예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///    Ensures that the molecule is using the <paramref name="moleculeFormulaToUse" /> for its start value,
        ///    either directly or via the StartValue parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///    The <paramref name="moleculeFormulaToUse" /> can be changed since this is suppose to be a clone of the
        ///    original molecule start value
        /// </remarks>
        private void updateMoleculeAmountFormula(IMoleculeAmount molecule, IFormula moleculeFormulaToUse)
            if (moleculeFormulaToUse.IsAmountBased())
                molecule.Formula = moleculeFormulaToUse;

            //molecule is concentration based
            var startValue = molecule.EntityAt <IParameter>(Constants.Parameters.START_VALUE);

            startValue.Formula   = moleculeFormulaToUse;
            startValue.Dimension = startValue.Formula.Dimension;
            _concentrationBasedFormulaUpdater.UpdateRelativePathForStartValueMolecule(molecule, moleculeFormulaToUse);

            molecule.Formula = _formulaFactory.CreateMoleculeAmountReferenceToStartValue(startValue);