예제 #1
        private async void CheckReminders(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
            // Get all accounts that have at least one reminder that needs to be sent out
            var accounts = _globalUserAccounts.GetFilteredAccounts(acc => acc.Reminders.Any(rem => rem.DueDate < now));

            foreach (var account in accounts)
                var guildUser = Global.Client.GetUser(account.Id);
                var dmChannel = await guildUser?.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

                if (dmChannel == null)

                var toBeRemoved = new List <ReminderEntry>();

                foreach (var reminder in account.Reminders)
                    if (reminder.DueDate >= now)
                    // Usage of a second list because trying to use
                    // accountReminders.Remove(reminder) would break the foreach loop
                // Remove all elements that needs to be removed
                toBeRemoved.ForEach(remRem => account.Reminders.Remove(remRem));
예제 #2
        public async Task ShowRichesPeople(int page = 1)
            if (page < 1)
                await ReplyAsync("Are you really trying that right now? **REALLY?**");


            var guildUserIds = Context.Guild.Users.Select(user => user.Id);
            // Get only accounts of this server
            var accounts = GlobalUserAccounts.GetFilteredAccounts(acc => guildUserIds.Contains(acc.Id));

            const int usersPerPage = 9;
            // Calculate the highest accepted page number => amount of pages we need to be able to fit all users in them
            // (amount of users) / (how many to show per page + 1) results in +1 page more every time we exceed our usersPerPage
            var lastPageNumber = 1 + (accounts.Count / (usersPerPage + 1));

            if (page > lastPageNumber)
                await ReplyAsync($"There are not that many pages...\nPage {lastPageNumber} is the last one...");

            // Sort the accounts descending by Minuies
            var ordered = accounts.OrderByDescending(acc => acc.Miunies).ToList();

            var embB = new EmbedBuilder()
                       .WithTitle("These are the richest people:")
                       .WithFooter($"Page {page}/{lastPageNumber}");

            // Add fields to the embed with information of users according to the provided page we should show
            // Two conditions because:  1. Only get as many as we want
            //                          2. The last page might not be completely filled so we have to interrupt early
            for (var i = 1; i <= usersPerPage && i + usersPerPage * page <= ordered.Count; i++)
                // -1 because we take the users non zero based input
                var account = ordered[i - 1 + usersPerPage * page];
                var user    = Client.GetUser(account.Id);
                embB.AddField($"#{i + usersPerPage * page} {user.Username}", $"{account.Miunies} Miunies", true);

            await ReplyAsync("", false, embB.Build());
예제 #3
        public async Task ShowRichesPeople(int page = 1)
            if (page < 1)
                await ReplyAsync("Are you really trying that right now? ***REALLY?***");


            var config       = GlobalGuildAccounts.GetGuildAccount(Context.Guild.Id);
            var guildUserIds = Context.Guild.Users.Select(user => user.Id);
            var accounts     = GlobalUserAccounts.GetFilteredAccounts(acc => guildUserIds.Contains(acc.Id));

            const int usersPerPage = 9;
            // Calculate the highest accepted page number => amount of pages we need to be able to fit all users in them
            // (amount of users) / (how many to show per page + 1) results in +1 page more every time we exceed our usersPerPage
            var lastPageNumber = 1 + (accounts.Count / (usersPerPage + 1));

            if (page > lastPageNumber)
                await ReplyAsync($"There are not that many pages...\nPage {lastPageNumber} is the last one...");


            // Sort the accounts descending by currency
            var ordered = accounts.OrderByDescending(acc => acc.Taiyaki).ToList();

            var embB = new EmbedBuilder()
                       .WithTitle($"{config.Currency} Leaderboard:")
                       .WithFooter($"Page {page}/{lastPageNumber}");

            for (var i = 1; i <= usersPerPage && i + usersPerPage * page <= ordered.Count; i++)
                var account = ordered[i - 1 + usersPerPage * page];
                var user    = Global.Client.GetUser(account.Id);
                embB.AddField($"#{i + usersPerPage * page} {user.Username}", $"{account.Taiyaki} {config.Currency}",

            await ReplyAsync("", false, embB.Build());
예제 #4
        public async Task ShowRichesPeople(int NumerStrony = 1)
            if (NumerStrony < 1)
                await ReplyAsync("Czy Ty naprawde próbujesz to zrobić? xD ***SRSLY?!***");


            var guildUserIds = Context.Guild.Users.Select(user => user.Id);
            // Pokaż tylko użytkowników tego serwera
            var accounts = GlobalUserAccounts.GetFilteredAccounts(acc => guildUserIds.Contains(acc.Id));

            const int usersPerPage = 9;
            // Oblicz najwyższą akceptowany numer storny => amount of pages we need to be able to fit all users in them
            // (amount of users) / (how many to show per page + 1) results in +1 page more every time we exceed our usersPerPage
            var lastPageNumber = 1 + (accounts.Count / (usersPerPage + 1));

            if (NumerStrony > lastPageNumber)
                await ReplyAsync($"Nie ma aż tylu stron...\nStrona numer {lastPageNumber} jest ostatnia.");

            // Sortuj użytkowników malejąco według punktów
            var ordered = accounts.OrderByDescending(acc => acc.Miunies).ToList();

            var embB = new EmbedBuilder()
                       .WithTitle("Najszczęśliwsi są:")
                       .WithFooter($"Strona {NumerStrony}/{lastPageNumber}");

            // Add fields to the embed with information of users according to the provided page we should show
            // Two conditions because:  1. Only get as many as we want
            //                          2. The last page might not be completely filled so we have to interrupt early
            for (var i = 1; i <= usersPerPage && i + usersPerPage * NumerStrony <= ordered.Count; i++)
                // -1 because we take the users non zero based input
                var account = ordered[i - 1 + usersPerPage * NumerStrony];
                var user    = Context.Client.GetUser(account.Id);

                //try to give it a medal in cases 1 - 3, if it is not possible just send it with out change
                var contentName = string.Empty;
                if (NumerStrony == 0)
                    switch (i)
                    case 1:
                        contentName = $"🥇 #{i + usersPerPage * NumerStrony} {user.Username}";

                    case 2:
                        contentName = $"🥈 #{i + usersPerPage * NumerStrony} {user.Username}";

                    case 3:
                        contentName = $"🥉 #{i + usersPerPage * NumerStrony} {user.Username}";

                        contentName = $"#{i + usersPerPage * NumerStrony} {user.Username}";
                    contentName = $"#{i + usersPerPage * NumerStrony} {user.Username}";
                embB.AddField(contentName, $"{account.Miunies} Punktów Szczęścia", true);

            await ReplyAsync("", false, embB.Build());