public async Task <IHttpActionResult> GetWorkFlowWorkSpaceParallel(int projectId, int stmtId)
            using (_codeVortoService = new CodeVortoService())
                var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("\n" + " Started GetWorkFlowWorkSpaceParallel for projectId: " + projectId +
                                         " and StatementId: " + stmtId);
                Console.WriteLine("Started GetWorkFlowWorkSpaceParallel for projectId: " + projectId +
                                  " and StatementId: " + stmtId);
                #region Start pre-process

                var lstTreeView = new List <TreeView>();
                var secondTab   = new List <TreeView>();

                var startClasses = await _codeVortoService.ActionWorkflowsRepository
                                   .GetAllListItems(p => p.MethodStatementId != 0 &&
                                                    p.ProjectId == projectId && p.Processed == 0).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var actionWorkflows = (from s in startClasses where s.MethodStatementId == stmtId select s).ToList().First();
                if (actionWorkflows.FileId == 0)
                    return(Ok("Action Workflow processed successfully."));

                stringBuilder.AppendLine("\n" + "Called stored procedure: SpBaseStatementMaster : " + projectId + "," + actionWorkflows);

                string sqlQuery = " SELECT * from statementreferencemaster " +
                                  " Where FileId = " + actionWorkflows.FileId + " AND BaseCommandId = 19;";
                var baseStatementMaster = await _codeVortoService.StatementReferenceMasterRepository
                                          .GetDataFromSqlQuery <StatementReferenceMaster>(sqlQuery).ConfigureAwait(false);

                stringBuilder.AppendLine("\n" + "Started process for get block: GetMethodBlock for statememtId: " + stmtId + ")");
                var workflowRef = await GetMethodBlock(stmtId).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (!workflowRef.Any())
                    return(Ok("Workflow data collected successfully"));

                int currentFileId         = actionWorkflows.FileId;
                var isThisProgramIdExists = await _codeVortoService.FirstTabProgramDetailsRepository
                                            .GetAllListItems(e => e.ProgramId == currentFileId).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (isThisProgramIdExists.Any())
                    return(Ok("Workflow data collected successfully"));

                var jclMenuTitle = startClasses.First().OriginObject;

                var bId         = workflowRef[0].BaseCommandId;
                var statementId = workflowRef[0].StatementId;
                var treeNodeId  = 1;
                lstTreeView.Add(new TreeView
                    GraphId                  = "StartNode_1",
                    GraphName                = "<span class='nodeToBold'>" + jclMenuTitle + "</span>",
                    HasChild                 = true,
                    ParentId                 = "-1",
                    BaseCommandId            = baseStatementMaster[0].BaseCommandId,
                    StatementReferenceMaster = workflowRef[0],
                    SpriteCssClass           = jclMenuTitle,
                    ActualStatementId        = "Actual_" + baseStatementMaster[0].StatementId,
                    NodeId      = treeNodeId,
                    IndentLevel = 0
                // This is Method start statement...
                lstTreeView.Add(new TreeView
                    GraphId                  = "MethodNode_" + statementId,
                    GraphName                = "<span class='nodeToBold'>" + workflowRef[0].OriginalStatement + "</span>",
                    HasChild                 = true,
                    ParentId                 = "StartNode_1",
                    BaseCommandId            = bId,
                    StatementReferenceMaster = workflowRef[0],
                    ActualStatementId        = "Actual_" + statementId,
                    NodeId      = ++treeNodeId,
                    IndentLevel = 1

                lstTreeView.AddRange(workflowRef.Select(statementMaster => new TreeView
                    ActualStatementId        = "Actual_" + statementMaster.StatementId,
                    GraphId                  = "Node_" + statementMaster.StatementId,
                    GraphName                = statementMaster.OriginalStatement,
                    HasChild                 = false,
                    SpriteCssClass           = "",
                    ParentId                 = "MethodNode_" + statementId,
                    BaseCommandId            = statementMaster.BaseCommandId,
                    PrimaryCommandId         = statementMaster.PrimaryCommandId,
                    ClassCalled              = statementMaster.ClassCalled,
                    MethodCalled             = statementMaster.MethodCalled,
                    StatementReferenceMaster = statementMaster,
                    AlternateName            = statementMaster.AlternateName,
                    NodeId      = ++treeNodeId,
                    IndentLevel = 2


                var copyOfLstTreeView = new List <TreeView>();

                foreach (var treeItem in copyOfLstTreeView)
                    if (treeItem.BaseCommandId != 5 && treeItem.StatementReferenceMaster.OtherBaseCommandId != 5)
                    treeItem.BaseCommandId = 5;
                    treeItem.ProgramId     = treeItem.StatementReferenceMaster.ReferenceFileId;
                foreach (var treeItem in copyOfLstTreeView)
                    if (treeItem.BaseCommandId != 6)
                    treeItem.MethodCalled = treeItem.StatementReferenceMaster.MethodCalled;
                    treeItem.ProgramId    = treeItem.StatementReferenceMaster.ReferenceFileId;

