, cash.ConversionRate);
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting cash balance from brokerage: " + err.Message);

                    // populate the algorithm with the account's outstanding orders
                    var openOrders = brokerage.GetOpenOrders();
                    foreach (var order in openOrders)
                        // be sure to assign order IDs such that we increment from the SecurityTransactionManager to avoid ID collisions
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Has open order: " + order.Symbol + " - " + order.Quantity);
                        order.Id = algorithm.Transactions.GetIncrementOrderId();
                        transactionHandler.Orders.AddOrUpdate(order.Id, order, (i, o) => order);
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting open orders from brokerage: " + err.Message);

                    // populate the algorithm with the account's current holdings
                    var holdings = brokerage.GetAccountHoldings();
                    var supportedSecurityTypes = new HashSet <SecurityType> {
                        SecurityType.Equity, SecurityType.Forex
                    var minResolution = new Lazy <Resolution>(() => algorithm.Securities.Min(x => x.Value.Resolution));
                    foreach (var holding in holdings)
                        var symbol = new Symbol(holding.Symbol);
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Has existing holding: " + holding);

                        // verify existing holding security type
                        if (!supportedSecurityTypes.Contains(holding.Type))
                            Log.Error("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Unsupported security type: " + holding.Type + "-" + holding.Symbol.ToUpper());
                            AddInitializationError("Found unsupported security type in existing brokerage holdings: " + holding.Type + ". " +
                                                   "QuantConnect currently supports the following security types: " + string.Join(",", supportedSecurityTypes));

                            // keep aggregating these errors

                        if (!algorithm.Portfolio.ContainsKey(symbol))
                            Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Adding unrequested security: " + holding.Symbol);
                            // for items not directly requested set leverage to 1 and at the min resolution
                            algorithm.AddSecurity(holding.Type, symbol, minResolution.Value, null, true, 1.0m, false);
                        algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].SetHoldings(holding.AveragePrice, (int)holding.Quantity);
                        algorithm.Securities[symbol].SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar
                            Time     = DateTime.Now,
                            Open     = holding.MarketPrice,
                            High     = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Low      = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Close    = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Volume   = 0,
                            Symbol   = symbol,
                            DataType = MarketDataType.TradeBar
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting account holdings from brokerage: " + err.Message);

                // call this after we've initialized everything from the brokerage since we may have added some holdings/currencies
                algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook.EnsureCurrencyDataFeeds(algorithm.Securities, algorithm.SubscriptionManager, SecurityExchangeHoursProvider.FromDataFolder());

                //Set the starting portfolio value for the strategy to calculate performance:
                StartingPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue;
                StartingDate           = DateTime.Now;
            catch (Exception err)
                if (brokerage != null)
                    brokerage.Message -= brokerageOnMessage;

            return(Errors.Count == 0);
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Primary entry point to setup a new algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">New brokerage output instance</param>
        /// <param name="job">Algorithm job task</param>
        /// <returns>True on successfully setting up the algorithm state, or false on error.</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, out IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket job)
            _algorithm = algorithm;
            brokerage  = default(IBrokerage);

            // verify we were given the correct job packet type
            var liveJob = job as LiveNodePacket;

            if (liveJob == null)
                AddInitializationError("BrokerageSetupHandler requires a LiveNodePacket");

            // verify the brokerage was specified
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(liveJob.Brokerage))
                AddInitializationError("A brokerage must be specified");

                //Execute the initialize code:
                var initializeComplete = Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () =>
                        //Set the live trading level asset/ram allocation limits.
                        //Protects algorithm from linux killing the job by excess memory:
                        switch (job.ServerType)
                        case ServerType.Server1024:
                            algorithm.SetAssetLimits(100, 20, 10);

                        case ServerType.Server2048:
                            algorithm.SetAssetLimits(400, 50, 30);

                        default:     //512
                            algorithm.SetAssetLimits(50, 10, 5);

                        //Algorithm is live, not backtesting:

                        //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:
                    catch (Exception err)

                if (!initializeComplete)
                    AddInitializationError("Failed to initialize algorithm.");

                // find the correct brokerage factory based on the specified brokerage in the live job packet
                var brokerageFactory = Composer.Instance.Single <IBrokerageFactory>(factory => factory.BrokerageType.MatchesTypeName(liveJob.Brokerage));

                // initialize the correct brokerage using the resolved factory
                brokerage = brokerageFactory.CreateBrokerage(liveJob, algorithm);


                // set the algorithm's cash balance
                var cashBalance = brokerage.GetCashBalance();

                // populate the algorithm with the account's outstanding orders
                var openOrders = brokerage.GetOpenOrders();
                foreach (var order in openOrders)
                    // be sure to assign order IDs such that we increment from the SecurityTransactionManager to avoid ID collisions
                    order.Id = algorithm.Transactions.GetIncrementOrderId();
                    algorithm.Orders.AddOrUpdate(order.Id, order, (i, o) => order);

                // populate the algorithm with the account's current holdings
                var holdings      = brokerage.GetAccountHoldings();
                var minResolution = new Lazy <Resolution>(() => algorithm.Securities.Min(x => x.Value.Resolution));
                foreach (var holding in holdings)
                    if (!algorithm.Portfolio.ContainsKey(holding.Symbol))
                        // for items not directly requested set leverage to 1 and at the min resolution
                        algorithm.AddSecurity(holding.Type, holding.Symbol, minResolution.Value, true, 1.0m, false);
                    algorithm.Portfolio[holding.Symbol].SetHoldings(holding.AveragePrice, (int)holding.Quantity);

                // call this after we've initialized everything from the brokerage since we may have added some holdings/currencies
                algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook.EnsureCurrencyDataFeeds(algorithm.SubscriptionManager, algorithm.Securities);
            catch (Exception err)

            return(Errors.Count == 0);
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Primary entry point to setup a new algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">The parameters object to use</param>
        /// <returns>True on successfully setting up the algorithm state, or false on error.</returns>
        public bool Setup(SetupHandlerParameters parameters)
            var algorithm = parameters.Algorithm;
            var brokerage = parameters.Brokerage;
            // verify we were given the correct job packet type
            var liveJob = parameters.AlgorithmNodePacket as LiveNodePacket;

            if (liveJob == null)
                AddInitializationError("BrokerageSetupHandler requires a LiveNodePacket");

            algorithm.Name = liveJob.GetAlgorithmName();

            // verify the brokerage was specified
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(liveJob.Brokerage))
                AddInitializationError("A brokerage must be specified");

            // attach to the message event to relay brokerage specific initialization messages
            EventHandler <BrokerageMessageEvent> brokerageOnMessage = (sender, args) =>
                if (args.Type == BrokerageMessageType.Error)
                    AddInitializationError($"Brokerage Error Code: {args.Code} - {args.Message}");

                // let the world know what we're doing since logging in can take a minute
                parameters.ResultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(AlgorithmStatus.LoggingIn, "Logging into brokerage...");

                brokerage.Message += brokerageOnMessage;

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Connecting to brokerage...");
                    // this can fail for various reasons, such as already being logged in somewhere else
                catch (Exception err)
                        $"Error connecting to brokerage: {err.Message}. " +
                        "This may be caused by incorrect login credentials or an unsupported account type.", err);

                if (!brokerage.IsConnected)
                    // if we're reporting that we're not connected, bail
                    AddInitializationError("Unable to connect to brokerage.");

                var message = $"{brokerage.Name} account base currency: {brokerage.AccountBaseCurrency ?? algorithm.AccountCurrency}";

                var accountCurrency = brokerage.AccountBaseCurrency;
                if (liveJob.BrokerageData.ContainsKey(MaxAllocationLimitConfig))
                    accountCurrency = Currencies.USD;
                    message        += ". Allocation limited, will use 'USD' account currency";

                Log.Trace($"BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): {message}");

                if (accountCurrency != null && accountCurrency != algorithm.AccountCurrency)

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Initializing algorithm...");

                parameters.ResultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(AlgorithmStatus.Initializing, "Initializing algorithm...");

                //Execute the initialize code:
                var controls           = liveJob.Controls;
                var isolator           = new Isolator();
                var initializeComplete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(300), () =>
                        //Set the default brokerage model before initialize

                        //Margin calls are disabled by default in live mode
                        algorithm.Portfolio.MarginCallModel = MarginCallModel.Null;

                        //Set our parameters

                        //Algorithm is live, not backtesting:

                        //Initialize the algorithm's starting date

                        //Set the source impl for the event scheduling

                        var optionChainProvider = Composer.Instance.GetPart <IOptionChainProvider>();
                        if (optionChainProvider == null)
                            optionChainProvider = new CachingOptionChainProvider(new LiveOptionChainProvider());
                        // set the option chain provider

                        var futureChainProvider = Composer.Instance.GetPart <IFutureChainProvider>();
                        if (futureChainProvider == null)
                            futureChainProvider = new CachingFutureChainProvider(new LiveFutureChainProvider());
                        // set the future chain provider

                        // set the object store

                        // If we're going to receive market data from IB,
                        // set the default subscription limit to 100,
                        // algorithms can override this setting in the Initialize method
                        if (brokerage is InteractiveBrokersBrokerage &&
                            algorithm.Settings.DataSubscriptionLimit = 100;

                        //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:

                        if (liveJob.Brokerage != "PaperBrokerage")
                            //Zero the CashBook - we'll populate directly from brokerage
                            foreach (var kvp in algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook)
                    catch (Exception err)
                        AddInitializationError(err.ToString(), err);
                }, controls.RamAllocation,
                                                                       sleepIntervalMillis: 100); // entire system is waiting on this, so be as fast as possible

                if (!initializeComplete)
                    AddInitializationError("Initialization timed out.");

                if (!LoadCashBalance(brokerage, algorithm))

                if (!LoadExistingHoldingsAndOrders(brokerage, algorithm, parameters))

                //Finalize Initialization

                BaseSetupHandler.SetupCurrencyConversions(algorithm, parameters.UniverseSelection);

                if (algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue == 0)
                    algorithm.Debug("Warning: No cash balances or holdings were found in the brokerage account.");

                string maxCashLimitStr;
                if (liveJob.BrokerageData.TryGetValue(MaxAllocationLimitConfig, out maxCashLimitStr))
                    var maxCashLimit = decimal.Parse(maxCashLimitStr, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    // If allocation exceeded by more than $10,000; block deployment
                    if (algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue > (maxCashLimit + 10000m))
                        var exceptionMessage = $"TotalPortfolioValue '{algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue}' exceeds allocation limit '{maxCashLimit}'";
                        throw new ArgumentException(exceptionMessage);

                //Set the starting portfolio value for the strategy to calculate performance:
                StartingPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue;
                StartingDate           = DateTime.Now;

                // we set the free portfolio value based on the initial total value and the free percentage value
                algorithm.Settings.FreePortfolioValue =
                    algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue * algorithm.Settings.FreePortfolioValuePercentage;
            catch (Exception err)
                AddInitializationError(err.ToString(), err);
                if (brokerage != null)
                    brokerage.Message -= brokerageOnMessage;

            return(Errors.Count == 0);
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and data subscriptions as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">Brokerage instance</param>
        /// <param name="baseJob">Algorithm job</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully initializing the algorithm</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, out IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket baseJob)
            var job = baseJob as BacktestNodePacket;

            if (job == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Expected BacktestNodePacket but received " + baseJob.GetType().Name);

            // Must be set since its defined as an out parameters
            brokerage = new BacktestingBrokerage(algorithm);

            if (algorithm == null)
                Errors.Add("Could not create instance of algorithm");

            //Make sure the algorithm start date ok.
            if (job.PeriodStart == default(DateTime))
                Errors.Add("Algorithm start date was never set");

            //Execute the initialize code:
            var initializeComplete = Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () =>
                    //Algorithm is backtesting, not live:
                    //Set the backtest level asset ram allocation limits
                    algorithm.SetAssetLimits(500, 100, 30);
                    //Set the algorithm time before we even initialize:
                    //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:
                catch (Exception err)
                    Errors.Add("Failed to initialize algorithm: Initialize(): " + err.Message);

            //Before continuing, detect if this is ready:
            if (!initializeComplete)

            //Calculate the max runtime for the strategy
            _maxRuntime = GetMaximumRuntime(job.PeriodStart, job.PeriodFinish, algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Count);

            //Get starting capital:
            _startingCaptial = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;

            //Max Orders: 100 per day:
            _maxOrders = (int)(job.PeriodFinish - job.PeriodStart).TotalDays * 100;

            //Starting date of the algorithm:
            _startingDate = job.PeriodStart;

            //Put into log for debugging:
            Log.Trace("SetUp Backtesting: User: "******" ProjectId: " + job.ProjectId + " AlgoId: " + job.AlgorithmId);
            Log.Trace("Dates: Start: " + job.PeriodStart.ToShortDateString() + " End: " + job.PeriodFinish.ToShortDateString() + " Cash: " + _startingCaptial.ToString("C"));

            if (Errors.Count > 0)
                initializeComplete = false;
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and portfolio as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">The parameters object to use</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully setting up the console.</returns>
        public bool Setup(SetupHandlerParameters parameters)
            var algorithm          = parameters.Algorithm;
            var baseJob            = parameters.AlgorithmNodePacket;
            var initializeComplete = false;

                //Set common variables for console programs:

                if (baseJob.Type == PacketType.BacktestNode)
                    var backtestJob = baseJob as BacktestNodePacket;
                    if (backtestJob == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Expected BacktestNodePacket but received " + baseJob.GetType().Name);


                    // set our parameters

                    //Set the source impl for the event scheduling

                    // set the option chain provider
                    algorithm.SetOptionChainProvider(new CachingOptionChainProvider(new BacktestingOptionChainProvider()));

