예제 #1
        // Override some typical settings and acquire an spe file with a
        // specific name.
        private void control__Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Are we in a state where we can do this?
            if (!ValidateAcquisition())

            // Get the experiment object
            IExperiment experiment = LightFieldApplication.Experiment;

            if (experiment != null)
                // Not All Systems Have an Exposure Setting, if they do get the minimum and set it
                if (experiment.Exists(CameraSettings.ShutterTimingExposureTime))
                    ISettingRange currentRange = experiment.GetCurrentRange(CameraSettings.ShutterTimingExposureTime);
                    experiment.SetValue(CameraSettings.ShutterTimingExposureTime, currentRange.Minimum);

                // Don't Attach Date/Time
                experiment.SetValue(ExperimentSettings.FileNameGenerationAttachDate, false);
                experiment.SetValue(ExperimentSettings.FileNameGenerationAttachTime, false);

                // Save file as Specific.Spe to the default directory
                experiment.SetValue(ExperimentSettings.FileNameGenerationBaseFileName, "Specific");

                // Connnect the event handler
                acquireCompletedEventHandler_   = new EventHandler <ExperimentCompletedEventArgs>(exp_AcquisitionComplete);
                experiment.ExperimentCompleted += acquireCompletedEventHandler_;

                // Begin the acquisition