예제 #1
        public ActionResult RequestQuote(QuoteModel model)
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    HelpingMethods hm = new HelpingMethods();
                    //if (!hm.CheckReCaptcha(Request["g-recaptcha-response"]))
                    //    ViewBag.resultmail = "Captcha is not valid. Please try again.";
                    //    return View();

                    StringBuilder sbEmailBodyl = new StringBuilder();
                    sbEmailBodyl.Append("<table border='1' style='width:100%;'>");
                    sbEmailBodyl.Append("<tr><th colspan='2'>Owner Details</th></tr>");
                    sbEmailBodyl.Append("<tr><td>Name </td><td>" + model.Name + "</td></tr>");
                    sbEmailBodyl.Append("<tr><td>Designation </td><td>" + model.Designation + "</td></tr>");
                    sbEmailBodyl.Append("<tr><td>Contact Number </td><td>" + model.Mobile + "</td></tr>");
                    sbEmailBodyl.Append("<tr><td>Email </td><td>" + model.Email + "</td></tr>");
                    sbEmailBodyl.Append("<tr><th colspan='2'>Business Details</th></tr>");
                    sbEmailBodyl.Append("<tr><td>BKO or Business Name </td><td>" + model.Org_Name + "</td></tr>");
                    sbEmailBodyl.Append("<tr><td>Brick Kiln or Business Type </td><td>" + model.busiess_type + "</td></tr>");
                    sbEmailBodyl.Append("<tr><td>Location </td><td>" + model.City_village + "</td></tr>");
                    sbEmailBodyl.Append("<tr><td>City or Village </td><td>" + model.District + "</td></tr>");
                    sbEmailBodyl.Append("<tr><td>State </td><td>" + model.State + "</td></tr>");
                    sbEmailBodyl.Append("<tr><td>Country</td><td>" + model.Country + "</td></tr>");
                    sbEmailBodyl.Append("<tr><td>See the Vedio Demo First</td><td>" + model.seen_video + "</td></tr>");
                    sbEmailBodyl.Append("<tr><td>Interested For</td><td>" + model.Interested_for + "</td></tr>");
                    //var result = hm.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "Request Quote", sbEmailBodyl.ToString(), "eBrickKiln- " + model.Interested_for + ", Request Quote by vistor");

                    var result          = hm.SendMailSales("*****@*****.**", "eBrickKiln- " + model.Interested_for, sbEmailBodyl.ToString(), "eBrickKiln- Sales");
                    var resulttovisitor = hm.SendMailSales(model.Email, "eBrickKiln- Greetings", MailToClient(), "eBrickKiln- Sales");

                    var resultsms = hm.sendsmsany("Thanks from 'uSofts' to show your interest in our eBrickkiln product for your business. Detail sent on your mail Id Soon you will get call from sale executive.", model.Mobile);

                    if (result)
                        //ViewBag.resultmail = "Your message sent.";
            catch { }
예제 #2
        public ActionResult Return(FormCollection form)
                string transaction_id = string.Empty;
                string order_id       = string.Empty;

                string[] keys = Request.Form.AllKeys;

                string hash = gethash(keys, form);
                if (form["hash"] == hash)
                    if (form["response_code"] == "0")
                        transaction_id = Request.Form["transaction_id"];
                        order_id       = Request.Form["order_id"];

                        ViewData["Message"] = "Transaction is successful. Your tranaction ID is: " + transaction_id + " and order id is: " + order_id + ". Please save it for future reference.";
                        HelpingMethods hm = new HelpingMethods();

                        var resulttovisitor = hm.SendMailSales(Request.Form["email"], "eBrickKiln- Payment Successful", mailcontent(transaction_id, order_id), "eBrickKiln- Sales");

                        //  Response.Write("<br/>Transaction is successful. Hash value is matched");
                    else if (form["response_message"] == "Transaction Failed")
                        ViewData["Message"] = "Transaction is unsuccessful. Please try again.";
                        string response_message = Request.Form["response_message"];
                        int    startIndex       = response_message.IndexOf(" - ") + 2;
                        int    length           = response_message.Length - startIndex;
                        response_message = response_message.Substring(startIndex, length);
                        //Response.Write("Correct the below error <br />");
                        ViewData["Message"] = "To continue to transaction, please correct the error: " + response_message;
                    ViewData["Message"] = "Transaction is unsuccessful. Please try again.";

                    //Response.Write("<br/>Hash value Not matched");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Response.Write("<span style='color:red'>" + ex.Message + "</span>");