private void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Initialize Composition UI infrastructure. _root = Container.GetVisual(); _compositor = _root.Compositor; _imageFactory = CompositionImageFactory.CreateCompositionImageFactory(_compositor); // Hook the sprite visual into the XAML visual tree. _spriteVisual = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual(); var side = (float)Math.Min(Presenter.ActualWidth, Presenter.ActualHeight); _spriteVisual.Size = new Vector2(side, side); _root.Children.InsertAtTop(_spriteVisual); // Create the effect, but don't specify the Angle yet. var hueRotationEffect = new HueRotationEffect { Name = "hueRotation", Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("source") }; // Compile the effect var effectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(hueRotationEffect, new[] { "hueRotation.Angle" }); // Create and apply the brush. _brush = effectFactory.CreateBrush(); _spriteVisual.Brush = _brush; ColorWheelButton.IsChecked = true; }
void CreateBrushes(CanvasAnimatedControl sender, CanvasBitmap bitmapTiger) { var bitmapSize = bitmapTiger.Size; var scale = (radius * 2) / (float)bitmapSize.Height; var backgroundEffect = new Transform2DEffect() { Source = bitmapTiger, TransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.CreateScale(scale, scale) * Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(center - radius, center - radius) }; backgroundBrush = new CanvasImageBrush(sender, backgroundEffect) { SourceRectangle = new Rect(0, 0, size, size), Opacity = 0.6f }; hueRotationEffect = new HueRotationEffect() { Source = backgroundEffect, Angle = (float)Math.PI * 0.5f }; var foregroundEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect() { Source = hueRotationEffect, BlurAmount = 10 }; foregroundBrush = new CanvasImageBrush(sender, foregroundEffect) { SourceRectangle = new Rect(0, 0, size, size) }; }
async Task CreateResourcesAsync(CanvasControl sender) { CanvasBitmap = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, "Flower1.jpg"); canvasEffect = new HueRotationEffect(); canvasEffect.Source = CanvasBitmap; canvasEffect.Angle = 250; }
private ICanvasImage ApplyFilterTemplate(ICanvasImage source) { if (_filter_index == 0) //无滤镜 { return(source); } else if (_filter_index == 3) // 黑白 { return(new GrayscaleEffect { Source = source }); } else if (_filter_index == 1) //反色 { return(new InvertEffect { Source = source }); } else if (_filter_index == 2) //冷淡 { var hueRotationEffect = new HueRotationEffect { Source = source, Angle = 0.5f }; return(hueRotationEffect); } else if (_filter_index == 4) //美食 { var temperatureAndTintEffect = new TemperatureAndTintEffect { Source = source }; temperatureAndTintEffect.Temperature = 0.6f; temperatureAndTintEffect.Tint = 0.6f; return(temperatureAndTintEffect); } else if (_filter_index == 5) //雕刻 { var embossEffect = new EmbossEffect { Source = source }; embossEffect.Amount = 5; embossEffect.Angle = 0; return(embossEffect); } else { return(source); } }
public CanvasRenderTarget applyHueRotationEffects(CanvasBitmap workingBitmap) { //CanvasBitmap workingBitmap = SelectWorkingBitmap(useOriginalBitmap); if (workingBitmap != null) { int ww = (int)workingBitmap.SizeInPixels.Width; int hh = (int)workingBitmap.SizeInPixels.Height; TemperatureAndTintEffect temperatureAndTintEffect = new TemperatureAndTintEffect(); temperatureAndTintEffect.Source = workingBitmap; temperatureAndTintEffect.Temperature = (float)hueTemperature; temperatureAndTintEffect.Tint = (float)hueTint; HueRotationEffect hueRotationEffect = new HueRotationEffect(); hueRotationEffect.Angle = (float)hueRotationAngle; hueRotationEffect.Source = temperatureAndTintEffect; PosterizeEffect posterizeEffect = null; EdgeDetectionEffect edgeDetectionEffect = null; if (hueDoPosterize) { posterizeEffect = new PosterizeEffect(); posterizeEffect.Source = hueRotationEffect; posterizeEffect.RedValueCount = huePosterizeRedCount; posterizeEffect.BlueValueCount = huePosterizeBlueCount; posterizeEffect.GreenValueCount = huePosterizeGreenCount; edgeDetectionEffect = new EdgeDetectionEffect(); edgeDetectionEffect.Source = posterizeEffect; edgeDetectionEffect.Amount = (float)0.9; edgeDetectionEffect.BlurAmount = 1; edgeDetectionEffect.OverlayEdges = true; } //if (canvasRenderTarget != null) // canvasRenderTarget.Dispose(); CanvasRenderTarget canvasRenderTarget = new CanvasRenderTarget(CanvasDevice.GetSharedDevice(), ww, hh, canvasBitmap.Dpi); using (var session = canvasRenderTarget.CreateDrawingSession()) { if (hueDoPosterize) { //session.DrawImage(posterizeEffect); session.DrawImage(edgeDetectionEffect); } else { session.DrawImage(hueRotationEffect); } } return(canvasRenderTarget); } return(null); }
