public static Thing TryGetBackpackLastItem(Pawn pawn)
            Apparel_Backpack backpack = ToolsForHaulUtility.TryGetBackpack(pawn);

            if (backpack == null)
            Thing lastItem        = null;
            int   lastItemInd     = -1;
            Thing foodInInventory = FoodUtility.BestFoodInInventory(pawn);

            if (pawn.inventory.container.Count > 0)
                if (backpack.numOfSavedItems > 0)
                    lastItemInd = ((backpack.numOfSavedItems >= pawn.inventory.container.Count)?pawn.inventory.container.Count : backpack.numOfSavedItems) - 1;
                    lastItem    = pawn.inventory.container[lastItemInd];
                if (foodInInventory != null && backpack.numOfSavedItems < pawn.inventory.container.Count &&
                    pawn.inventory.container[lastItemInd + 1] == foodInInventory)
                    lastItem = foodInInventory;
예제 #2
        public static Thing TryGetBackpackLastItem(Pawn pawn)
            Apparel_Backpack backpack = TryGetBackpack(pawn);

            if (backpack == null)
            Thing lastItem        = null;
            int   lastItemInd     = -1;
            Thing foodInInventory = FoodUtility.BestFoodInInventory(pawn);

            if (backpack.slotsComp.slots.Count > 0)
                if (backpack.numOfSavedItems > 0)
                    lastItemInd = (backpack.numOfSavedItems >= backpack.MaxItem
                        ? backpack.slotsComp.slots.Count
                        : backpack.numOfSavedItems) - 1;
                    lastItem = backpack.slotsComp.slots[lastItemInd];
                if (foodInInventory != null && backpack.numOfSavedItems < backpack.slotsComp.slots.Count &&
                    backpack.slotsComp.slots[lastItemInd + 1] == foodInInventory)
                    lastItem = foodInInventory;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Tries the find best food source for the given getter and eater.
        /// </summary>
        /// Tries to find the best food source for the given getter and eater, taking into account humanoids that can eat plants
        /// <param name="getter">The getter.</param>
        /// <param name="eater">The eater.</param>
        /// <param name="desperate">if set to <c>true</c> [desperate].</param>
        /// <param name="foodSource">The food source.</param>
        /// <param name="foodDef">The food definition.</param>
        /// <param name="canRefillDispenser">if set to <c>true</c> [can refill dispenser].</param>
        /// <param name="canUseInventory">if set to <c>true</c> [can use inventory].</param>
        /// <param name="allowForbidden">if set to <c>true</c> [allow forbidden].</param>
        /// <param name="allowCorpse">if set to <c>true</c> [allow corpse].</param>
        /// <param name="allowSociallyImproper">if set to <c>true</c> [allow socially improper].</param>
        /// <param name="allowHarvest">if set to <c>true</c> [allow harvest].</param>
        /// <param name="forceScanWholeMap">if set to <c>true</c> [force scan whole map].</param>
        /// <param name="ignoreReservations">if set to <c>true</c> [ignore reservations].</param>
        /// <param name="minPrefOverride">The minimum preference override.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool TryFindBestFoodSourceForOptimized(
            Pawn getter,
            Pawn eater,
            bool desperate,
            out Thing foodSource,
            out ThingDef foodDef,
            bool canRefillDispenser           = true,
            bool canUseInventory              = true,
            bool allowForbidden               = false,
            bool allowCorpse                  = true,
            bool allowSociallyImproper        = false,
            bool allowHarvest                 = false,
            bool forceScanWholeMap            = false,
            bool ignoreReservations           = false,
            FoodPreferability minPrefOverride = FoodPreferability.Undefined)
            bool  canDoManipulation = getter.IsToolUser() &&;
            bool  allowDrug         = !eater.IsTeetotaler();
            Thing thing1            = null;

            if (canUseInventory)
                if (canDoManipulation)
                    thing1 = FoodUtility.BestFoodInInventory(getter, eater,
                                                             minPrefOverride == FoodPreferability.Undefined
                                                                 ? FoodPreferability.MealAwful
                                                                 : minPrefOverride);
                if (thing1 != null)
                    if (getter.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer)
                        foodSource = thing1;
                        foodDef    = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource);

                    var comp = thing1.TryGetComp <CompRottable>();
                    if (comp != null && comp.Stage == RotStage.Fresh && comp.TicksUntilRotAtCurrentTemp < 30000)
                        foodSource = thing1;
                        foodDef    = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource);

