예제 #1
         * Test the blob database with or without environment.
         * 1. Config and open the environment;
         * 2. Verify the environment blob configs;
         * 3. Config and open the database;
         * 4. Verify the database blob configs;
         * 5. Insert and verify some blob data by database methods;
         * 6. Verify the stats;
         * 7. Close all handles.
         * If "blobdbt" is true, set the data DatabaseEntry.Blob as
         * true, otherwise make the data DatabaseEntry reach the blob
         * threshold in size.
        void TestBlobHeapDatabase(uint env_threshold, string env_blobdir,
                                  uint db_threshold, string db_blobdir, bool blobdbt)
            if (env_threshold == 0 && db_threshold == 0)

            string heapDBName =
                testHome + "/" + testName + ".db";

            HeapDatabaseConfig cfg = new HeapDatabaseConfig();

            cfg.Creation = CreatePolicy.ALWAYS;
            string blrootdir = "__db_bl";

            // Open the environment and verify the blob configs.
            if (env_threshold > 0)
                DatabaseEnvironmentConfig envConfig =
                    new DatabaseEnvironmentConfig();
                envConfig.AutoCommit    = true;
                envConfig.Create        = true;
                envConfig.UseMPool      = true;
                envConfig.UseLogging    = true;
                envConfig.UseTxns       = true;
                envConfig.UseLocking    = true;
                envConfig.BlobThreshold = env_threshold;
                if (env_blobdir != null)
                    envConfig.BlobDir = env_blobdir;
                    blrootdir         = env_blobdir;
                DatabaseEnvironment env = DatabaseEnvironment.Open(
                    testHome, envConfig);
                if (env_blobdir == null)
                Assert.AreEqual(env_threshold, env.BlobThreshold);
                cfg.Env    = env;
                heapDBName = testName + ".db";

            // Open the database and verify the blob configs.
            if (db_threshold > 0)
                cfg.BlobThreshold = db_threshold;
            if (db_blobdir != null)
                cfg.BlobDir = db_blobdir;

                 * The blob directory setting in the database
                 * is effective only when it is opened without
                 * an environment.
                if (cfg.Env == null)
                    blrootdir = db_blobdir;

            HeapDatabase db = HeapDatabase.Open(heapDBName, cfg);

                db_threshold > 0 ? db_threshold : env_threshold,
            if (db_blobdir == null && cfg.Env == null)
                Assert.AreEqual(0, db.BlobDir.CompareTo(blrootdir));

            // Insert and verify some blob data by database methods.
            string[]      records = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h",
                                      "i",      "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p","q","r", "s",
                                      "t",      "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z" };
            DatabaseEntry kdbt = new DatabaseEntry();
            DatabaseEntry ddbt = new DatabaseEntry();

            byte[] ddata;
            string str;
            KeyValuePair <DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry> pair;

            ddbt.Blob = blobdbt;
            Assert.AreEqual(blobdbt, ddbt.Blob);
            for (int i = 0; i < records.Length; i++)
                str = records[i];
                if (!blobdbt)
                    for (int j = 0; j < db_threshold; j++)
                        str = str + records[i];
                ddata     = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str);
                ddbt.Data = ddata;
                kdbt      = new DatabaseEntry((db.Append(ddbt)).toArray());
                    pair = db.Get(kdbt);
                catch (DatabaseException)
                    if (cfg.Env != null)
                    throw new TestException();
                Assert.AreEqual(ddata, pair.Value.Data);

             * Verify the blob files are created in the expected location.
             * This part of test is disabled since BTreeDatabase.BlobSubDir
             * is not exposed to users.
            //if (cfg.Env != null)
            //	blrootdir = testHome + "/" + blrootdir;
            //string blobdir = blrootdir + "/" + db.BlobSubDir;
            //    Directory.GetFiles(blobdir, "__db.bl*").Length);
            //    Directory.GetFiles(blobdir, "__db_blob_meta.db").Length);

            // Verify the stats.
            HeapStats st = db.Stats();

            Assert.AreEqual(records.Length, st.nBlobRecords);

            // Close all handles.
            if (cfg.Env != null)

             * Remove the default blob directory
             * when it is not under the test home.
            if (db_blobdir == null && cfg.Env == null)
                Directory.Delete("__db_bl", true);