public ModelHelpers(IBackend gallifrey, FlyoutsControl flyoutsControl) { this.flyoutsControl = flyoutsControl; Gallifrey = gallifrey; DialogContext = new DialogContext(); openFlyouts = new List<OpenFlyoutDetails>(); }
public EditTimerModel(IBackend gallifrey, Guid timerId) { var dateToday = DateTime.Now; var timer = gallifrey.JiraTimerCollection.GetTimer(timerId); UniqueId = timerId; JiraReference = timer.JiraReference; if (gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.KeepTimersForDays > 0) { MinDate = dateToday.AddDays(gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.KeepTimersForDays * -1); MaxDate = dateToday.AddDays(gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.KeepTimersForDays); } else { MinDate = dateToday.AddDays(-300); MaxDate = dateToday.AddDays(300); } RunDate = timer.DateStarted; DisplayDate = timer.DateStarted; Hours = timer.ExactCurrentTime.Hours > 9 ? 9 : timer.ExactCurrentTime.Hours; Minutes = timer.ExactCurrentTime.Minutes; DateEditable = timer.HasExportedTime(); JiraReferenceEditable = timer.HasExportedTime(); TimeEditable = !timer.IsRunning; OriginalJiraReference = JiraReference; OriginalRunDate = RunDate; OriginalHours = Hours; OriginalMinutes = Minutes; }
public SearchWindow(IBackend gallifrey) { this.gallifrey = gallifrey; InitializeComponent(); try { cmbUserFilters.Items.Add(string.Empty); foreach (var jiraFilter in gallifrey.JiraConnection.GetJiraFilters()) { cmbUserFilters.Items.Add(jiraFilter); } cmbUserFilters.Enabled = true; } catch (NoResultsFoundException) { cmbUserFilters.Enabled = false; } try { var currentUserIssues = gallifrey.JiraConnection.GetJiraCurrentUserOpenIssues(); lstResults.DataSource = currentUserIssues.Select(issue => new JiraSearchResult(issue)).ToList(); lstResults.Enabled = true; } catch (NoResultsFoundException) { lstResults.Enabled = false; btnAddTimer.Enabled = false; } TopMost = gallifrey.Settings.UiSettings.AlwaysOnTop; }
public AddTimerWindow(IBackend gallifrey) { this.gallifrey = gallifrey; InitializeComponent(); calStartDate.MinDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(gallifrey.AppSettings.KeepTimersForDays*-1); calStartDate.MaxDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(gallifrey.AppSettings.KeepTimersForDays); }
public SearchWindow(IBackend gallifrey) { this.gallifrey = gallifrey; InitializeComponent(); try { cmbUserFilters.DataSource = gallifrey.JiraConnection.GetJiraFilters().ToList(); cmbUserFilters.Enabled = true; } catch (NoResultsFoundException) { cmbUserFilters.Enabled = false; } try { var currentUserIssues = gallifrey.JiraConnection.GetJiraCurrentUserOpenIssues(); lstResults.DataSource = currentUserIssues.Select(issue => new JiraSearchResult(issue)).ToList(); lstResults.Enabled = true; } catch (NoResultsFoundException) { lstResults.Enabled = false; } }
public void OnStart(IConfiguration config, IBackend backend) { this.backend = backend; var token = config[Constants.ConfigKey.DiffBotApiKey]; this.apiEndPoint = "" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(token); }
public DuplicatiRemote(IConfigurationProvider configurationProvider) { this._configurationProvider = configurationProvider; string url = this._configurationProvider.DuplicatiUrl; string options = this._configurationProvider.DuplicatiOptions; _backend = BackendLoader.GetBackend(url, Duplicati.CommandLine.CommandLineParser.ExtractOptions(new List<string>(options.Split(' ')))); }
public AdjustTimerWindow(IBackend gallifrey, Guid timerGuid) { this.gallifrey = gallifrey; timerToShow = gallifrey.JiraTimerCollection.GetTimer(timerGuid); InitializeComponent(); txtJiraRef.Text = timerToShow.JiraReference; }
public void SetSource (IListDataSource source, IBackend sourceBackend) { var dataSource = sourceBackend as ListDataSource; if (dataSource != null) ComboBox.ItemsSource = dataSource; else ComboBox.ItemsSource = new ListSourceNotifyWrapper (source); }
public void OnStart(IConfiguration config, IBackend backend) { this.backend = backend; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(config[Bender.Common.Constants.ConfigKey.WikipediaAlias])) { this.regexAlias = new Regex(String.Format(@"^\s*{0},?\s+(.+?)\s*$", config[Bender.Common.Constants.ConfigKey.WikipediaAlias]), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private IGraph ImportModels(List<String> ecoreFilenames, String grgFilename, IBackend backend, out IActions actions) { foreach(String ecoreFilename in ecoreFilenames) { String modelText = ParseModel(ecoreFilename); String modelfilename = ecoreFilename.Substring(0, ecoreFilename.LastIndexOf('.')) + ""; // Do we have to update the model file (.gm)? if(!File.Exists(modelfilename) || File.GetLastWriteTime(ecoreFilename) > File.GetLastWriteTime(modelfilename)) { Console.WriteLine("Writing model file \"" + modelfilename + "\"..."); using(StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(modelfilename)) writer.Write(modelText); } } if(grgFilename == null) { grgFilename = ""; foreach(String ecoreFilename in ecoreFilenames) grgFilename += ecoreFilename.Substring(0, ecoreFilename.LastIndexOf('.')) + "_"; grgFilename += "_ecore.grg"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("// Automatically generated\n// Do not change, changes will be lost!