            Pawn         getter1     = getter;
            Pawn         eater1      = eater;
            int          num1        = desperate ? 1 : 0;
            ThingDef     foodDef1    = null;
            ref ThingDef local       = ref foodDef1;
        /// <summary>
        ///     gets the start feed animal toil
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tameeInd">The tamee ind.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual Toil StartFeedAnimal(TargetIndex tameeInd)
            var toil = new Toil();

            toil.initAction = delegate
                Pawn actor = toil.GetActor();
                var  pawn  = (Pawn)(Thing)actor.CurJob.GetTarget(tameeInd);
                PawnUtility.ForceWait(pawn, 270, actor);
                Thing thing =
                    FoodUtility.BestFoodInInventory(actor, pawn, FoodPreferability.NeverForNutrition, FoodPreferability.RawTasty);
                if (thing == null)
                    actor.mindState.lastInventoryRawFoodUseTick = Find.TickManager.TicksGame;
                    int   num        = FoodUtility.StackCountForNutrition(feedNutritionLeft, thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Nutrition));
                    int   stackCount = thing.stackCount;
                    Thing thing2     = actor.inventory.innerContainer.Take(thing, Mathf.Min(num, stackCount));
                    actor.CurJob.SetTarget(TargetIndex.B, thing2);
                    float num2 = thing2.stackCount * thing2.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Nutrition);
                    ticksLeftThisToil = Mathf.CeilToInt(FeedDuration * (num2 / RequiredNutritionPerFeed(pawn)));
                    if (num <= stackCount)
                        feedNutritionLeft = 0f;
                        feedNutritionLeft -= num2;
                        if (feedNutritionLeft < 0.001f)
                            feedNutritionLeft = 0f;
            toil.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Delay;
예제 #5
 public static void Postfix(ref bool __result, Pawn getter, Pawn eater, ref Thing foodSource, ref ThingDef foodDef, bool canUseInventory, bool canUsePackAnimalInventory)
     if (eater.IsFreeColonist && __result == false && canUseInventory && canUsePackAnimalInventory &&
         getter.RaceProps.ToolUser &&
         Log.Message($"There be no food for " + eater);
         List <Pawn> pawns = eater.Map.mapPawns.SpawnedPawnsInFaction(Faction.OfPlayer).FindAll(
             p => p != getter &&
             !p.Position.IsForbidden(getter) &&
             getter.CanReach(p, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Some)
         foreach (Pawn p in pawns)
             Log.Message($"Food soon rotten on " + p + "?");
             Thing thing = FoodUtility.BestFoodInInventory(p, eater, FoodPreferability.MealAwful);
             if (thing != null && thing.TryGetComp <CompRottable>() is CompRottable compRottable &&
                 compRottable != null && compRottable.Stage == RotStage.Fresh && compRottable.TicksUntilRotAtCurrentTemp < GenDate.TicksPerDay / 2)
                 Log.Message($"Food is " + thing);
                 foodSource = thing;
                 foodDef    = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource, false);
                 __result   = true;
         foreach (Pawn p in pawns)
             Log.Message($"Food on " + p + "?");
             Thing thing = FoodUtility.BestFoodInInventory(p, eater, FoodPreferability.DesperateOnly, FoodPreferability.MealLavish, 0f, !eater.IsTeetotaler());
             if (thing != null)
                 Log.Message($"Food is " + thing);
                 foodSource = thing;
                 foodDef    = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource, false);
                 __result   = true;
예제 #6
        // Token: 0x0600017C RID: 380 RVA: 0x0000DB3C File Offset: 0x0000BF3C
        public bool TryFindBestFoodSourceFor(Pawn getter, Pawn eater, bool desperate, out Thing foodSource, out ThingDef foodDef, bool canRefillDispenser = true, bool canUseInventory = true, bool allowForbidden = false, bool allowCorpse = true, bool allowSociallyImproper = false, bool allowHarvest = false, bool forceScanWholeMap = false)
            bool     flag       = getter.RaceProps.ToolUser &&;
            bool     flag2      = !eater.IsTeetotaler();
            Thing    thing      = null;
            ThingDef thingDef   = null;
            ThingDef foodDef2   = thingDef;
            bool     allowPlant = getter == eater;
            Thing    thing2     = FoodUtility.BestFoodSourceOnMap(getter, eater, desperate, out foodDef2, FoodPreferability.Undefined, allowPlant, flag2, allowCorpse, true, canRefillDispenser, allowForbidden, allowSociallyImproper, allowHarvest, forceScanWholeMap);