                #region Process for base command id = 5 and 6

                copyOfLstTreeView.Where(a => a.BaseCommandId == 10).ToList().ForEach(b => { b.Done = false; });
                copyOfLstTreeView = copyOfLstTreeView.DistinctBy().ToList();

                copyOfLstTreeView = copyOfLstTreeView.IfBlockStatement(copyOfLstTreeView);
                copyOfLstTreeView = copyOfLstTreeView.LoopBlockStatement(copyOfLstTreeView);
                copyOfLstTreeView = copyOfLstTreeView.ElseBlockStatement(copyOfLstTreeView);

                                       item => item.BaseCommandId == 6 ||
                                       item.BaseCommandId == 8 ||
                                       item.BaseCommandId == 10 ||
                                       item.BaseCommandId == 1 ||
                                       item.BaseCommandId == 25 ||
                                       item.BaseCommandId == 5 ||
                                       item.BaseCommandId == 30 ||
                                       item.BaseCommandId == 3 ||
                                       item.BaseCommandId == 4 ||
                                       item.BaseCommandId == 45));
                var tempList =
                    (from d in secondTab
                     where d.BaseCommandId == 1 ||
                     d.BaseCommandId == 10 ||
                     d.BaseCommandId == 25 || d.BaseCommandId == 3
                     select d).ToList();
                foreach (var sTab in tempList)
                    var childItems = (from s in copyOfLstTreeView where s.ParentId == sTab.GraphId select s).ToList();

                secondTab = secondTab.Distinct().ToList();
                secondTab = secondTab.OrderBy(k => k.NodeId).ToList();


                var allSeqListItems = new List <TreeView>();
                foreach (var curItem in secondTab)
                    stringBuilder.AppendLine("Started process for attchchilditems: AttachChildItems(" + projectId + ")");
                    var childItems = (from s in secondTab where s.ParentId == curItem.GraphId select s).ToList();
                    foreach (var cItem in childItems)
                        allSeqListItems = allSeqListItems.AttachChildItems(secondTab, cItem);
                allSeqListItems = allSeqListItems.DistinctBy().ToList();

                #region Process the details

                // ReSharper disable once RedundantAssignment
                var actionWorkflow = await _codeVortoService.ActionWorkflowsRepository
                                     .GetEntityData <ActionWorkflows>
                                         (s => s.MethodStatementId == statementId && s.ProjectId == projectId).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var secondTabDetails = allSeqListItems.Select(sTab => new WorkflowTreeviewSecondTabDetails
                    BaseCommandId            = sTab.BaseCommandId,
                    ProjectId                = projectId,
                    ActionWorkflowId         = actionWorkflow.First().ActionWorkflowId,
                    ActualStatementId        = sTab.ActualStatementId,
                    ClassCalled              = sTab.ClassCalled,
                    GraphId                  = sTab.GraphId,
                    GraphName                = sTab.GraphName,
                    AlternateName            = sTab.AlternateName,
                    HasChild                 = sTab.HasChild.ToString(),
                    MethodCalled             = sTab.MethodCalled,
                    ParentId                 = sTab.ParentId,
                    PrimaryCommandId         = sTab.PrimaryCommandId,
                    SpriteCssClass           = sTab.SpriteCssClass,
                    WorkflowStartStatementId = actionWorkflow.First().MethodStatementId,
                    StatementId              = sTab.StatementReferenceMaster.StatementId,
                    IndentLevel              = sTab.IndentLevel,
                    ProgramId                = sTab.StatementReferenceMaster.ReferenceFileId,
                    AnnotateStatement        = null
                var generalRepositorySecondTabDetails =
                    new GeneralRepository <WorkflowTreeviewSecondTabDetails>(new AppDbContext());
                int actionWorkFlowId       = actionWorkflow.First().ActionWorkflowId;
                int methodStartStatementId = actionWorkflow.First().MethodStatementId;
                // Before inserting these records, check whether this table has already data for this action workflow id.
                var generalRepositoryFirstDetails = new GeneralRepository <WorkflowTreeviewTabFirstDetails>(new AppDbContext());

                var chkHasResults = await generalRepositoryFirstDetails
                                    .GetAllListItems(t => t.ActionWorkflowId == actionWorkFlowId &&
                                                     t.WorkflowStartStatementId == methodStartStatementId).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (!chkHasResults.Any())
                    await generalRepositorySecondTabDetails.BulkInsert(secondTabDetails).ConfigureAwait(false);

                string mySqlQry = " Select * from WorkflowTreeviewSecondTabDetails Where " +
                                  " ProjectId = " + projectId + " AND WorkflowStartStatementId = " + statementId + " ";