\n\nusing "); DateTime grgTime; if(!File.Exists(grgFilename)) grgTime = DateTime.MinValue; else grgTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(grgFilename); bool mustWriteGrg = false; bool first = true; foreach(String ecore in ecoreFilenames) { if(first) first = false; else sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(ecore.Substring(0, ecore.LastIndexOf('.')) + "__ecore"); if(File.GetLastWriteTime(ecore) > grgTime) mustWriteGrg = true; } if(mustWriteGrg) { sb.Append(";\n"); using(StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(grgFilename)) writer.Write(sb.ToString()); } } IGraph graph; backend.CreateFromSpec(grgFilename, "defaultname", null, ProcessSpecFlags.UseNoExistingFiles, new List<String>(), out graph, out actions); return graph; }
public SettingsWindow(IBackend gallifrey) { this.gallifrey = gallifrey; InitializeComponent(); if (gallifrey.Settings.JiraConnectionSettings.JiraUrl != null) txtJiraUrl.Text = gallifrey.Settings.JiraConnectionSettings.JiraUrl; if (gallifrey.Settings.JiraConnectionSettings.JiraUsername != null) txtJiraUsername.Text = gallifrey.Settings.JiraConnectionSettings.JiraUsername; if (gallifrey.Settings.JiraConnectionSettings.JiraPassword != null) txtJiraPassword.Text = gallifrey.Settings.JiraConnectionSettings.JiraPassword; chkAlert.Checked = gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.AlertWhenNotRunning; chkAutoUpdate.Checked = gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.AutoUpdate; txtAlertMins.Text = ((gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.AlertTimeMilliseconds / 1000) / 60).ToString(); txtTimerDays.Text = gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.KeepTimersForDays.ToString(); chkUsageTracking.Checked = gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.UsageTracking; cmdDefaultExport.SelectedIndex = (int)gallifrey.Settings.ExportSettings.DefaultRemainingValue; txtCommentPrefix.Text = gallifrey.Settings.ExportSettings.ExportCommentPrefix; txtDefaultComment.Text = gallifrey.Settings.ExportSettings.EmptyExportComment; txtTargetHours.Text = gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.TargetLogPerDay.Hours.ToString(); txtTargetMins.Text = gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.TargetLogPerDay.Minutes.ToString(); for (var i = 0; i < chklstWorkingDays.Items.Count; i++) { var foundItem = gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.ExportDays.Any(exportDay => exportDay.ToString().ToLower() == chklstWorkingDays.Items[i].ToString().ToLower()); chklstWorkingDays.SetItemChecked(i, foundItem); } if (gallifrey.Settings.ExportSettings.ExportPrompt == null) { gallifrey.Settings.ExportSettings.ExportPrompt = new ExportPrompt(); } for (var i = 0; i < chklstExportPrompt.Items.Count; i++) { switch (chklstExportPrompt.Items[i].ToString()) { case "Add Idle Time": chklstExportPrompt.SetItemChecked(i, gallifrey.Settings.ExportSettings.ExportPrompt.OnAddIdle); break; case "Manual Timer Adjustment": chklstExportPrompt.SetItemChecked(i, gallifrey.Settings.ExportSettings.ExportPrompt.OnManualAdjust); break; case "Stop Timer": chklstExportPrompt.SetItemChecked(i, gallifrey.Settings.ExportSettings.ExportPrompt.OnStop); break; case "Add Pre-Loaded Timer": chklstExportPrompt.SetItemChecked(i, gallifrey.Settings.ExportSettings.ExportPrompt.OnCreatePreloaded); break; } } chkExportAll.Checked = gallifrey.Settings.ExportSettings.ExportPromptAll; cmdWeekStart.Text = gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.StartOfWeek.ToString(); chkAlwaysTop.Checked = gallifrey.Settings.UiSettings.AlwaysOnTop; }
public void OnStart(IConfiguration config, IBackend backend) { configuration = config; this.backend = backend; random = new Random(); regexGetDll = new Regex(@"^\s*load library\s+(.+?)\s*$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); regexEnableModule = new Regex(@"^\s*enable module\s+(.+?)\s*$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); regexDisableModule = new Regex(@"^\s*disable module\s+(.+?)\s*$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); }
public override void SetSource (IListDataSource source, IBackend sourceBackend) { base.SetSource (source, sourceBackend); source.RowInserted += HandleColumnSizeChanged; source.RowDeleted += HandleColumnSizeChanged; source.RowChanged += HandleColumnSizeChanged; ResetColumnSize (source); }
public void SetSource(IListDataSource source, IBackend sourceBackend) { ListStoreBackend b = sourceBackend as ListStoreBackend; if (b == null) { CustomListModel model = new CustomListModel (source, Widget); Widget.Model = model.Store; } else Widget.Model = b.Store; }
public void SetSource(ITreeDataSource source, IBackend sourceBackend) { TreeStoreBackend b = sourceBackend as TreeStoreBackend; if (b == null) { CustomTreeModel model = new CustomTreeModel (source); Widget.Model = model.Store; } else Widget.Model = b.Store; }