public DestRectDemo(DrawImageEmulations example, CanvasControl sender) { fillPattern = example.checkedFillPattern; sourceBitmap = example.tiger; sourceEffect = new HueRotationEffect() { Source = sourceBitmap, Angle = 1 }; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a CompositionEffectFactory that creates HueRotationEffects. /// </summary> /// <returns>CompositionEffectFactory</returns> private CompositionEffectFactory CreateHueRotationEffectFactory() { var effectDefinition = new HueRotationEffect() { Name = "HueRotation", Angle = 0.0f, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Video") }; return(_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(effectDefinition, new string[] { "HueRotation.Angle" })); }
async Task Canvas_CreateResourcesAsync(CanvasControl sender) { bitmap = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, "imageTiger.jpg"); redBrush = CreateGradientBrush(sender, 255, 0, 0); greenBrush = CreateGradientBrush(sender, 0, 255, 0); blueBrush = CreateGradientBrush(sender, 0, 0, 255); brightnessEffect = new BrightnessEffect { Source = bitmap }; saturationEffect = new SaturationEffect { Source = brightnessEffect }; hueEffect = new HueRotationEffect { Source = saturationEffect }; }
private ICanvasImage CreateHueRotation() { var hueRotationEffect = new HueRotationEffect { Source = bitmapTiger }; // Animation changes the hue. animationFunction = elapsedTime => { hueRotationEffect.Angle = elapsedTime * 4; }; return(hueRotationEffect); }
public CompositionEffectBrush CreateEffectBrush( EffectType effectType, string effectName, float propertyValue, IEnumerable <string> properties) { IGraphicsEffect effectDesc = null; switch (effectType) { case EffectType.Saturation: effectDesc = new SaturationEffect() { Name = effectName, Saturation = propertyValue, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("source") }; break; case EffectType.HueRotation: effectDesc = new HueRotationEffect() { Name = effectName, Angle = propertyValue, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("source") }; break; case EffectType.Sepia: effectDesc = new SepiaEffect() { Name = effectName, Intensity = propertyValue, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("source") }; break; } CompositionEffectFactory effectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(effectDesc, properties); CompositionEffectBrush effectBrush = effectFactory.CreateBrush(); return(effectBrush); }
public OffsetDemo(DrawImageEmulations example, CanvasControl sender) { fillPattern = example.checkedFillPattern; var rt = new CanvasRenderTarget(sender, (float)example.tiger.Size.Width, (float)example.tiger.Size.Height, sender.Dpi / 3); using (var ds = rt.CreateDrawingSession()) { ds.DrawImage(example.tiger, rt.Bounds); } sourceBitmap = rt; sourceEffect = new HueRotationEffect() { Source = sourceBitmap, Angle = 1 }; showSourceRectRT = new CanvasRenderTarget(sender, (float)rt.Size.Width, (float)rt.Size.Height, rt.Dpi); }
private void EnsureComposition() { if (_compositor == null) { // Get our Compositor and create a SpriteVisual. _compositor = ElementCompositionPreview.GetElementVisual(this).Compositor; _visual = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual(); // Set the size to the size of the page, and make sure to update it whenever // the page's size changes. _visual.Size = new Vector2((float)ActualWidth, (float)ActualHeight); SizeChanged += (s, a) => { _visual.Size = new Vector2((float)ActualWidth, (float)ActualHeight); }; // Attach our visual to the tree. ElementCompositionPreview.SetElementChildVisual(this, _visual); // Create our HueRotation effect. var graphicsEffect = new HueRotationEffect { Name = "HueRotation", Angle = 0.0f, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Video") }; var effectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory( graphicsEffect, new string[] { "HueRotation.Angle" }); _effectBrush = effectFactory.CreateBrush(); // Apply our effect brush to our visual. _visual.Brush = _effectBrush; } }
private async void btnUpload_Clicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FileOpenPicker openPicker = new FileOpenPicker(); openPicker.ViewMode = PickerViewMode.Thumbnail; openPicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.PicturesLibrary; openPicker.FileTypeFilter.Add(".jpg"); openPicker.FileTypeFilter.Add(".jpeg"); openPicker.FileTypeFilter.Add(".png"); // Pick only one file once a time StorageFile file = await openPicker.PickSingleFileAsync(); if (file == null) { return; } using (IRandomAccessStream fileStream = await file.