                    // set the future chain provider
                    algorithm.SetFutureChainProvider(new CachingFutureChainProvider(new BacktestingFutureChainProvider()));

                    var isolator = new Isolator();
                                                  () =>
                        //Setup Base Algorithm:
                    }, baseJob.Controls.RamAllocation,
                                                  sleepIntervalMillis: 50,
                                                  workerThread: WorkerThread);

                    //Finalize Initialization

                    //Set the time frontier of the algorithm

                    //Construct the backtest job packet:
                    backtestJob.PeriodStart  = algorithm.StartDate;
                    backtestJob.PeriodFinish = algorithm.EndDate;

                    //Backtest Specific Parameters:
                    StartingDate = backtestJob.PeriodStart;

                    BaseSetupHandler.SetupCurrencyConversions(algorithm, parameters.UniverseSelection);
                    StartingPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;
                    throw new Exception("The ConsoleSetupHandler is for backtests only. Use the BrokerageSetupHandler.");
            catch (Exception err)
                Errors.Add(new AlgorithmSetupException("During the algorithm initialization, the following exception has occurred: ", err));

            if (Errors.Count == 0)
                initializeComplete = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Primary entry point to setup a new algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">New brokerage output instance</param>
        /// <param name="job">Algorithm job task</param>
        /// <returns>True on successfully setting up the algorithm state, or false on error.</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, out IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket job)
            _algorithm = algorithm;
            brokerage  = default(IBrokerage);

            // verify we were given the correct job packet type
            var liveJob = job as LiveNodePacket;

            if (liveJob == null)
                AddInitializationError("BrokerageSetupHandler requires a LiveNodePacket");

            // verify the brokerage was specified
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(liveJob.Brokerage))
                AddInitializationError("A brokerage must be specified");

                //Execute the initialize code:
                var initializeComplete = Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () =>
                        //Set the live trading level asset/ram allocation limits.
                        //Protects algorithm from linux killing the job by excess memory:
                        switch (job.ServerType)
                        case ServerType.Server1024:
                            algorithm.SetAssetLimits(100, 20, 10);

                        case ServerType.Server2048:
                            algorithm.SetAssetLimits(400, 50, 30);

                        default:     //512
                            algorithm.SetAssetLimits(50, 25, 15);

                        //Algorithm is live, not backtesting:

                        //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:
                    catch (Exception err)

                if (!initializeComplete)
                    AddInitializationError("Failed to initialize algorithm.");

                // find the correct brokerage factory based on the specified brokerage in the live job packet
                _factory = Composer.Instance.Single <IBrokerageFactory>(factory => factory.BrokerageType.MatchesTypeName(liveJob.Brokerage));

                // let the world know what we're doing since logging in can take a minute
                Engine.ResultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.LoggingIn, "Logging into brokerage...");

                // initialize the correct brokerage using the resolved factory
                brokerage = _factory.CreateBrokerage(liveJob, algorithm);

                    // this can fail for various reasons, such as already being logged in somewhere else
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error connecting to brokerage. " + err.Message);

                // set the algorithm's cash balance for each currency
                var cashBalance = brokerage.GetCashBalance();
                foreach (var cash in cashBalance)
                    Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting " + cash.Symbol + " cash to " + cash.Quantity);
                    algorithm.SetCash(cash.Symbol, cash.Quantity, cash.ConversionRate);

                // populate the algorithm with the account's outstanding orders
                var openOrders = brokerage.GetOpenOrders();
                foreach (var order in openOrders)
                    // be sure to assign order IDs such that we increment from the SecurityTransactionManager to avoid ID collisions
                    Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Has open order: " + order.Symbol + " - " + order.Quantity);
                    order.Id = algorithm.Transactions.GetIncrementOrderId();
                    algorithm.Orders.AddOrUpdate(order.Id, order, (i, o) => order);

                // populate the algorithm with the account's current holdings
                var holdings      = brokerage.GetAccountHoldings();
                var minResolution = new Lazy <Resolution>(() => algorithm.Securities.Min(x => x.Value.Resolution));
                foreach (var holding in holdings)
                    if (!algorithm.Portfolio.ContainsKey(holding.Symbol))
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Adding unrequested security: " + holding.Symbol);
                        // for items not directly requested set leverage to 1 and at the min resolution
                        algorithm.AddSecurity(holding.Type, holding.Symbol, minResolution.Value, true, 1.0m, false);
                    algorithm.Portfolio[holding.Symbol].SetHoldings(holding.AveragePrice, (int)holding.Quantity);
                    algorithm.Securities[holding.Symbol].SetMarketPrice(DateTime.Now, new TradeBar
                        Time     = DateTime.Now,
                        Open     = holding.AveragePrice,
                        High     = holding.AveragePrice,
                        Low      = holding.AveragePrice,
                        Close    = holding.AveragePrice,
                        Volume   = 0,
                        Symbol   = holding.Symbol,
                        DataType = MarketDataType.TradeBar

                // call this after we've initialized everything from the brokerage since we may have added some holdings/currencies
                algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook.EnsureCurrencyDataFeeds(algorithm.Securities, algorithm.SubscriptionManager);

                //Set the starting portfolio value for the strategy to calculate performance:
                StartingPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue;
                StartingDate           = DateTime.Now;
            catch (Exception err)

            return(Errors.Count == 0);
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and data subscriptions as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">The parameters object to use</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully initializing the algorithm</returns>
        public bool Setup(SetupHandlerParameters parameters)
            var algorithm = parameters.Algorithm;
            var job       = parameters.AlgorithmNodePacket as BacktestNodePacket;

            if (job == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Expected BacktestNodePacket but received " + parameters.AlgorithmNodePacket.GetType().Name);

            Log.Trace($"BacktestingSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting up job: UID: {job.UserId.ToStringInvariant()}, " +
                      $"PID: {job.ProjectId.ToStringInvariant()}, Version: {job.Version}, Source: {job.RequestSource}"

            if (algorithm == null)
                Errors.Add(new AlgorithmSetupException("Could not create instance of algorithm"));

            algorithm.Name = job.GetAlgorithmName();

            //Make sure the algorithm start date ok.
            if (job.PeriodStart == default(DateTime))
                Errors.Add(new AlgorithmSetupException("Algorithm start date was never set"));

            var controls           = job.Controls;
            var isolator           = new Isolator();
            var initializeComplete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), () =>
                    parameters.ResultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(AlgorithmStatus.Initializing, "Initializing algorithm...");
                    //Set our parameters

                    //Algorithm is backtesting, not live:

                    //Set the source impl for the event scheduling

                    // set the option chain provider
                    algorithm.SetOptionChainProvider(new CachingOptionChainProvider(new BacktestingOptionChainProvider(parameters.DataProvider)));

                    // set the future chain provider
                    algorithm.SetFutureChainProvider(new CachingFutureChainProvider(new BacktestingFutureChainProvider(parameters.DataProvider)));

                    // set the object store

                    // before we call initialize
                    BaseSetupHandler.LoadBacktestJobAccountCurrency(algorithm, job);

                    //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:

                    // set start and end date if present in the job
                    if (job.PeriodStart.HasValue)
                    if (job.PeriodFinish.HasValue)

                    // after we call initialize
                    BaseSetupHandler.LoadBacktestJobCashAmount(algorithm, job);

                    // finalize initialization
                catch (Exception err)
                    Errors.Add(new AlgorithmSetupException("During the algorithm initialization, the following exception has occurred: ", err));
            }, controls.RamAllocation,
                                                                   sleepIntervalMillis: 100, // entire system is waiting on this, so be as fast as possible
                                                                   workerThread: WorkerThread);

            //Before continuing, detect if this is ready:
            if (!initializeComplete)

            MaximumRuntime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(job.Controls.MaximumRuntimeMinutes);

            BaseSetupHandler.SetupCurrencyConversions(algorithm, parameters.UniverseSelection);
            StartingPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;

            // we set the free portfolio value based on the initial total value and the free percentage value
            algorithm.Settings.FreePortfolioValue =
                algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue * algorithm.Settings.FreePortfolioValuePercentage;

            // Get and set maximum orders for this job
            MaxOrders = job.Controls.BacktestingMaxOrders;

            //Starting date of the algorithm:
            StartingDate = algorithm.StartDate;

            //Put into log for debugging:
            Log.Trace("SetUp Backtesting: User: "******" ProjectId: " + job.ProjectId + " AlgoId: " + job.AlgorithmId);
            Log.Trace($"Dates: Start: {algorithm.StartDate.ToStringInvariant("d")} " +
                      $"End: {algorithm.EndDate.ToStringInvariant("d")} " +
                      $"Cash: {StartingPortfolioValue.ToStringInvariant("C")} " +
                      $"MaximumRuntime: {MaximumRuntime} " +
                      $"MaxOrders: {MaxOrders}");

            if (Errors.Count > 0)
                initializeComplete = false;
예제 #15
파일: Engine.cs 프로젝트: andrewfry/Lean
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a single backtest/live job from the job queue
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="job">The algorithm job to be processed</param>
        /// <param name="assemblyPath">The path to the algorithm's assembly</param>
        public void Run(AlgorithmNodePacket job, string assemblyPath)
            var algorithm        = default(IAlgorithm);
            var algorithmManager = new AlgorithmManager(_liveMode);

            //Start monitoring the backtest active status:
            var statusPing       = new StateCheck.Ping(algorithmManager, _systemHandlers.Api, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _systemHandlers.Notify, job);
            var statusPingThread = new Thread(statusPing.Run);


                //Reset thread holders.
                var    initializeComplete = false;
                Thread threadFeed         = null;
                Thread threadTransactions = null;
                Thread threadResults      = null;
                Thread threadRealTime     = null;

                //-> Initialize messaging system

                //-> Set the result handler type for this algorithm job, and launch the associated result thread.
                _algorithmHandlers.Results.Initialize(job, _systemHandlers.Notify, _systemHandlers.Api, _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed, _algorithmHandlers.Setup, _algorithmHandlers.Transactions);

                threadResults = new Thread(_algorithmHandlers.Results.Run, 0)
                    Name = "Result Thread"

                IBrokerage brokerage = null;
                    // Save algorithm to cache, load algorithm instance:
                    algorithm = _algorithmHandlers.Setup.CreateAlgorithmInstance(assemblyPath, job.Language);

                    // initialize command queue system
                    _algorithmHandlers.CommandQueue.Initialize(job, algorithm);

                    // set the history provider before setting up the algorithm
                    _algorithmHandlers.HistoryProvider.Initialize(job, _algorithmHandlers.MapFileProvider, progress =>
                        // send progress updates to the result handler only during initialization
                        if (!algorithm.GetLocked() || algorithm.IsWarmingUp)
                            _algorithmHandlers.Results.SendStatusUpdate(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.History,
                                                                        string.Format("Processing history {0}%...", progress));
                    algorithm.HistoryProvider = _algorithmHandlers.HistoryProvider;

                    // initialize the default brokerage message handler
                    algorithm.BrokerageMessageHandler = new DefaultBrokerageMessageHandler(algorithm, job, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _systemHandlers.Api);

                    //Initialize the internal state of algorithm and job: executes the algorithm.Initialize() method.
                    initializeComplete = _algorithmHandlers.Setup.Setup(algorithm, out brokerage, job, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _algorithmHandlers.Transactions, _algorithmHandlers.RealTime);

                    // set this again now that we've actually added securities

                    //If there are any reasons it failed, pass these back to the IDE.
                    if (!initializeComplete || algorithm.ErrorMessages.Count > 0 || _algorithmHandlers.Setup.Errors.Count > 0)
                        initializeComplete = false;
                        //Get all the error messages: internal in algorithm and external in setup handler.
                        var errorMessage = String.Join(",", algorithm.ErrorMessages);
                        errorMessage += String.Join(",", _algorithmHandlers.Setup.Errors);
                        Log.Error("Engine.Run(): " + errorMessage);
                        _systemHandlers.Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, errorMessage);
                catch (Exception err)
                    var runtimeMessage = "Algorithm.Initialize() Error: " + err.Message + " Stack Trace: " + err.StackTrace;
                    _algorithmHandlers.Results.RuntimeError(runtimeMessage, err.StackTrace);
                    _systemHandlers.Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, runtimeMessage);

                //-> Using the job + initialization: load the designated handlers:
                if (initializeComplete)
                    //-> Reset the backtest stopwatch; we're now running the algorithm.
                    var startTime = DateTime.Now;

                    //Set algorithm as locked; set it to live mode if we're trading live, and set it to locked for no further updates.