public MainViewModel(IBackend gallifrey, MainWindow mainWindow) { Gallifrey = gallifrey; MainWindow = mainWindow; TimerDates = new ObservableCollection<TimerDateModel>(); runningWatcher = new Timer(1000); runningWatcher.Elapsed += runningWatcherElapsed; Gallifrey.VersionControl.PropertyChanged += VersionControlPropertyChanged; }
public ChangeLogWindow(IBackend gallifrey, IDictionary<Version, ChangeLogVersionDetails> changeLog) { InitializeComponent(); lblCurrentVersion.Text = string.Format("Current Version: {0}", gallifrey.VersionControl.VersionName); foreach (var changeLogDetail in changeLog) { txtChangeLog.SelectionFont = new Font(txtChangeLog.SelectionFont.FontFamily, 14, FontStyle.Bold); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(changeLogDetail.Value.Name)) { txtChangeLog.AppendText(string.Format("Version: {0}\n", changeLogDetail.Key)); } else { txtChangeLog.AppendText(string.Format("Version: {0} ({1})\n", changeLogDetail.Key, changeLogDetail.Value.Name)); } if (changeLogDetail.Value.Features.Any()) { txtChangeLog.SelectionFont = new Font(txtChangeLog.SelectionFont.FontFamily, 12, FontStyle.Underline); txtChangeLog.AppendText("New Features\n"); txtChangeLog.SelectionFont = new Font(txtChangeLog.SelectionFont.FontFamily, 10, FontStyle.Regular); foreach (var feature in changeLogDetail.Value.Features) { txtChangeLog.AppendText(string.Format(" => {0}\n", feature)); } } if (changeLogDetail.Value.Bugs.Any()) { txtChangeLog.SelectionFont = new Font(txtChangeLog.SelectionFont.FontFamily, 12, FontStyle.Underline); txtChangeLog.AppendText("Bug Fixes\n"); txtChangeLog.SelectionFont = new Font(txtChangeLog.SelectionFont.FontFamily, 10, FontStyle.Regular); foreach (var feature in changeLogDetail.Value.Bugs) { txtChangeLog.AppendText(string.Format(" => {0}\n", feature)); } } if (changeLogDetail.Value.Others.Any()) { txtChangeLog.SelectionFont = new Font(txtChangeLog.SelectionFont.FontFamily, 12, FontStyle.Underline); txtChangeLog.AppendText("Other Items\n"); txtChangeLog.SelectionFont = new Font(txtChangeLog.SelectionFont.FontFamily, 10, FontStyle.Regular); foreach (var feature in changeLogDetail.Value.Others) { txtChangeLog.AppendText(string.Format(" => {0}\n", feature)); } } txtChangeLog.AppendText("\n"); } txtChangeLog.Select(0,0); }
public RenameTimerWindow(IBackend gallifrey, Guid timerGuid) { this.gallifrey = gallifrey; timerToShow = gallifrey.JiraTimerCollection.GetTimer(timerGuid); InitializeComponent(); txtJiraRef.Text = timerToShow.JiraReference; calStartDate.Value = timerToShow.DateStarted.Date; txtJiraRef.Enabled = timerToShow.HasExportedTime(); }
public BackendRepos(IBackend backend) { if (backend == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("backend"); TaskListRepository = backend.TaskListRepository; TaskRepository = backend.TaskRepository; NoteRepository = backend.NoteRepository; TaskObjectManager = new TaskObjectManager (); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new graph from the given ECore metamodels. /// If a grg file is given, the graph will use the graph model declared in it and the according /// actions object will be associated to the graph. /// If a xmi file is given, the model instance will be imported into the graph. /// Any errors will be reported by exception. /// </summary> /// <param name="backend">The backend to use to create the graph.</param> /// <param name="ecoreFilenames">A list of ECore model specification files. It must at least contain one element.</param> /// <param name="grgFilename">A grg file to be used to create the graph, or null.</param> /// <param name="xmiFilename">The filename of the model instance to be imported, or null.</param> /// <param name="noPackageNamePrefix">Prefix the types with the name of the package? Can only be used if names from the packages are disjoint.</param> /// <param name="actions">Receives the actions object in case a .grg model is given.</param> public static IGraph Import(IBackend backend, List<String> ecoreFilenames, String grgFilename, String xmiFilename, bool noPackageNamePrefix, out IActions actions) { ECoreImport imported = new ECoreImport(); imported.graph = imported.ImportModels(ecoreFilenames, grgFilename, backend, out actions); if(xmiFilename != null) { Console.WriteLine("Importing graph..."); imported.ImportGraph(xmiFilename); } return imported.graph; }
public LockedTimerWindow(IBackend gallifrey) { DisplayForm = true; this.gallifrey = gallifrey; InitializeComponent(); BindIdleTimers(); SetRunningTimer(); BindRecentTimers(); TopMost = gallifrey.Settings.UiSettings.AlwaysOnTop; }
public AboutWindow(IBackend gallifrey) { this.gallifrey = gallifrey; InitializeComponent(); lblCurrentVersion.Text = string.Format("Current Version: {0}", gallifrey.VersionControl.VersionName); contributors = new List<string>() { "Mark Harrison\nTwitter: @HarrisonMeister\nGitHub: @HarrisonMeister", }; btnChangeLog.Visible = gallifrey.VersionControl.IsAutomatedDeploy; }
public InformationModel(IBackend gallifrey) { var contributorTimer = new Timer(1000); contributorTimer.Elapsed += ContributorTimerOnElapsed; contributorTimer.Start(); contributorList = gallifrey.WithThanksDefinitions.Select(BuildThanksString).ToList(); position = 0; Contributors = contributorList[position]; InstallationId = gallifrey.Settings.InternalSettings.InstallationInstaceId.ToString(); }