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read)) { cl = new CanvasCommandList(canvas); using (CanvasDrawingSession clds = cl.CreateDrawingSession()) { BitmapDecoder decoder = await BitmapDecoder.CreateAsync(fileStream); clds.DrawImage( CanvasBitmap.CreateFromSoftwareBitmap(canvas, await decoder.GetSoftwareBitmapAsync(BitmapPixelFormat.Rgba16, BitmapAlphaMode.Premultiplied))); } blur = new GaussianBlurEffect { Source = cl, BlurAmount = (float)gaussianBlurAmountSlider.Value }; hueRotation = new HueRotationEffect { Source = blur, Angle = (float)hueRotationAmountSlider.Value / 100f * 360f }; contrast = new ContrastEffect { Source = hueRotation, Contrast = (float)(contrastAmountSlider.Value - 50f) / 50f }; saturation = new SaturationEffect { Source = contrast, Saturation = (float)saturationAmountSlider.Value / 100f }; temperatureAndTint = new TemperatureAndTintEffect { Source = saturation, Temperature = (float)(temperatureAmountSlider.Value - 50f) / 50f, Tint = (float)(tintAmountSlider.Value - 50f) / 50f }; grayscale = new GrayscaleEffect { Source = temperatureAndTint }; canvasEffect = saturation; // CanvasControl.Invalidate Method iIndicates that the contents of the CanvasControl need to be redrawn. // Calling Invalidate results in the Draw event being raised shortly afterward. // // Reference: canvas.Invalidate(); gaussianBlurAmountSlider.IsEnabled = true; hueRotationAmountSlider.IsEnabled = true; contrastAmountSlider.IsEnabled = true; saturationAmountSlider.IsEnabled = true; temperatureAmountSlider.IsEnabled = true; tintAmountSlider.IsEnabled = true; grayscaleBufferPrevision.IsEnabled = true; var image = new BitmapImage(); await image.SetSourceAsync(fileStream); } }
private async void UpdateEffect() { if (_compositor != null) { ComboBoxItem item = EffectSelection.SelectedValue as ComboBoxItem; IGraphicsEffect graphicsEffect = null; CompositionBrush secondaryBrush = null; string[] animatableProperties = null; // // Create the appropriate effect graph and resources // switch ((EffectTypes)item.Tag) { case EffectTypes.Desaturation: { graphicsEffect = new SaturationEffect() { Saturation = 0.0f, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource") }; } break; case EffectTypes.Hue: { graphicsEffect = new HueRotationEffect() { Name = "Hue", Angle = 3.14f, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource") }; animatableProperties = new[] { "Hue.Angle" }; } break; case EffectTypes.VividLight: { graphicsEffect = new BlendEffect() { Mode = BlendEffectMode.VividLight, Foreground = new ColorSourceEffect() { Name = "Base", Color = Color.FromArgb(255,80,40,40) }, Background = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource"), }; animatableProperties = new[] { "Base.Color" }; } break; case EffectTypes.Mask: { graphicsEffect = new CompositeEffect() { Mode = CanvasComposite.DestinationOver, Sources = { new CompositeEffect() { Mode = CanvasComposite.DestinationIn, Sources = { new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource"), new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("SecondSource") } }, new ColorSourceEffect() { Color = Color.FromArgb(200,255,255,255) }, } }; CompositionDrawingSurface backgroundSurface = await SurfaceLoader.LoadFromUri(new Uri("ms-appx:///Samples/SDK Insider/ForegroundFocusEffects/mask.png")); CompositionSurfaceBrush maskBrush = _compositor.CreateSurfaceBrush(backgroundSurface); maskBrush.Stretch = CompositionStretch.UniformToFill; maskBrush.CenterPoint = backgroundSurface.Size.ToVector2() / 2; secondaryBrush = maskBrush; } break; case EffectTypes.Blur: { graphicsEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect() { BlurAmount = 20, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource"), Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced, BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard, }; } break; case EffectTypes.LightenBlur: { graphicsEffect = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect() { Source1Amount = .4f, Source2Amount = .6f, MultiplyAmount = 0, Source1 = new ColorSourceEffect() { Name = "Base", Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255), }, Source2 = new GaussianBlurEffect() { BlurAmount = 20, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource"), Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced, BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard, } }; } break; case EffectTypes.DarkenBlur: { graphicsEffect = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect() { Source1Amount = .4f, Source2Amount = .6f, MultiplyAmount = 0, Source1 = new ColorSourceEffect() { Name = "Base", Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0), }, Source2 = new GaussianBlurEffect() { BlurAmount = 20, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource"), Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced, BorderMode= EffectBorderMode.Hard, } }; } break; case EffectTypes.RainbowBlur: { graphicsEffect = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect() { Source1Amount = .3f, Source2Amount = .7f, MultiplyAmount = 0, Source1 = new ColorSourceEffect() { Name = "Base", Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0), }, Source2 = new GaussianBlurEffect() { BlurAmount = 20, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource"), Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced, BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard, } }; animatableProperties = new[] { "Base.Color" }; } break; default: break; } // Create the effect factory and instantiate a brush CompositionEffectFactory _effectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(graphicsEffect, animatableProperties); CompositionEffectBrush brush = _effectFactory.CreateBrush(); // Set the destination brush as the source of the image content brush.SetSourceParameter("ImageSource", _compositor.CreateBackdropBrush()); // If his effect uses a secondary brush, set it now if (secondaryBrush != null) { brush.SetSourceParameter("SecondSource", secondaryBrush); } // Update the destination layer with the fully configured brush _destinationSprite.Brush = brush; } }
private void MainGridLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { m_compositor = ElementCompositionPreview.GetElementVisual(MainGrid).Compositor; m_root = m_compositor.CreateContainerVisual(); ElementCompositionPreview.SetElementChildVisual(MainGrid, m_root); Size imageSize; m_noEffectBrush = CreateBrushFromAsset( "Bruno'sFamily2015 (13)-X2.jpg", out imageSize); m_imageAspectRatio = (imageSize.Width == 0 && imageSize.Height == 0) ? 1 : imageSize.Width / imageSize.Height; m_sprite = m_compositor.CreateSpriteVisual(); ResizeImage(new Size(MainGrid.ActualWidth, MainGrid.ActualHeight)); m_root.Children.InsertAtTop(m_sprite); // Image with alpha channel as an mask. var alphaMaskEffectDesc = new CompositeEffect { Mode = CanvasComposite.DestinationIn, Sources = { new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image"), new Transform2DEffect { Name = "MaskTransform", Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Mask") } } }; m_alphaMaskEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory( alphaMaskEffectDesc, new[] { "MaskTransform.TransformMatrix" } ).CreateBrush(); m_alphaMaskEffectBrush.SetSourceParameter( "Image", m_noEffectBrush); m_alphaMaskEffectBrush.SetSourceParameter( "Mask", CreateBrushFromAsset("CircleMask.png")); // Arithmetic operations between two images. var arithmeticEffectDesc = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect { Name = "effect", ClampOutput = false, Source1 = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Source1"), Source2 = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Source2") }; m_arithmeticEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory( arithmeticEffectDesc, new[] { "effect.MultiplyAmount", "effect.Source1Amount", "effect.Source2Amount", "effect.Offset" } ).CreateBrush(); m_arithmeticEffectBrush.SetSourceParameter( "Source1", m_noEffectBrush); m_arithmeticEffectBrush.SetSourceParameter( "Source2", CreateBrushFromAsset("_P2A8041.jpg")); // Creates a blend effect that combines two images. var foregroundBrush = CreateBrushFromAsset("Checkerboard_100x100.png"); m_blendEffectBrushes = new CompositionEffectBrush[m_supportedBlendModes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < m_supportedBlendModes.Length; i++) { var blendEffectDesc = new BlendEffect { Mode = m_supportedBlendModes[i], Background = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Background"), Foreground = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Foreground") }; m_blendEffectBrushes[i] = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory( blendEffectDesc ).CreateBrush(); m_blendEffectBrushes[i].SetSourceParameter( "Background", m_noEffectBrush); m_blendEffectBrushes[i].SetSourceParameter( "Foreground", foregroundBrush); } // Generates an image containing a solid color. var colorSourceEffectDesc = new ColorSourceEffect // FloodEffect { Name = "effect" }; m_colorSourceEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory( colorSourceEffectDesc, new[] { "effect.Color" } ).CreateBrush(); // Changes the contrast of an image. var contrastEffectDesc = new ContrastEffect { Name = "effect", Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image") }; m_contrastEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory( contrastEffectDesc, new[] { "effect.Contrast" } ).CreateBrush(); m_contrastEffectBrush.SetSourceParameter( "Image", m_noEffectBrush); // Changes the exposure of an image. var exposureEffectDesc = new ExposureEffect { Name = "effect", Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image") }; m_exposureEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory( exposureEffectDesc, new[] { "effect.Exposure" } ).CreateBrush(); m_exposureEffectBrush.SetSourceParameter( "Image", m_noEffectBrush); // Alters