                    //Wire up the universe selection event handler before kicking off the data feed
                    var universeSelection = new UniverseSelection(_algorithmHandlers.DataFeed, algorithm, _liveMode);
                    _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed.UniverseSelection += (sender, args) => universeSelection.ApplyUniverseSelection(args);

                    //Load the associated handlers for data, transaction and realtime events:
                    _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed.Initialize(algorithm, job, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _algorithmHandlers.MapFileProvider);
                    _algorithmHandlers.Transactions.Initialize(algorithm, brokerage, _algorithmHandlers.Results);
                    _algorithmHandlers.RealTime.Setup(algorithm, job, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _systemHandlers.Api);

                    // wire up the brokerage message handler
                    brokerage.Message += (sender, message) =>

                        // fire brokerage message events
                        switch (message.Type)
                        case BrokerageMessageType.Disconnect:

                        case BrokerageMessageType.Reconnect:

                    //Send status to user the algorithm is now executing.
                    _algorithmHandlers.Results.SendStatusUpdate(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.Running);

                    //Launch the data, transaction and realtime handlers into dedicated threads
                    threadFeed = new Thread(_algorithmHandlers.DataFeed.Run)
                        Name = "DataFeed Thread"
                    threadTransactions = new Thread(_algorithmHandlers.Transactions.Run)
                        Name = "Transaction Thread"
                    threadRealTime = new Thread(_algorithmHandlers.RealTime.Run)
                        Name = "RealTime Thread"

                    //Launch the data feed, result sending, and transaction models/handlers in separate threads.
                    threadFeed.Start();         // Data feed pushing data packets into thread bridge;
                    threadTransactions.Start(); // Transaction modeller scanning new order requests
                    threadRealTime.Start();     // RealTime scan time for time based events:

                    // Result manager scanning message queue: (started earlier)
                    _algorithmHandlers.Results.DebugMessage(string.Format("Launching analysis for {0} with LEAN Engine v{1}", job.AlgorithmId, Constants.Version));

                        //Create a new engine isolator class
                        var isolator = new Isolator();

                        // Execute the Algorithm Code:
                        var complete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(_algorithmHandlers.Setup.MaximumRuntime, algorithmManager.TimeLoopWithinLimits, () =>
                                //Run Algorithm Job:
                                // -> Using this Data Feed,
                                // -> Send Orders to this TransactionHandler,
                                // -> Send Results to ResultHandler.
                                algorithmManager.Run(job, algorithm, _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed, _algorithmHandlers.Transactions, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _algorithmHandlers.RealTime, _algorithmHandlers.CommandQueue, isolator.CancellationToken);
                            catch (Exception err)
                                //Debugging at this level is difficult, stack trace needed.
                                algorithm.RunTimeError = err;

                            Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Exiting Algorithm Manager");
                        }, job.RamAllocation);

                        if (!complete)
                            Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Failed to complete in time: " + _algorithmHandlers.Setup.MaximumRuntime.ToString("F"));
                            throw new Exception("Failed to complete algorithm within " + _algorithmHandlers.Setup.MaximumRuntime.ToString("F")
                                                + " seconds. Please make it run faster.");

                        // Algorithm runtime error:
                        if (algorithm.RunTimeError != null)
                            throw algorithm.RunTimeError;
                    catch (Exception err)
                        //Error running the user algorithm: purge datafeed, send error messages, set algorithm status to failed.
                        Log.Error("Engine.Run(): Breaking out of parent try-catch: " + err.Message + " " + err.StackTrace);
                        if (_algorithmHandlers.DataFeed != null)
                        if (_algorithmHandlers.Results != null)
                            var message = "Runtime Error: " + err.Message;
                            Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Sending runtime error to user...");
                            _algorithmHandlers.Results.RuntimeError(message, err.StackTrace);
                            _systemHandlers.Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, message + " Stack Trace: " + err.StackTrace);

                    //Send result data back: this entire code block could be rewritten.
                    // todo: - Split up statistics class, its enormous.
                    // todo: - Make a dedicated Statistics.Benchmark class.
                    // todo: - Move all creation and transmission of statistics out of primary engine loop.
                    // todo: - Statistics.Generate(algorithm, resulthandler, transactionhandler);

                        var trades            = algorithm.TradeBuilder.ClosedTrades;
                        var charts            = new Dictionary <string, Chart>(_algorithmHandlers.Results.Charts);
                        var orders            = new Dictionary <int, Order>(_algorithmHandlers.Transactions.Orders);
                        var holdings          = new Dictionary <string, Holding>();
                        var banner            = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        var statisticsResults = new StatisticsResults();

                            //Generates error when things don't exist (no charting logged, runtime errors in main algo execution)
                            const string strategyEquityKey   = "Strategy Equity";
                            const string equityKey           = "Equity";
                            const string dailyPerformanceKey = "Daily Performance";
                            const string benchmarkKey        = "Benchmark";

                            // make sure we've taken samples for these series before just blindly requesting them
                            if (charts.ContainsKey(strategyEquityKey) &&
                                charts[strategyEquityKey].Series.ContainsKey(equityKey) &&
                                var equity            = charts[strategyEquityKey].Series[equityKey].Values;
                                var performance       = charts[strategyEquityKey].Series[dailyPerformanceKey].Values;
                                var profitLoss        = new SortedDictionary <DateTime, decimal>(algorithm.Transactions.TransactionRecord);
                                var totalTransactions = algorithm.Transactions.GetOrders(x => x.Status.IsFill()).Count();
                                var benchmark         = charts[benchmarkKey].Series[benchmarkKey].Values;

                                statisticsResults = StatisticsBuilder.Generate(trades, profitLoss, equity, performance, benchmark,
                                                                               _algorithmHandlers.Setup.StartingPortfolioValue, algorithm.Portfolio.TotalFees, totalTransactions);
                        catch (Exception err)
                            Log.Error("Algorithm.Node.Engine(): Error generating statistics packet: " + err.Message);

                        //Diagnostics Completed, Send Result Packet:
                        var totalSeconds = (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds;
                        var dataPoints   = algorithmManager.DataPoints + _algorithmHandlers.HistoryProvider.DataPointCount;
                            string.Format("Algorithm Id:({0}) completed in {1} seconds at {2}k data points per second. Processing total of {3} data points.",
                                          job.AlgorithmId, totalSeconds.ToString("F2"), ((dataPoints / (double)1000) / totalSeconds).ToString("F0"),

                        _algorithmHandlers.Results.SendFinalResult(job, orders, algorithm.Transactions.TransactionRecord, holdings, statisticsResults, banner);
                    catch (Exception err)
                        Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Error sending analysis result: " + err.Message + "  ST >> " + err.StackTrace);

                    //Before we return, send terminate commands to close up the threads

                //Close result handler:

                //Wait for the threads to complete:
                var ts = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                while ((_algorithmHandlers.Results.IsActive ||
                        (_algorithmHandlers.Transactions != null && _algorithmHandlers.Transactions.IsActive) ||
                        (_algorithmHandlers.DataFeed != null && _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed.IsActive) ||
                        (_algorithmHandlers.RealTime != null && _algorithmHandlers.RealTime.IsActive)) &&
                       ts.ElapsedMilliseconds < 30 * 1000)
                    Log.Trace("Waiting for threads to exit...");

                //Terminate threads still in active state.
                if (threadFeed != null && threadFeed.IsAlive)
                if (threadTransactions != null && threadTransactions.IsAlive)
                if (threadResults != null && threadResults.IsAlive)
                if (statusPingThread != null && statusPingThread.IsAlive)

                if (brokerage != null)
                if (_algorithmHandlers.Setup != null)
                Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Analysis Completed and Results Posted.");
            catch (Exception err)
                Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Error running algorithm: " + err.Message + " >> " + err.StackTrace);
                //No matter what for live mode; make sure we've set algorithm status in the API for "not running" conditions:
                if (_liveMode && algorithmManager.State != AlgorithmStatus.Running && algorithmManager.State != AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError)
                    _systemHandlers.Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, algorithmManager.State);

예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Primary entry point to setup a new algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">The parameters object to use</param>
        /// <returns>True on successfully setting up the algorithm state, or false on error.</returns>
        public bool Setup(SetupHandlerParameters parameters)
            var algorithm = parameters.Algorithm;
            var brokerage = parameters.Brokerage;
            // verify we were given the correct job packet type
            var liveJob = parameters.AlgorithmNodePacket as LiveNodePacket;

            if (liveJob == null)
                AddInitializationError("BrokerageSetupHandler requires a LiveNodePacket");

            algorithm.Name = liveJob.GetAlgorithmName();

            // verify the brokerage was specified
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(liveJob.Brokerage))
                AddInitializationError("A brokerage must be specified");

            // attach to the message event to relay brokerage specific initialization messages
            EventHandler <BrokerageMessageEvent> brokerageOnMessage = (sender, args) =>
                if (args.Type == BrokerageMessageType.Error)
                    AddInitializationError($"Brokerage Error Code: {args.Code} - {args.Message}");

                // let the world know what we're doing since logging in can take a minute
                parameters.ResultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(AlgorithmStatus.LoggingIn, "Logging into brokerage...");

                brokerage.Message += brokerageOnMessage;

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Connecting to brokerage...");
                    // this can fail for various reasons, such as already being logged in somewhere else
                catch (Exception err)
                        $"Error connecting to brokerage: {err.Message}. " +
                        "This may be caused by incorrect login credentials or an unsupported account type.", err);

                if (!brokerage.IsConnected)
                    // if we're reporting that we're not connected, bail
                    AddInitializationError("Unable to connect to brokerage.");

                var message = $"{brokerage.Name} account base currency: {brokerage.AccountBaseCurrency ?? algorithm.AccountCurrency}";

                Log.Trace($"BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): {message}");


                if (brokerage.AccountBaseCurrency != null && brokerage.AccountBaseCurrency != algorithm.AccountCurrency)

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Initializing algorithm...");

                parameters.ResultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(AlgorithmStatus.Initializing, "Initializing algorithm...");

                //Execute the initialize code:
                var controls           = liveJob.Controls;
                var isolator           = new Isolator();
                var initializeComplete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(300), () =>
                        //Set the default brokerage model before initialize

                        //Margin calls are disabled by default in live mode
                        algorithm.Portfolio.MarginCallModel = MarginCallModel.Null;

                        //Set our parameters

                        //Algorithm is live, not backtesting:

                        //Initialize the algorithm's starting date

                        //Set the source impl for the event scheduling

                        // set the option chain provider
                        algorithm.SetOptionChainProvider(new CachingOptionChainProvider(new LiveOptionChainProvider()));

                        // set the future chain provider
                        algorithm.SetFutureChainProvider(new CachingFutureChainProvider(new LiveFutureChainProvider()));

                        // set the object store

                        // If we're going to receive market data from IB,
                        // set the default subscription limit to 100,
                        // algorithms can override this setting in the Initialize method
                        if (brokerage is InteractiveBrokersBrokerage &&
                            algorithm.Settings.DataSubscriptionLimit = 100;

                        //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:

                        if (liveJob.Brokerage != "PaperBrokerage")
                            //Zero the CashBook - we'll populate directly from brokerage
                            foreach (var kvp in algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook)
                    catch (Exception err)
                        AddInitializationError(err.ToString(), err);
                }, controls.RamAllocation,
                                                                       sleepIntervalMillis: 50); // entire system is waiting on this, so be as fast as possible

                if (!initializeComplete)
                    AddInitializationError("Initialization timed out.");

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Fetching cash balance from brokerage...");
                    // set the algorithm's cash balance for each currency
                    var cashBalance = brokerage.GetCashBalance();
                    foreach (var cash in cashBalance)
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting " + cash.Currency + " cash to " + cash.Amount);

                        algorithm.Portfolio.SetCash(cash.Currency, cash.Amount, 0);
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting cash balance from brokerage: " + err.Message, err);

                var supportedSecurityTypes = new HashSet <SecurityType>
                    SecurityType.Equity, SecurityType.Forex, SecurityType.Cfd, SecurityType.Option, SecurityType.Future, SecurityType.FutureOption, SecurityType.Crypto
                var minResolution = new Lazy <Resolution>(() => algorithm.Securities.Select(x => x.Value.Resolution).DefaultIfEmpty(Resolution.Second).Min());

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Fetching open orders from brokerage...");
                    GetOpenOrders(algorithm, parameters.ResultHandler, parameters.TransactionHandler, brokerage, supportedSecurityTypes, minResolution.Value);
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting open orders from brokerage: " + err.Message, err);

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Fetching holdings from brokerage...");
                    var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    // populate the algorithm with the account's current holdings
                    var holdings = brokerage.GetAccountHoldings();

                    // add options first to ensure raw data normalization mode is set on the equity underlyings
                    foreach (var holding in holdings.OrderByDescending(x => x.Type))
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Has existing holding: " + holding);

                        // verify existing holding security type
                        if (!supportedSecurityTypes.Contains(holding.Type))
                            Log.Error("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Unsupported security type: " + holding.Type + "-" + holding.Symbol.Value);
                            AddInitializationError("Found unsupported security type in existing brokerage holdings: " + holding.Type + ". " +
                                                   "QuantConnect currently supports the following security types: " + string.Join(",", supportedSecurityTypes));

                            // keep aggregating these errors

                        AddUnrequestedSecurity(algorithm, holding.Symbol, minResolution.Value);

                        var security     = algorithm.Securities[holding.Symbol];
                        var exchangeTime = utcNow.ConvertFromUtc(security.Exchange.TimeZone);

                        security.Holdings.SetHoldings(holding.AveragePrice, holding.Quantity);
                        security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar
                            Time     = exchangeTime,
                            Open     = holding.MarketPrice,
                            High     = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Low      = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Close    = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Volume   = 0,
                            Symbol   = holding.Symbol,
                            DataType = MarketDataType.TradeBar
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting account holdings from brokerage: " + err.Message, err);

                //Finalize Initialization

                BaseSetupHandler.SetupCurrencyConversions(algorithm, parameters.UniverseSelection);

                if (algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue == 0)
                    algorithm.Debug("Warning: No cash balances or holdings were found in the brokerage account.");

                //Set the starting portfolio value for the strategy to calculate performance:
                StartingPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue;
                StartingDate           = DateTime.Now;

                // we set the free portfolio value based on the initial total value and the free percentage value
                algorithm.Settings.FreePortfolioValue =
                    algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue * algorithm.Settings.FreePortfolioValuePercentage;
            catch (Exception err)
                AddInitializationError(err.ToString(), err);
                if (brokerage != null)
                    brokerage.Message -= brokerageOnMessage;

            return(Errors.Count == 0);
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a single backtest/live job from the job queue
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="job">The algorithm job to be processed</param>
        /// <param name="manager">The algorithm manager instance</param>
        /// <param name="assemblyPath">The path to the algorithm's assembly</param>
        /// <param name="workerThread">The worker thread instance</param>
        public void Run(AlgorithmNodePacket job, AlgorithmManager manager, string assemblyPath, WorkerThread workerThread)
            var marketHoursDatabaseTask = Task.Run(() => StaticInitializations());

            var algorithm        = default(IAlgorithm);
            var algorithmManager = manager;

                //Reset thread holders.
                var initializeComplete = false;

                //-> Initialize messaging system

                //-> Set the result handler type for this algorithm job, and launch the associated result thread.
                AlgorithmHandlers.Results.Initialize(job, SystemHandlers.Notify, SystemHandlers.Api, AlgorithmHandlers.Transactions);