            if (thing == null && thing2 == null)
                if (canUseInventory && flag)
                    FoodPreferability minFoodPref = FoodPreferability.DesperateOnly;
                    bool allowDrug = flag2;
                    thing = FoodUtility.BestFoodInInventory(getter, eater, minFoodPref, FoodPreferability.MealLavish, 0f, allowDrug);
                    if (thing != null)
                        foodSource = thing;
                        foodDef    = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource, false);
                if (thing2 == null && getter == eater && (getter.RaceProps.predator || (getter.IsWildMan() && !getter.IsPrisoner)))
                    Pawn pawn = BestPawnToHuntForPredator(getter, forceScanWholeMap);
                    if (pawn != null)
                        foodSource = pawn;
                        foodDef    = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource, false);
                foodSource = null;
                foodDef    = null;
            if (thing == null && thing2 != null)
                foodSource = thing2;
                foodDef    = thingDef;
            ThingDef finalIngestibleDef = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(thing, false);

            if (thing2 == null)
                foodSource = thing;
                foodDef    = finalIngestibleDef;
            float num  = FoodUtility.FoodOptimality(eater, thing2, thingDef, (float)(getter.Position - thing2.Position).LengthManhattan, false);
            float num2 = FoodUtility.FoodOptimality(eater, thing, finalIngestibleDef, 0f, false);

            num2 -= 32f;
            if (num > num2)
                foodSource = thing2;
                foodDef    = thingDef;
            foodSource = thing;
            foodDef    = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource, false);
예제 #7
        // Token: 0x060000F1 RID: 241 RVA: 0x00008A58 File Offset: 0x00006C58
        public static void TryFindBestFoodSourceFor_Prefix(ref bool __result, Pawn getter, Pawn eater, bool desperate, out Thing foodSource, out ThingDef foodDef, bool canRefillDispenser = true, bool canUseInventory = true, bool allowForbidden = false, bool allowCorpse = true, bool allowSociallyImproper = false, bool allowHarvest = false)
            bool  flag   = getter.RaceProps.ToolUser &&;
            bool  animal = getter.RaceProps.Animal;
            bool  flag2  = !eater.IsTeetotaler();
            Thing thing  = null;

            if (canUseInventory)
                bool flag3 = animal;
                if (flag3)
                    thing = FoodUtility.BestFoodInInventory(getter, eater, FoodPreferability.MealAwful, FoodPreferability.MealLavish, 0f, false);
            bool     flag4 = getter == eater;
            ThingDef thingDef;
            Thing    thing2 = FoodUtility.BestFoodSourceOnMap(getter, eater, desperate, out thingDef, FoodPreferability.MealLavish, flag4, flag2, allowCorpse, true, canRefillDispenser, allowForbidden, allowSociallyImproper, allowHarvest, false);
            bool     flag5  = thing == null && thing2 == null;