the colors of an image by applying a per-channel gamma transfer function. var gammaTransferEffectDesc = new GammaTransferEffect { Name = "effect", RedDisable = false, GreenDisable = false, BlueDisable = false, AlphaDisable = false, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image") }; m_gammaTransferEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory( gammaTransferEffectDesc, new[] { "effect.RedAmplitude", "effect.RedExponent", "effect.RedOffset", "effect.GreenAmplitude", "effect.GreenExponent", "effect.GreenOffset", "effect.BlueAmplitude", "effect.BlueExponent", "effect.BlueOffset" } ).CreateBrush(); m_gammaTransferEffectBrush.SetSourceParameter( "Image", m_noEffectBrush); // Converts an image to monochromatic gray. var grayscaleEffectDesc = new GrayscaleEffect { Name = "effect", Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image") }; m_grayscaleEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory( grayscaleEffectDesc ).CreateBrush(); m_grayscaleEffectBrush.SetSourceParameter( "Image", m_noEffectBrush); // Alters the color of an image by rotating its hue values. var hueRotationEffectDesc = new HueRotationEffect { Name = "effect", Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image") }; m_hueRotationEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory( hueRotationEffectDesc, new[] { "effect.Angle" } ).CreateBrush(); m_hueRotationEffectBrush.SetSourceParameter( "Image", m_noEffectBrush); // Inverts the colors of an image. var invertEffectDesc = new InvertEffect { Name = "effect", Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image") }; m_invertEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory( invertEffectDesc ).CreateBrush(); m_invertEffectBrush.SetSourceParameter( "Image", m_noEffectBrush); // Alters the saturation of an image. var saturationEffectDesc = new SaturationEffect { Name = "effect", Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image") }; m_saturateEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory( saturationEffectDesc, new[] { "effect.Saturation" } ).CreateBrush(); m_saturateEffectBrush.SetSourceParameter( "Image", m_noEffectBrush); // Converts an image to sepia tones. var supportedAlphaModes = new[] { CanvasAlphaMode.Premultiplied, CanvasAlphaMode.Straight }; m_sepiaEffectBrushes = new CompositionEffectBrush[supportedAlphaModes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < supportedAlphaModes.Length; i++) { var sepiaEffectDesc = new SepiaEffect { Name = "effect", AlphaMode = supportedAlphaModes[i], Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image") }; m_sepiaEffectBrushes[i] = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory( sepiaEffectDesc, new[] { "effect.Intensity" } ).CreateBrush(); m_sepiaEffectBrushes[i].SetSourceParameter( "Image", m_noEffectBrush); } // Adjusts the temperature and/or tint of an image. var temperatureAndTintEffectDesc = new TemperatureAndTintEffect { Name = "effect", Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image") }; m_temperatureAndTintEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory( temperatureAndTintEffectDesc, new[] { "effect.Temperature", "effect.Tint" } ).CreateBrush(); m_temperatureAndTintEffectBrush.SetSourceParameter( "Image", m_noEffectBrush); // Applies a 2D affine transform matrix to an image. var transform2DEffectDesc = new Transform2DEffect { TransformMatrix = new Matrix3x2( -1, 0, 0, 1, m_sprite.Size.X, 0), Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image") }; m_transform2DEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory( transform2DEffectDesc ).CreateBrush(); m_transform2DEffectBrush.SetSourceParameter( "Image", m_noEffectBrush); // For simplying UI states switch, put effect parameter grids in an array m_effectParamsGrids = new Grid[(int)EffectType.NumEffectTypes]; m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.NoEffect] = null; m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.AlphaMask] = AlphaMaskParams; m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Arithmetic] = ArithmeticParams; m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Blend] = BlendParams; m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.ColorSource] = ColorSourceParams; m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Contrast] = ContrastParams; m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Exposure] = ExposureParams; m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.GammaTransfer] = GammaTransferParams; m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Grayscale] = null; m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.HueRotation] = HueRotationParams; m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Invert] = null; m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Saturation] = SaturationParams; m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Sepia] = SepiaParams; m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.TemperatureAndTint] = TemperatureAndTintParams; m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Transform2D] = null; // Same