                IBrokerage         brokerage   = null;
                DataManager        dataManager = null;
                IDataCacheProvider historyDataCacheProvider = null;
                var synchronizer = _liveMode ? new LiveSynchronizer() : new Synchronizer();
                    // we get the mhdb before creating the algorithm instance,
                    // since the algorithm constructor will use it
                    var marketHoursDatabase = marketHoursDatabaseTask.Result;

                    AlgorithmHandlers.Setup.WorkerThread = workerThread;

                    // Save algorithm to cache, load algorithm instance:
                    algorithm = AlgorithmHandlers.Setup.CreateAlgorithmInstance(job, assemblyPath);

                    // Set algorithm in ILeanManager

                    // initialize the alphas handler with the algorithm instance
                    AlgorithmHandlers.Alphas.Initialize(job, algorithm, SystemHandlers.Notify, SystemHandlers.Api, AlgorithmHandlers.Transactions);

                    // initialize the object store
                    AlgorithmHandlers.ObjectStore.Initialize(algorithm.Name, job.UserId, job.ProjectId, job.UserToken, job.Controls);

                    // initialize the data permission manager

                    // notify the user of any errors w/ object store persistence
                    AlgorithmHandlers.ObjectStore.ErrorRaised += (sender, args) => algorithm.Debug($"ObjectStore Persistence Error: {args.Error.Message}");

                    // Initialize the brokerage
                    IBrokerageFactory factory;
                    brokerage = AlgorithmHandlers.Setup.CreateBrokerage(job, algorithm, out factory);

                    var symbolPropertiesDatabase = SymbolPropertiesDatabase.FromDataFolder();

                    var registeredTypesProvider = new RegisteredSecurityDataTypesProvider();
                    var securityService         = new SecurityService(algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook,
                                                                      new SecurityCacheProvider(algorithm.Portfolio));


                    dataManager = new DataManager(AlgorithmHandlers.DataFeed,
                                                  new UniverseSelection(


                    synchronizer.Initialize(algorithm, dataManager);

                    // Initialize the data feed before we initialize so he can intercept added securities/universes via events

                    // set the order processor on the transaction manager (needs to be done before initializing BrokerageHistoryProvider)

                    // set the history provider before setting up the algorithm
                    var historyProvider = GetHistoryProvider(job.HistoryProvider);
                    if (historyProvider is BrokerageHistoryProvider)
                        (historyProvider as BrokerageHistoryProvider).SetBrokerage(brokerage);

                    historyDataCacheProvider = new ZipDataCacheProvider(AlgorithmHandlers.DataProvider, isDataEphemeral: _liveMode);
                        new HistoryProviderInitializeParameters(
                            progress =>
                        // send progress updates to the result handler only during initialization
                        if (!algorithm.GetLocked() || algorithm.IsWarmingUp)
                                                                       Invariant($"Processing history {progress}%..."));
                            // disable parallel history requests for live trading
                            parallelHistoryRequestsEnabled: !_liveMode,
                            dataPermissionManager: AlgorithmHandlers.DataPermissionsManager

                    historyProvider.InvalidConfigurationDetected += (sender, args) => { AlgorithmHandlers.Results.ErrorMessage(args.Message); };
                    historyProvider.NumericalPrecisionLimited    += (sender, args) => { AlgorithmHandlers.Results.DebugMessage(args.Message); };
                    historyProvider.DownloadFailed      += (sender, args) => { AlgorithmHandlers.Results.ErrorMessage(args.Message, args.StackTrace); };
                    historyProvider.ReaderErrorDetected += (sender, args) => { AlgorithmHandlers.Results.RuntimeError(args.Message, args.StackTrace); };

                    algorithm.HistoryProvider = historyProvider;

                    // initialize the default brokerage message handler
                    algorithm.BrokerageMessageHandler = factory.CreateBrokerageMessageHandler(algorithm, job, SystemHandlers.Api);

                    //Initialize the internal state of algorithm and job: executes the algorithm.Initialize() method.
                    initializeComplete = AlgorithmHandlers.Setup.Setup(new SetupHandlerParameters(dataManager.UniverseSelection, algorithm, brokerage, job, AlgorithmHandlers.Results, AlgorithmHandlers.Transactions, AlgorithmHandlers.RealTime, AlgorithmHandlers.ObjectStore));

                    // set this again now that we've actually added securities
                    AlgorithmHandlers.Results.SetAlgorithm(algorithm, AlgorithmHandlers.Setup.StartingPortfolioValue);

                    // alpha handler needs start/end dates to determine sample step sizes

                    //If there are any reasons it failed, pass these back to the IDE.
                    if (!initializeComplete || algorithm.ErrorMessages.Count > 0 || AlgorithmHandlers.Setup.Errors.Count > 0)
                        initializeComplete = false;
                        //Get all the error messages: internal in algorithm and external in setup handler.
                        var errorMessage = string.Join(",", algorithm.ErrorMessages);
                        errorMessage += string.Join(",", AlgorithmHandlers.Setup.Errors.Select(e =>
                            var message = e.Message;
                            if (e.InnerException != null)
                                var err  = _exceptionInterpreter.Value.Interpret(e.InnerException, _exceptionInterpreter.Value);
                                message += _exceptionInterpreter.Value.GetExceptionMessageHeader(err);
                        Log.Error("Engine.Run(): " + errorMessage);
                        SystemHandlers.Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, errorMessage);
                catch (Exception err)
                    var runtimeMessage = "Algorithm.Initialize() Error: " + err.Message + " Stack Trace: " + err;
                    AlgorithmHandlers.Results.RuntimeError(runtimeMessage, err.ToString());
                    SystemHandlers.Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, runtimeMessage);

                // log the job endpoints
                Log.Trace("JOB HANDLERS: ");
                Log.Trace("         DataFeed:     " + AlgorithmHandlers.DataFeed.GetType().FullName);
                Log.Trace("         Setup:        " + AlgorithmHandlers.Setup.GetType().FullName);
                Log.Trace("         RealTime:     " + AlgorithmHandlers.RealTime.GetType().FullName);
                Log.Trace("         Results:      " + AlgorithmHandlers.Results.GetType().FullName);
                Log.Trace("         Transactions: " + AlgorithmHandlers.Transactions.GetType().FullName);
                Log.Trace("         Alpha:        " + AlgorithmHandlers.Alphas.GetType().FullName);
                Log.Trace("         ObjectStore:  " + AlgorithmHandlers.ObjectStore.GetType().FullName);
                if (algorithm?.HistoryProvider != null)
                    Log.Trace("         History Provider:     " + algorithm.HistoryProvider.GetType().FullName);
                if (job is LiveNodePacket)
                    Log.Trace("         Brokerage:      " + brokerage?.GetType().FullName);

                //-> Using the job + initialization: load the designated handlers:
                if (initializeComplete)
                    // notify the LEAN manager that the algorithm is initialized and starting

                    //-> Reset the backtest stopwatch; we're now running the algorithm.
                    var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    //Set algorithm as locked; set it to live mode if we're trading live, and set it to locked for no further updates.

                    //Load the associated handlers for transaction and realtime events:
                    AlgorithmHandlers.Transactions.Initialize(algorithm, brokerage, AlgorithmHandlers.Results);
                    AlgorithmHandlers.RealTime.Setup(algorithm, job, AlgorithmHandlers.Results, SystemHandlers.Api, algorithmManager.TimeLimit);

                    // wire up the brokerage message handler
                    brokerage.Message += (sender, message) =>

                        // fire brokerage message events
                        switch (message.Type)
                        case BrokerageMessageType.Disconnect:

                        case BrokerageMessageType.Reconnect:

                    //Send status to user the algorithm is now executing.

                    // Result manager scanning message queue: (started earlier)
                        $"Launching analysis for {job.AlgorithmId} with LEAN Engine v{Globals.Version}");

                        //Create a new engine isolator class
                        var isolator = new Isolator();

                        // Execute the Algorithm Code:
                        var complete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(AlgorithmHandlers.Setup.MaximumRuntime, algorithmManager.TimeLimit.IsWithinLimit, () =>
                                //Run Algorithm Job:
                                // -> Using this Data Feed,
                                // -> Send Orders to this TransactionHandler,
                                // -> Send Results to ResultHandler.
                                algorithmManager.Run(job, algorithm, synchronizer, AlgorithmHandlers.Transactions, AlgorithmHandlers.Results, AlgorithmHandlers.RealTime, SystemHandlers.LeanManager, AlgorithmHandlers.Alphas, isolator.CancellationToken);
                            catch (Exception err)
                                //Debugging at this level is difficult, stack trace needed.
                                algorithm.RunTimeError = err;

                            Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Exiting Algorithm Manager");
                        }, job.Controls.RamAllocation, workerThread: workerThread);

                        if (!complete)
                            Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Failed to complete in time: " + AlgorithmHandlers.Setup.MaximumRuntime.ToStringInvariant("F"));
                            throw new Exception("Failed to complete algorithm within " + AlgorithmHandlers.Setup.MaximumRuntime.ToStringInvariant("F")
                                                + " seconds. Please make it run faster.");

                        // Algorithm runtime error:
                        if (algorithm.RunTimeError != null)
                            HandleAlgorithmError(job, algorithm.RunTimeError);
                    catch (Exception err)
                        //Error running the user algorithm: purge datafeed, send error messages, set algorithm status to failed.
                        algorithm.RunTimeError = err;
                        HandleAlgorithmError(job, err);

                    // notify the LEAN manager that the algorithm has finished

                        var csvTransactionsFileName = Config.Get("transaction-log");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(csvTransactionsFileName))
                            SaveListOfTrades(AlgorithmHandlers.Transactions, csvTransactionsFileName);

                        if (!_liveMode)
                            //Diagnostics Completed, Send Result Packet:
                            var totalSeconds = (DateTime.UtcNow - startTime).TotalSeconds;
                            var dataPoints   = algorithmManager.DataPoints + algorithm.HistoryProvider.DataPointCount;
                            var kps          = dataPoints / (double)1000 / totalSeconds;
                            AlgorithmHandlers.Results.DebugMessage($"Algorithm Id:({job.AlgorithmId}) completed in {totalSeconds:F2} seconds at {kps:F0}k data points per second. Processing total of {dataPoints:N0} data points.");
                    catch (Exception err)
                        Log.Error(err, "Error sending analysis results");

                    //Before we return, send terminate commands to close up the threads

                // Close data feed, alphas. Could be running even if algorithm initialization failed

                //Close result handler:

                //Wait for the threads to complete:
                var millisecondInterval  = 10;
                var millisecondTotalWait = 0;
                while ((AlgorithmHandlers.Results.IsActive ||
                        (AlgorithmHandlers.Transactions != null && AlgorithmHandlers.Transactions.IsActive) ||
                        (AlgorithmHandlers.DataFeed != null && AlgorithmHandlers.DataFeed.IsActive) ||
                        (AlgorithmHandlers.RealTime != null && AlgorithmHandlers.RealTime.IsActive) ||
                        (AlgorithmHandlers.Alphas != null && AlgorithmHandlers.Alphas.IsActive)) &&
                       millisecondTotalWait < 30 * 1000)
                    if (millisecondTotalWait % (millisecondInterval * 10) == 0)
                        Log.Trace("Waiting for threads to exit...");
                    millisecondTotalWait += millisecondInterval;

                if (brokerage != null)
                    Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Disconnecting from brokerage...");
                if (AlgorithmHandlers.Setup != null)
                    Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Disposing of setup handler...");

                Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Analysis Completed and Results Posted.");
            catch (Exception err)
                Log.Error(err, "Error running algorithm");
                //No matter what for live mode; make sure we've set algorithm status in the API for "not running" conditions:
                if (_liveMode && algorithmManager.State != AlgorithmStatus.Running && algorithmManager.State != AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError)
                    SystemHandlers.Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, algorithmManager.State);

예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and data subscriptions as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">Brokerage instance</param>
        /// <param name="baseJob">Algorithm job</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
        /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configurated transaction handler</param>
        /// <param name="realTimeHandler">The configured real time handler</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully initializing the algorithm</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket baseJob, IResultHandler resultHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler, IRealTimeHandler realTimeHandler)
            var job = baseJob as BacktestNodePacket;

            if (job == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Expected BacktestNodePacket but received " + baseJob.GetType().Name);

            Log.Trace(string.Format("BacktestingSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting up job: Plan: {0}, UID: {1}, PID: {2}, Version: {3}, Source: {4}", job.UserPlan, job.UserId, job.ProjectId, job.Version, job.RequestSource));

            if (algorithm == null)
                Errors.Add(new AlgorithmSetupException("Could not create instance of algorithm"));

            algorithm.Name = job.GetAlgorithmName();

            //Make sure the algorithm start date ok.
            if (job.PeriodStart == default(DateTime))
                Errors.Add(new AlgorithmSetupException("Algorithm start date was never set"));

            var controls           = job.Controls;
            var isolator           = new Isolator();
            var initializeComplete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), () =>
                    resultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(AlgorithmStatus.Initializing, "Initializing algorithm...");

                    //Set our parameters

                    //Algorithm is backtesting, not live:

                    //Set the source impl for the event scheduling

                    // set the option chain provider
                    algorithm.SetOptionChainProvider(new CachingOptionChainProvider(new BacktestingOptionChainProvider()));

                    // set the future chain provider
                    algorithm.SetFutureChainProvider(new CachingFutureChainProvider(new BacktestingFutureChainProvider()));

                    //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:

                    // finalize initialization
                catch (Exception err)
                    Errors.Add(new AlgorithmSetupException("During the algorithm initialization, the following exception has occurred: ", err));
            }, controls.RamAllocation);

            //Before continuing, detect if this is ready:
            if (!initializeComplete)

            // TODO: Refactor the BacktestResultHandler to use algorithm not job to set times
            job.PeriodStart  = algorithm.StartDate;
            job.PeriodFinish = algorithm.EndDate;