            if (flag5)
                bool flag6 = canUseInventory && animal;
                if (flag6)
                    FoodPreferability minFoodPref = FoodPreferability.DesperateOnly;
                    bool allowDrug = flag2;
                    thing = FoodUtility.BestFoodInInventory(getter, eater, minFoodPref, FoodPreferability.MealLavish, 0f, allowDrug);
                    bool flag7 = thing != null;
                    if (flag7)
                        foodSource = thing;
                        foodDef    = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource, false);
                        __result   = true;
                foodSource = null;
                foodDef    = null;
                __result   = false;
            bool flag8 = thing == null && thing2 != null;

            if (flag8)
                foodSource = thing2;
                foodDef    = thingDef;
                __result   = true;
            ThingDef finalIngestibleDef = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(thing, false);
            bool     flag9 = thing2 == null;

            if (flag9)
                foodSource = thing;
                foodDef    = finalIngestibleDef;
                __result   = true;
            float num  = FoodUtility.FoodOptimality(eater, thing2, thingDef, (float)(getter.Position - thing2.Position).LengthManhattan, false);
            float num2 = FoodUtility.FoodOptimality(eater, thing, finalIngestibleDef, 0f, false);

            num2 -= 32f;
            bool flag10 = num > num2;

            if (flag10)
                foodSource = thing2;
                foodDef    = thingDef;
                __result   = true;
            foodSource = thing;
            foodDef    = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource, false);
            __result   = true;
예제 #8
        private static bool Prefix(ref bool __result, Pawn getter, Pawn eater, bool desperate, out Thing foodSource, out ThingDef foodDef, bool canRefillDispenser = true, bool canUseInventory = true, bool allowForbidden = false, bool allowCorpse = true, bool allowSociallyImproper = false, bool allowHarvest = false, bool forceScanWholeMap = false)

            var flag      = getter.RaceProps.ToolUser &&;
            var allowDrug = !eater.IsTeetotaler();
            var thing1    = (Thing)null;

            if (canUseInventory)
                if (flag)
                    thing1 = FoodUtility.BestFoodInInventory(getter, eater, FoodPreferability.MealAwful);
                if (thing1 != null)
                    if (getter.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer)
                        foodSource = thing1;
                        foodDef    = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource);
                        __result   = true;
                    var comp = thing1.TryGetComp <CompRottable>();
                    if ((comp != null) && (comp.Stage == RotStage.Fresh) && (comp.TicksUntilRotAtCurrentTemp < 30000))
                        foodSource = thing1;
                        foodDef    = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource);
                        __result   = true;
            var getter1             = getter;
            var eater1              = eater;
            var desperate1          = desperate;
            var allowPlant          = getter == eater;
            var allowDispenserEmpty = canRefillDispenser;
            var foodSource1         = FoodUtility.BestFoodSourceOnMap(getter1, eater1, desperate1, out var foodDef1, FoodPreferability.MealLavish, allowPlant, allowDrug, allowCorpse, true, allowDispenserEmpty, allowForbidden, allowSociallyImproper, allowHarvest, forceScanWholeMap);