as grids m_effectBrushes = new CompositionBrush[(int)EffectType.NumEffectTypes]; m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.NoEffect] = m_noEffectBrush; m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.AlphaMask] = m_alphaMaskEffectBrush; m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Arithmetic] = m_arithmeticEffectBrush; m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Blend] = m_blendEffectBrushes[m_activeBlendMode]; m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.ColorSource] = m_colorSourceEffectBrush; m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Contrast] = m_contrastEffectBrush; m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Exposure] = m_exposureEffectBrush; m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.GammaTransfer] = m_gammaTransferEffectBrush; m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Grayscale] = m_grayscaleEffectBrush; m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.HueRotation] = m_hueRotationEffectBrush; m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Invert] = m_invertEffectBrush; m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Saturation] = m_saturateEffectBrush; m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Sepia] = m_sepiaEffectBrushes[m_activeSepiaAlphaMode]; m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.TemperatureAndTint] = m_temperatureAndTintEffectBrush; m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Transform2D] = m_transform2DEffectBrush; this.InitializeValues(); }
private ICanvasImage ApplyFilter(ICanvasImage source) { if (filterIndex == 0) // NONE { return(source); } else if (filterIndex == 1) { return(new GrayscaleEffect { Source = source }); } else if (filterIndex == 2) { return(new InvertEffect { Source = source }); } else if (filterIndex == 3) { var hueRotationEffect = new HueRotationEffect { Source = source, Angle = 0.5f }; return(hueRotationEffect); } else if (filterIndex == 4) { var temperatureAndTintEffect = new TemperatureAndTintEffect { Source = source }; temperatureAndTintEffect.Temperature = 0.6f; temperatureAndTintEffect.Tint = 0.6f; return(temperatureAndTintEffect); } else if (filterIndex == 5) { var temperatureAndTintEffect = new TemperatureAndTintEffect { Source = source }; temperatureAndTintEffect.Temperature = -0.6f; temperatureAndTintEffect.Tint = -0.6f; return(temperatureAndTintEffect); } else if (filterIndex == 6) { var vignetteEffect = new VignetteEffect { Source = source }; vignetteEffect.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); vignetteEffect.Amount = 0.6f; return(vignetteEffect); } else if (filterIndex == 7) { var embossEffect = new EmbossEffect { Source = source }; embossEffect.Amount = 5; embossEffect.Angle = 0; return(embossEffect); } else if (filterIndex == 8) { var sepiaEffect = new SepiaEffect { Source = source }; sepiaEffect.Intensity = 1; return(sepiaEffect); } else // NONE { return(source); } }
private ICanvasImage ApplyFilterTemplate(ICanvasImage source) { if (_filter_index == 0) //无滤镜 { return(source); } else if (_filter_index == 1) // 黑白 { return(new GrayscaleEffect { Source = source }); } else if (_filter_index == 2) //反色 { return(new InvertEffect { Source = source }); } else if (_filter_index == 3) //冷色 { var hueRotationEffect = new HueRotationEffect { Source = source, Angle = 0.5f }; return(hueRotationEffect); } else if (_filter_index == 4) //美食 { var temperatureAndTintEffect = new TemperatureAndTintEffect { Source = source }; temperatureAndTintEffect.Temperature = 0.6f; temperatureAndTintEffect.Tint = 0.6f; return(temperatureAndTintEffect); } else if (_filter_index == 5) //冷绿 { var temperatureAndTintEffect = new TemperatureAndTintEffect { Source = source }; temperatureAndTintEffect.Temperature = -0.6f; temperatureAndTintEffect.Tint = -0.6f; return(temperatureAndTintEffect); } else if (_filter_index == 6) //梦幻 { var vignetteEffect = new VignetteEffect { Source = source }; vignetteEffect.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF); vignetteEffect.Amount = 0.6f; return(vignetteEffect); } else if (_filter_index == 7) //浮雕 { var embossEffect = new EmbossEffect { Source = source }; embossEffect.Amount = 5; embossEffect.Angle = 0; return(embossEffect); } else if (_filter_index == 8) //怀旧 { var sepiaEffect = new SepiaEffect { Source = source }; sepiaEffect.Intensity = 1; return(sepiaEffect); } else if (_filter_index == 9)//运动 { var directEffect = new DirectionalBlurEffect { Source = source }; directEffect.BlurAmount = 12; directEffect.BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Soft; directEffect.Angle = 3.14F; return(directEffect); } else { return(source); } }