            //Calculate the max runtime for the strategy
            _maxRuntime = GetMaximumRuntime(job.PeriodStart, job.PeriodFinish, algorithm.SubscriptionManager, algorithm.UniverseManager, baseJob.Controls);

            // Python takes forever; lets give it 10x longer to finish.
            if (job.Language == Language.Python)
                _maxRuntime = _maxRuntime.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_maxRuntime.TotalSeconds * 9));

            //Get starting capital:
            _startingCaptial = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;

            //Max Orders: 10k per backtest:
            if (job.UserPlan == UserPlan.Free)
                _maxOrders = 10000;
                _maxOrders   = int.MaxValue;
                _maxRuntime += _maxRuntime;

            //Set back to the algorithm,

            //Starting date of the algorithm:
            _startingDate = job.PeriodStart;

            //Put into log for debugging:
            Log.Trace("SetUp Backtesting: User: "******" ProjectId: " + job.ProjectId + " AlgoId: " + job.AlgorithmId);
            Log.Trace("Dates: Start: " + job.PeriodStart.ToShortDateString() + " End: " + job.PeriodFinish.ToShortDateString() + " Cash: " + _startingCaptial.ToString("C"));

            if (Errors.Count > 0)
                initializeComplete = false;
예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and data subscriptions as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">Brokerage instance</param>
        /// <param name="baseJob">Algorithm job</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
        /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configurated transaction handler</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully initializing the algorithm</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, out IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket baseJob, IResultHandler resultHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler)
            var job = baseJob as BacktestNodePacket;
            if (job == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Expected BacktestNodePacket but received " + baseJob.GetType().Name);

            Log.Trace(string.Format("BacktestingSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting up job: Plan: {0}, UID: {1}, PID: {2}, Version: {3}, Source: {4}", job.UserPlan, job.UserId, job.ProjectId, job.Version, job.RequestSource));

            brokerage = null;

            if (algorithm == null)
                Errors.Add("Could not create instance of algorithm");
                return false;

            //Make sure the algorithm start date ok.
            if (job.PeriodStart == default(DateTime))
                Errors.Add("Algorithm start date was never set");
                return false;

            //Execute the initialize code:
            var isolator = new Isolator();
            var initializeComplete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () =>
                    //Algorithm is backtesting, not live:
                    //Set the backtest level asset ram allocation limits
                    algorithm.SetAssetLimits(500, 100, 30);
                    //Set the algorithm time before we even initialize:
                    //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:
                    //Add currency data feeds that weren't explicity added in Initialize
                    algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook.EnsureCurrencyDataFeeds(algorithm.Securities, algorithm.SubscriptionManager);
                catch (Exception err)
                    Errors.Add("Failed to initialize algorithm: Initialize(): " + err.Message);

            //Before continuing, detect if this is ready:
            if (!initializeComplete) return false;

            // this needs to be done after algorithm initialization
            brokerage = new BacktestingBrokerage(algorithm);

            SetupHandler.UpdateTransactionModels(algorithm, algorithm.BrokerageModel);

            //Calculate the max runtime for the strategy
            _maxRuntime = GetMaximumRuntime(job.PeriodStart, job.PeriodFinish, algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Count);

            //Get starting capital:
            _startingCaptial = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;

            //Max Orders: 10k per backtest:
            if (job.UserPlan == UserPlan.Free)
                _maxOrders = 10000;
                _maxOrders = int.MaxValue;
                _maxRuntime += _maxRuntime;

            //Set back to the algorithm,

            //Starting date of the algorithm:
            _startingDate = job.PeriodStart;

            //Put into log for debugging:
            Log.Trace("SetUp Backtesting: User: "******" ProjectId: " + job.ProjectId + " AlgoId: " + job.AlgorithmId);
            Log.Trace("Dates: Start: " + job.PeriodStart.ToShortDateString() + " End: " + job.PeriodFinish.ToShortDateString() + " Cash: " + _startingCaptial.ToString("C"));

            if (Errors.Count > 0)
                initializeComplete = false;
            return initializeComplete;
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and data subscriptions as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">Brokerage instance</param>
        /// <param name="baseJob">Algorithm job</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
        /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configurated transaction handler</param>
        /// <param name="realTimeHandler">The configured real time handler</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully initializing the algorithm</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket baseJob, IResultHandler resultHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler, IRealTimeHandler realTimeHandler)
            var job = baseJob as BacktestNodePacket;

            if (job == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Expected BacktestNodePacket but received " + baseJob.GetType().Name);

            Log.Trace(string.Format("BacktestingSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting up job: Plan: {0}, UID: {1}, PID: {2}, Version: {3}, Source: {4}", job.UserPlan, job.UserId, job.ProjectId, job.Version, job.RequestSource));

            if (algorithm == null)
                Errors.Add("Could not create instance of algorithm");

            //Make sure the algorithm start date ok.
            if (job.PeriodStart == default(DateTime))
                Errors.Add("Algorithm start date was never set");

            var controls           = job.Controls;
            var isolator           = new Isolator();
            var initializeComplete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), () =>
                    //Set our parameters
                    //Algorithm is backtesting, not live:
                    //Set the algorithm time before we even initialize:
                    //Set the source impl for the event scheduling
                    //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:
                catch (Exception err)
                    Errors.Add("Failed to initialize algorithm: Initialize(): " + err);

            //Before continuing, detect if this is ready:
            if (!initializeComplete)


            //Calculate the max runtime for the strategy
            _maxRuntime = GetMaximumRuntime(job.PeriodStart, job.PeriodFinish, algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Count);

            //Get starting capital:
            _startingCaptial = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;

            //Max Orders: 10k per backtest:
            if (job.UserPlan == UserPlan.Free)
                _maxOrders = 10000;
                _maxOrders   = int.MaxValue;
                _maxRuntime += _maxRuntime;

            //Set back to the algorithm,

            //Starting date of the algorithm:
            _startingDate = job.PeriodStart;

            //Put into log for debugging:
            Log.Trace("SetUp Backtesting: User: "******" ProjectId: " + job.ProjectId + " AlgoId: " + job.AlgorithmId);
            Log.Trace("Dates: Start: " + job.PeriodStart.ToShortDateString() + " End: " + job.PeriodFinish.ToShortDateString() + " Cash: " + _startingCaptial.ToString("C"));

            if (Errors.Count > 0)
                initializeComplete = false;
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Primary entry point to setup a new algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">New brokerage output instance</param>
        /// <param name="job">Algorithm job task</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
        /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configurated transaction handler</param>
        /// <param name="realTimeHandler">The configured real time handler</param>
        /// <returns>True on successfully setting up the algorithm state, or false on error.</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket job, IResultHandler resultHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler, IRealTimeHandler realTimeHandler)
            _algorithm = algorithm;

            // verify we were given the correct job packet type
            var liveJob = job as LiveNodePacket;
            if (liveJob == null)
                AddInitializationError("BrokerageSetupHandler requires a LiveNodePacket");
                return false;

            // verify the brokerage was specified
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(liveJob.Brokerage))
                AddInitializationError("A brokerage must be specified");
                return false;

            // attach to the message event to relay brokerage specific initialization messages
            EventHandler<BrokerageMessageEvent> brokerageOnMessage = (sender, args) =>
                if (args.Type == BrokerageMessageType.Error)
                    AddInitializationError(string.Format("Brokerage Error Code: {0} - {1}", args.Code, args.Message));

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Initializing algorithm...");

                resultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(AlgorithmStatus.Initializing, "Initializing algorithm...");

                //Execute the initialize code:
                var controls = job.Controls;
                var isolator = new Isolator();
                var initializeComplete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(300), () =>
                        //Set the default brokerage model before initialize
                        //Set our parameters
                        //Algorithm is live, not backtesting:
                        //Initialize the algorithm's starting date
                        //Set the source impl for the event scheduling
                        //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:
                        if (liveJob.Brokerage != "PaperBrokerage")
                            //Zero the CashBook - we'll populate directly from brokerage
                            foreach (var kvp in algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook)
                    catch (Exception err)

                if (!initializeComplete)
                    AddInitializationError("Initialization timed out.");
                    return false;

                // let the world know what we're doing since logging in can take a minute
                resultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(AlgorithmStatus.LoggingIn, "Logging into brokerage...");

                brokerage.Message += brokerageOnMessage;


                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Connecting to brokerage...");
                    // this can fail for various reasons, such as already being logged in somewhere else
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError(string.Format("Error connecting to brokerage: {0}. " +
                        "This may be caused by incorrect login credentials or an unsupported account type.", err.Message));
                    return false;

                if (!brokerage.IsConnected)
                    // if we're reporting that we're not connected, bail
                    AddInitializationError("Unable to connect to brokerage.");
                    return false;

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Fetching cash balance from brokerage...");
                    // set the algorithm's cash balance for each currency
                    var cashBalance = brokerage.GetCashBalance();
                    foreach (var cash in cashBalance)
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting " + cash.Symbol + " cash to " + cash.Amount);
                        algorithm.Portfolio.SetCash(cash.Symbol, cash.Amount, cash.ConversionRate);
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting cash balance from brokerage: " + err.Message);
                    return false;

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Fetching open orders from brokerage...");
                    // populate the algorithm with the account's outstanding orders
                    var openOrders = brokerage.GetOpenOrders();
                    foreach (var order in openOrders)
                        // be sure to assign order IDs such that we increment from the SecurityTransactionManager to avoid ID collisions
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Has open order: " + order.Symbol.ToString() + " - " + order.Quantity);
                        order.Id = algorithm.Transactions.GetIncrementOrderId();
                        transactionHandler.Orders.AddOrUpdate(order.Id, order, (i, o) => order);
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting open orders from brokerage: " + err.Message);
                    return false;

                Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Fetching holdings from brokerage...");
                    // populate the algorithm with the account's current holdings
                    var holdings = brokerage.GetAccountHoldings();
                    var supportedSecurityTypes = new HashSet<SecurityType> { SecurityType.Equity, SecurityType.Forex, SecurityType.Cfd };
                    var minResolution = new Lazy<Resolution>(() => algorithm.Securities.Select(x => x.Value.Resolution).DefaultIfEmpty(Resolution.Second).Min());
                    foreach (var holding in holdings)
                        Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Has existing holding: " + holding);

                        // verify existing holding security type
                        if (!supportedSecurityTypes.Contains(holding.Type))
                            Log.Error("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Unsupported security type: " + holding.Type + "-" + holding.Symbol.Value);
                            AddInitializationError("Found unsupported security type in existing brokerage holdings: " + holding.Type + ". " +
                                "QuantConnect currently supports the following security types: " + string.Join(",", supportedSecurityTypes));

                            // keep aggregating these errors

                        if (!algorithm.Portfolio.ContainsKey(holding.Symbol))
                            Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Adding unrequested security: " + holding.Symbol.ToString());
                            // for items not directly requested set leverage to 1 and at the min resolution
                            algorithm.AddSecurity(holding.Type, holding.Symbol.Value, minResolution.Value, null, true, 1.0m, false);
                        algorithm.Portfolio[holding.Symbol].SetHoldings(holding.AveragePrice, (int) holding.Quantity);
                        algorithm.Securities[holding.Symbol].SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar
                            Time = DateTime.Now,
                            Open = holding.MarketPrice,
                            High = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Low = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Close = holding.MarketPrice,
                            Volume = 0,
                            Symbol = holding.Symbol,
                            DataType = MarketDataType.TradeBar
                catch (Exception err)
                    AddInitializationError("Error getting account holdings from brokerage: " + err.Message);
                    return false;


                //Set the starting portfolio value for the strategy to calculate performance:
                StartingPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue;
                StartingDate = DateTime.Now;
            catch (Exception err)
                if (brokerage != null)
                    brokerage.Message -= brokerageOnMessage;

            return Errors.Count == 0;
예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a single backtest/live job from the job queue
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="job">The algorithm job to be processed</param>
        /// <param name="manager"></param>
        /// <param name="assemblyPath">The path to the algorithm's assembly</param>
        public void Run(AlgorithmNodePacket job, AlgorithmManager manager, string assemblyPath)
            var algorithm        = default(IAlgorithm);
            var algorithmManager = manager;

                //Reset thread holders.
                var    initializeComplete = false;
                Thread threadFeed         = null;
                Thread threadTransactions = null;
                Thread threadResults      = null;
                Thread threadRealTime     = null;
                Thread threadAlphas       = null;

                //-> Initialize messaging system

                //-> Set the result handler type for this algorithm job, and launch the associated result thread.
                _algorithmHandlers.Results.Initialize(job, _systemHandlers.Notify, _systemHandlers.Api, _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed, _algorithmHandlers.Setup, _algorithmHandlers.Transactions);

                threadResults = new Thread(_algorithmHandlers.Results.Run, 0)
                    IsBackground = true, Name = "Result Thread"

                IBrokerage brokerage = null;
                    // Save algorithm to cache, load algorithm instance:
                    algorithm = _algorithmHandlers.Setup.CreateAlgorithmInstance(job, assemblyPath);

                    // Set algorithm in ILeanManager

                    // initialize the alphas handler with the algorithm instance
                    _algorithmHandlers.Alphas.Initialize(job, algorithm, _systemHandlers.Notify, _systemHandlers.Api);

                    // Initialize the brokerage
                    IBrokerageFactory factory;
                    brokerage = _algorithmHandlers.Setup.CreateBrokerage(job, algorithm, out factory);

                    // Initialize the data feed before we initialize so he can intercept added securities/universes via events
                    _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed.Initialize(algorithm, job, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _algorithmHandlers.MapFileProvider, _algorithmHandlers.FactorFileProvider, _algorithmHandlers.DataProvider);

                    // set the order processor on the transaction manager (needs to be done before initializing BrokerageHistoryProvider)