public AddTimerWindow(IBackend gallifrey) { DisplayForm = true; this.gallifrey = gallifrey; InitializeComponent(); calStartDate.MinDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.KeepTimersForDays * -1); calStartDate.MaxDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.KeepTimersForDays); txtJiraRef.AutoCompleteCustomSource.AddRange(gallifrey.JiraConnection.GetJiraProjects().Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()); showingJiras = false; TopMost = gallifrey.Settings.UiSettings.AlwaysOnTop; }
public App(IBackend backend, Router router) { _backend = backend; _rootRouter = router; var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Template.RegisterTag<Tags.StaticTag>("static"); Template.FileSystem = new EmbeddedFileSystem(assembly, "Memorandum.Web.Templates"); Template.NamingConvention = new CSharpNamingConvention(); Template.RegisterFilter(typeof (Filters)); ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return true; }; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs the backend using environment variables and /// settings to determine the best fit. /// </summary> public Graphics() { // Set the backend if (System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform == System.PlatformID.Unix) { // SDL seems to work better under Unix backend = new BooGame.Sdl.SdlBackend(); } else { // FreeGlut has been behaving better under Windows. backend = new BooGame.FreeGlut.FreeGlutBackend(); } }
private void SetBackend(IBackend value) { bool changingBackend = false; if (this.backend != null) { UnhookFromTooltipTaskGroupModels(); changingBackend = true; // Cleanup the old backend try { Logger.Debug("Cleaning up backend: {0}", this.backend.Name); this.backend.Cleanup(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Warn("Exception cleaning up '{0}': {1}", this.backend.Name, e); } } // Initialize the new backend this.backend = value; if (this.backend == null) { RefreshTrayIconTooltip(); return; } Logger.Info("Using backend: {0} ({1})", this.backend.Name, this.backend.GetType().ToString()); this.backend.Initialize(); if (!changingBackend) { TaskWindow.Reinitialize(!this.quietStart); } else { TaskWindow.Reinitialize(true); } RebuildTooltipTaskGroupModels(); RefreshTrayIconTooltip(); Logger.Debug("Configuration status: {0}", this.backend.Configured.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Imports a graph from the given file. /// The format is determined by the file extension. /// Any errors will be reported by exception. /// </summary> /// <param name="importFilename">The filename of the file to be imported, /// the model specification part will be ignored.</param> /// <param name="backend">The backend to use to create the graph.</param> /// <param name="graphModel">The graph model to be used, /// it must be conformant to the model used in the file to be imported.</param> /// <param name="actions">Receives the actions object in case a .grg model is given.</param> /// <returns>The imported graph. /// The .grs/.grsi importer returns an INamedGraph. If you don't need it: create an LGSPGraph from it and throw the named graph away. /// (the naming requires about the same amount of memory the raw graph behind it requires).</returns> public static IGraph Import(String importFilename, IBackend backend, IGraphModel graphModel, out IActions actions) { if (importFilename.EndsWith(".gxl", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return(GXLImport.Import(importFilename, backend, graphModel, out actions)); } else if (importFilename.EndsWith(".grs", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || importFilename.EndsWith(".grsi", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return(GRSImport.Import(importFilename, backend, graphModel, out actions)); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("File format not supported"); } }
public SettingsWindow(IBackend gallifrey) { this.gallifrey = gallifrey; InitializeComponent(); if (gallifrey.JiraConnectionSettings.JiraUrl != null) txtJiraUrl.Text = gallifrey.JiraConnectionSettings.JiraUrl; if (gallifrey.JiraConnectionSettings.JiraUsername != null) txtJiraUsername.Text = gallifrey.JiraConnectionSettings.JiraUsername; if (gallifrey.JiraConnectionSettings.JiraPassword != null) txtJiraPassword.Text = gallifrey.JiraConnectionSettings.JiraPassword; chkAlert.Checked = gallifrey.AppSettings.AlertWhenNotRunning; txtAlertMins.Text = ((gallifrey.AppSettings.AlertTimeMilliseconds / 1000) / 60).ToString(); txtTimerDays.Text = gallifrey.AppSettings.KeepTimersForDays.ToString(); txtTargetHours.Text = gallifrey.AppSettings.TargetLogPerDay.Hours.ToString(); txtTargetMins.Text = gallifrey.AppSettings.TargetLogPerDay.Minutes.ToString(); }
