예제 #1
        public static void ParseArgs(ref string[] argv)
            GLib.Argv a    = new GLib.Argv(argv, true);
            IntPtr    buf  = a.Handle;
            int       argc = argv.Length + 1;

            gdk_parse_args(ref argc, ref buf);
            argv = a.GetArgs(argc);
예제 #2
        public static bool InitCheck(ref string[] argv)
            GLib.Argv a = new GLib.Argv (argv, true);
            IntPtr buf = a.Handle;
            int argc = argv.Length + 1;

            bool result = gdk_init_check (ref argc, ref buf);
            argv = a.GetArgs (argc);
            return result;
예제 #3
        public static bool InitCheck(ref string[] argv)
            GLib.Argv a    = new GLib.Argv(argv, true);
            IntPtr    buf  = a.Handle;
            int       argc = argv.Length + 1;

            bool result = gdk_init_check(ref argc, ref buf);

            argv = a.GetArgs(argc);
예제 #4
        private static void FullInit(string progname, ref string [] args, bool check)
            string [] progargs = new string[args.Length + 1];

            progargs[0] = progname;
            args.CopyTo(progargs, 1);

            GLib.Argv argv     = new GLib.Argv(progargs);
            IntPtr    argv_ptr = argv.Handle;
            int       argc     = progargs.Length;

            if (check)
                IntPtr error_ptr;
                bool   result = gst_init_check(ref argc, ref argv_ptr, out error_ptr);

                if (error_ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
                    throw new GLib.GException(error_ptr);
                else if (!result)
                    throw new ApplicationException("gst_init_check() failed: Reason unknown");
                gst_init(ref argc, ref argv_ptr);

            if (argv_ptr != argv.Handle)
                string init_call = check ? "gst_init_check()" : "gst_init()";
                throw new ApplicationException(init_call + " returned a new argv handle");

            gst_controller_init(ref argc, ref argv_ptr);

            if (argc <= 1)
                args = new string[0];
                progargs = argv.GetArgs(argc);
                args     = new string[argc - 1];
                System.Array.Copy(progargs, 1, args, 0, argc - 1);
예제 #5
        private static void FullInit(string progname, ref string [] args, bool check)
            string [] progargs = new string[args.Length + 1];

            progargs[0] = progname;
            args.CopyTo(progargs, 1);

            GLib.Argv argv     = new GLib.Argv(progargs);
            IntPtr    argv_ptr = argv.Handle;
            int       argc     = progargs.Length;

            if (check)
                IntPtr error_ptr;
                bool   result = gst_init_check(ref argc, ref argv_ptr, out error_ptr);

                if (error_ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
                    throw new ApplicationException("gst_init_check set error");
                else if (!result)
                    throw new ApplicationException("gst_init_check failed, error not set");
                gst_init(ref argc, ref argv_ptr);

            if (argv_ptr != argv.Handle)
                string init_call = check ? "gst_init_check" : "gst_init";
                throw new ApplicationException(init_call + " returned a new argv handle");

            if (argc <= 1)
                args = new string[0];
                progargs = argv.GetArgs(argc);
                args     = new string[argc - 1];
                Array.Copy(progargs, 1, args, 0, argc - 1);
예제 #6
        static bool do_init(string progname, ref string[] args, bool check)
            bool res = false;

            string[] progargs = new string[args.Length + 1];

            progargs[0] = progname;
            args.CopyTo(progargs, 1);

            GLib.Argv argv = new GLib.Argv(progargs);
            IntPtr    buf  = argv.Handle;
            int       argc = progargs.Length;

            if (check)
                res = gtk_init_check(ref argc, ref buf);
                gtk_init(ref argc, ref buf);

            if (buf != argv.Handle)
                throw new Exception("init returned new argv handle");

            // copy back the resulting argv, minus argv[0], which we're
            // not interested in.

            if (argc <= 1)
                args = new string[0];
                progargs = argv.GetArgs(argc);
                args     = new string[argc - 1];
                Array.Copy(progargs, 1, args, 0, argc - 1);

예제 #7
		static bool do_init (string progname, ref string[] args, bool check)
			SetPrgname ();
			bool res = false;
			string[] progargs = new string[args.Length + 1];

			progargs[0] = progname;
			args.CopyTo (progargs, 1);

			GLib.Argv argv = new GLib.Argv (progargs);
			IntPtr buf = argv.Handle;
			int argc = progargs.Length;

			if (check)
				res = gtk_init_check (ref argc, ref buf);
				gtk_init (ref argc, ref buf);

			if (buf != argv.Handle)
				throw new Exception ("init returned new argv handle");

			// copy back the resulting argv, minus argv[0], which we're
			// not interested in.

			if (argc <= 1)
				args = new string[0];
			else {
				progargs = argv.GetArgs (argc);
				args = new string[argc - 1];
				Array.Copy (progargs, 1, args, 0, argc - 1);

			return res;
예제 #8
        public static void ParseArgs(ref string[] argv)
            GLib.Argv a = new GLib.Argv (argv, true);
            IntPtr buf = a.Handle;
            int argc = argv.Length + 1;

            gdk_parse_args (ref argc, ref buf);
            argv = a.GetArgs (argc);