public static KestrelHttpServer StartNew(int port, HttpScheme scheme, IHttpHandler handler, KestrelServerSettings serverSettings, ILog log) { var server = new KestrelHttpServer(handler, log, serverSettings); server.Start(port, scheme); return(server); }
public void InitServicePoint(string url, HttpScheme scheme) { _domain = new ServicePoint() { ServiceUrl = url, Scheme = scheme, }; }
public static string?SchemeToString(HttpScheme scheme) { return(scheme switch { HttpScheme.Http => HttpUriScheme, HttpScheme.Https => HttpsUriScheme, _ => null, });
public MockServerClient(string host, int port, string contextPath = "", HttpScheme httpScheme = HttpScheme.Http, HttpClientHandler httpHandler = null) { _host = host; _port = port; _contextPath = contextPath; _httpScheme = httpScheme; _httpClient = new HttpClient(httpHandler ?? new HttpClientHandler()); }
private async Task <HttpResponseMessage> SendHello(HttpScheme scheme) { using (var client = new HttpClient(Handler, false)) { var host = MockServerClient.ServerAddress().Host; var port = MockServerClient.ServerAddress().Port; return(await client.GetAsync(new Uri($"{scheme}://{host}:{port}/hello"))); } }
public static string Value(this HttpScheme scheme) { switch (scheme) { case HttpScheme.Http: return("http"); case HttpScheme.Https: return("https"); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"{scheme} is not a valid HTTP scheme"); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the standard HTTP scheme for the enum passed in. /// </summary> /// <param name="httpScheme"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string FormatHttpScheme(HttpScheme httpScheme) { switch (httpScheme) { case HttpScheme.Http: return("http"); case HttpScheme.Https: return("https"); case HttpScheme.Unknown: return(null); default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public static string SchemeToString(HttpScheme scheme) { switch (scheme) { case HttpScheme.Http: return(HttpUriScheme); case HttpScheme.Https: return(HttpsUriScheme); default: return(null); } }
public FakeHttpContextBuilder SetRequest( HttpMethod method = HttpMethod.Get, HttpScheme scheme = HttpScheme.Http, Dictionary <string, string>?queryParams = null, Dictionary <string, StringValues>?headers = null) { return(SetMethod(method) .SetScheme(scheme) .SetHost(new("localhost")) .SetPathBase("/master") .SetPath("/slave") .SetQuery(queryParams ?? new Dictionary <string, string>()) .SetRequestHeaders(headers)); }
public static bool GetKnownHttpScheme(this Span <byte> span, out HttpScheme knownScheme) { if (BinaryPrimitives.TryReadUInt64LittleEndian(span, out var scheme)) { if ((scheme & _mask7Chars) == _httpSchemeLong) { knownScheme = HttpScheme.Http; return(true); } if (scheme == _httpsSchemeLong) { knownScheme = HttpScheme.Https; return(true); } } knownScheme = HttpScheme.Unknown; return(false); }
private static unsafe bool GetKnownHttpScheme(byte *location, int length, out HttpScheme knownScheme) { if (length >= sizeof(ulong)) { var scheme = *(ulong *)location; if ((scheme & _mask7Chars) == _httpSchemeLong) { knownScheme = HttpScheme.Http; return(true); } if (scheme == _httpsSchemeLong) { knownScheme = HttpScheme.Https; return(true); } } knownScheme = HttpScheme.Unknown; return(false); }
public HttpForward WithScheme(HttpScheme scheme) { return(WithScheme(scheme.Value().ToUpper())); }
public FakeHttpContextBuilder SetScheme(HttpScheme scheme) { _context.Request.Scheme = scheme.ToString().ToLower(); return(new FakeHttpContextBuilder(_context)); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { ExampleHelper.SetConsoleLogger(); bool useLibuv = ClientSettings.UseLibuv; Console.WriteLine("Transport type : " + (useLibuv ? "Libuv" : "Socket")); IEventLoopGroup group; if (useLibuv) { group = new EventLoopGroup(); } else { group = new MultithreadEventLoopGroup(); } X509Certificate2 cert = null; string targetHost = null; if (ClientSettings.IsSsl) { cert = new X509Certificate2(Path.Combine(ExampleHelper.ProcessDirectory, ""), "password"); targetHost = cert.GetNameInfo(X509NameType.DnsName, false); } try { var bootstrap = new Bootstrap(); bootstrap .Group(group) .Option(ChannelOption.TcpNodelay, true) .Option(ChannelOption.SoKeepalive, true); if (useLibuv) { bootstrap.Channel <TcpChannel>(); } else { bootstrap.Channel <TcpSocketChannel>(); } bootstrap.Handler(new Http2ClientFrameInitializer(cert, targetHost)); IChannel channel = await bootstrap.ConnectAsync(new IPEndPoint(ClientSettings.Host, ClientSettings.Port)); try { Console.WriteLine("Connected to [" + ClientSettings.Host + ':' + ClientSettings.Port + ']'); Http2ClientStreamFrameResponseHandler streamFrameResponseHandler = new Http2ClientStreamFrameResponseHandler(); Http2StreamChannelBootstrap streamChannelBootstrap = new Http2StreamChannelBootstrap(channel); IHttp2StreamChannel streamChannel = await streamChannelBootstrap.OpenAsync(); streamChannel.Pipeline.AddLast(streamFrameResponseHandler); // Send request (a