예제 #1
파일: Main.cs 프로젝트: hymerman/ofxtools
        private static void GenerateMergedStatement(List<KeyValuePair<string, FineAntsCore.Statement>> statements, out FineAntsCore.Statement merged, out List<string> warnings)
            statements.Sort(delegate(KeyValuePair<string, FineAntsCore.Statement> a, KeyValuePair<string, FineAntsCore.Statement> b) { return a.Value.StartDate.CompareTo(b.Value.StartDate); });

            // create merged statement object with properties of first file in files
            merged = new FineAntsCore.Statement();
            merged.StartDate = statements[0].Value.StartDate;
            merged.EndDate = statements[statements.Count - 1].Value.EndDate;
            merged.ClosingBalance = statements[statements.Count - 1].Value.ClosingBalance;

            // add all the transactions from the first document to the merged document
            foreach (var transaction in statements[0].Value.Transactions)
                // add to transactions of merged statement

            warnings = new List<string>();

            for (int index = 1; index < statements.Count; ++index)
                int dateComparison = DateTime.Compare(statements[index].Value.StartDate, statements[index - 1].Value.EndDate.AddDays(1));
                if (dateComparison < 0)
                    // todo: address duplicate transactions
                    warnings.Add("overlapping date range between documents " + (statements[index - 1].Key) + " and " + statements[index].Key);
                else if (dateComparison > 0)
                    warnings.Add("gap in date range between documents " + (statements[index - 1].Key) + " and " + statements[index].Key);

                // Detect balance inaccuracies.
                int laterClosingBalance = statements[index].Value.ClosingBalance;
                int earlierClosingBalance = statements[index - 1].Value.ClosingBalance;
                int transactionsInBetween = sumOfTransactions(statements[index].Value);

                if (earlierClosingBalance + transactionsInBetween != laterClosingBalance)
                    warnings.Add("Document " + statements[index].Key +
                        " has a closing balance of " + earlierClosingBalance +
                        " which is inconsistent with its transactions (totalling " + transactionsInBetween +
                        ") and the closing balance of " + laterClosingBalance +
                        " in " + (statements[index - 1].Key)

                // add all the transactions to the merged document
                foreach (var transaction in statements[index].Value.Transactions)
                    // add to transactions of merged statement

            merged.Transactions.Sort(delegate(FineAntsCore.Transaction a, FineAntsCore.Transaction b) { return a.Date.CompareTo(b.Date); });
예제 #2
파일: Main.cs 프로젝트: hymerman/ofxtools
 private static int sumOfTransactions(FineAntsCore.Statement statement)
     int total = 0;
     foreach (var transaction in statement.Transactions)
         total += transaction.Amount;
     return total;