public EditTimerWindow(IBackend gallifrey, Guid timerGuid) { this.gallifrey = gallifrey; timerToShow = gallifrey.JiraTimerCollection.GetTimer(timerGuid); InitializeComponent(); txtJiraRef.AutoCompleteCustomSource.AddRange(gallifrey.JiraConnection.GetJiraProjects().Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()); showingJiras = false; txtJiraRef.Text = timerToShow.JiraReference; calStartDate.Value = timerToShow.DateStarted.Date; txtJiraRef.Enabled = timerToShow.HasExportedTime(); calStartDate.Enabled = timerToShow.HasExportedTime(); TopMost = gallifrey.Settings.UiSettings.AlwaysOnTop; }
public EditTimerModel(IBackend gallifrey, Guid timerId) { var dateToday = DateTime.Now; var timer = gallifrey.JiraTimerCollection.GetTimer(timerId); if (gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.KeepTimersForDays > 0) { MinDate = dateToday.AddDays(gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.KeepTimersForDays * -1); MaxDate = dateToday.AddDays(gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.KeepTimersForDays); } else { MinDate = dateToday.AddDays(-300); MaxDate = dateToday.AddDays(300); } RunDate = timer.DateStarted; DisplayDate = timer.DateStarted; Hours = timer.ExactCurrentTime.Hours > 9 ? 9 : timer.ExactCurrentTime.Hours; Minutes = timer.ExactCurrentTime.Minutes; hasExportedTime = timer.HasExportedTime(); TimeEditable = !timer.IsRunning; LocalTimer = timer.LocalTimer; if (LocalTimer) { LocalTimerDescription = timer.JiraName; JiraReference = string.Empty; } else { JiraReference = timer.JiraReference; LocalTimerDescription = string.Empty; } OriginalLocalTimerDescription = LocalTimerDescription; OriginalJiraReference = JiraReference; OriginalRunDate = RunDate; OriginalHours = Hours ?? 0; OriginalMinutes = Minutes ?? 0; IsDefaultOnButton = true; }
private void buttonStartGame_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { _backend = new Backend(); var scenario = GenerateScenario(); _backend.Setup(scenario.Item1, scenario.Item2); string word = _backend.GetWord(); string wordUI = ""; foreach (var c in word) { wordUI += " _"; } labelWord.Content = wordUI; UpdateAttemptsLeft(); _gameRunning = true; }
static object Runtime(IBackend addon, string more = null) { var need = addon as INeed; if (need != null) { need.Input = more; } addon.Execute(); var give = addon as IGive; if (give != null) { return(give.Output); } return(null); }
public AddTimerModel(IBackend gallifrey, string jiraRef, DateTime?startDate, bool?enableDateChange, List <IdleTimer> idleTimers, bool?startNow) { var dateToday = DateTime.Now; JiraReference = jiraRef; JiraReferenceEditable = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(jiraRef); if (gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.KeepTimersForDays > 0) { MinDate = dateToday.AddDays(gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.KeepTimersForDays * -1); MaxDate = dateToday.AddDays(gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.KeepTimersForDays); } else { MinDate = dateToday.AddDays(-300); MaxDate = dateToday.AddDays(300); } if (!startDate.HasValue) { startDate = dateToday; } if (startDate.Value < MinDate || startDate.Value > MaxDate) { DisplayDate = dateToday; StartDate = dateToday; } else { DisplayDate = startDate.Value; StartDate = startDate.Value; } DateEditable = !enableDateChange.HasValue || enableDateChange.Value; StartNow = startNow.HasValue && startNow.Value; if (idleTimers != null && idleTimers.Any()) { var preloadTime = new TimeSpan(); preloadTime = idleTimers.Aggregate(preloadTime, (current, idleTimer) => current.Add(idleTimer.IdleTimeValue)); StartHours = preloadTime.Hours > 9 ? 9 : preloadTime.Hours; StartMinutes = preloadTime.Minutes; IdleTimers = idleTimers; } }
public static void SetDefaultFactory(IBackend backend) { lock (_syncRoot) { if (_factory == null) { _factory = new PromiseFactory(backend); _backend = backend; } else if (!Object.Equals(_backend, backend)) { _factory.Dispose(); _factory = new PromiseFactory(backend); _backend = backend; } } }
public void SetSource(ITreeDataSource source, IBackend sourceBackend) { this.source = source; RowHeights.Clear(); tsource = new TreeSource(source); Tree.DataSource = tsource; source.NodeInserted += (sender, e) => Tree.ReloadItem(tsource.GetItem(source.GetParent(e.Node)), true); source.NodeDeleted += (sender, e) => Tree.ReloadItem(tsource.GetItem(e.Node), true); source.NodeChanged += (sender, e) => { var item = tsource.GetItem(e.Node); Tree.ReloadItem(item, false); UpdateRowHeight(item); }; source.NodesReordered += (sender, e) => Tree.ReloadItem(tsource.GetItem(e.Node), true); source.Cleared += (sender, e) => Tree.ReloadData(); }
public bool TryCreateBackend(string outputType, string outputFile, out IBackend backend) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputType)) { outputType = Path.GetExtension(outputFile); } switch (outputType.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "bundle": case ".exe": backend = new BundleBackend(); return(true); } backend = null; return(false); }
public DapAccessLink(string unique_id, IBackend backend_interface = null) { // super(DAPAccessCMSISDAP, this).@__init__(); this._backend_interface = backend_interface; this._deferred_transfer = false; this._protocol = null; this._packet_count = null; this._unique_id = unique_id; this._frequency = 1000000; this._dap_port = null; this._transfer_list = null; this._crnt_cmd = null; this._packet_size = null; this._commands_to_read = null; this._command_response_buf = null; //this._logger = logging.getLogger(@__name__); return; }