            if ((thing1 != null) || (foodSource1 != null))
                if ((thing1 == null) && (foodSource1 != null))
                    foodSource = foodSource1;
                    foodDef    = foodDef1;
                    __result   = true;
                var finalIngestibleDef = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(thing1);
                if (foodSource1 == null)
                    foodSource = thing1;
                    foodDef    = finalIngestibleDef;
                    __result   = true;
                if (FoodUtility.FoodOptimality(eater, foodSource1, foodDef1, (getter.Position - foodSource1.Position).LengthManhattan) > (double)(FoodUtility.FoodOptimality(eater, thing1, finalIngestibleDef, 0.0f) - 32f))
                    foodSource = foodSource1;
                    foodDef    = foodDef1;
                    __result   = true;
                foodSource = thing1;
                foodDef    = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource);
                __result   = true;
            if (canUseInventory && flag)
                var thing2 = FoodUtility.BestFoodInInventory(getter, eater, FoodPreferability.DesperateOnly, FoodPreferability.MealLavish, 0.0f, allowDrug);
                if (thing2 != null)
                    foodSource = thing2;
                    foodDef    = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource);
                    __result   = true;
            if ((foodSource1 == null) && (getter == eater) && (getter.RaceProps.predator || (getter.IsWildMan() && !getter.IsPrisoner)))
                var huntForPredator = PrivateAccess.RimWorld_FoodUtility_BestPawnToHuntForPredator(getter, forceScanWholeMap);
                if (huntForPredator != null)
                    foodSource = huntForPredator;
                    foodDef    = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource);
                    __result   = true;
            foodSource = null;
            foodDef    = null;
            __result   = false;
예제 #9
        public bool TryFindBestFoodSourceFor(Pawn getter, Pawn eater, bool desperate, out Thing foodSource, out ThingDef foodDef, bool canRefillDispenser = true, bool canUseInventory = true, bool canUsePackAnimalInventory = false, bool allowForbidden = false, bool allowCorpse = true, bool allowSociallyImproper = false, bool allowHarvest = false, bool forceScanWholeMap = false, bool ignoreReservations = false, bool calculateWantedStackCount = false, FoodPreferability minPrefOverride = FoodPreferability.Undefined)
            bool     allowDrug       = !eater.IsTeetotaler();
            Thing    thing           = null;
            Pawn     packAnimal      = null;
            Pawn     getter2         = getter;
            Pawn     eater2          = eater;
            bool     allowPlant      = getter == eater;
            bool     allowForbidden2 = allowForbidden;
            ThingDef foodDef2;
            Thing    thing2 = BestFoodSourceOnMap(getter2, eater2, desperate, out foodDef2, FoodPreferability.MealLavish, allowPlant, allowDrug, allowCorpse, allowDispenserFull: true, canRefillDispenser, allowForbidden2, allowSociallyImproper, allowHarvest, forceScanWholeMap, ignoreReservations, calculateWantedStackCount, minPrefOverride);

            if (thing2 == null && thing == null)
                thing = FirstFoodInClosestPackAnimalInventory((minPrefOverride == FoodPreferability.Undefined) ? FoodPreferability.MealAwful : minPrefOverride);
            if (thing != null || thing2 != null)
                if (thing == null && thing2 != null)
                    foodSource = thing2;
                    foodDef    = foodDef2;
                ThingDef finalIngestibleDef = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(thing);
                if (thing2 == null)
                    foodSource = thing;
                    foodDef    = finalIngestibleDef;
                float num  = FoodUtility.FoodOptimality(eater, thing2, foodDef2, (getter.Position - thing2.Position).LengthManhattan);
                float num2 = FoodUtility.FoodOptimality(eater, thing, finalIngestibleDef, (packAnimal != null) ? (getter.Position - packAnimal.Position).LengthManhattan : 0);
                num2 -= 32f;
                if (num > num2)
                    foodSource = thing2;
                    foodDef    = foodDef2;
                foodSource = thing;
                foodDef    = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(foodSource);

            foodSource = null;
            foodDef    = null;

            Thing FirstFoodInClosestPackAnimalInventory(FoodPreferability foodPref)
                Thing result = null;

                if ((canUseInventory & canUsePackAnimalInventory) && eater.IsColonist && getter.IsColonist && getter.Map != null)
                    Thing thing3 = null;
                        foreach (Pawn spawnedColonyAnimal in getter.Map.mapPawns.SpawnedColonyAnimals)
                            thing3 = FoodUtility.BestFoodInInventory(spawnedColonyAnimal, eater, foodPref);
                            if (thing3 != null && (packAnimal == null || (getter.Position - packAnimal.Position).LengthManhattan > (getter.Position - spawnedColonyAnimal.Position).LengthManhattan) && !spawnedColonyAnimal.IsForbidden(getter) && getter.CanReach(spawnedColonyAnimal, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Some))
                                packAnimal = spawnedColonyAnimal;
                                result     = thing3;