예제 #1
        //private void btnOkEmail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //	using (SQLiteConnection connection = SqlConnectionFactory.GetSQLiteConnectionWithLock())
        //	{
        //		DateTime dt = MainActivity.GetLocalTime();
        //		connection.Insert(new EmailAddresses()
        //		{
        //			Date = dt,
        //			IsValid = true,
        //			EmailType = true,
        //			Email = txtNewEmail.Text
        //		});
        //		EmailAddresses ea = connection.Table<EmailAddresses>().Last();
        //		lblOutEmail.Text = $"OK => {ea.ToString()}";
        //	}

        private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (SQLiteConnection connection = SqlConnectionFactory.GetSQLiteConnectionWithLock())
                DateTime dt = MainActivity.GetLocalTime();
                connection.Insert(new FromPassword()
                    Date    = dt,
                    IsValid = true,
                    Pass    = pass1.Text,
                FromPassword ea = connection.Table <FromPassword>().Last();
                lblOut.Text = $"OK => {ea.ToString()}";
예제 #2
        private AuthenticationHandler CreateFromRegistryAuthHandler(ILogger registryLogger, DockerConfigCredentials dockerConfigCredentials, bool sameAsTo)
            var fromRegAuthHandler = new AuthenticationHandler(

            if (FromUsername.HasValue() && FromPassword.HasValue())
                fromRegAuthHandler.SetCredentials(FromUsername.Value(), FromPassword.Value());
#pragma warning disable CS0612 // Type or member is obsolete
            else if (sameAsTo && Username.HasValue() && Password.HasValue())
                fromRegAuthHandler.SetCredentials(Username.Value(), Password.Value());
#pragma warning restore CS0612 // Type or member is obsolete

예제 #3
        //const string server = "smtp.office365.com";
        //const string myEmailAddress = "*****@*****.**";
        //const string myEmailAddress = "*****@*****.**";
        //const string myPassword = "******";
        //string[] toEmails = {"*****@*****.**" };GetString(Resource.String.delete));
        //static string toEmail =
        //FindViewById<CheckBox>(Resource.Id.IsReal).Checked ? FindViewById<ImageButton>(Resource.Id.clockInButton);
        //"*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" ;/*Resource.String.to_email_address*/

        public static string SendEmail(string message, bool IsOut, bool IsReal, Func <int, string> GetString)
            using (SQLiteConnection connection = SqlConnectionFactory.GetSQLiteConnectionWithLock())
                string output = string.Empty;
                var    mapp   = connection.TableMappings;
                foreach (TableMapping tm in mapp)
                    Log.Debug("MAPPING", tm.ToString());
                EmailAddresses toEmailReal = connection.Table <EmailAddresses>().Where(x => x.EmailType == 1).Last();

                EmailAddresses myEmailAddress = connection.Table <EmailAddresses>().Where(x => x.EmailType == 2).Last();
                EmailAddresses myBCCAddress   = connection.Table <EmailAddresses>().Where(x => x.EmailType == 3).Last();
                string         server         = GetString(Resource.String.server);

                FromPassword fromPassword = connection.Table <FromPassword>().Last();

                SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
                client.Port                  = 587;
                client.Host                  = server;
                client.EnableSsl             = true;
                client.Timeout               = 120000;
                client.DeliveryMethod        = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
                client.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
                client.Credentials           = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(myEmailAddress.Email, fromPassword.Pass);
                MailAddressCollection to = new MailAddressCollection();

                MailMessage mm = new MailMessage();
                mm.From = new MailAddress(myEmailAddress.Email);
                if (myBCCAddress != null)
                if (IsReal)
                    output = "REAL to " + toEmailReal.Email;
                    output = "TEST to " + myEmailAddress.Email;
                if (IsOut)
                    mm.Subject = "Clock out";
                    mm.Subject = "Clock in";
                output         += " " + mm.Subject;
                mm.Body         = string.Empty;// message;
                mm.BodyEncoding = UTF8Encoding.UTF8;
                mm.DeliveryNotificationOptions = DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnFailure;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    output += "ERROR | " + ex.Message + " Make sure you go to Change Emails and set values!";
        }//end mail
예제 #4
 private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (SQLiteConnection connection = SqlConnectionFactory.GetSQLiteConnectionWithLock())
         DateTime dt = MainActivity.GetLocalTime();
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtToNewEmail.Text))
             connection.Insert(new EmailAddresses()
                 Date      = dt,
                 IsValid   = true,
                 EmailType = 1,
                 Email     = txtToNewEmail.Text
             EmailAddresses newto = connection.Table <EmailAddresses>().Where(x => x.EmailType == 1).Last();
             lblOutEmail.Text += $"OK TO=> {newto.ToString()}\n";
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtFromNewEmail.Text))
             connection.Insert(new EmailAddresses()
                 Date      = dt,
                 IsValid   = true,
                 EmailType = 2,
                 Email     = txtFromNewEmail.Text
             EmailAddresses newfrom = connection.Table <EmailAddresses>().Where(x => x.EmailType == 2).Last();
             lblOutEmail.Text += $"OK FROM=> {newfrom.ToString()}\n";
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBCCNewEmail.Text))
             connection.Insert(new EmailAddresses()
                 Date      = dt,
                 IsValid   = true,
                 EmailType = 3,
                 Email     = txtBCCNewEmail.Text
             EmailAddresses newbcc = connection.Table <EmailAddresses>().Where(x => x.EmailType == 3).Last();
             lblOutEmail.Text += $"OK BCC=> {newbcc.ToString()}\n";
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pass1.Text))
             connection.Insert(new FromPassword()
                 Date    = dt,
                 IsValid = true,
                 Pass    = pass1.Text,
             FromPassword ea = connection.Table <FromPassword>().Last();
             lblOut.Text = $"OK pw=> {ea.ToString()}";
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtRate.Text))
             connection.Insert(new HourlyRate()
                 Date    = dt,
                 IsValid = true,
                 Rate    = (float)Convert.ToDouble(txtRate.Text),
             HourlyRate ea = connection.Table <HourlyRate>().Last();
             lblOut.Text = $"OK Hourlyrate=> {ea.ToString()}";
         if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtServer.Text))
             connection.Insert(new ServerOut()
                 Date    = dt,
                 IsValid = true,
                 Server  = txtServer.Text,
             ServerOut ea = connection.Table <ServerOut>().Last();
             lblOut.Text = $"OK Server=> {ea.ToString()}";
         else if (connection.Table <ServerOut>().Count() == 0)
             connection.Insert(new ServerOut()
                 Date    = dt,
                 IsValid = true,
                 Server  = "smtp.office365.com",
             ServerOut ea = connection.Table <ServerOut>().Last();
             lblOut.Text = $"OK Server=> {ea.ToString()}";