예제 #1
        void PlayHaptic()
            counter = 0;
            int index = Random.Range(0, sequences.Length);

예제 #2
        private void UpdateTrackedValues()
            currentAngularVelocity = MyRB.velocity;
            currentVelocity        = MyRB.angularVelocity;
            angularVelocitySqr     = MyRB.angularVelocity.sqrMagnitude;
            currentVelocitySqr     = MyRB.velocity.sqrMagnitude;

            playerDistanceSqr = (HardlightSuit.Find().transform.position - transform.position).sqrMagnitude;
        public void CollideWithBody(HardlightSuit body, Collider col, Vector3 where)
            //Default sequence, gets reassigned
            HapticSequence seq = body.GetSequence("pulse");

            //Depending on the type of projectile that we are.
            switch (typeOfCollision)
            case CollisionType.MinorCoinHit:

                //Hit the body with a simple effect name - which should be in "Resources/Haptics/<Name>"
                body.HitNearest(lastPosition, "click");


            case CollisionType.SharpImpact:

                body.HitImpulse(lastPosition, body.GetSequence("pain_short"), .1f, 1, 0);
                //body.HitImpulse(lastPosition, Effect.Pulse, .2f, .35f, 1, 2);


            case CollisionType.ThudImpact:

                //This plays an effect across all found pads within a range.
                body.HitNearby(lastPosition, "click", BigImpactArea);


            case CollisionType.MediumCashPackHit:

                body.HitNearest(lastPosition, "pulse");


            case CollisionType.SackOfGoldhit:

                //More helper function usage. This asset is from the Death and Dying pack (which is a very intense effect)
                seq = body.GetSequence("pain_short");

                //This makes use of the other HitImpulse which allows for repeated effects.
                body.HitImpulse(lastPosition, seq, .2f, 2, 3, .15f, 1.0f);


            case CollisionType.MudBlob:

                seq = body.GetSequence("pulse");

                body.HitImpulse(lastPosition, seq, .02f, 5, 3, .15f, 1.0f);

        void Start()
            suit = HardlightSuit.Find();
            handleList = new List <HapticHandle>();

            if (SpherecastStartObject == null)
                Debug.LogError("[Haptic Spherecast] - [" + name + "] has a null object for where it should begin.\n", this);
예제 #5
        private void StingPlayer()
            var Where = HardlightSuit.Find().FindRandomLocation().Where;


            float floor   = Mathf.Max(.02f, .75f * (1 - beeCount / 500));
            float ceiling = Mathf.Max(.25f, 1.3f * (1 - beeCount / 500));

            stingCounter += UnityEngine.Random.Range(floor, ceiling);
            //Debug.Log(floor + "  " + ceiling + "  " + stingCounter + "\n", this);
예제 #6
 //Variable for my pitching area.
 void Start()
     suit             = HardlightSuit.Find();
     MoneyFolder      = new GameObject();
     MoneyFolder.name = "Money Folder";
     MoneyFolder.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
     if (transform.parent != null)
        public void Collide(Collider col, Vector3 where)
            #region Hit Player
            //Layer 31 is the default haptics layer.
            //This lets us check if what we hit is a 'haptic object' since thats all the Example Projectile wants to hit.
            if (col.gameObject.layer == NSManager.HAPTIC_LAYER)
                //Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + Vector3.up * 100, Color.cyan, 15);
                bool hapticCollisionOccurred = false;

                //Is what we hit a Hardlight Suit?
                HardlightSuit body = col.gameObject.GetComponent <HardlightSuit>();

                //We make some assumptions about the impact point.
                //Our projectiles are moving fast, so we keep track of our position last frame (lastPosition) and use that instead of our current one.
                //I won't pretend to know what is best for your game (Desert of Danger uses a highly sophisticated predictive system because the projectiles are nearly hitscan)
                //This demo uses last frame to avoid tunneling and accidentally hitting the back pads.

                //If we hit a suit
                if (body != null)
                    CollideWithBody(body, col, where);
                    hapticCollisionOccurred = true;
                    HardlightCollider individualCollider = col.gameObject.GetComponent <HardlightCollider>();
                    if (individualCollider != null)
                        CollideWithBody(HardlightSuit.Find(), col, where);

                        //CollideWithHardlightCollider(individualCollider, where);
                        hapticCollisionOccurred = true;

                if (hapticCollisionOccurred && DestroyAfterCollision)
        public void CollideWithBody(HardlightSuit body, Collider col, Vector3 where)
            //Default sequence, gets reassigned
            HapticSequence seq = body.GetSequence("pulse");

