예제 #1
    /// <summary> Use Reflection to check if all systems have proper attributes defined and Debug.Log everything is used, but not specified </summary>
    public void ValidateSystems()
        // Validate Gun Components, map them to GunAspects for later use
        Dictionary <ushort, Type> component_map = new Dictionary <ushort, Type>();

        foreach (Type component_type in typeof(GunComponent).GetAllDerivedTypes())
            GunDataAttribute att = component_type.GetCustomAttribute <GunDataAttribute>();
            if (att == null)
                Debug.LogError($"{component_type} doesn't have a GunDataAttribute assigned. Every GunComponent needs to specify one!");

            if (component_map.ContainsKey((ushort)att.gun_aspect))  // TODO might need to override GunAspect operator==
                Debug.LogError($"{component_type} links to {att.gun_aspect}, but {component_map[(ushort)att.gun_aspect]} has already linked to the same aspect!");
                component_map.Add((ushort)att.gun_aspect, component_type);

        // Go over every system
        foreach (Type system_type in typeof(GunSystemBase).GetAllDerivedTypes(systems.GetType()))
            List <Type> registered = new List <Type>();

            // Gather types the system says it wants to use
            InclusiveAspectsAttribute inc_att = system_type.GetCustomAttribute <InclusiveAspectsAttribute>();
            if (inc_att != null)
                foreach (GunAspect gun_aspect in inc_att.inclusive_aspects.value)
                    if (component_map.ContainsKey((ushort)gun_aspect))

            // Gather types the system actually uses as fields
            foreach (FieldInfo field in system_type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance))
                if (field.FieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GunComponent)) && !registered.Contains(field.FieldType))
                    Debug.LogWarning($"{system_type} uses {field.FieldType} but doesn't include it as inclusive aspect!");

        Debug.Log("System validation completed!");
예제 #2
 public GunComponent GetComponentFromAspect(GunAspect aspect)
     foreach (Type type in possible_components)
         GunDataAttribute gun_data = type.GetCustomAttribute <GunDataAttribute>();
         if (gun_data != null && gun_data.gun_aspect.HasFlag(aspect))