private List <IBackend> GetBackendsFromAssembly(Assembly asm) { List <IBackend> backends = new List <IBackend> (); Type[] types = null; try { types = asm.GetTypes(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Warn("Exception reading types from assembly '{0}': {1}", asm.ToString(), e.Message); return(backends); } foreach (Type type in types) { if (!type.IsClass) { continue; // Skip non-class types } if (type.GetInterface("Tasque.Backends.IBackend") == null) { continue; } Logger.Debug("Found Available Backend: {0}", type.ToString()); IBackend availableBackend = null; try { availableBackend = (IBackend) asm.CreateInstance(type.ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Warn("Could not instantiate {0}: {1}", type.ToString(), e.Message); continue; } if (availableBackend != null) { backends.Add(availableBackend); } } return(backends); }
public ExportTimerWindow(IBackend gallifrey, Guid timerGuid) { this.gallifrey = gallifrey; timerToShow = gallifrey.JiraTimerCollection.GetTimer(timerGuid); InitializeComponent(); jiraIssue = gallifrey.JiraConnection.GetJiraIssue(timerToShow.JiraReference); var loggedTime = new TimeSpan(); foreach (var worklog in jiraIssue.GetWorklogs()) { if (worklog.StartDate.HasValue && worklog.StartDate.Value.Date == timerToShow.DateStarted.Date && worklog.Author.ToLower() == gallifrey.JiraConnectionSettings.JiraUsername.ToLower()) { loggedTime = loggedTime.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, (int)worklog.TimeSpentInSeconds)); } } gallifrey.JiraTimerCollection.SetJiraExportedTime(timerGuid, loggedTime); timerToShow = gallifrey.JiraTimerCollection.GetTimer(timerGuid); if (timerToShow.TimeToExport.TotalMinutes <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("There Is No Time To Export", "Nothing To Export", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); DisplayForm = false; } txtJiraRef.Text = timerToShow.JiraReference; txtDescription.Text = timerToShow.JiraName; txtTotalHours.Text = timerToShow.ExactCurrentTime.Hours.ToString(); txtTotalMinutes.Text = timerToShow.ExactCurrentTime.Minutes.ToString(); txtExportedHours.Text = timerToShow.ExportedTime.Hours.ToString(); txtExportedMins.Text = timerToShow.ExportedTime.Minutes.ToString(); txtExportHours.Text = timerToShow.TimeToExport.Hours.ToString(); txtExportMins.Text = timerToShow.TimeToExport.Minutes.ToString(); if (timerToShow.DateStarted.Date != DateTime.Now.Date) { calExportDate.Value = timerToShow.DateStarted.Date.AddHours(12); } else { calExportDate.Value = DateTime.Now; } }
public AddTimerModel(IBackend gallifrey, string jiraRef, DateTime?startDate, bool?enableDateChange, TimeSpan?preloadTime, bool?startNow) { var dateToday = DateTime.Now; JiraReference = jiraRef; JiraReferenceEditable = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(jiraRef); if (gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.KeepTimersForDays > 0) { MinDate = dateToday.AddDays(gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.KeepTimersForDays * -1); MaxDate = dateToday.AddDays(gallifrey.Settings.AppSettings.KeepTimersForDays); } else { MinDate = dateToday.AddDays(-300); MaxDate = dateToday.AddDays(300); } if (!startDate.HasValue) { startDate = dateToday; } if (startDate.Value < MinDate || startDate.Value > MaxDate) { DisplayDate = dateToday; StartDate = dateToday; } else { DisplayDate = startDate.Value; StartDate = startDate.Value; } DateEditable = !enableDateChange.HasValue || enableDateChange.Value; if (preloadTime.HasValue) { StartHours = preloadTime.Value.Hours > 9 ? 9 : preloadTime.Value.Hours; StartMinutes = preloadTime.Value.Minutes; } StartNow = startNow.HasValue && startNow.Value; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="b"></param> /// <param name="w">the weight to be normalized. It need to be at least 2D</param> /// <param name="iteration"></param> /// <returns>normalized weight</returns> public static Tensor spectral_norm(this IBackend b, Tensor w, int iteration = 1) { using (b.name_scope("SpectralNormalization" + b.get_uid("SpectralNormalization"))) { var wShape = w.shape; var uShape = new int[] { 1, wShape[wShape.Length - 1].Value }; w = b.reshape(w, new int[2] { -1, wShape[wShape.Length - 1].Value }); var initailzer = new Initializers.RandomNormal(); var u = b.variable(tensor: initailzer.Call(uShape), name: "U"); Tensor uHat = u; Tensor vHat = null; for (int i = 0; i < iteration; ++i) { // power iteration //Usually iteration = 1 will be enough var v_ =, b.transpose(w, new int[] { 1, 0 })); vHat = b.l2_normalize(v_, 1); var u_ =, w); uHat = b.l2_normalize(u_, 1); } uHat = b.stop_gradient(uHat); vHat = b.stop_gradient(vHat); var sigma =, w), b.transpose(uHat, new int[] { 1, 0 })); var update = b.update(u, uHat); Tensor wNorm = null; using (b.dependency(update)) { wNorm = w / sigma; wNorm = b.reshape(wNorm, wShape.Select(x => x.Value).ToArray()); } return(wNorm); } }