            //Depending on the type of projectile that we are.
            switch (typeOfCollision)
            case CollisionType.Hit:

                //Hit the body with a simple effect name - which should be in "Resources/Haptics/<Name>"
                body.HitNearest(lastPosition, "double_click");


            case CollisionType.HitImpulse:

                //Plays a simple impulse on the assumed impact point.
                body.HitImpulse(lastPosition, Effect.Pulse, .2f, .35f, 1, 2);


            case CollisionType.BigImpact:

                //This plays an effect across all found pads within a range.
                body.HitNearby(lastPosition, "buzz", BigImpactArea);


            case CollisionType.RepeatedImpulse:

                //More helper function usage. This asset is from the Death and Dying pack (which is a very intense effect)
                seq = body.GetSequence("pain_short");

                //This makes use of the other HitImpulse which allows for repeated effects.
                body.HitImpulse(lastPosition, seq, .2f, 2, 3, .15f, 1.0f);

예제 #9
        public bool RecieveExplosion(Explosion.ExplosionInfo info)
            if (HasFlag(ExplosionResponse.None))

            Vector3 direction = transform.position - info.explosionCenter;
            Vector3 blast     = Vector3.Scale(direction.normalized, info.forceMultipliers);

            //Debug.Log("I have recieved an explosion\t" + name + "\n\tForce: " + forceMultipliers);
            if (HasFlag(ExplosionResponse.Rigidbody))
                if (rb != null)
                    if (rb.isKinematic && info.source.RemoveKinematicAttribute)
                        rb.isKinematic = false;
                        rb.useGravity  = true;
                    //Debug.Log("Applying force to " + name + "\n");
                    rb.AddForce(blast, ForceMode.Impulse);
            if (HasFlag(ExplosionResponse.Haptics))
                if (info.explosionSequence != null)
                    var Where = HardlightSuit.Find().FindNearestFlag(info.explosionCenter, 5);
                    HardlightSuit.Find().EmanatingHit(Where, info.explosionSequence, .25f, 8);
            if (HasFlag(ExplosionResponse.Fireworks))
                //Create a visual effect at the point of impact?
            if (HasFlag(ExplosionResponse.ChainReaction))
            if (HasFlag(ExplosionResponse.Destroyable))
                Destroyable breakable = GetComponent <Destroyable>();
                if (breakable != null)
                    //Debug.Log(info.BlastStrength() + "  \n" + blast + "\n");
                    breakable.DestroyableHit(info.BlastStrength(), blast);
            if (HasFlag(ExplosionResponse.CallScript))
                if (WhenExploded != null)
                //Delegate to call
                if (HitByExplosionDelegate != null)

 void Start()
     suit = HardlightSuit.Find();
예제 #11
 void Start()
     suit = HardlightSuit.Find();
예제 #12
 void Start()
     refs = HardlightSuit.Find().Definition.SceneReferences;
예제 #13
        void Pitch(int index = -1)
            if (index < 0)
                index = WeightedRandomProjectileIndex();

                //Prevent you from getting heavier hitting projectiles.
                index = Mathf.Clamp(index, 0, level);

                //for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                //	index = WeightedRandomProjectileIndex();
                //	Debug.Log(index + "\n");

            GameObject go = validProjectiles[Mathf.Clamp(index, 0, validProjectiles.Length - 1)];

            go = Instantiate(go, RequestSpawnPosition(), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

            //Shoot the projectile towards the player.
            Rigidbody rb = go.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

            //Find the world position of the target (a random node)
            Vector3 target = HardlightSuit.Find().FindRandomLocation().transform.position;

            if (CanMiss)
                //A fifth of the time
                if (Random.Range(0, 50) > 40)
                    //We'll random miss the player.
                    target += Vector3.right * Random.Range(-0.5f, 0.5f);
                    target += Vector3.forward * Random.Range(-0.5f, 0.5f);

            //Draw a line to show where it's going.
            Debug.DrawLine(go.transform.position, target, Color.red, 8.0f);

            if (rb != null)
                //Add some force to send the projectile on it's way.
                float speed = Random.Range(pitchSpeedRange.x, pitchSpeedRange.y) + Mathf.Clamp(2 * ((index)), 0, 15);

                //Clamp the speed to prevent tunneling.
                speed = Mathf.Clamp(speed, 5, maxSpeed);

                rb.AddForce((target - go.transform.position) * speed);

                //So we can see the speed
                go.name += "  V = " + speed;

            //Track the amount of pitches we've made

            //When we've pitched enough
            if (counter > levelUpCounter)
                //Up the experience intensity

            //Ensure the projectiles that miss are cleaned up.
            Destroy(go, 30);