private async void UpdateEffect() { if (_compositor != null) { ComboBoxItem item = EffectSelection.SelectedValue as ComboBoxItem; IGraphicsEffect graphicsEffect = null; CompositionBrush secondaryBrush = null; string[] animatableProperties = null; // // Create the appropriate effect graph and resources // switch ((EffectTypes)item.Tag) { case EffectTypes.Desaturation: { graphicsEffect = new SaturationEffect() { Saturation = 0.0f, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource") }; } break; case EffectTypes.Hue: { graphicsEffect = new HueRotationEffect() { Name = "Hue", Angle = 3.14f, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource") }; animatableProperties = new[] { "Hue.Angle" }; } break; case EffectTypes.VividLight: { graphicsEffect = new BlendEffect() { Mode = BlendEffectMode.VividLight, Foreground = new ColorSourceEffect() { Name = "Base", Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 80, 40, 40) }, Background = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource"), }; animatableProperties = new[] { "Base.Color" }; } break; case EffectTypes.Mask: { graphicsEffect = new CompositeEffect() { Mode = CanvasComposite.DestinationOver, Sources = { new CompositeEffect() { Mode = CanvasComposite.DestinationIn, Sources = { new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource"), new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("SecondSource") } }, new ColorSourceEffect() { Color = Color.FromArgb(200, 255, 255, 255) }, } }; CompositionDrawingSurface backgroundSurface = await SurfaceLoader.LoadFromUri(new Uri("ms-appx:///Samples/SDK 14393/ForegroundFocusEffects/mask.png")); CompositionSurfaceBrush maskBrush = _compositor.CreateSurfaceBrush(backgroundSurface); maskBrush.Stretch = CompositionStretch.UniformToFill; maskBrush.CenterPoint = _destinationSprite.Size * .5f; secondaryBrush = maskBrush; } break; case EffectTypes.Blur: { graphicsEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect() { BlurAmount = 20, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource"), Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced, BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard, }; } break; case EffectTypes.LightenBlur: { graphicsEffect = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect() { Source1Amount = .4f, Source2Amount = .6f, MultiplyAmount = 0, Source1 = new ColorSourceEffect() { Name = "Base", Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255), }, Source2 = new GaussianBlurEffect() { BlurAmount = 20, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource"), Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced, BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard, } }; } break; case EffectTypes.DarkenBlur: { graphicsEffect = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect() { Source1Amount = .4f, Source2Amount = .6f, MultiplyAmount = 0, Source1 = new ColorSourceEffect() { Name = "Base", Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0), }, Source2 = new GaussianBlurEffect() { BlurAmount = 20, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource"), Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced, BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard, } }; } break; case EffectTypes.RainbowBlur: { graphicsEffect = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect() { Source1Amount = .3f, Source2Amount = .7f, MultiplyAmount = 0, Source1 = new ColorSourceEffect() { Name = "Base", Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0), }, Source2 = new GaussianBlurEffect() { BlurAmount = 20, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("ImageSource"), Optimization = EffectOptimization.Balanced, BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard, } }; animatableProperties = new[] { "Base.Color" }; } break; default: break; } // Create the effect factory and instantiate a brush CompositionEffectFactory _effectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(graphicsEffect, animatableProperties); CompositionEffectBrush brush = _effectFactory.CreateBrush(); // Set the destination brush as the source of the image content brush.SetSourceParameter("ImageSource", _compositor.CreateBackdropBrush()); // If his effect uses a secondary brush, set it now if (secondaryBrush != null) { brush.SetSourceParameter("SecondSource", secondaryBrush); } // Update the destination layer with the fully configured brush _destinationSprite.Brush = brush; } }
