// Risultati Grezzi public List <IBLL.DTO.RisultatoDTO> GetRisultatiByEsamAnalId(string id) { Stopwatch tw = new Stopwatch(); tw.Start(); log.Info(string.Format("Starting ...")); List <IBLL.DTO.RisultatoDTO> riss = null; try { IDAL.VO.RisultatoGrezzoVO dalRes = this.dal.GetRisultatoGrezzoByEsamAnalId(id); riss = RisultatoMapper.AnreMapper(dalRes); log.Info(string.Format("{0} VOs mapped to {1}", LibString.ItemsNumber(riss), LibString.TypeName(riss))); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = "An Error occured! Exception detected!"; log.Info(msg); log.Error(msg + "\n" + ex.Message); } tw.Stop(); log.Info(string.Format("Completed! Elapsed time {0}", LibString.TimeSpanToTimeHmsms(tw.Elapsed))); return(riss); }
public static IDAL.VO.RisultatoGrezzoVO AnreTrashMapper(DataRow row) { IDAL.VO.RisultatoGrezzoVO anreT = new IDAL.VO.RisultatoGrezzoVO(); anreT.esamanlid = row["esamanalid"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["esamanalid"] : null; anreT.res = row["res"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)row["res"] : null; return(anreT); }
public IDAL.VO.RisultatoGrezzoVO GetRisultatoGrezzoById(string id) { Stopwatch tw = new Stopwatch(); tw.Start(); log.Info(string.Format("Starting ...")); IDAL.VO.RisultatoGrezzoVO risG = null; try { string connectionString = this.GRConnectionString; long id_ = long.Parse(id); string table = this.RisultatoGrezzoTabName; Dictionary <string, DBSQL.QueryCondition> conditions = new Dictionary <string, DBSQL.QueryCondition>() { { "id", new DBSQL.QueryCondition() { Key = "id", Op = DBSQL.Op.Equal, Value = id_, Conj = DBSQL.Conj.None } } }; DataTable data = DBSQL.SelectOperation(connectionString, table, conditions); log.Info(string.Format("DBSQL Query Executed! Retrieved {0} record!", LibString.ItemsNumber(data))); if (data != null) { if (data.Rows.Count == 1) { risG = Mappers.RisultatoMapper.AnreTrashMapper(data.Rows[0]); log.Info(string.Format("{0} Records mapped to {1}", LibString.ItemsNumber(risG), LibString.TypeName(risG))); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Info(string.Format("DBSQL Query Executed! Retrieved 0 record!")); string msg = "An Error occured! Exception detected!"; log.Info(msg); log.Error(msg + "\n" + ex.Message); } tw.Stop(); log.Info(string.Format("Completed! Elapsed time {0}", LibString.TimeSpanToTimeHmsms(tw.Elapsed))); return(risG); }
public static List <IBLL.DTO.RisultatoDTO> AnreMapper(IDAL.VO.RisultatoGrezzoVO raw) { List <IBLL.DTO.RisultatoDTO> anres = null; string rowsSeparator = "££"; string fieldsSeparator = "§§"; try { string[] tmp = raw.esamanlid.Split('-'); string[] rows = raw.res.Split(new string[] { rowsSeparator }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string analid = tmp[1].Trim(); string esamid = tmp[0].Trim(); long analid_ = 0; if (!long.TryParse(analid, out analid_)) { log.Error(string.Format("Error during Anal ID parsing. {0} is not a long parsable string! Esam ID: {1}", analid, esamid)); } foreach (string row in rows) { string[] fields = row.Split(new string[] { fieldsSeparator }, StringSplitOptions.None); IBLL.DTO.RisultatoDTO anre = new IBLL.DTO.RisultatoDTO(); anre.anreanal = analid_; int anreprog_ = 0; if (!int.TryParse(fields[0].Trim(), out anreprog_)) { log.Info(string.Format("Error during Prog Anal ID parsing. {0} is not an int parsable string! Esam ID: {1} - Anal ID: {2}", fields[0], analid, esamid)); } anre.anreprog = anreprog_; anre.anretipo = fields[1].Trim(); anre.anreidmu = fields[2].Trim(); anre.anredsmu = fields[3].Trim(); anre.anreidsn = fields[4].Trim(); anre.anrerisu = fields[5].Trim(); anre.anrerisucomm = fields[6].Trim(); anre.anreunim = fields[7].Trim(); anre.anrerife = fields[8].Trim(); anre.anreanom = fields[9].Trim(); anre.anrestat = fields[10].Trim(); DateTime anredata_ = default(DateTime); try { anredata_ = DateTime.ParseExact(fields[11].Trim(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception) { log.Info(string.Format("Error during Anal Date parsing. {0} is not a DateTime parsable string! Esam ID: {1} - Anal ID: {2}", fields[9], analid, esamid)); } anre.anredata = anredata_; if (anres == null) { anres = new List <IBLL.DTO.RisultatoDTO>(); } anres.Add(anre); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(string.Format("Error Occurred!\n{0}", ex.Message)); } return(anres); }