                if (!chkHasResults.Any())
                    var statementSecTab = await generalRepositorySecondTabDetails
                                          .GetDataFromSqlQuery <WorkflowTreeviewSecondTabDetails>(mySqlQry).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    foreach (var stmt in statementSecTab)
                        if (stmt.BaseCommandId != 1 && stmt.BaseCommandId != 5 && stmt.BaseCommandId != 6)
                        stmt.GraphName = stmt.GraphName + "&nbsp;<img id='imgpseudo' src='images/regex_icon.png' " +
                                         "onclick='pseudoCodeDialog(" + stmt.ProgramId + ")'/>";
                        await generalRepositorySecondTabDetails.UpdateItem(stmt).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var lstTabFirstDetails = copyOfLstTreeView.Select(fTab => new WorkflowTreeviewTabFirstDetails
                    BaseCommandId            = fTab.BaseCommandId,
                    ProjectId                = projectId,
                    ActionWorkflowId         = actionWorkflow.First().ActionWorkflowId,
                    ActualStatementId        = fTab.ActualStatementId,
                    ClassCalled              = fTab.ClassCalled,
                    GraphId                  = fTab.GraphId,
                    GraphName                = fTab.GraphName,
                    HasChild                 = fTab.HasChild.ToString(),
                    MethodCalled             = fTab.MethodCalled,
                    ParentId                 = fTab.ParentId,
                    PrimaryCommandId         = fTab.PrimaryCommandId,
                    SpriteCssClass           = fTab.SpriteCssClass,
                    WorkflowStartStatementId = actionWorkflow.First().MethodStatementId,
                    IndentLevel              = fTab.IndentLevel,
                    ProgramId                = fTab.StatementReferenceMaster.ReferenceFileId

                if (!chkHasResults.Any())
                    await generalRepositoryFirstDetails.BulkInsert(lstTabFirstDetails).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Forth tabs data is about Nodes and Links which are created from second tabs data, so we will add default node
                // from seconds tabs first element, which is a starting point of workflow.

                var generalRepositoryNodeDetails =
                    new GeneralRepository <WorkflowNodeDetails>(new AppDbContext());
                var workflowMaxNode = await generalRepositoryNodeDetails.GetDataFromSqlQuery <WorkflowNodeDetails>(
                    "SELECT * FROM workflownodedetails ORDER BY RowId DESC LIMIT 1;").ConfigureAwait(false);

                var nodeId = 1;
                if (workflowMaxNode.Any())
                    nodeId = workflowMaxNode[0].MaxNodeId;
                    nodeId = nodeId + 1;

                var listNodes = new List <Node>();
                var treeView  = new TreeViewData
                    Nodes = listNodes

                var widthCnt = Convert.ToInt32(jclMenuTitle.Length.ToString()) * 3;
                treeView.Nodes.Add(new Node
                    Id          = nodeId,
                    Name        = jclMenuTitle.ToUpper(),
                    ShapeId     = "Circle",
                    Color       = "#ffcc00",
                    Width       = widthCnt.ToString(),
                    StatementId = int.Parse(secondTab.First().ActualStatementId.Split('_')[1]),
                    GroupName   = secondTab.First().GroupName,
                    GroupId     = secondTab.First().GroupId,
                    ProgramId   = secondTab.First().ProgramId

                var lstWorkflowNodeDetails = treeView.Nodes.Select(node => new WorkflowNodeDetails
                    ProjectId                = projectId,
                    BaseCommandId            = node.BaseCommandId,
                    ActionWorkflowId         = actionWorkflow.First().ActionWorkflowId,
                    BusinessDescription      = node.BusinessDescription,
                    BusinessName             = node.BusinessName,
                    WorkflowStartStatementId = actionWorkflow.First().MethodStatementId,
                    ParentId        = node.ParentId,
                    Id              = node.Id,
                    StatementId     = node.StatementId,
                    StatementTypeId = node.StatementTypeId,
                    ChildId         = node.ChildId,
                    FileId          = node.FileId,
                    Width           = node.Width,
                    Name            = node.Name.Replace("</span>", "").Trim(),
                    Height          = node.Height,
                    ShapeId         = node.ShapeId,
                    Color           = node.Color,
                    MaxNodeId       = nodeId,
                    GroupName       = node.GroupName,
                    GroupId         = node.GroupId,
                    ProgramId       = node.ProgramId

                generalRepositoryNodeDetails = new GeneralRepository <WorkflowNodeDetails>(new AppDbContext());
                if (!chkHasResults.Any())
                    await generalRepositoryNodeDetails.BulkInsert(lstWorkflowNodeDetails).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Since now we have all records about primary first and second tabs data,
                // then check whether those programs / Jcls are processed or not.
                // If not, then process those and then insert those records into FirstTabProgramDetails and
                // SecondTabProgramDetails tables respectively...

                // Both the tables will contain data from same program, so we will start processing from first tab data...

                return(Ok("Workflow data collected successfully"));