                    // set the history provider before setting up the algorithm
                    var historyProvider = GetHistoryProvider(job.HistoryProvider);
                    if (historyProvider is BrokerageHistoryProvider)
                        (historyProvider as BrokerageHistoryProvider).SetBrokerage(brokerage);

                    var historyDataCacheProvider = new ZipDataCacheProvider(_algorithmHandlers.DataProvider);
                    historyProvider.Initialize(job, _algorithmHandlers.DataProvider, historyDataCacheProvider, _algorithmHandlers.MapFileProvider, _algorithmHandlers.FactorFileProvider, progress =>
                        // send progress updates to the result handler only during initialization
                        if (!algorithm.GetLocked() || algorithm.IsWarmingUp)
                                                                        string.Format("Processing history {0}%...", progress));

                    algorithm.HistoryProvider = historyProvider;

                    // initialize the default brokerage message handler
                    algorithm.BrokerageMessageHandler = factory.CreateBrokerageMessageHandler(algorithm, job, _systemHandlers.Api);

                    //Initialize the internal state of algorithm and job: executes the algorithm.Initialize() method.
                    initializeComplete = _algorithmHandlers.Setup.Setup(algorithm, brokerage, job, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _algorithmHandlers.Transactions, _algorithmHandlers.RealTime);

                    // set this again now that we've actually added securities
                    // alpha handler needs start/end dates to determine sample step sizes

                    //If there are any reasons it failed, pass these back to the IDE.
                    if (!initializeComplete || algorithm.ErrorMessages.Count > 0 || _algorithmHandlers.Setup.Errors.Count > 0)
                        initializeComplete = false;
                        //Get all the error messages: internal in algorithm and external in setup handler.
                        var errorMessage = String.Join(",", algorithm.ErrorMessages);
                        errorMessage += String.Join(",", _algorithmHandlers.Setup.Errors.Select(e =>
                            var message = e.Message;
                            if (e.InnerException != null)
                                var err  = _exceptionInterpreter.Interpret(e.InnerException, _exceptionInterpreter);
                                message += _exceptionInterpreter.GetExceptionMessageHeader(err);
                        Log.Error("Engine.Run(): " + errorMessage);
                        _systemHandlers.Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, errorMessage);
                catch (Exception err)
                    var runtimeMessage = "Algorithm.Initialize() Error: " + err.Message + " Stack Trace: " + err.StackTrace;
                    _algorithmHandlers.Results.RuntimeError(runtimeMessage, err.StackTrace);
                    _systemHandlers.Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, runtimeMessage);

                // log the job endpoints
                Log.Trace("JOB HANDLERS: ");
                Log.Trace("         DataFeed:     " + _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed.GetType().FullName);
                Log.Trace("         Setup:        " + _algorithmHandlers.Setup.GetType().FullName);
                Log.Trace("         RealTime:     " + _algorithmHandlers.RealTime.GetType().FullName);
                Log.Trace("         Results:      " + _algorithmHandlers.Results.GetType().FullName);
                Log.Trace("         Transactions: " + _algorithmHandlers.Transactions.GetType().FullName);
                Log.Trace("         Alpha:        " + _algorithmHandlers.Alphas.GetType().FullName);
                if (algorithm != null && algorithm.HistoryProvider != null)
                    Log.Trace("         History Provider:     " + algorithm.HistoryProvider.GetType().FullName);
                if (job is LiveNodePacket)
                    Log.Trace("         Brokerage:      " + brokerage.GetType().FullName);

                //-> Using the job + initialization: load the designated handlers:
                if (initializeComplete)
                    //-> Reset the backtest stopwatch; we're now running the algorithm.
                    var startTime = DateTime.Now;

                    //Set algorithm as locked; set it to live mode if we're trading live, and set it to locked for no further updates.

                    //Load the associated handlers for transaction and realtime events:
                    _algorithmHandlers.Transactions.Initialize(algorithm, brokerage, _algorithmHandlers.Results);
                    _algorithmHandlers.RealTime.Setup(algorithm, job, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _systemHandlers.Api);

                    // wire up the brokerage message handler
                    brokerage.Message += (sender, message) =>

                        // fire brokerage message events
                        switch (message.Type)
                        case BrokerageMessageType.Disconnect:

                        case BrokerageMessageType.Reconnect:

                    //Send status to user the algorithm is now executing.

                    //Launch the data, transaction and realtime handlers into dedicated threads
                    threadFeed = new Thread(_algorithmHandlers.DataFeed.Run)
                        IsBackground = true, Name = "DataFeed Thread"
                    threadTransactions = new Thread(_algorithmHandlers.Transactions.Run)
                        IsBackground = true, Name = "Transaction Thread"
                    threadRealTime = new Thread(_algorithmHandlers.RealTime.Run)
                        IsBackground = true, Name = "RealTime Thread"
                    threadAlphas = new Thread(() => _algorithmHandlers.Alphas.Run())
                        IsBackground = true, Name = "Alpha Thread"

                    //Launch the data feed, result sending, and transaction models/handlers in separate threads.
                    threadFeed.Start();         // Data feed pushing data packets into thread bridge;
                    threadTransactions.Start(); // Transaction modeller scanning new order requests
                    threadRealTime.Start();     // RealTime scan time for time based events:
                    threadAlphas.Start();       // Alpha thread for processing algorithm alpha insights

                    // Result manager scanning message queue: (started earlier)
                    _algorithmHandlers.Results.DebugMessage(string.Format("Launching analysis for {0} with LEAN Engine v{1}", job.AlgorithmId, Globals.Version));

                        //Create a new engine isolator class
                        var isolator = new Isolator();

                        // Execute the Algorithm Code:
                        var complete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(_algorithmHandlers.Setup.MaximumRuntime, algorithmManager.TimeLoopWithinLimits, () =>
                                //Run Algorithm Job:
                                // -> Using this Data Feed,
                                // -> Send Orders to this TransactionHandler,
                                // -> Send Results to ResultHandler.
                                algorithmManager.Run(job, algorithm, _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed, _algorithmHandlers.Transactions, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _algorithmHandlers.RealTime, _systemHandlers.LeanManager, _algorithmHandlers.Alphas, isolator.CancellationToken);
                            catch (Exception err)
                                //Debugging at this level is difficult, stack trace needed.
                                algorithm.RunTimeError = err;

                            Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Exiting Algorithm Manager");
                        }, job.Controls.RamAllocation);

                        if (!complete)
                            Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Failed to complete in time: " + _algorithmHandlers.Setup.MaximumRuntime.ToString("F"));
                            throw new Exception("Failed to complete algorithm within " + _algorithmHandlers.Setup.MaximumRuntime.ToString("F")
                                                + " seconds. Please make it run faster.");

                        // Algorithm runtime error:
                        if (algorithm.RunTimeError != null)
                            HandleAlgorithmError(job, algorithm.RunTimeError);
                    catch (Exception err)
                        //Error running the user algorithm: purge datafeed, send error messages, set algorithm status to failed.
                        HandleAlgorithmError(job, err);

                        var trades            = algorithm.TradeBuilder.ClosedTrades;
                        var charts            = new Dictionary <string, Chart>(_algorithmHandlers.Results.Charts);
                        var orders            = new Dictionary <int, Order>(_algorithmHandlers.Transactions.Orders);
                        var holdings          = new Dictionary <string, Holding>();
                        var banner            = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        var statisticsResults = new StatisticsResults();

                        var csvTransactionsFileName = Config.Get("transaction-log");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(csvTransactionsFileName))
                            SaveListOfTrades(_algorithmHandlers.Transactions, csvTransactionsFileName);

                            //Generates error when things don't exist (no charting logged, runtime errors in main algo execution)
                            const string strategyEquityKey   = "Strategy Equity";
                            const string equityKey           = "Equity";
                            const string dailyPerformanceKey = "Daily Performance";
                            const string benchmarkKey        = "Benchmark";

                            // make sure we've taken samples for these series before just blindly requesting them
                            if (charts.ContainsKey(strategyEquityKey) &&
                                charts[strategyEquityKey].Series.ContainsKey(equityKey) &&
                                charts[strategyEquityKey].Series.ContainsKey(dailyPerformanceKey) &&
                                charts.ContainsKey(benchmarkKey) &&
                                var equity            = charts[strategyEquityKey].Series[equityKey].Values;
                                var performance       = charts[strategyEquityKey].Series[dailyPerformanceKey].Values;
                                var profitLoss        = new SortedDictionary <DateTime, decimal>(algorithm.Transactions.TransactionRecord);
                                var totalTransactions = algorithm.Transactions.GetOrders(x => x.Status.IsFill()).Count();
                                var benchmark         = charts[benchmarkKey].Series[benchmarkKey].Values;

                                statisticsResults = StatisticsBuilder.Generate(trades, profitLoss, equity, performance, benchmark,
                                                                               _algorithmHandlers.Setup.StartingPortfolioValue, algorithm.Portfolio.TotalFees, totalTransactions);

                                //Some users have $0 in their brokerage account / starting cash of $0. Prevent divide by zero errors
                                var netReturn = _algorithmHandlers.Setup.StartingPortfolioValue > 0 ?
                                                (algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue - _algorithmHandlers.Setup.StartingPortfolioValue) / _algorithmHandlers.Setup.StartingPortfolioValue
                                                : 0;

                                //Add other fixed parameters.
                                banner.Add("Unrealized", "$" + algorithm.Portfolio.TotalUnrealizedProfit.ToString("N2"));
                                banner.Add("Fees", "-$" + algorithm.Portfolio.TotalFees.ToString("N2"));
                                banner.Add("Net Profit", "$" + algorithm.Portfolio.TotalProfit.ToString("N2"));
                                banner.Add("Return", netReturn.ToString("P"));
                                banner.Add("Equity", "$" + algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue.ToString("N2"));
                        catch (Exception err)
                            Log.Error(err, "Error generating statistics packet");

                        //Diagnostics Completed, Send Result Packet:
                        var totalSeconds = (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds;
                        var dataPoints   = algorithmManager.DataPoints + algorithm.HistoryProvider.DataPointCount;

                        if (!_liveMode)
                            var kps = dataPoints / (double)1000 / totalSeconds;
                            _algorithmHandlers.Results.DebugMessage($"Algorithm Id:({job.AlgorithmId}) completed in {totalSeconds:F2} seconds at {kps:F0}k data points per second. Processing total of {dataPoints:N0} data points.");

                        _algorithmHandlers.Results.SendFinalResult(job, orders, algorithm.Transactions.TransactionRecord, holdings, algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook, statisticsResults, banner);
                    catch (Exception err)
                        Log.Error(err, "Error sending analysis results");

                    //Before we return, send terminate commands to close up the threads

                //Close result handler:

                //Wait for the threads to complete:
                var ts = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                while ((_algorithmHandlers.Results.IsActive ||
                        (_algorithmHandlers.Transactions != null && _algorithmHandlers.Transactions.IsActive) ||
                        (_algorithmHandlers.DataFeed != null && _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed.IsActive) ||
                        (_algorithmHandlers.RealTime != null && _algorithmHandlers.RealTime.IsActive) ||
                        (_algorithmHandlers.Alphas != null && _algorithmHandlers.Alphas.IsActive)) &&
                       ts.ElapsedMilliseconds < 30 * 1000)
                    Log.Trace("Waiting for threads to exit...");

                //Terminate threads still in active state.
                if (threadFeed != null && threadFeed.IsAlive)
                if (threadTransactions != null && threadTransactions.IsAlive)
                if (threadResults != null && threadResults.IsAlive)
                if (threadAlphas != null && threadAlphas.IsAlive)

                if (brokerage != null)
                    Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Disconnecting from brokerage...");
                if (_algorithmHandlers.Setup != null)
                    Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Disposing of setup handler...");
                Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Analysis Completed and Results Posted.");
            catch (Exception err)
                Log.Error(err, "Error running algorithm");
                //No matter what for live mode; make sure we've set algorithm status in the API for "not running" conditions:
                if (_liveMode && algorithmManager.State != AlgorithmStatus.Running && algorithmManager.State != AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError)
                    _systemHandlers.Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, algorithmManager.State);

예제 #23
파일: Engine.cs 프로젝트: xxorg3/Lean
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a single backtest/live job from the job queue
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="job">The algorithm job to be processed</param>
        /// <param name="assemblyPath">The path to the algorithm's assembly</param>
        public void Run(AlgorithmNodePacket job, string assemblyPath)
            var algorithm = default(IAlgorithm);
            var algorithmManager = new AlgorithmManager(_liveMode);

            //Start monitoring the backtest active status:
            var statusPing = new StateCheck.Ping(algorithmManager, _systemHandlers.Api, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _systemHandlers.Notify, job);
            var statusPingThread = new Thread(statusPing.Run);

                //Reset thread holders.
                var initializeComplete = false;
                Thread threadFeed = null;
                Thread threadTransactions = null;
                Thread threadResults = null;
                Thread threadRealTime = null;

                //-> Initialize messaging system

                //-> Set the result handler type for this algorithm job, and launch the associated result thread.
                _algorithmHandlers.Results.Initialize(job, _systemHandlers.Notify, _systemHandlers.Api, _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed, _algorithmHandlers.Setup, _algorithmHandlers.Transactions);

                threadResults = new Thread(_algorithmHandlers.Results.Run, 0) {Name = "Result Thread"};

                IBrokerage brokerage = null;
                    // Save algorithm to cache, load algorithm instance:
                    algorithm = _algorithmHandlers.Setup.CreateAlgorithmInstance(assemblyPath, job.Language);

                    // Initialize the brokerage
                    brokerage = _algorithmHandlers.Setup.CreateBrokerage(job, algorithm);

                    // Initialize the data feed before we initialize so he can intercept added securities/universes via events
                    _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed.Initialize(algorithm, job, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _algorithmHandlers.MapFileProvider, _algorithmHandlers.FactorFileProvider);

                    // initialize command queue system
                    _algorithmHandlers.CommandQueue.Initialize(job, algorithm);

                    // set the history provider before setting up the algorithm
                    _algorithmHandlers.HistoryProvider.Initialize(job, _algorithmHandlers.MapFileProvider, _algorithmHandlers.FactorFileProvider, progress =>
                        // send progress updates to the result handler only during initialization
                        if (!algorithm.GetLocked() || algorithm.IsWarmingUp)
                                string.Format("Processing history {0}%...", progress));
                    algorithm.HistoryProvider = _algorithmHandlers.HistoryProvider;

                    // initialize the default brokerage message handler
                    algorithm.BrokerageMessageHandler = new DefaultBrokerageMessageHandler(algorithm, job, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _systemHandlers.Api);

                    //Initialize the internal state of algorithm and job: executes the algorithm.Initialize() method.
                    initializeComplete = _algorithmHandlers.Setup.Setup(algorithm, brokerage, job, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _algorithmHandlers.Transactions, _algorithmHandlers.RealTime);

                    // set this again now that we've actually added securities

                    //If there are any reasons it failed, pass these back to the IDE.
                    if (!initializeComplete || algorithm.ErrorMessages.Count > 0 || _algorithmHandlers.Setup.Errors.Count > 0)
                        initializeComplete = false;
                        //Get all the error messages: internal in algorithm and external in setup handler.
                        var errorMessage = String.Join(",", algorithm.ErrorMessages);
                        errorMessage += String.Join(",", _algorithmHandlers.Setup.Errors);
                        Log.Error("Engine.Run(): " + errorMessage);
                        _systemHandlers.Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, errorMessage);
                catch (Exception err)
                    var runtimeMessage = "Algorithm.Initialize() Error: " + err.Message + " Stack Trace: " + err.StackTrace;
                    _algorithmHandlers.Results.RuntimeError(runtimeMessage, err.StackTrace);
                    _systemHandlers.Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, runtimeMessage);

                //-> Using the job + initialization: load the designated handlers:
                if (initializeComplete)
                    //-> Reset the backtest stopwatch; we're now running the algorithm.
                    var startTime = DateTime.Now;

                    //Set algorithm as locked; set it to live mode if we're trading live, and set it to locked for no further updates.