public IdleTimerWindow(IBackend gallifrey) { this.gallifrey = gallifrey; InitializeComponent(); BindIdleTimers(); runningTimerId = gallifrey.JiraTimerCollection.GetRunningTimerId(); if (runningTimerId.HasValue) { lblRunning.Text = gallifrey.JiraTimerCollection.GetTimer(runningTimerId.Value).ToString(); } else { lblRunning.Text = "N/A"; radRunning.Enabled = false; } }
protected void LoadBackend() { if (usingCustomBackend) { usingCustomBackend = false; backend.Initialize(this); OnBackendCreated(); } else if (backend == null) { backend = OnCreateBackend(); if (backend == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No backend found for widget: " + GetType()); } backend.Initialize(this); OnBackendCreated(); } }
public DefaultGui(IBackend backend) : base() { if (backend == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("invalid value for 'backend': null"); } = backend; myDelegate = new AddListItem(repaint); InitializeComponent(); // we usually don't have a console in a form-project. This enables us to see debug-output anyway AllocConsole(); this.board.Paint += board_PaintMap; this.board.Paint += board_PaintEntities; this.chatInput.KeyPress += chat_KeyPress; this.board.KeyPress += board_KeyPress; int map_XKoord = backend.getTilesOfMap()[0].Length; int map_YKoord = backend.getTilesOfMap().Length; }
public Group( IResourceGroup resourceGroup, IBackend backend, ILog logger, List <Setting> settings, NotificationDelay notificationDelay, string subscriptionId, IEnumerable <LocationTZ> timezones, DateTime timeNowUtc ) { this.resourceGroup = resourceGroup; this._backend = backend; this._logger = logger; this.settings = settings; this.notificationDelay = notificationDelay; this.subscriptionId = subscriptionId; this.timezones = timezones; this.timeNowUtc = timeNowUtc; }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); gallifrey = new Backend(); try { gallifrey.Initialise(); } catch (MissingJiraConfigException) { btnSettings_Click(null, null); } catch (JiraConnectionException) { btnSettings_Click(null, null); } gallifrey.NoActivityEvent += GallifreyOnNoActivityEvent; SystemEvents.SessionSwitch += SessionSwitchHandler; }
public Services(IBackend backend, IDisplay display, IFps fps, IStages stages, IInput input, ISurfaces surfaces, ICameras cameras, IFonts fonts, IHelpers helpers) { Backend = backend; Display = display; FPS = fps; Stages = stages; Input = input; Surfaces = surfaces; Cameras = cameras; Fonts = fonts; Helpers = helpers; }
/// <summary> /// Imports the first graph not being of type "gxl-1.0" from the given text reader input stream. /// Any errors will be reported by exception. /// </summary> /// <param name="inStream">The text reader input stream import source.</param> /// <param name="backend">The backend to use to create the graph.</param> /// <param name="graphModel">The graph model to be used, /// it must be conformant to the model used in the file to be imported.</param> /// <param name="actions">Receives the actions object in case a .grg model is given.</param> public static IGraph Import(TextReader inStream, IBackend backend, IGraphModel graphModel, out IActions actions) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(inStream); XmlElement gxlelem = doc["gxl"]; if (gxlelem == null) { throw new Exception("The document has no gxl element."); } XmlElement graphelem = null; String graphtype = null; foreach (XmlElement curgraphnode in gxlelem.GetElementsByTagName("graph")) { graphtype = GetTypeName(curgraphnode); if (!graphtype.EndsWith("gxl-1.0.gxl#gxl-1.0")) { if (graphelem != null) { throw new Exception("More than one instance graph included (not yet supported)!"); } graphelem = curgraphnode; } } if (graphelem == null) { throw new Exception("No non-meta graph found!"); } String graphname = graphelem.GetAttribute("id"); IGraph graph = backend.CreateGraph(graphModel, graphname); ImportGraph(graph, doc, graphelem); actions = null; return(graph); }
public BackendHandler(Options options, string backendUrl, DatabaseCommon database, StatsCollector stats, ITaskReader taskreader) : base() { m_backendurl = backendUrl; m_database = database; m_options = options; m_backendurl = backendUrl; m_stats = stats; m_taskreader = taskreader; m_backend = DynamicLoader.BackendLoader.GetBackend(backendUrl, options.RawOptions); var shortname = m_backendurl; // Try not to leak hostnames or other information in the error messages try { shortname = new Library.Utility.Uri(shortname).Scheme; } catch { } if (m_backend == null) { throw new Duplicati.Library.Interface.UserInformationException(string.Format("Backend not supported: {0}", shortname), "BackendNotSupported"); } }
public bool TryCreateBackend(string outputType, string outputFile, out IBackend backend) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputType)) { outputType = Path.GetExtension(outputFile); } switch (outputType?.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "module": case ".msm": backend = new MsmBackend(); return(true); case "msipackage": case "package": case "product": case ".msi": backend = new MsiBackend(); return(true); case "patch": case ".msp": backend = new MspBackend(); return(true); //case "patchcreation": //case ".pcp": // return new PatchCreationBackend(); case "transform": case ".mst": backend = new MstBackend(); return(true); } backend = null; return(false); }