public CompositionEffectBrush CreateEffectBrush( EffectType effectType, string effectName, float propertyValue, IEnumerable<string> properties) { IGraphicsEffect effectDesc = null; switch (effectType) { case EffectType.Saturation: effectDesc = new SaturationEffect() { Name = effectName, Saturation = propertyValue, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("source") }; break; case EffectType.HueRotation: effectDesc = new HueRotationEffect() { Name = effectName, Angle = propertyValue, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("source") }; break; case EffectType.Sepia: effectDesc = new SepiaEffect() { Name = effectName, Intensity = propertyValue, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("source") }; break; } CompositionEffectFactory effectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(effectDesc, properties); CompositionEffectBrush effectBrush = effectFactory.CreateBrush(); return effectBrush; }
private ICanvasImage CreateHueRotation() { var hueRotationEffect = new HueRotationEffect { Source = bitmapTiger }; // Animation changes the hue. animationFunction = elapsedTime => { hueRotationEffect.Angle = elapsedTime * 4; }; return hueRotationEffect; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a CompositionEffectFactory that creates HueRotationEffects. /// </summary> /// <returns>CompositionEffectFactory</returns> private CompositionEffectFactory CreateHueRotationEffectFactory() { var effectDefinition = new HueRotationEffect() { Name = "HueRotation", Angle = 0.0f, Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Video") }; return _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(effectDefinition, new string[] { "HueRotation.Angle" }); }
private async void InitComposition() { // Store our Compositor and create our ImageLoader. _compositor = ElementCompositionPreview.GetElementVisual(this).Compositor; _imageLoader = ImageLoaderFactory.CreateImageLoader(_compositor); // Setup our effect definition. First is the CompositeEffect that will take // our sources and produce the intersection of the images (because we selected // the DestinationIn mode for the effect). Next we take our CompositeEffect // and make it the source of our next effect, the InvertEffect. This will take // the intersection image and invert the colors. Finally we take that combined // effect and put it through a HueRotationEffect, were we can adjust the colors // using the Angle property (which we will animate below). IGraphicsEffect graphicsEffect = new HueRotationEffect { Name = "hueEffect", Angle = 0.0f, Source = new InvertEffect { Source = new CompositeEffect { Mode = Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.CanvasComposite.DestinationIn, Sources = { new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("image"), new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("mask") } } } }; // Create our effect factory using the effect definition and mark the Angle // property as adjustable/animatable. _effectFactory = _compositor.CreateEffectFactory(graphicsEffect, new string[] { "hueEffect.Angle" }); // Create MangedSurfaces for both our base image and the mask we'll be using. // The mask is a transparent image with a white circle in the middle. This is // important since the CompositeEffect will use just the circle for the // intersectionsince the rest is transparent. var managedImageSurface = await _imageLoader.CreateManagedSurfaceFromUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/tripphoto1.jpg")); var managedMaskSurface = await _imageLoader.CreateManagedSurfaceFromUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/CircleMask.png")); // Create brushes from our surfaces. var imageBrush = _compositor.CreateSurfaceBrush(managedImageSurface.Surface); var maskBrush = _compositor.CreateSurfaceBrush(managedMaskSurface.Surface); // Create an setup our effect brush.Assign both the base image and mask image // brushes as source parameters in the effect (with the same names we used in // the effect definition). If we wanted, we could create many effect brushes // and use different images in all of them. var effectBrush = _effectFactory.CreateBrush(); effectBrush.SetSourceParameter("image", imageBrush); effectBrush.SetSourceParameter("mask", maskBrush); // All that's left is to create a visual, assign the effect brush to the Brush // property, and attach it into the tree... var visual = _compositor.CreateSpriteVisual(); visual.Size = managedImageSurface.Size.ToVector2(); visual.Offset = new Vector3(50, 50, 0); visual.Brush = effectBrush; ElementCompositionPreview.SetElementChildVisual(this, visual); // ... but wait! There's more! We're going to animate the Angle property // to get a really trippy color effect on our masked inverted image. AnimateEffect(effectBrush); }