                    //Load the associated handlers for transaction and realtime events:
                    _algorithmHandlers.Transactions.Initialize(algorithm, brokerage, _algorithmHandlers.Results);
                    _algorithmHandlers.RealTime.Setup(algorithm, job, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _systemHandlers.Api);

                    // wire up the brokerage message handler
                    brokerage.Message += (sender, message) =>

                        // fire brokerage message events
                        switch (message.Type)
                            case BrokerageMessageType.Disconnect:
                            case BrokerageMessageType.Reconnect:

                    //Send status to user the algorithm is now executing.

                    //Launch the data, transaction and realtime handlers into dedicated threads
                    threadFeed = new Thread(_algorithmHandlers.DataFeed.Run) {Name = "DataFeed Thread"};
                    threadTransactions = new Thread(_algorithmHandlers.Transactions.Run) {Name = "Transaction Thread"};
                    threadRealTime = new Thread(_algorithmHandlers.RealTime.Run) {Name = "RealTime Thread"};

                    //Launch the data feed, result sending, and transaction models/handlers in separate threads.
                    threadFeed.Start(); // Data feed pushing data packets into thread bridge; 
                    threadTransactions.Start(); // Transaction modeller scanning new order requests
                    threadRealTime.Start(); // RealTime scan time for time based events:

                    // Result manager scanning message queue: (started earlier)
                    _algorithmHandlers.Results.DebugMessage(string.Format("Launching analysis for {0} with LEAN Engine v{1}", job.AlgorithmId, Globals.Version));

                        //Create a new engine isolator class 
                        var isolator = new Isolator();

                        // Execute the Algorithm Code:
                        var complete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(_algorithmHandlers.Setup.MaximumRuntime, algorithmManager.TimeLoopWithinLimits, () =>
                                //Run Algorithm Job:
                                // -> Using this Data Feed, 
                                // -> Send Orders to this TransactionHandler, 
                                // -> Send Results to ResultHandler.
                                algorithmManager.Run(job, algorithm, _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed, _algorithmHandlers.Transactions, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _algorithmHandlers.RealTime, _algorithmHandlers.CommandQueue, isolator.CancellationToken);
                            catch (Exception err)
                                //Debugging at this level is difficult, stack trace needed.
                                algorithm.RunTimeError = err;

                            Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Exiting Algorithm Manager");
                        }, job.RamAllocation);

                        if (!complete)
                            Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Failed to complete in time: " + _algorithmHandlers.Setup.MaximumRuntime.ToString("F"));
                            throw new Exception("Failed to complete algorithm within " + _algorithmHandlers.Setup.MaximumRuntime.ToString("F")
                                + " seconds. Please make it run faster.");

                        // Algorithm runtime error:
                        if (algorithm.RunTimeError != null)
                            throw algorithm.RunTimeError;
                    catch (Exception err)
                        //Error running the user algorithm: purge datafeed, send error messages, set algorithm status to failed.
                        Log.Error(err, "Breaking out of parent try catch:");
                        if (_algorithmHandlers.DataFeed != null) _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed.Exit();
                        if (_algorithmHandlers.Results != null)
                            var message = "Runtime Error: " + err.Message;
                            Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Sending runtime error to user...");
                            _algorithmHandlers.Results.RuntimeError(message, err.StackTrace);
                            _systemHandlers.Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, message + " Stack Trace: " + err.StackTrace);

                        var trades = algorithm.TradeBuilder.ClosedTrades;
                        var charts = new Dictionary<string, Chart>(_algorithmHandlers.Results.Charts);
                        var orders = new Dictionary<int, Order>(_algorithmHandlers.Transactions.Orders);
                        var holdings = new Dictionary<string, Holding>();
                        var banner = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        var statisticsResults = new StatisticsResults();

                            //Generates error when things don't exist (no charting logged, runtime errors in main algo execution)
                            const string strategyEquityKey = "Strategy Equity";
                            const string equityKey = "Equity";
                            const string dailyPerformanceKey = "Daily Performance";
                            const string benchmarkKey = "Benchmark";

                            // make sure we've taken samples for these series before just blindly requesting them
                            if (charts.ContainsKey(strategyEquityKey) &&
                                charts[strategyEquityKey].Series.ContainsKey(equityKey) &&
                                var equity = charts[strategyEquityKey].Series[equityKey].Values;
                                var performance = charts[strategyEquityKey].Series[dailyPerformanceKey].Values;
                                var profitLoss = new SortedDictionary<DateTime, decimal>(algorithm.Transactions.TransactionRecord);
                                var totalTransactions = algorithm.Transactions.GetOrders(x => x.Status.IsFill()).Count();
                                var benchmark = charts[benchmarkKey].Series[benchmarkKey].Values;

                                statisticsResults = StatisticsBuilder.Generate(trades, profitLoss, equity, performance, benchmark,
                                    _algorithmHandlers.Setup.StartingPortfolioValue, algorithm.Portfolio.TotalFees, totalTransactions);

                                //Some users have $0 in their brokerage account / starting cash of $0. Prevent divide by zero errors
                                var netReturn = _algorithmHandlers.Setup.StartingPortfolioValue > 0 ?
                                                (algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue - _algorithmHandlers.Setup.StartingPortfolioValue) / _algorithmHandlers.Setup.StartingPortfolioValue
                                                : 0;

                                //Add other fixed parameters.
                                banner.Add("Unrealized:", "$" + algorithm.Portfolio.TotalUnrealizedProfit.ToString("N2"));
                                banner.Add("Fees:", "-$" + algorithm.Portfolio.TotalFees.ToString("N2"));
                                banner.Add("Net Profit:", "$" + algorithm.Portfolio.TotalProfit.ToString("N2"));
                                banner.Add("Return:", netReturn.ToString("P"));
                                banner.Add("Equity:", "$" + algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue.ToString("N2"));
                                banner.Add("Holdings:", "$" + algorithm.Portfolio.TotalHoldingsValue.ToString("N2"));
                                banner.Add("Volume:", "$" + algorithm.Portfolio.TotalSaleVolume.ToString("N2"));
                        catch (Exception err)
                            Log.Error(err, "Error generating statistics packet");

                        //Diagnostics Completed, Send Result Packet:
                        var totalSeconds = (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds;
                        var dataPoints = algorithmManager.DataPoints + _algorithmHandlers.HistoryProvider.DataPointCount;
                            string.Format("Algorithm Id:({0}) completed in {1} seconds at {2}k data points per second. Processing total of {3} data points.",
                                job.AlgorithmId, totalSeconds.ToString("F2"), ((dataPoints/(double) 1000)/totalSeconds).ToString("F0"),

                        _algorithmHandlers.Results.SendFinalResult(job, orders, algorithm.Transactions.TransactionRecord, holdings, statisticsResults, banner);
                    catch (Exception err)
                        Log.Error(err, "Error sending analysis results");

                    //Before we return, send terminate commands to close up the threads

                //Close result handler:

                //Wait for the threads to complete:
                var ts = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                while ((_algorithmHandlers.Results.IsActive 
                    || (_algorithmHandlers.Transactions != null && _algorithmHandlers.Transactions.IsActive) 
                    || (_algorithmHandlers.DataFeed != null && _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed.IsActive)
                    || (_algorithmHandlers.RealTime != null && _algorithmHandlers.RealTime.IsActive))
                    && ts.ElapsedMilliseconds < 30*1000)
                    Log.Trace("Waiting for threads to exit...");

                //Terminate threads still in active state.
                if (threadFeed != null && threadFeed.IsAlive) threadFeed.Abort();
                if (threadTransactions != null && threadTransactions.IsAlive) threadTransactions.Abort();
                if (threadResults != null && threadResults.IsAlive) threadResults.Abort();
                if (statusPingThread != null && statusPingThread.IsAlive) statusPingThread.Abort();

                if (brokerage != null)
                    Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Disconnecting from brokerage...");
                if (_algorithmHandlers.Setup != null)
                    Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Disposing of setup handler...");
                Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Analysis Completed and Results Posted.");
            catch (Exception err)
                Log.Error(err, "Error running algorithm");
                //No matter what for live mode; make sure we've set algorithm status in the API for "not running" conditions:
                if (_liveMode && algorithmManager.State != AlgorithmStatus.Running && algorithmManager.State != AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError)
                    _systemHandlers.Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, algorithmManager.State);

예제 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and data subscriptions as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">The parameters object to use</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully initializing the algorithm</returns>
        public bool Setup(SetupHandlerParameters parameters)
            var algorithm = parameters.Algorithm;
            var job       = parameters.AlgorithmNodePacket as BacktestNodePacket;

            if (job == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Expected BacktestNodePacket but received " + parameters.AlgorithmNodePacket.GetType().Name);

            Log.Trace($"BacktestingSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting up job: Plan: {job.UserPlan}, UID: {job.UserId.ToStringInvariant()}, " +
                      $"PID: {job.ProjectId.ToStringInvariant()}, Version: {job.Version}, Source: {job.RequestSource}"

            if (algorithm == null)
                Errors.Add(new AlgorithmSetupException("Could not create instance of algorithm"));

            algorithm.Name = job.GetAlgorithmName();

            //Make sure the algorithm start date ok.
            if (job.PeriodStart == default(DateTime))
                Errors.Add(new AlgorithmSetupException("Algorithm start date was never set"));

            var controls           = job.Controls;
            var isolator           = new Isolator();
            var initializeComplete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), () =>
                    parameters.ResultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(AlgorithmStatus.Initializing, "Initializing algorithm...");

                    //Set our parameters

                    //Algorithm is backtesting, not live:

                    //Set the source impl for the event scheduling

                    // set the option chain provider
                    algorithm.SetOptionChainProvider(new CachingOptionChainProvider(new BacktestingOptionChainProvider()));

                    // set the future chain provider
                    algorithm.SetFutureChainProvider(new CachingFutureChainProvider(new BacktestingFutureChainProvider()));

                    //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:

                    // finalize initialization
                catch (Exception err)
                    Errors.Add(new AlgorithmSetupException("During the algorithm initialization, the following exception has occurred: ", err));
            }, controls.RamAllocation,
                                                                   sleepIntervalMillis: 50, // entire system is waiting on this, so be as fast as possible
                                                                   workerThread: WorkerThread);

            //Before continuing, detect if this is ready:
            if (!initializeComplete)

            // TODO: Refactor the BacktestResultHandler to use algorithm not job to set times
            job.PeriodStart  = algorithm.StartDate;
            job.PeriodFinish = algorithm.EndDate;

            //Calculate the max runtime for the strategy
            MaximumRuntime = GetMaximumRuntime(job.PeriodStart, job.PeriodFinish, algorithm.SubscriptionManager, algorithm.UniverseManager, parameters.AlgorithmNodePacket.Controls);

            // Python takes forever; lets give it 10x longer to finish.
            if (job.Language == Language.Python)
                MaximumRuntime = MaximumRuntime.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(MaximumRuntime.TotalSeconds * 9));

            BaseSetupHandler.SetupCurrencyConversions(algorithm, parameters.UniverseSelection);
            StartingPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;

            // we set the free portfolio value based on the initial total value and the free percentage value
            algorithm.Settings.FreePortfolioValue =
                algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue * algorithm.Settings.FreePortfolioValuePercentage;

            //Max Orders: 10k per backtest:
            if (job.UserPlan == UserPlan.Free)
                MaxOrders = 10000;
                MaxOrders       = int.MaxValue;
                MaximumRuntime += MaximumRuntime;

            MaxOrders = job.Controls.BacktestingMaxOrders;

            //Set back to the algorithm,

            //Starting date of the algorithm:
            StartingDate = job.PeriodStart;