private static IEnumerable <IBackend> GetBackends(IConfigurationSection config) { var backendsConfig = config.GetSection("Backends"); if (backendsConfig == null) { throw new Exception("BackendSplicer.Backends configuration section not found"); } var backends = new List <BackendConfig>(); backendsConfig.Bind(backends); foreach (BackendConfig backendConfig in backends) { IBackend backend = null; if (backendConfig.Type == "regex") { backend = new RegexBackend(backendConfig.Data["hostname"], backendConfig.Data["match"], backendConfig.Data["replace"]); } else if (backendConfig.Type == "plugin") { Type pluginType = Type.GetType(backendConfig.ClassName, false, true); if (pluginType == null) { throw new Exception($"Couldn't find plugin type: {backendConfig.ClassName}"); } backend = new PluginBackend(pluginType, backendConfig.Data); } else { throw new Exception($"backend configuration type {backendConfig.Type} not valid"); } yield return(backend); } }
public OptionsScreen(Options opts, List <IBackend> backends) { InitializeComponent(); m_InitialOpts = opts; PopulateGUIFromOptions(opts); foreach (IBackend backend in backends) { int index = lstBackends.Items.Add(backend.Name); lstBackends.SetItemChecked(index, !opts.IsBackendDisabled(backend.Name)); } // #mivance refactor IBackend amdBackend = backends.Find(backend => backend.Name == "AMDDXX"); if (amdBackend is AMDDriverBackend) { AMDDriverBackend driver = amdBackend as AMDDriverBackend; foreach (string asic in driver.Asics) { int index = lstAMDAsics.Items.Add(asic); lstAMDAsics.SetItemChecked(index, !opts.IsAMDAsicDisabled(asic)); } } IBackend codeXLBackend = backends.Find(backend => backend.Name == "CodeXL"); if (codeXLBackend is CodeXLBackend) { CodeXLBackend driver = codeXLBackend as CodeXLBackend; foreach (string asic in driver.Asics) { int index = lstCodeXLAsics.Items.Add(asic); lstCodeXLAsics.SetItemChecked(index, !opts.IsCodeXLAsicDisabled(asic)); } } }
public void SetSource(ITreeDataSource source, IBackend sourceBackend) { this.source = source; RowHeights.Clear(); tsource = new TreeSource(source); Tree.DataSource = tsource; source.NodeInserted += (sender, e) => { var parent = tsource.GetItem(source.GetParent(e.Node)); Tree.ReloadItem(parent, parent == null || Tree.IsItemExpanded(parent)); }; source.NodeDeleted += (sender, e) => { var parent = tsource.GetItem(e.Node); var item = tsource.GetItem(e.Child); if (item != null) { RowHeights.Remove(null); } Tree.ReloadItem(parent, parent == null || Tree.IsItemExpanded(parent)); }; source.NodeChanged += (sender, e) => { var item = tsource.GetItem(e.Node); if (item != null) { Tree.ReloadItem(item, false); UpdateRowHeight(item); } }; source.NodesReordered += (sender, e) => { var parent = tsource.GetItem(e.Node); Tree.ReloadItem(parent, parent == null || Tree.IsItemExpanded(parent)); }; source.Cleared += (sender, e) => { Tree.ReloadData(); RowHeights.Clear(); }; }
public IEnumerable <IBackend> GetConfiguredBackends(ISystemMetricsService systemMetrics) { if (_log.IsInfoEnabled) { var availableBackendsString = String.Join(", ", AvailableBackends.Select(x => x.Name)); _log.InfoFormat("Available Backends: {0}", availableBackendsString); } foreach (var pair in BackendConfigurations) { string backendName = pair.Key; IBackend backend = AvailableBackends.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(backendName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (backend == null) { _log.WarnFormat("Unrecognized backend configuration for \"{0}\". Backend will be ignored.", backendName); continue; } backend.Configure(Name, pair.Value, systemMetrics); yield return(backend); } }
public MainWindow(IBackend gallifreyBackend) { InitializeComponent(); gallifrey = gallifreyBackend; ExceptionlessClient.Default.Configuration.ApiKey = "e7ac6366507547639ce69fea261d6545"; ExceptionlessClient.Default.Configuration.Enabled = true; ExceptionlessClient.Default.Configuration.DefaultTags.Add(gallifrey.VersionControl.VersionName.Replace("\n", " - ")); ExceptionlessClient.Default.SubmittingEvent += OnSubmittingExceptionlessEvent; ExceptionlessClient.Default.Register(); internalTimerList = new Dictionary <DateTime, ThreadedBindingList <JiraTimer> >(); try { gallifrey.Initialise(); } catch (MissingJiraConfigException) { ShowSettings(false); } catch (JiraConnectionException) { ShowSettings(false); } catch (MultipleGallifreyRunningException) { MessageBox.Show("You Can Only Have One Instance Of Gallifrey Running At A Time\nPlease Close The Other Instance", "Multiple Instances", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); CloseNotifyIcon(); exitOnStart = true; } gallifrey.NoActivityEvent += GallifreyOnNoActivityEvent; gallifrey.ExportPromptEvent += GallifreyOnExportPromptEvent; SystemEvents.SessionSwitch += SessionSwitchHandler; }
internal ScrollAdjustment(IBackend backend) { BackendHost.SetCustomBackend(backend); }