HTTP/2 HEADERS frame - with ':method = GET' in this case) var path = ExampleHelper.Configuration["path"]; HttpScheme scheme = ClientSettings.IsSsl ? HttpScheme.Https : HttpScheme.Http; DefaultHttp2Headers headers = new DefaultHttp2Headers { Method = HttpMethod.Get.AsciiName, Path = AsciiString.Of(path), Scheme = scheme.Name }; IHttp2HeadersFrame headersFrame = new DefaultHttp2HeadersFrame(headers); await streamChannel.WriteAndFlushAsync(headersFrame); Console.WriteLine("Sent HTTP/2 GET request to " + path); // Wait for the responses (or for the latch to expire), then clean up the connections if (!streamFrameResponseHandler.ResponseSuccessfullyCompleted()) { Console.WriteLine("Did not get HTTP/2 response in expected time."); } Console.WriteLine("Finished HTTP/2 request, will close the connection."); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("按任意键退出"); Console.ReadKey(); } finally { // Wait until the connection is closed. await channel.CloseAsync(); } } finally { await group.ShutdownGracefullyAsync(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); } }
protected MockServerClientTest(HttpScheme scheme = HttpScheme.Http, HttpClientHandler handler = null) { MockServerClient = new MockServerClient(_mockServerHost, _mockServerPort, httpScheme: scheme, httpHandler: handler); Assert.True(MockServerClient.IsRunning(), "Server is not running"); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { ExampleHelper.SetConsoleLogger(); bool useLibuv = ClientSettings.UseLibuv; Console.WriteLine($"Transport type : {(useLibuv ? "Libuv" : "Socket")}"); IEventLoopGroup group; if (useLibuv) { group = new EventLoopGroup(); } else { group = new MultithreadEventLoopGroup(); } X509Certificate2 cert = null; string targetHost = null; if (ClientSettings.IsSsl) { cert = new X509Certificate2(Path.Combine(ExampleHelper.ProcessDirectory, ""), "password"); targetHost = cert.GetNameInfo(X509NameType.DnsName, false); } try { var bootstrap = new Bootstrap(); bootstrap .Group(group) .Option(ChannelOption.TcpNodelay, true); if (useLibuv) { bootstrap.Channel <TcpChannel>(); } else { bootstrap.Channel <TcpSocketChannel>(); } Http2ClientInitializer initializer = new Http2ClientInitializer(cert, targetHost, int.MaxValue); bootstrap.Handler(initializer); IChannel channel = await bootstrap.ConnectAsync(new IPEndPoint(ClientSettings.Host, ClientSettings.Port)); try { Console.WriteLine($"Connected to [{ClientSettings.Host}:{ClientSettings.Port}]"); // Wait for the HTTP/2 upgrade to occur. Http2SettingsHandler http2SettingsHandler = initializer.SettingsHandler; await http2SettingsHandler.AwaitSettings(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); HttpResponseHandler responseHandler = initializer.ResponseHandler; int streamId = 3; HttpScheme scheme = ClientSettings.IsSsl ? HttpScheme.Https : HttpScheme.Http; AsciiString hostName = new AsciiString(ClientSettings.Host.ToString() + ':' + ClientSettings.Port); Console.WriteLine("Sending request(s)..."); var url = ExampleHelper.Configuration["url"]; var url2 = ExampleHelper.Configuration["url2"]; var url2Data = ExampleHelper.Configuration["url2data"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { // Create a simple GET request. IFullHttpRequest request = new DefaultFullHttpRequest(DotNetty.Codecs.Http.HttpVersion.Http11, HttpMethod.Get, url, Unpooled.Empty); request.Headers.Add(HttpHeaderNames.Host, hostName); request.Headers.Add(HttpConversionUtil.ExtensionHeaderNames.Scheme, scheme.Name); request.Headers.Add(HttpHeaderNames.AcceptEncoding, HttpHeaderValues.Gzip); request.Headers.Add(HttpHeaderNames.AcceptEncoding, HttpHeaderValues.Deflate); responseHandler.Put(streamId, channel.WriteAsync(request), channel.NewPromise()); streamId += 2; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url2)) { // Create a simple POST request with a body. IFullHttpRequest request = new DefaultFullHttpRequest(DotNetty.Codecs.Http.HttpVersion.Http11, HttpMethod.Post, url2, Unpooled.WrappedBuffer(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(url2Data))); request.Headers.Add(HttpHeaderNames.Host, hostName); request.Headers.Add(HttpConversionUtil.ExtensionHeaderNames.Scheme, scheme.Name); request.Headers.Add(HttpHeaderNames.AcceptEncoding, HttpHeaderValues.Gzip); request.Headers.Add(HttpHeaderNames.AcceptEncoding, HttpHeaderValues.Deflate); responseHandler.Put(streamId, channel.WriteAsync(request), channel.NewPromise()); } channel.Flush(); await responseHandler.AwaitResponses(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); Console.WriteLine("Finished HTTP/2 request(s)"); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); Console.ReadKey(); } finally { // Wait until the connection is closed. await channel.CloseAsync(); } } finally { await group.ShutdownGracefullyAsync(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); } }
public void Start(int port, HttpScheme scheme = HttpScheme.Http) { Start($"{scheme.ToString().ToLower()}://+:{port}/"); }