            //Put into log for debugging:
            Log.Trace("SetUp Backtesting: User: "******" ProjectId: " + job.ProjectId + " AlgoId: " + job.AlgorithmId);
            Log.Trace($"Dates: Start: {job.PeriodStart.ToStringInvariant("d")} " +
                      $"End: {job.PeriodFinish.ToStringInvariant("d")} " +
                      $"Cash: {StartingPortfolioValue.ToStringInvariant("C")}"

            if (Errors.Count > 0)
                initializeComplete = false;
예제 #25
파일: Engine.cs 프로젝트: tradebase/Lean
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a single backtest/live job from the job queue
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="job">The algorithm job to be processed</param>
        /// <param name="assemblyPath">The path to the algorithm's assembly</param>
        public void Run(AlgorithmNodePacket job, string assemblyPath)
            var algorithm = default(IAlgorithm);
            var algorithmManager = new AlgorithmManager(_liveMode);

            //Start monitoring the backtest active status:
            var statusPing = new StateCheck.Ping(algorithmManager, _systemHandlers.Api, _algorithmHandlers.Results);
            var statusPingThread = new Thread(statusPing.Run);

                //Reset thread holders.
                var initializeComplete = false;
                Thread threadFeed = null;
                Thread threadTransactions = null;
                Thread threadResults = null;
                Thread threadRealTime = null;

                //-> Initialize messaging system

                //-> Set the result handler type for this algorithm job, and launch the associated result thread.
                _algorithmHandlers.Results.Initialize(job, _systemHandlers.Notify, _systemHandlers.Api, _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed, _algorithmHandlers.Setup, _algorithmHandlers.Transactions);

                threadResults = new Thread(_algorithmHandlers.Results.Run, 0) {Name = "Result Thread"};

                IBrokerage brokerage = null;
                    // Save algorithm to cache, load algorithm instance:
                    algorithm = _algorithmHandlers.Setup.CreateAlgorithmInstance(assemblyPath, job.Language);

                    //Initialize the internal state of algorithm and job: executes the algorithm.Initialize() method.
                    initializeComplete = _algorithmHandlers.Setup.Setup(algorithm, out brokerage, job, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _algorithmHandlers.Transactions);

                    //If there are any reasons it failed, pass these back to the IDE.
                    if (!initializeComplete || algorithm.ErrorMessages.Count > 0 || _algorithmHandlers.Setup.Errors.Count > 0)
                        initializeComplete = false;
                        //Get all the error messages: internal in algorithm and external in setup handler.
                        var errorMessage = String.Join(",", algorithm.ErrorMessages);
                        errorMessage += String.Join(",", _algorithmHandlers.Setup.Errors);
                        _systemHandlers.Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, errorMessage);
                catch (Exception err)
                    var runtimeMessage = "Algorithm.Initialize() Error: " + err.Message + " Stack Trace: " + err.StackTrace;
                    _algorithmHandlers.Results.RuntimeError(runtimeMessage, err.StackTrace);
                    _systemHandlers.Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, runtimeMessage);

                //-> Using the job + initialization: load the designated handlers:
                if (initializeComplete)
                    //-> Reset the backtest stopwatch; we're now running the algorithm.
                    var startTime = DateTime.Now;

                    //Set algorithm as locked; set it to live mode if we're trading live, and set it to locked for no further updates.

                    //Load the associated handlers for data, transaction and realtime events:

                    _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed.Initialize(algorithm, job, _algorithmHandlers.Results);
                    _algorithmHandlers.Transactions.Initialize(algorithm, brokerage, _algorithmHandlers.Results);
                    _algorithmHandlers.RealTime.Initialize(algorithm, job, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _systemHandlers.Api);

                    //Set the error handlers for the brokerage asynchronous errors.
                    _algorithmHandlers.Setup.SetupErrorHandler(_algorithmHandlers.Results, brokerage);

                    //Send status to user the algorithm is now executing.
                    _algorithmHandlers.Results.SendStatusUpdate(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.Running);

                    //Launch the data, transaction and realtime handlers into dedicated threads
                    threadFeed = new Thread(_algorithmHandlers.DataFeed.Run) {Name = "DataFeed Thread"};
                    threadTransactions = new Thread(_algorithmHandlers.Transactions.Run) {Name = "Transaction Thread"};
                    threadRealTime = new Thread(_algorithmHandlers.RealTime.Run) {Name = "RealTime Thread"};

                    //Launch the data feed, result sending, and transaction models/handlers in separate threads.
                    threadFeed.Start(); // Data feed pushing data packets into thread bridge;
                    threadTransactions.Start(); // Transaction modeller scanning new order requests
                    threadRealTime.Start(); // RealTime scan time for time based events:

                    // Result manager scanning message queue: (started earlier)
                    _algorithmHandlers.Results.DebugMessage(string.Format("Launching analysis for {0} with LEAN Engine v{1}", job.AlgorithmId, Constants.Version));

                        //Create a new engine isolator class
                        var isolator = new Isolator();

                        // Execute the Algorithm Code:
                        var complete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(_algorithmHandlers.Setup.MaximumRuntime, algorithmManager.TimeLoopWithinLimits, () =>
                                //Run Algorithm Job:
                                // -> Using this Data Feed,
                                // -> Send Orders to this TransactionHandler,
                                // -> Send Results to ResultHandler.
                                algorithmManager.Run(job, algorithm, _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed, _algorithmHandlers.Transactions, _algorithmHandlers.Results, _algorithmHandlers.RealTime, isolator.CancellationToken);
                            catch (Exception err)
                                //Debugging at this level is difficult, stack trace needed.
                                Log.Error("Engine.Run", err);
                                algorithm.RunTimeError = err;

                            Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Exiting Algorithm Manager");
                        }, job.RamAllocation);

                        if (!complete)
                            Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Failed to complete in time: " + _algorithmHandlers.Setup.MaximumRuntime.ToString("F"));
                            throw new Exception("Failed to complete algorithm within " + _algorithmHandlers.Setup.MaximumRuntime.ToString("F")
                                + " seconds. Please make it run faster.");

                        // Algorithm runtime error:
                        if (algorithm.RunTimeError != null)
                            throw algorithm.RunTimeError;
                    catch (Exception err)
                        //Error running the user algorithm: purge datafeed, send error messages, set algorithm status to failed.
                        Log.Error("Engine.Run(): Breaking out of parent try-catch: " + err.Message + " " + err.StackTrace);
                        if (_algorithmHandlers.DataFeed != null) _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed.Exit();
                        if (_algorithmHandlers.Results != null)
                            var message = "Runtime Error: " + err.Message;
                            Log.Trace("Engine.Run(): Sending runtime error to user...");
                            _algorithmHandlers.Results.RuntimeError(message, err.StackTrace);
                            _systemHandlers.Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError, message + " Stack Trace: " + err.StackTrace);

                    //Send result data back: this entire code block could be rewritten.
                    // todo: - Split up statistics class, its enormous.
                    // todo: - Make a dedicated Statistics.Benchmark class.
                    // todo: - Move all creation and transmission of statistics out of primary engine loop.
                    // todo: - Statistics.Generate(algorithm, resulthandler, transactionhandler);

                        var charts = new Dictionary<string, Chart>(_algorithmHandlers.Results.Charts);
                        var orders = new Dictionary<int, Order>(_algorithmHandlers.Transactions.Orders);
                        var holdings = new Dictionary<string, Holding>();
                        var statistics = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        var banner = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                            //Generates error when things don't exist (no charting logged, runtime errors in main algo execution)
                            const string strategyEquityKey = "Strategy Equity";
                            const string equityKey = "Equity";
                            const string dailyPerformanceKey = "Daily Performance";
                            const string benchmarkKey = "Benchmark";

                            // make sure we've taken samples for these series before just blindly requesting them
                            if (charts.ContainsKey(strategyEquityKey) &&
                                charts[strategyEquityKey].Series.ContainsKey(equityKey) &&
                                var equity = charts[strategyEquityKey].Series[equityKey].Values;
                                var performance = charts[strategyEquityKey].Series[dailyPerformanceKey].Values;
                                var profitLoss =
                                    new SortedDictionary<DateTime, decimal>(algorithm.Transactions.TransactionRecord);
                                var numberOfTrades = algorithm.Transactions.GetOrders(x => x.Status.IsFill()).Count();
                                var benchmark = charts[benchmarkKey].Series[benchmarkKey].Values.ToDictionary(chartPoint => Time.UnixTimeStampToDateTime(chartPoint.x), chartPoint => chartPoint.y);
                                statistics = Statistics.Statistics.Generate(equity, profitLoss, performance, benchmark,
                                    _algorithmHandlers.Setup.StartingPortfolioValue, algorithm.Portfolio.TotalFees, numberOfTrades, 252);
                        catch (Exception err)
                            Log.Error("Algorithm.Node.Engine(): Error generating statistics packet: " + err.Message);

                        //Diagnostics Completed, Send Result Packet:
                        var totalSeconds = (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds;
                            string.Format("Algorithm Id:({0}) completed in {1} seconds at {2}k data points per second. Processing total of {3} data points.",
                                job.AlgorithmId, totalSeconds.ToString("F2"), ((algorithmManager.DataPoints/(double) 1000)/totalSeconds).ToString("F0"),

                        _algorithmHandlers.Results.SendFinalResult(job, orders, algorithm.Transactions.TransactionRecord, holdings, statistics, banner);
                    catch (Exception err)
                        Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Error sending analysis result: " + err.Message + "  ST >> " + err.StackTrace);

                    //Before we return, send terminate commands to close up the threads

                //Close result handler:

                //Wait for the threads to complete:
                var ts = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                while ((_algorithmHandlers.Results.IsActive
                    || (_algorithmHandlers.Transactions != null && _algorithmHandlers.Transactions.IsActive)
                    || (_algorithmHandlers.DataFeed != null && _algorithmHandlers.DataFeed.IsActive)
                    || (_algorithmHandlers.RealTime != null && _algorithmHandlers.RealTime.IsActive))
                    && ts.ElapsedMilliseconds < 30*1000)
                    Log.Trace("Waiting for threads to exit...");

                //Terminate threads still in active state.
                if (threadFeed != null && threadFeed.IsAlive) threadFeed.Abort();
                if (threadTransactions != null && threadTransactions.IsAlive) threadTransactions.Abort();
                if (threadResults != null && threadResults.IsAlive) threadResults.Abort();
                if (statusPingThread != null && statusPingThread.IsAlive) statusPingThread.Abort();

                if (brokerage != null)
                if (_algorithmHandlers.Setup != null)
                Log.Trace("Engine.Main(): Analysis Completed and Results Posted.");
            catch (Exception err)
                Log.Error("Engine.Main(): Error running algorithm: " + err.Message + " >> " + err.StackTrace);
                //No matter what for live mode; make sure we've set algorithm status in the API for "not running" conditions:
                if (_liveMode && algorithmManager.State != AlgorithmStatus.Running && algorithmManager.State != AlgorithmStatus.RuntimeError)
                    _systemHandlers.Api.SetAlgorithmStatus(job.AlgorithmId, algorithmManager.State);

예제 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the algorithm cash, dates and data subscriptions as desired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
        /// <param name="brokerage">Brokerage instance</param>
        /// <param name="baseJob">Algorithm job</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
        /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configurated transaction handler</param>
        /// <param name="realTimeHandler">The configured real time handler</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully initializing the algorithm</returns>
        public bool Setup(IAlgorithm algorithm, out IBrokerage brokerage, AlgorithmNodePacket baseJob, IResultHandler resultHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler, IRealTimeHandler realTimeHandler)
            var job = baseJob as BacktestNodePacket;

            if (job == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Expected BacktestNodePacket but received " + baseJob.GetType().Name);

            Log.Trace(string.Format("BacktestingSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting up job: Plan: {0}, UID: {1}, PID: {2}, Version: {3}, Source: {4}", job.UserPlan, job.UserId, job.ProjectId, job.Version, job.RequestSource));

            brokerage = null;

            if (algorithm == null)
                Errors.Add("Could not create instance of algorithm");

            //Make sure the algorithm start date ok.
            if (job.PeriodStart == default(DateTime))
                Errors.Add("Algorithm start date was never set");

            //Execute the initialize code:
            var isolator           = new Isolator();
            var initializeComplete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), () =>
                    //Algorithm is backtesting, not live:
                    //Set the backtest level asset ram allocation limits
                    algorithm.SetAssetLimits(500, 100, 30);
                    //Set the algorithm time before we even initialize:
                    //Set the source impl for the event scheduling
                    //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:
                    //Add currency data feeds that weren't explicity added in Initialize
                    algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook.EnsureCurrencyDataFeeds(algorithm.Securities, algorithm.SubscriptionManager, SecurityExchangeHoursProvider.FromDataFolder());
                catch (Exception err)
                    Errors.Add("Failed to initialize algorithm: Initialize(): " + err.Message);

            //Before continuing, detect if this is ready:
            if (!initializeComplete)

            // this needs to be done after algorithm initialization
            brokerage = new BacktestingBrokerage(algorithm);

            SetupHandler.UpdateTransactionModels(algorithm, algorithm.BrokerageModel);

            //Calculate the max runtime for the strategy
            _maxRuntime = GetMaximumRuntime(job.PeriodStart, job.PeriodFinish, algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Count);

            //Get starting capital:
            _startingCaptial = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash;

            //Max Orders: 10k per backtest:
            if (job.UserPlan == UserPlan.Free)
                _maxOrders = 10000;
                _maxOrders   = int.MaxValue;
                _maxRuntime += _maxRuntime;

            //Set back to the algorithm,

            //Starting date of the algorithm:
            _startingDate = job.PeriodStart;

            //Put into log for debugging:
            Log.Trace("SetUp Backtesting: User: "******" ProjectId: " + job.ProjectId + " AlgoId: " + job.AlgorithmId);
            Log.Trace("Dates: Start: " + job.PeriodStart.ToShortDateString() + " End: " + job.PeriodFinish.ToShortDateString() + " Cash: " + _startingCaptial.ToString("C"));

            if (Errors.Count > 0)
                initializeComplete = false;